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09-09 投稿


candlestick 发音

英:['k?nd(?)lst?k]  美:['k?ndlst?k]

英:  美:

candlestick 中文意思翻译



candlestick 词性/词形变化,candlestick变形


candlestick 短语词组

1、candlestick maker ─── 烛台制造机

2、candlestick trading forum ─── 烛台贸易论坛

3、candlestick chronicles podcast ─── 烛台编年史播客

4、candlestick holders ─── 烛台架

5、candlestick charts ─── 蜡杆图表

6、candlestick lamps ─── 烛台灯

7、candlestick phone ─── 烛台电话

8、deliberation candlestick ─── 审议烛台

9、candlestick charting for ─── 烛台制图

10、bullish candlestick ─── 看涨烛台

11、candlestick park ─── 烛台公园

12、candlestick toe touch ─── 烛台脚趾触感

13、with a candlestick ─── 用烛台

14、candlestick tulip ─── [网络] 烛台郁金香

15、candlestick chart K ─── 线阴阳烛图

16、candlestick charting ─── 阴阳烛图

17、candlestick patterns ─── 烛台图案

candlestick 相似词语短语

1、fiddlestick ─── n.拉提琴的弓;无聊的事

2、candlesticks ─── n.蜡烛台(candlestick的复数)

3、canstick ─── 藤条

4、candlestand ─── n.烛台架

5、needlestick ─── adj.用针刺破的

6、cattle tick ─── 牛蜱

7、singlestick ─── n.木棍代剑比赛;单棍;木剑;剑术

8、candlewick ─── n.烛芯;缝纫用的棉线;adj.用薄纱绣线绣成的平纹细布织物的

9、candlewicks ─── n.烛芯;缝纫用的棉线;adj.用薄纱绣线绣成的平纹细布织物的

candlestick 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The people in the stands at Candlestick Park are standing and cheering with all their might. ─── 烛台公园看台上的人们正站着尽情欢呼。

2、Deck chair of the table in the home, bench, single person, clothes tree, candlestick, herself is built with conduit. ─── 家里的桌子、凳子、单人躺椅、衣帽架、烛台,都是她自己用水管搭的。

3、The "bottle", in this case more likely to have been a glass inkwell or candlestick, had been damaged during discovery but still had its contents. ─── “瓶子”,在这情形下更可能是玻璃墨水瓶或烛台,在发现过程中已经被损坏但是仍装有东西。

4、Knowing this, the candlestick maker asks to borrow a steak from the butcher to trade to the baker for bread. ─── 得知这个消息之后,蜡烛匠就跑到屠夫那里借了一些牛排,然后去面包师那里换面包吃。

5、Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give light over against the candlestick. ─── 2你告诉亚伦说,点灯的时候,七盏灯都要向灯台前面发光。

6、Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. ─── 你们的光也当这样照在人前,叫他们看见你们的好行为,便将荣耀归给你们在天上的父。

7、an oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds; candlestick with a glass chimney. ─── 一种有玻璃灯罩和金属穿孔板防止大风吹熄火焰的油灯;有玻璃灯罩的烛台。

8、Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but upon a candlestick, that it may shine to all that are in the house. ─── 人点灯,并不是放在斗底下,而是放在灯台上,照耀屋中所有的人。

9、The sector seems pretty promising at a first glance.Today’s bullish candlestick only strengthens the bull case. ─── 半导体板块图形非常不错,昨天的锤头烛形也是一个看涨信号。

10、She turned the silver candlestick into a reading lamp. ─── 她把这个银烛台改成了一盏阅读灯。

11、Then answered I, and said unto him, What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick and upon the left side thereof? ─── 亚4:11我又问天使说、这灯台左右的两棵橄榄树、是甚麽意思。

12、Like all kinds of flowers Ping, Candlestick. ─── 像各种各样得花頩,烛台。

13、As the darkest place is under the candlestick , the manager is ignorant of what is common knowledge among his subordinates. ─── 上级不察下情,这位经理对下属之间司空见惯的事情一无所知。

14、” As anticipated, the board market index bounced off Friday’s bullish long tail candlestick to close above the important 1260 level. ─── 恰如我们所料,昨天标普从上周五的长下影线看涨烛形强力反弹,收盘站上1260点重要阻力位。

15、And Aaron did so; he lighted the lamps thereof over against the candlestick, as the LORD commanded Moses. ─── 亚伦便这样行。他点灯台上的灯,使灯向前发光,是照耶和华所吩咐摩西的。

16、When the response came back, a small parenthetical “(4)” appeared next to the picture of a shooting star candlestick on the Chart Patterns page. ─── 当反应回来了时,一小的括号的“(4)靠着一盏流星烛台的图片在图表模式页上”出现了。

17、On emotional appeal, what different candlestick and candle bring is different atmosphere and mood. ─── 在情调上,不同的烛台和蜡烛带来的是不一样的氛围和心情。

18、and three bowls made like almonds in another branch, a knop and a flower: so throughout the six branches going out of the candlestick. ─── 在那一个枝子上也有三个杯,形状好像杏花,有球、有花。从灯台那里伸出来的六个枝子都是这样。

19、The chambers have Latin and Greek inscriptions and the recurring symbol of the seven-branch candlestick. ─── 庭拉丁文与希腊铭文反复符号的七支烛台。

20、an oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds;candlestick with a glass chimney. ─── 一种有玻璃灯罩和金属穿孔板防止大风吹熄火焰的油灯;有玻璃灯罩的烛台。

21、The main products include all kinds of medium and high grade glass, glass jewelry, glass lampshade, glass candlestick, glass vases, glass ashtray glass, glass beer mug and so on. ─── 主要产品包括各种中高档玻璃杯,玻璃饰品,玻璃灯罩,玻璃蜡烛台,玻璃花瓶,璃玻璃烟灰缸,玻璃啤酒杯等。

22、I got this candlestick for five hundred dollars! ─── 我花了五百元买这个烛台!

23、For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. ─── 因为有豫备的帐幕,头一层叫作圣所。里面有灯台,桌子,和陈设饼。

24、And Aaron did so, and he put the lamps upon the candlestick, as the Lord had commanded Moses. ─── 亚郎就照样做了:安放了灯盏,使灯光照耀灯台的前面,如上主对梅瑟所吩咐的。

25、Still brandishing the broken half of the pipe and thundering away, Tseng Tsang-hai snatched up a pewter candlestick and hurled it at Ah Erh's face ─── 他站住了,睁圆了眼睛。曾沧海舞着那半段鸦片烟枪,咆哮如雷,一手抢起一枝锡烛台,就又避面掷过去。

26、On table, colour is to pass cup dish, the mat of tableware, eat and candlestick theme that will reflect wave general stripe. ─── 在餐桌上,色彩是通过杯盘、餐具、餐垫以及烛台等来体现波普条纹的主题。

27、Taking up a candlestick, he touched the wick to a lighted taper. ─── 他举起烛台,触摸一根燃着的蜡烛的烛芯。

28、Base both ends is candlestick of two beautiful form, in order to secures watchband. ─── 底座两头是两个花形烛台,用以固定表带。

29、The fact that the candlestick maker had access to credit did not increase demand or bolster the economy. ─── 蜡烛匠虽然介入了信用,但并没有创造有效需求,也没有促进经济。

30、In the daytime it would have been possible to recognize it as nothing more than a miner's candlestick ─── 如果是在白天,我们便认得出来,那只是一根矿工用的蜡烛钎。

31、I haven't seen a brass candlestick in years.' ─── 我已多年没有看到黄铜烛台了。”

32、He put the candle on the silver candlestick. ─── 他把蜡烛放在银烛台上。

33、And in the candlestick itself shall be four cups in the manner of a nut, and at every one, bowls and lilies. ─── 在灯台台的直干上应有像杏花的四个花朵,有花托和花瓣。

34、Dew of the bath salt of various fragrance, bath and modelling the candlestick of each different, birdbath is the ace that builds atmosphere. ─── 各式香味的浴盐、浴露及造型各异的烛台、水盆是营造气氛的高手。

35、Jean Valjean was in the shadow, and stood motionless, with his iron candlestick in his hand, frightened by this luminous old man. ─── 冉阿让,他,却待在黑影里,手中拿着他的铁烛钎,立着不动,望着这位全身光亮的老人,有些胆寒。

36、He put the letter under the candlestick and closed his eyes. ─── 他把信藏在烛台下面,闭上了眼睛。

37、Since no motifs are repeated, three engravings had to be made in order to illustrate the candlestick in its entirety. ─── 因为没有任何装饰图案是重复的,所以需要做三次的雕刻才能完全把这个烛台作品完成。

38、Our main production crystal jelly candles, Christmas candles, birthday candle, craft candle and candlestick series accessories and PP, PVC, non-woven shopping bags and other series. ─── 我司主要生产水晶果冻蜡烛、圣诞蜡烛、生日蜡烛、工艺蜡烛等系列及烛台配件和PP、PVC、无纺布等购物袋系列。

39、Put the candlestick here, by this vase. ─── 您把大烛台放在这儿,喏,放在花瓶旁边好了。

40、The adornment thing that hanging picture, candlestick, doll, flower, green plant, vegetable, fruit is bright and beautiful. ─── 挂画、烛台、玩偶、鲜花、绿植、蔬菜、水果都是明丽的装饰物件。

41、Until death, he still retains TV drama on the silver candlestick, and abide by his heart to comply with the teachings of Bishop. ─── 一直到死,他仍保留着那对银烛台,恪守着他内心对主教教诲的遵从。

42、From Josephine, he learns the four fabulous secrets of Queen Marie-Antoinette and Cagliostro: 1) ALCOR, or the Seven-Armed Candlestick (which he solves in the course of this adventure); ─── 从她那里,罗宾听说了玛莉安王后留下的4个谜:1、ALCOR或者说七叉烛台之谜(在这次冒险中他已经解开了这个谜);

43、2 For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. ─── 因为有豫备的帐幕、头一层叫作圣所.里面有灯台、桌子、和陈设饼。

44、a candlestick with a flat side to be hung on the wall ─── 挂在墙上的带有平侧面的烛台

45、a candlestick with a flat side to be hung on the wall. ─── 挂在墙上的带有平侧面的烛台。

46、Do manual work is careful, design clever vaulted candlestick, bring to the home halcyon. ─── 做工精细,设计巧妙的拱形烛台,给家带来宁静。

47、The pure candlestick, with the lamps thereof, even with the lamps to be set in order, and all the vessels thereof, and the oil for light, ─── 出:25:31要用精金作一个灯台。灯台的座和干与杯,球,花,都要接连一块锤出来。

48、And he put the candlestick in the tent of the congregation, over against the table, on the side of the tabernacle southward. ─── 又把灯台安在会幕内,在帐幕南边,与桌子相对

49、the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker ─── n. 各行各业的人

50、The man turned around, and Rabbi Ben Kaddish smashed him in the back of the head with a candlestick. ─── 此人转过身,本·卡迪什拉比用一根蜡烛打了他的后脑勺。

51、So come on: Jack be nimble, Jack be quick! Jack Flash sat on a candlestick. ─── 哦,来吧,聪明灵巧的杰克闪耀在火把尖。

52、This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and slightly quirky accessory for your home! It's gold plated metal with an antique style. ─── 这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!镀金外表有种古朴风味。

53、Further, Thursday’s doji candlestick indicated indecision; ─── 另外,上周四的十字星烛形意味著市场犹豫不定。

54、A reversal candlestick pattern on the 15 minute chart will serve as a good indicator for a reversal point. ─── 关于15分钟的图表反转烛台模式将作为一个转折点,很好的指标。

55、K-line theory originated in Japan, is one of the oldest technical analysis methods, in 1750 the Japanese began to use candlestick analysis of rice futures. ─── K线理论发源于日本,是最古老的技术分析方法,1750年日本人就开始利用阴阳烛来分析大米期货。

56、However, engraved designs for a candlestick dated the same year can be described as the earliest known example of the mature rococo. ─── 但是,在同年制作的烛台雕刻设计,就能被形容为成熟洛可可的知名典范。

57、Wall, candlestick iron pots, glass handicrafts, spring, Easter gifts, the fall of Halloween gifts, Christmas gifts. ─── 壁挂,烛台铁花盆,玻璃工艺品,春天复活节礼品,秋天鬼节礼品,圣诞节礼品。

58、And their charge shall be the ark, and the table, and the candlestick, and the altars, and the vessels of the sanctuary wherewith they minister, and the hanging, and all the service thereof. ─── 31他们所要看守的是约柜,桌子,灯台,两座坛与圣所内使用的器皿,并帘子和一切使用之物。

59、Inidan candlestick with the hand glass ─── 印度特色烛台:镶嵌镜片烛台

60、an oil lamp with a glass chimney and perforated metal lid to protect the flame from high winds; candlestick with a glass chimney ─── 一种有玻璃灯罩和金属穿孔板防止大风吹熄火焰的油灯;有玻璃灯罩的烛台

61、Friday’s long leg doji candlestick suggests a potential trend reversal. ─── 上周五标普收出长下影线,意味著可能出现趋势反转。

62、The thick fictile in small shop is a cup of dish, jug not only, still candlestick, tray, vase, ashtray waits. ─── 小店里的粗陶制品不仅是杯碟、水壶,还有烛台、托盘、花瓶、烟灰缸等。

63、paschal candlestick ─── 得活节蜡烛台

64、Or, move ideas does a few household small adorn article, add to cushion for leaning on lacy, do a concise small candlestick. ─── 或者,开动脑筋做一些家居小饰品,给靠垫加个花边、做一个简洁的小烛台。

65、the darkest place is under the candlestick ─── 指当事者往往最不了解情况。

66、And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold: of beaten work shall the candlestick be made: his shaft, and his branches, his bowls, his knops, and his flowers, shall be of the same. ─── 你要用纯金做一个灯台,那灯台你要用锤锤成;灯台的座、干、杯、球、花,都要与灯台连在一起。

67、Why was Candlestick Park so windy and gusty? ─── 埃德尔斯蒂克公园里为什么会有那么多的强劲阵风?

68、" a granddad is lifting candlestick, bring them to go to grow long corridor. ─── 一个老伯伯举着烛台,引他们走入长长的走廊。

69、The candlestick with all the vessels thereof weighed a talent of gold. ─── 为做灯台和一切用具,用了一塔冷通纯金。

70、He took the candlestick in his right hand,holding his breath and trying to deaden the sound of his tread, he directed his steps to the door of the adjoining room, occupied by the Bishop, as we already know. ─── 他用右手握住那根烛钎,屏住呼吸,放轻脚步,走向隔壁那间屋子,我们知道,那是主教的卧房。

71、And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick? ─── 耶稣又对他们说,人拿灯来,岂是放在斗底下,床底下,不放在灯台上吗。

72、He shall order the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD continually. ─── 他要在耶和华面前常收拾精金灯台上的灯。

73、He shall order the lamps upon the pure candlestick before the LORD continually. ─── 他要在耶和华面前常收拾精金灯台上的灯。

74、Today bullish hammer candlestick indicates a short-term bullish bias. ─── 周一走出的“锤头”形态表明短期多方胜出。

75、a large decorative candlestick having several arms or branches ─── 带有几个臂或枝状物的大型装饰性烛台

76、And thou shalt set the table without the vail, and the candlestick over against the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south: and thou shalt put the table on the north side. ─── 把桌子安在幔子外帐幕的北面,把灯台安在帐幕的南面,彼此相对。

77、two-light candlestick ─── 双蜡烛烛台

78、For there was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the shewbread; which is called the sanctuary. ─── 2因为有豫备的帐幕,头一层叫作圣所。里面有灯台,桌子,和陈设饼。

79、Candlelight of the seem after the candlestick droplight open of a bronze is ignited, awaiting a brilliant mediaeval knight arrival. ─── 一盏青铜的烛台吊灯开启后好似烛火点燃,等待着一位英俊的中世纪骑士到来。

80、When bissextile earth wants censer and candlestick, I still laugh at him stealthily, think he always is idolatrous, when to forget. ─── 闰土要香炉和烛台的时候,我还暗地里笑他,以为他总是崇拜偶像,什么时候都不忘却。

81、As the darkest place is under the candlestick, the manager is ignorant of what is common knowledge among his subordinates. ─── 上级不察下情,这位经理对下属之间司空见惯的事情一无所知。

82、No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. ─── 33没有人点灯放在地窨子里,或是斗底下,总是放在灯台上,使进来的人看得见亮光。

83、And the table and his furniture, and the pure candlestick with all his furniture, and the altar of incense, ─── 8桌子和桌子的器具,精金的灯台和灯台的一切器具并香坛,

84、In the morning we went out to the woodpile and chopped up the brass candlestick into handy sizes, and Tom put them and the pewter spoon in his pocket. ─── 到早上,我们走出去,到了木材垛那边,把那座黄铜烛台砍成几小截,汤姆把这一些和一把锡镴调羹放进了自己的口袋。

85、But there was one bad sign, and the Lord said:” Except thou repent, I will come unto thee, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place. ─── 但有一种情形却是坏的!主说:“你若不悔改,我就临到你那里,把你的灯台从原处挪去。”

86、Humans were not designed to become the butcher, baker, candlestick maker, parent or spouse as the only goal of a given life existence. ─── 人类并没把屠夫、面包师、烛台制造者、父母亲或配偶设计为某特定生命存在的唯一目的。

87、Jack flash sat on a candlestick ─── 大家一下子坐上了蜡烛台

88、The Queen rose from her chair and, unseen by any of her attendants, moved the candlestick a fraction closer to the hanging. ─── 女王从椅子上站了起来,趁她的随从们不备,把烛台向着挂毯移动了一点儿。

89、When hit with a spoon, the brass candlestick will ring. ─── 拿勺子敲敲那铜烛台,能敲出清脆的响声。

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