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09-09 投稿



innuendo 发音

英:[??nju?endo?]  美:[??nju?end??]

英:  美:

innuendo 中文意思翻译





innuendo 网络释义

n. 暗讽,讽刺;影射vt. 暗示,旁敲侧击地表达vi. 影射;说讽刺话

innuendo 词性/词形变化,innuendo变形


innuendo 相似词语短语

1、diminuendos ─── n.渐弱;渐弱演奏(diminuendo的变形)

2、innuendoes ─── n.暗讽,讽刺;影射;vt.暗示,旁敲侧击地表达;vi.影射;说讽刺话

3、minuend ─── n.[数]被减数

4、inquirendo ─── 污染

5、inned ─── n.客栈;旅馆;vi.住旅馆;n.(Inn)人名;(柬)因

6、innuendos ─── n.暗讽,讽刺;影射(innuendo的变形)

7、minuends ─── n.[数]被减数

8、Nintendo ─── n.任天堂(日本电子游戏公司及其开发的电脑游戏名称)

9、diminuendo ─── n.渐弱;渐弱演奏;adj.渐弱的

innuendo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He had been subject to a campaign of innuendo in the press. ─── 他一直受到新闻界指桑骂槐的影射。

2、The lawyer for Michael Jackson's personal physician says his client will not comment on rumor, innuendo or unnamed sources. ─── 迈克尔杰克逊私人医生的律师表示他的当事人不会回应传言、影射或者不知名消息。

3、This cloud of conspiratorial innuendo had several purposes. ─── 这一堆含沙射影的谋逆指控有好几个目的。

4、However what most people aren't aware of is that they are full of sexual innuendo and that they even contain the odd curse word. ─── 但是,大家却都没有发现作品中有很多性暗示语言及粗话,脏话。

5、In practice, character assassination may involve double speak, spreading of rumors, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject's morals, integrity, and reputation. ─── 在实践中,性格暗杀可能涉及双言巧语、散布谣言、影射或蓄意误导,主题涉及主体的道德、诚信和声誉。

6、An apparently Innocent statement may be defamatory If It contain an Innuendo ─── 如果一种明显无知的陈述含有诽谤性言词的话可能成为诽谤

7、the air is alive w ith chat ter and laughter, and casual innuendo and in t roduct ion s fo rgo tten on the spo t, and en thu siast icm eet ings betw eenwom en w ho never knew each o ther's nam es. ─── 整个空气里充满了欢声笑语,充满了脱口而出、转眼就忘的打趣和介绍,充满了彼此始终不知姓名的女人们之间亲热无比的会面。

8、sexual innuendo ─── 性暗示

9、attack by innuendo ─── 旁敲侧击, 含沙射影

10、Linguistic subtlety, innuendo, and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans, who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy, and reject anything they don't understand. ─── 其他国家的人觉得那 么有趣的连珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。 他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他 们不明白的任何话语。

11、Mr. Plummer, of Huawei, said the letter 'rehashes unfounded innuendo in a seeming attempt to undermine the integrity of the CFIUS process. ' ─── 华为公司的普卢默说,这封信是在老调重弹那些毫无根据的含沙射影,似乎是要贬损外来投资委员会审查程序的名誉。

12、i didn't innuendo anyone or anything. ─── 我并未影射如何人或任何事。

13、Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo ─── 玛吉?野火的常识不会欠缺到领会不了这个暗示。

14、What's this innuendo comment about "- loyal soldiers -"?People are not robots in China, including the soldiers, programmed to follow the party line. ─── 宇航员有很多重要的事情要做,哪里顾得上建立一个新的党支部。

15、Our politician has been equipped with "mud flaps" that hang from his belt - implying that many of the attacks he must defend himself against are "below the belt", i.e. unfair or perhaps involving sexual innuendo. ─── 我们的这位政客已经装备了诽谤防护罩,挂在了他的裤带上--这暗示了他必须防范的攻击部位是“在裆下”,也就是说,这种攻击是不光明磊落的,或者说这种攻击隐含着性绯闻。

16、After all, I had learned how to lead parallel lives as a child: most of the time, I could shut out all the accusations and innuendo and go on with my work. ─── 毕竟,我从小就学会了怎样把个人生活和公众生活分开:在大部分时间里,我都能够不理会各种各样的指责和影射,继续做我的工作。

17、Why the need for fear the sarcasm innuendo, ─── 为什么需要为害怕讽刺暗示,

18、'It is lying down that is the cause of my present predicament,' she added with a furious glare at Cal Barton, who ground his teeth together at the innuendo. ─── ‘要是趴下的话,就是说我目前处境危险,'她补充道,急躁地瞩盼着卡巴顿,而他合龙着牙齿。

19、thick and thin, and God knows there's been a lot of thick.That's not an innuendo. ─── 我一起前进着,也只有上帝知道,这其中有多么多的艰险,要知道,我并不是在开玩笑。

20、With Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference about to kick off in San Francisco, the usual rumors, innuendo and sheer guessing of what CEO Steven Jobs is about the reveal is well underway. ─── 藉由苹果的全世界开发者会议大约在旧金山, 平常的谣言, 讽刺和什么运行长史蒂文工作是的绝对的猜测中踢走有关那显示很好进行。

21、Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo. ─── 玛吉?野火的常识不会欠缺到领会不了这个暗示。

22、Chen Yuan's work, which is based on the textual research and aims at using the past to prove the present, is fundamentally different from the innuendo historiography. ─── 陈垣先生以"考据"为基础的"陈古证今"之作与"影射史学"有本质的区别。

23、"If we're at a party, he'll slide me a sly look full of innuendo," says Brenda. ─── “如果我们参加聚会,他向我暗送秋波,”布仁达说。

24、Beat about the Bush; attack by innuendo ─── 旁敲侧击

25、An apparently innocent statement may be defamatoried if it contains an innuendo. ─── 如果一种明显无知的陈述含有诽谤性言词的话可能成为诽谤。

26、Yan Jing Ke suspected Prince an excuse to delay repeatedly urged innuendo. ─── 燕太子怀疑荆轲借故拖延,多次暗讽催促。

27、The song is full of sexual innuendo. ─── 那首歌充满了性的暗示。

28、There have be too many unpleasant Innuendo In this debate and not enough fact ─── 在这场辩论中据实而争者少, 含沙射影者多, 令人生厌

29、Joe began to feel a slightly vicious glee in taunting Ken about being alone with Jun, and delighted in her joining in the innuendo. ─── / 乔开始在关于对六月感到孤独嘲弄肯恩方面感觉些微邪恶的欢乐, 而且在她里面愉快加入讽刺。

30、For example, in Bethel v Fraser in 1986, the court said a school was allowed to punish a student who gave a speech bursting with sexual innuendo. ─── 举其中一例,在1986年,贝瑟尔学区403号诉弗雷泽的案件中,最高法院称:学校可以对发表充斥着性影射言论的学生给予处罚。

31、innuendo n. ─── 暗指;

32、Mark told by innuendo that the opposing team would lose the game ─── 马克暗讽地说敌队会在比赛中输掉。

33、It seems to me that the badness of innuendo is changing too. ─── 我认为,innuendo的不好含义似乎也在不断变化。

34、Paisay, my Chinese not so good.... didn't notice the double meaning with the gay innuendo. ─── 你太谦虚了,华文不好就不会知道这个词的双关语了。厉害厉害!

35、Rather than focus on the innuendo about my motives and beliefs in the review, let me focus instead on differences of substance. ─── 抛开我在评论中关于电影和信仰的含沙射影,我们把注意力放到不同的实体基础上。

36、"I think that if we attach importance to this innuendo we will give too much importance to a film that doesn't deserve it," said Costas Koutsoulelos, one of the lawyers. ─── 一群希腊律师在影片上映前曾威胁说,如果影片中的同性恋描写引起观众的强烈不满,他们将起诉制片商华纳兄弟娱乐公司。

37、In a society where manners mean discipline, innuendo is the preferred method of sexual engagement. ─── 在这个社会里礼仪意味着纪律,对于性接触,经常使用的方法是隐晦。

38、In a statement, Ms Li accused the inspectors of "prurient questioning" and of promulgating an "innuendo" against her. ─── 在一份声明中,李曲指责调查人员进行了“趣味低级的询问”,并针对她发表了“含沙射影的言论”。

39、What's this innuendo comment about "- loyal soldiers -"? ─── 你那句含沙射影的说“忠诚的战士”是什么意思?

40、There were volumes of innuendo in the way the "eventually" was spaced, and each syllable given its due stress ─── “终于”两个字调子拉得很长,充满了影射的意味,每一个音节都适当地加重了语气。

41、Linguistic subtlety, innuendo, and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans, who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy, and reject anything they do not understand. ─── 其他国家的人觉得那么有趣的连珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他们不明白的任何话语。

42、In a further bit of innuendo , the numbers on the backs of the t-shirts were all 69. ─── 更具暗示性的是,所有T恤背面的数字都是69。

43、If you attack him by innuendo, you will be sued for libel. ─── 如果你对他含沙射影,你将被控告为诽谤罪。

44、It was during her performances in Kyoto that she also became known for her innovation: her nembutsu dance, in honor of the buddha Amida, tended to be known for its sultriness and sexual innuendo. ─── 在京都表演期间,她也开始以创新而闻名:她为了敬拜阿弥陀如来佛创作的的念佛踊舞,以其纵情和性暗示闻名。

45、In addition, the commercial had an off-colored sexual innuendo that Trump even compared to "porn". ─── KOTU落败原因: KOTU lost because the commercial did not explain how the detergent works.

46、People are going to make innuendo and speak what they think the perception of the team is. ─── 对于我的双腿来说,复健还不错,我的双腿变得强壮。

47、For the past five months, Danny was subjected to a relentless attack of innuendo and false allegations and was denied any opportunity to defend himself. ─── 在过去五个月中他受到了含沙射影和虚假指控的无情攻击,而且根本没有机会为自己辩驳。

48、Linguistic subtlety,innuendo,and irony that other nations find delightful puzzle the Americans,who take all statements at face value,weigh them for accuracy,and reject anything they don't understand. ─── 其他国家的人觉得那 么有趣的连珠妙语、含沙射影和冷嘲热讽,却令美国人迷惑不解。他们只看表面意思,只求精确,拒绝他 们不明白的任何话语。

49、The dialogue was all filth and innuendo. ─── 这段对话全是下流的言辞和影射。

50、7.Echo [shouting in ecstasy, well aware of the sexual innuendo]: "Come with me!" ─── 厄科感觉到他性的暗示,极度喜悦叫到:“过来!”

51、PG-13 for a few naughty words and innuendo. ─── 为一些顽皮的字和讽刺的辅导级电影 -13。

52、He had been subject to a campaign of innuendo in the press ─── 他一直受到新闻界指桑骂槐的影射

53、Madge Wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo. ─── 玛吉·野火的常识不会欠缺到领会不了这个暗示。

54、True, this battle ground may seem a little extreme for the groups to which you belong - but if you look beneath the veil of civility at the seething sarcasm, invective and innuendo, perhaps the picture come more into focus. ─── 是的,你所在的这个团队看上去是有点偏激,但是你能够通过这些激烈的挖苦,漫骂和讽刺发现积极的一面,整个团队的轮廓逐渐清晰起来。

55、How does this bear on the current debate except as personal innuendo? ─── 这与现在的辩论何干?何必在辩论中含沙射影呢?

56、The report was based on rumours, speculation, and innuendo. ─── 该报告以传言、臆测和影射为基础。

57、given to violent innuendo, and obviously under the impression that sooner or later Jordan was going to yield him up her person to a greater or lesser degree. ─── 一共有三对夫妇,外加一个陪同乔丹来的男大学生,此人死了白赖,说起话来老是旁敲侧击,并且显然认为乔丹早晚会或多或少委身于他的。

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