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09-09 投稿



plaque 发音

英:[pl?k]  美:[pl?k]

英:  美:

plaque 中文意思翻译



plaque 短语词组

1、plaque assay ─── [医]噬菌斑测定

2、arterial plaque ─── [网络] 动脉斑块;动脉粥状硬化斑块;者完全没有内膜中层增厚

3、plaque technique ─── 蚀斑技术

4、plaque-like ─── [医]斑(片)状的

5、amyloid protein plaque ─── [网络] 淀粉样蛋白斑块

6、bacterial plaque ─── 牙菌斑

7、plaque purification ─── [医]噬斑纯化,蚀斑纯化

8、amyloid plaque ─── [医]淀粉样蛋白斑

9、Lichtheim's plaque ─── [医] 利什特海姆氏斑(恶性贫血时大脑白质的变性区)

10、turbid plaque ─── 混浊噬菌斑

11、mottled plaque ─── [医]杂色噬斑,混杂噬菌斑

12、dental plaque ─── 牙菌斑; 齿斑

13、radium-plaque adaptometer ─── [医] 镭板适应计

14、atherosclerotic plaque ─── [医](动脉)粥样硬化斑块

15、plaque ethods ─── [医] 噬斑法

16、Pioneer plaque ─── 先锋勋章

17、bacteriophage plaque ─── [医]〔噬菌体〕噬斑:细菌培养基上的无菌区,由所加入的噬菌体引起

18、tuberculoma en plaque ─── [医] 斑状结核瘤

19、plaque count ─── [医]噬菌斑计数

plaque 词性/词形变化,plaque变形


plaque 相似词语短语

1、plaques ─── n.斑块;瓷片;奖章;饰板(plaque的复数)

2、claquer ─── 咔嚓声

3、plaguer ─── 染瘟疫的人(plague的变体);受折磨的人(plague的变体)

4、plagues ─── [医]瘟疫

5、plagued ─── v.困扰(plague的过去分词);折磨

6、plaguey ─── 麻烦的;讨厌的;烦扰的

7、claques ─── n.拍手喝彩者;一群谄媚者

8、claque ─── n.拍手喝彩者;一群谄媚者

9、plague ─── n.瘟疫,鼠疫;灾祸,天灾;麻烦事,讨厌的人;愿上天降灾难于……(用于诅咒);v.使折磨,使苦恼;纠缠,缠扰;使得灾祸

plaque 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A small card or plaque, such as a nameplate on a door. ─── 小牌一种小卡片或牌,如门上的姓名牌

2、Large plaque areas can lead to chest pain called angina (an-JI-nuh or AN-juh-nuh). ─── 如果斑块较大,就会导致胸部疼痛(称为“心绞痛”)。

3、The IMT,crouse score and plaque incidence were significantly higher in CHD groups than in controls. ─── 冠心病组IMT、斑块积分及斑块发生率明显高于对照组,差异有显著性意义(P

4、Current imaging techniques provide anatomic data but no indication of plaque inflammation. ─── 当前的影像方法提供了解剖学上的数据,但是不能指示动脉粥样斑炎症病灶。

5、Ceiling material: With as same as mural face material and outfit plaque. ─── 天花板材料:用与壁面相同的材料和装饰板。

6、Does Infection Play a Role in Atherogenesis and Plaque Rupture? ─── 动脉硬化与斑块破裂:感染是否在起作用?

7、It is assay plaque amount, consequently normal to give time of zymogen of cruor time, cruor to wait to be in limits. ─── 因而化验血小板数目、出凝血时间、凝血酶原时间等都在正常范围。

8、If they must cut the tree down, then they should commission a plaque to commemorate that tree. ─── 如果他们一定要砍那棵树,就应该委人制作一个刻字的金属板来纪念这棵树。

9、On one side of the main entrance there's a red plaque. ─── 大门口的一侧有块红色匾牌。

10、He deeply in love with a small plaque cats are willing to do anything for her strong love. ─── 他深深地爱上了小斑猫,愿意做任何事情来向她表达强烈的爱意。

11、How to eat to increase plaque? ─── 吃什么怎么增加血小板?

12、Remove plaque by brushingand flossing after each meal and before bedtime. ─── 入睡前及餐后用牙刷及牙线清理出牙菌斑。

13、They are used to cut away plaque that narrows the inside of the arteries. ─── 当心脏某个区域的心肌供血完全被切断时就会发生心肌损害。

14、A plate or plaque, as on an office door, inscribed with a name. ─── 名牌记有名字的牌或匾,如挂在办公室门上

15、The First Lady unveiled a commemorative plaque. ─── 第一夫人为纪念牌匾揭了幕。

16、A buildup of plaque inside the arteries that carry blood to the feet causes them to thicken and harden. ─── 在足部动脉血管里形成斑块,当血液流通时,它们会越集越厚,越集越硬。

17、We are honored to present this plaque commemorating your years of hard work and dedication to the company. ─── 我们很荣幸向你赠送这块匾,以纪念你多年来的辛勤工作和对公司的忠诚。

18、How to treat plaque to reduce sexual purpura? ─── 如何治疗血小板减少性紫癜?

19、But experts say women are more likely to have smaller buildups of plaque along the length of the artery. ─── 但是有关专家指出,妇女更可能有小隆的斑块沿长度的动脉。

20、In his office at Matt Groening's studio, he shows me a 25-year-old plaque commemorating a math team victory. ─── 在他办公室里,他给我看了他25年前赢的数学团队竞赛奖牌。

21、The score provides a measure of how much coronary artery disease, or calcified "plaque" is present in the blood vessels of the heart. ─── 这种评分提供了一种对心脏冠脉疾病数量及冠脉钙化斑块进行评价的方法。

22、Look, State Councilor Chen Zhili is unveiling the plaque for ICPB. ─── 你看,国务委员陈至立亲自为汉语国际推广北京基地揭牌了。

23、When LDL is oxidized it becomes stickier and therefore more likely to form plaque. ─── LDL被氧化后就会更具粘性,因此很有可能形成斑块。

24、Glister Toothpaste offers multifunction performance to clean safely, remove plaque, fight cavities, whiten teeth and freshen breath all in one go! ─── 一次过达到清洁牙齿、去除牙垢、预防蛀牙、洁白牙齿和保持口气清新等全部功能。

25、The pictures of texture, plaque and acune of wind wheel were shot with the Iris Detector. ─── 利用虹膜检测仪拍摄受试者风轮的纹理、斑块、陷窝情况。

26、They unveiled the plaque to open the new school. ─── 他们揭开牌匾为新学校主持揭幕礼。

27、The Four-Way Test compresses ethical decisions down to something that can be hung on a small wall plaque. ─── 四大考验将道德判断浓缩到可以挂在墙上的一个小匾牌。

28、Enhancing accumulations of plaque calculus with weak inflammation could be seen in LTA group. ─── LTA组菌斑和牙石沉积明显,而炎症与骨吸收较弱,3周即渐恢复;

29、When you find dental plaque deposits on your upper gum line, it manifests that your gums are no more healthy. ─── 当你的牙上沿牙线形成了牙菌斑时,就说明了你的牙不再健康了。

30、Does the plaque in human body blood decrease can you appear what problem? ─── 人体血液中的血小板减少会出现什么问题?

31、On his office door is a small plaque irreverently reading QUIET, PLEASE. ─── 在他的办公室门上,有一块嵌上去的小匾,上面不客气地写道:请安静。

32、His friends in the audience shout at him to read the plaque. Frozen on the stage, Bill cannot. ─── 他的朋友在观众里叫喊着让他读那块匾额,他一下子僵住了,他知道他不能那么做。

33、The disease occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart become narrowed or clogged by plaque deposits. ─── 当供应心脏血流的动脉由于斑块沉积而变得狭窄或阻塞时,这种疾病就会发生。

34、The plaque on the wall says,"life is a do-it -yourself project. ─── 墙上的匾写著,“生活就是一个自己动手的项目”。

35、This plaque will cause an obstruction that interferes with the man's ability to get an erection. ─── 影 响 男 性 的 勃 起 能 力 。

36、The local historical society put up a plaque at the site of the battle. ─── 当地的历史学会在战场所在地树立了牌匾。

37、Put up a plaque as a tribute to his generosity. ─── 别上徽章作为他的慷慨大度的颂扬

38、Why can you bring about plaque on the low side? What treats plan? ─── 为什么会导致血小板偏低?有什么治疗方案?

39、The principal pathophysiological mechanism of acute ischemic coronary syndrome(AICS) is atherosclerotic plaque rupture. ─── 急性冠状动脉综合征发生的主要病理生理机制系粥样斑块破裂。

40、The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the official opening of the hospital. ─── 女王主持揭幕式,标志着医院正式启用。

41、How does summer control plaque to decrease? ─── 夏天怎样控制血小板减少?

42、Basically ultrasonic vibrations are used to dislodge both plaque and tartar from the tooth surface . ─── 医生只要开动超声波工作手机使之接触牙石,牙石就会自动脱落。

43、Case of B cell Lymphoma with First Sign as Infiltrated Plaque? ─── 以皮肤浸润性斑块为首发表现的B细胞淋巴瘤1例?

44、Twenty weeks later the researchers again measured plaque in the mouse aortas. ─── 二十周之后,研究人员重新测量老鼠动脉上的栓塞。

45、Anyway, I think the plaque is a bit strange, which should be considered my biggest discovery. ─── 不管怎么说,反正我觉得这个东西有点儿奇怪,而且这个算是我的一个很大的一个发现。

46、The open, needle-like spaces in the atheromatous plaque are cholesterol clefts. ─── 在粥样斑块中看到的针状空隙即为胆固醇结晶。

47、A bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born. ─── 一块铜匾标示出诗人诞生的那所房子。

48、The 0.1% IgY solution reduces the mass of plaque on the tooth surfaces. ─── 含0.1%抗变形链球菌IgY抗体的溶液有减少菌斑形成的作用。

49、Oolong suppresses dental plaque and helps prevent cavities. ─── 乌龙能抑制牙菌斑及帮助预防蛀牙。

50、A prize or memento, such as a cup or plaque, received as a symbol of victory, especially in sports. ─── 奖品,奖杯(牌)尤指体育比赛中,作为胜利的象征而授予的奖品或纪念品,例如奖杯或奖牌

51、The most common position of atherosclerosis plaque was carotid bifurcation ( 50.4 % ). ─── 动脉硬化斑块发生部位以颈动脉分叉部多见(50.4%)。

52、The advantage of tours, of course, is that the guides tend to let you in on lurid details not mentioned on the little plaque. ─── 当然,参加旅游团的好处是,导游往往能透露给你说明板上所未提到的令人毛骨悚然的细节。

53、If the plaque breaks open, a clot forms, choking off the supply of blood. ─── 如果这种斑块破裂,栓塞便形成了,于是阻抑血液供应。

54、Relation of the metabolic syndrome to calcified atherosclerotic plaque in the coronary arteries and aorta. ─── 代谢综合症与冠状动脉及主动脉粥样硬化斑块钙化的关系。

55、Gums that bleed at the slightest touch although there is no plaque evident. ─── 尽管口腔内没有创口,轻微的触碰也会出现出血。

56、During one of his final EVA's on the surface of Mars, Steve the Cat unveiled a special plaque commemorating his historic voyage to Mars. . . ─── 在他的最后长荣的对火星表面的,史蒂夫猫推出了特别纪念牌匾的历史性航程火星…

57、It was quite clear that the more plaque you had, the more likely it was that you would have an event. ─── 斑块越多,发生事件的可能性越高,这是非常明确的。

58、The IMT, crouse score and plaque incidence is significantly higher in CAD groups than in controls. ─── 冠心病组IMT,斑块积分及斑块发生率明显高于正常对照组(P

59、A slab or plaque, as of stone or ivory, with a surface that is intended for or bears an inscription. ─── 匾额:(如用石块或象牙)做成的一块板或匾,具有一个用来刻字或已刻有文字的表面

60、Oral care is like battling. The enemy of tooth is dental plaque, which hides in the dead corner. ─── 口腔清洁如同打仗一样,而牙菌斑就是牙齿的敌人,它躲在死角里。

61、The outcome is a circular clearing, a plaque, in the lawn of confluent bacterial growth. ─── 其结果是在细菌化合生长的菌坪中形成一个环状清除区,亦即溶菌斑。

62、Two factors that plaque enterprises: alienating clients and alienating employees. ─── 企业陷入困境的两大原因:远离客户,远离员工。

63、A twenty-three year old women had a history of scald followed by infiltrative plaque on her right eyelid for 2 months. ─── 患者为青年女性,因右眼上眼睑及周围出现浸润性斑块2个月就诊。2个月前发疹部位有烫伤史。

64、The mechanism of ox-LDL causing plaque rupture is not clear up to now yet. ─── ox-LDL导致斑块稳定性降低的机制尚不清楚。

65、Clinical observation on curative effect of compound areca gargle on dental plaque and gingivitis. ─── 复方槟榔含漱液对控制菌斑和消除牙龈炎疗效观察。

66、Most acute coronary syndromes are caused by intracoronary thrombus superimposed on disrupted atherosclerotic plaque. ─── 冠心病的病理生理机制是破裂粥样斑块基础上血栓的形成。

67、MMP are thought to promote progression of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular complications such as plaque rupture. ─── MMP在动脉粥样硬化的发生、发展和斑块破裂等心血管并发症的发生中起重要作用。

68、In such cases, the danger may lurk elsewhere, where a plaque causes less narrowing but is more prone to rupturing. ─── 令人难过的是,就算血管狭窄是问题所在,但经过治疗的动脉经常很快又再度阻塞;

69、Only patient developed a small penile plaque, but this did not qffect his sexual activities. ─── 只有一位患者有局部的小肿块,但不影响其性生活。

70、Once the plaque is fully packaged it must conform to ISTA procedure 1A shock test. Requirements are noted on prints. ─── 一旦门牌包装好后,就必须遵照ISTA的程序做1A抗震测试。要求印于箱上。

71、Some experts say the protein is directly linked to fatty plaque buildup in the arteries leading to the heart. ─── 一些专家(说:此处转义为“认为”比较符合语境)这种蛋白与主动脉(误译!

72、In contrast, plaque continued to build up in the arteries of patients who took Amaryl. ─── 相比之下,服用亚莫利的患者的动脉中斑块形成的脚步并未停顿。

73、Streptococcus mutans(S. mutans) can produce dental plaque biofilm, which is closely related to dental caries. ─── 变形链球菌能生成菌斑生物膜,后者与龋病的发生密切相关。

74、People also should use dental floss to remove plaque from between the teeth. ─── 人们应该使用牙线来清除牙齿间的牙斑。

75、CAD occurs when a buildup of plaque in the arteries preents oxygen-rich blood from nourishing the heart muscle. ─── 冠心病的发生始于动脉斑块的堆积阻止了含氧丰富的血流营养心肌。

76、GLISTER concentrated multi-action oral rinse offers a greater reduction in plaque than from brushing alone. ─── 健齿浓缩漱口水具备多重功效,有助去除刷牙难以清除的牙垢膜。

77、But RCN is resistant to 5-BUdR even after it was plaque purified in HAT media. ─── 即使采用HAT培养基挑选的单斑病毒对5-BUdR也具有抵抗力。

78、The inscriptions in the plaque means only the benevolent emperor can live a long life. ─── 匾额上的字“寿协仁符”意思是施仁政者能长寿。

79、Microscopically, the aortic atheromatous plaque is thicker than the remaining media at the right. ─── 动脉粥样斑块比右边残存的动脉中膜要厚。

80、The light glanced off the polished metal plaque. ─── 光从打磨的金属牌匾上折射出来。

81、Another gross lesion typical for pneumoconioses, and asbestosis in particular, is a fibrous pleural plaque. ─── 尘肺的又一典型的大体损害,尤其石棉肺,引起纤维性胸膜斑。

82、Within 24 hours, plaque can harden to form tartar, which can only be removed by a professional. ─── 24小时内,牙垢膜便会硬化,形成牙石,必需由牙医清除。

83、Both CPE and plaque forming of CVB3 were significantly inhibited by GTN and ISDN ( P

84、Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum. ─── 菌斑的沉积物在牙齿和牙龈间形成。

85、Chinese gallnut water extract may inhibit the vitality of the plaque biofilm. ─── 五倍子水提取物在较短的时间内就能对生物膜中的细菌产生一定的杀伤效应,使其活性下降。

86、In patch and plaque stage, MF may resemble eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis rubra pilaris, ichthyosis and etc. ─── 但肿瘤前期MF临床表现无特异性,可类似湿疹、银屑病、毛发红糠疹、鱼鳞病等,而红皮病型MF也易与上述疾病引起的红皮病相混淆,所以对疑似病例有必要行皮肤活检等相关检查。

87、By analysis,we found carotid plaque increased progressively with age(P

88、Chronic plaque psoriasis was the most common clinical type in psoriatic inpatients. ─── 慢性板块型干癣为干癣住院病患最常见之临床表现。

89、One amateur carpenter made me a little red schoolhouse with a plaque on it commemorating my efforts. ─── 一个业余木匠造了一所挂有匾额的红色小校舍,以纪念我付出的努力。

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