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09-09 投稿


skipjack 发音

英:['sk?pd??k]  美:['sk?p,d??k]

英:  美:

skipjack 中文意思翻译



skipjack 词性/词形变化,skipjack变形

名词复数: skipjack |

skipjack 短语词组

1、skipjack transformer ─── 千斤顶变压器

2、skipjack tuna purine ─── 金枪鱼嘌呤

3、skipjack tuna kosher ─── 烤鸡金枪鱼犹太教

4、skipjack tuna loins ─── 炸鸡金枪鱼腰肉

5、skipjack tuna ─── 鲣鱼;飞鲔

6、skipjack jewelry skipjack ─── 珠宝

skipjack 相似词语短语

1、ski-rack ─── 雪橇架

2、skipjacks ─── n.鲣,飞鱼;鲭科;叩头虫;单桅帆船

3、ski-racks ─── 雪橇架

4、whipjack ─── 鞭子

5、skyjack ─── v.劫持(飞机);n.劫机

6、ski racks ─── 雪橇架

7、ski rack ─── 雪橇架

8、slapjacks ─── n.薄煎饼;一种纸牌游戏

9、slapjack ─── n.薄煎饼;一种纸牌游戏

skipjack 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, frozen ─── 6已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),冷冻者

2、If seaweed is used in stead of skipjack tuna fillets, the effect will be less good. ─── 上海的两家章鱼小丸子表层采用海苔覆盖,感觉这个“创新”不成功。

3、Skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, frozen F01 ─── 已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),冷冻者

4、On the other hand, catches in the Atlantic Ocean have been good for yellowfin and rather poor for skipjack. ─── 另一方面,大西洋的黄鳍金枪鱼渔获量很高,而箭鱼的渔获量相当少。在太平洋西部,渔获情况稍微有些好转。

5、The details of both LEAF and SKIPJACK are classified, and publicly available. ─── leaf和SKIPJACK的细节是保密的,公众能使用。

6、Some 7000 MT of Spanish skipjack were further directed to Thailand at $US 750 and 770/MT, which is lower than expected for December. ─── 约700吨的西班牙鲣鱼直接以750-770美元/吨的价格销往泰国,这个价格比对12月份的预期价格要低得多。

7、Analysis on spatial-temporal distribution of skipjack tuna catches by purse seine in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean ─── 中西太平洋金枪鱼围网鲣鱼渔获量时空分布分析

8、fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna ─── 切成鱼片干燥后是日本人的烹调原料;可能与飞鱼同种

9、Tanabe, T. 2001. Feeding habits of skipjack tuna Katsuwonus pelamis and other tuna Thunnus spp. juveniles in the tropical western Pacific. Fish. Sci., 67: 563-570. ─── 田士金,1995。中国东海东南区底栖鱼类资源之评估研究。国立台湾大学海洋研究所硕士论文,73页。

10、For the skipjack amounts taken under drifting FADs reached even as high as 72% of all catches. ─── 捕自漂浮的FAD的鲣鱼的渔获量甚至占其总渔获量的72%。

11、Yellowfin prices in Europe are stable while skipjack prices are weakening. ─── 欧洲黄鳍金枪鱼的价格比较稳定,鲣鱼的价格较低。

12、skipjack tune ─── 鲔

13、skipjack (tuna) ─── 鲣鱼(金枪鱼)

14、The Escrow Encryption Standard (EES) uses an 80 bit secret-key encryption algorithm called SKIPJACK making it more secure than DES. ─── EES (第三方保管钥匙的加密标准)采用一种叫SKIPJACK的80位秘密密钥加密算法,这使EES比DES更安全。

15、fish whose flesh is dried and flaked for Japanese cookery; may be same species as skipjack tuna. ─── 切成鱼片干燥后是日本人的烹调原料;可能与飞鱼同种。

16、skipjack tuna ─── 鲣鱼

17、The Skipjack said nothing, but it was said of him that he thought all the more; ─── 接着蚱蜢就出场了,它的确很粗笨,但它的身体很好看。

18、pole &line Skipjack tuna and albacore are concentrated around a fishing vessel by the release of quantities of small bait fish. ─── 一支钓鲣鱼与巴鲣鱼被集中于一艘钓鱼船,藉由小诱饵鱼的大量释放。

19、The Skipjack stood a long time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all. ─── 跳鹅站着沉思了好一会儿;最后大家就认为它完全不能跳。 “我希望它没有生病!”

20、On the contrary, skipjack prices are slightly rising. ─── 另外,箭鱼的价格也在回升。

21、We need regular shipment of frozen skipjack .Please contact us for more details. ─── 我们需要经常装运的瓦楞纸箱出口包装,请联系以获取更多详细资料,

22、The old councillor, who had received three medals for holding his tongue, declared that the Skipjack possessed the gift of prophecy; ─── 此外,它的整个外表说明它是出身于埃及的一个古老的家庭,因此它在这儿非常受到人们的尊敬。

23、bonito (Sarda spp. ), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, frozen. ─── 或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),冷冻者。

24、skipjack fishing clipper ─── 料车套打鱼夹

25、may be same species as skipjack tuna. ─── 可能与飞鱼同种。

26、A salient finding was that 74% of drifting FAD-associated skipjack had empty stomachs at the moment of capture compared with only 13% for those fished from free schools. ─── 一个显著地发现时捕自FAD处的鲣鱼,空胃率达到74%,而捕自自然条件下的群体的鲣鱼的空胃率仅为13%。

27、pole &line Skipjack tuna and albacore are concentrated around a fishing vessel by the release of quantities of small bait fish. ─── 一支钓鲣鱼与巴鲣鱼被集中于一艘钓鱼船,藉由小诱饵鱼的大量释放。

28、and directly the Yard Dog had smelt at him he was ready to assert that the Skipjack was of good family, and formed from the breastbone of an undoubted goose. ─── “跳蚤跳得非常高,谁也看不见它,因此大家就说它完全没有跳。”但是在这个世界里,一个人如果想要使人看见的话,必须有身材才成。

29、Price-wise, the skipjack situation is on a downward trend. ─── 欧洲的灌制商并不著急购货,他们都采取先观望,再购货的态度。

30、In Sato, we put skipjack in the pot filled with water and cook it in the morning. ─── 在上海莎都,清晨,我们在注满热水的汤锅中,放入鲣鱼,然后精心熬制。

31、The Spanish market already reports a small price decrease for both Yellowfin and Skipjack, while the Italian market is still very firm. ─── 从太平洋东部的大约10000吨黄鳍金枪鱼和西太平洋的6000吨箭鱼将有望运抵欧洲市场。

32、Study on the temp-spatial distribution of skipjack resources for tuna purse seine in the west-central Pacific Ocean ─── 中西太平洋金枪鱼围网渔业鲣鱼资源的时空分布

33、Skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp. ), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, canned. ─── 已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),罐头。

34、Fresh or chilled skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito ─── 鲜冷鲣鱼

35、Due to very attractive prices offered by Thai canners, theIndian Ocean skipjack surplus has been diverted to Bangkok by French and Spanish fleets. ─── 由于泰国罐制厂所提供的价格比较吸引人,在印度洋上生产的剩馀箭鱼都由法国和西班牙船运往曼谷。

36、TUNA :Purse seine catches in the Indian Ocean, with skipjack predominant, are reported to be above average for the season. ─── 金枪鱼 :在印度洋,由于围网船的箭鱼渔获量很大,本季度的捕捞高于平均水平。

37、Skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, canned F01 ─── 已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),罐头

38、According to the proprietress, the fillets are made by skipjack tuna. ─── 据北门章鱼小丸子店的老板娘介绍,鱼片采用的是柴鱼片。

39、The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and skipjack tuna fillets. ─── 小丸子配合着色拉、芥末和柴鱼片,味道极佳!

40、any of several similar fishes,such as the skipjack ─── 任一种类似的鱼,如飞鱼

41、The Skipjack stood a long time considering;at last people thought that he could not jump at all. ─── 它们这三位着名的跳高者就在一个房间里集合起来。

42、skipjack purse-seine fishing grounds ─── 鲣鱼围网渔场

43、Reports of a skipjack price decrease below US$700/MT in Thailand should maintain downward pressure on European prices. ─── 据报道:泰国箭鱼的价格低于700美元/吨,这种价格水平将继续给欧洲市场增加压力,使其价格继续下降。

44、Consequently, skipjack landings are poor, with the exception of Ghana. ─── 结果,除了加纳外,箭鱼的渔获量都很低。

45、temp-spatial distribution of skipjack resource ─── 鲣鱼资源时空分布

46、Skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.), whole or in pieces, but not minced, prepared or preserved, canned ─── 4已调制或保藏鲣类,整条或片块(剁碎者除外),罐头

47、The western and-central Pacific Ocean(hereafter WCPO)is one of the main fishing grounds of tuna purse seine fishery in the World with the main target species skipjack,yeUowfin and bigeye tuna. ─── 中西太平洋是世界金枪鱼围网渔业的主要渔场之一,主要渔获鱼种为鲣鱼、黄鳍金枪鱼与大目金枪鱼。

48、but it requires head to achieve that, and the Skipjack has shown that he has a head.” And so he had the Princess.“I jumped highest, after all,” said the Flea.“But it's all the same. ─── 此外,它的整个外表说明它是出身于埃及的一个古老的家庭,因此它在这儿非常受到人们的尊敬。

49、TUNA/PELAGICS: Good catches were reported in the Indian Ocean in February, with French vessels catching mainly yellowfin and Spanish vessels fishing plenty of skipjack. ─── 金枪鱼/中上层鱼:据报导,2月份印度洋金枪鱼的渔获量很高,法国渔船的渔获主要是黄鳍金枪鱼,而西班牙渔获了大量的箭鱼。

50、Skipjack fish strictly selected and cooked by tradition method.It taste great.This product does not added extra pigment, but rich in DHA and vitamins.It is natural and nutrition food. ─── 新鲜鲣鱼采古法慢火烟薰烤削成薄片精致而成,风味极佳,本产品不添加任何化学防腐剂或人工甘味,内涵天然的DHA及维他命,是纯天然营养的食品。

51、The flavor will be great when octopus balls are seasoned with salad, mustard and skipjack tuna fillets. ─── 小丸子配合着色拉、芥末和柴鱼片,味道极佳!

52、Skipjack prices clearly tend to increase. ─── 箭鱼的价格很明显呈上升趋势。

53、The tuna canning industry will soon resume its activity and frozen tuna stocks (except skipjack) are sufficient to cover the needs of the outset. ─── 金枪鱼罐制工业很快要开始生产,冷冻金枪鱼(除了箭鱼外)的贮存量都很充足,可以满足生产的需求。

54、orange meat A discolouration of the flesh of skipjack tuna occurring sometimes when brine-frozen and affecting marketability. ─── 橘色的肉鲣鱼肉的一个变色,有时会出现在用盐水冻结时,会影响销售。

55、The Grasshopper only sprang half as high, but he sprang straight into the King's face, and the King declared that was horribly rude.The Skipjack stood a long time considering; ─── 那位因为从来不讲话而获得了三个勋章的老顾问官说,他知道跳鹅有预见的天才:人们只须看看它的背脊骨就能预知冬天是温和还是寒冷。

56、For the skipjack amounts taken under drifting FADs reached even as high as 72% of all catches. ─── 捕自漂浮的FAD的鲣鱼的渔获量甚至占其总渔获量的72%。

57、Skipjack block encryption ─── Skipjack分组密码

58、They are only 2 vents in the bow and none in the stern or deck. ─── 他们只有2喷口在船头,并没有在严峻或甲板上。

59、TUNA/PELAGICS: In September, the tuna fishing situation in the Indian Ocean has been extremely good for skipjack as reported by Franco-Spanish vessels but disappointing for yellowfin. ─── 金枪鱼/中上层鱼:9月份印度洋的金枪鱼渔获情况非常好,特别是法国和西班牙船队渔获的箭鱼。

60、Price levels for large yellowfin are increasing due to poor landings while skipjack prices are reported to be weakening. ─── 由于大规格黄鳍金枪鱼的渔获量还是不多,价格仍然上升,但箭鱼价格在下降。

61、Good supply prospects in the Pacific and Indian Oceans are likely to maintain downward pressure on prices for both skipjack and yellowfin for canning. ─── 由于来自太平洋和印度洋的供给增多,继续给箭鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼价格增加了压力。

62、The Skipjack stood a long time considering. at last people thought that he could not jump at all. ─── 跳鹅站着沉思了好一会儿;最后大家就认为它完全不能跳。

63、Any of several similar fishes, such as the skipjack ─── 金枪鱼任一种类似的鱼,如飞鱼类

64、TUNA:Purse seine catches in the Indian Ocean, with skipjack predominant, are reported to be above average for the season. ─── 金枪鱼:在印度洋,由于围网船的箭鱼渔获量很大,本季度的捕捞高于平均水平。

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