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09-09 投稿



grassing 发音

英:[?ɡrɑ?s??]  美:[?ɡr?s??]

英:  美:

grassing 中文意思翻译




grassing 词性/词形变化,grassing变形


grassing 常用词组

on the grass ─── 在草地上

green grass ─── 绿色草,青草

forage grass ─── 饲草

grassing 相似词语短语

1、grasping ─── adj.贪婪的;紧紧抓住的;v.抓紧,抓牢;理解,领会(grasp的现在分词)

2、-gassing ─── n.气体处理;放毒气攻击;吹嘘;n.(Gassing)人名;(俄)哈辛

3、gassing ─── n.气体处理;放毒气攻击;吹嘘;n.(Gassing)人名;(俄)哈辛

4、amassing ─── n.积累;积聚

5、biassing ─── 偏压

6、grossing ─── n.(Grossing)人名;(德)格罗辛

7、harassing ─── 扰乱

8、glassing ─── n.玻璃;玻璃制品;镜子;vt.反映;给某物加玻璃;vi.成玻璃状;n.(Glass)人名;(英、法、德、意)格拉斯

9、egressing ─── 出口

grassing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Elementary Approach to Soilless Culture for a Grassing Cushion ─── 长草垫无土栽培初步研究

2、If Peter kept going at that rate he would never finish mowing the grass. ─── 彼得如果照这样的速度干下去,那他永远也不能将草割好。

3、Thoughts on individual contract responsibility in reusing fields for plantation or grassing ─── 个体承包在退耕还林还草中的尝试与思考

4、You've got a blade of grass on your hair. ─── 你的头发上有一篇草叶。

5、The gardener mows the grass regularly. ─── 园丁定期刈草。

6、Strategies for Rejuvenation of Degenerated Natural Grassland in Northern Agro-grassing Acetone Along the Line of Great Wall ─── 长城沿线农牧交错区退化草场恢复对策-以宁夏盐池沙地退化草场为例

7、We play football on the grass. ─── 我们在草地上踢足球。

8、The two boys were kicking a ball on the grass. ─── 两个男孩在草地上踢球。

9、Thanks for lending me your big lawn-mower. It was just the job for the long grass. ─── 多谢你借给我大割草机. 割高草正需要这个。

10、In flat open country there is plenty of grass for the cattle to feed on. ─── 在开阔平坦的地区有大量的青草供牛群食用。

11、In this wet weather, grass runs riot in the vegetable beds. ─── 在这种潮湿的天气里,蔬菜地面杂草丛生。

12、Don't walk across the lawn; keep off the grass. ─── 不要通过草地,勿踩草地。

13、Poors Courts have barred camels from grassing grazing in national parks. This makes it harder for their owners to feed them. ─── 法院禁止在国家公园中放牧骆驼使饲养者更难饲养他们。

14、He was sent to grass to rise no more. ─── 他被彻底打倒,永无出头之日。

15、The park was full of lovers making out on the grass. ─── 公园里到处可见一对对情侣在草地上拥抱亲吻。

16、The grass has been let(to) grow. ─── 他们让草长出来了。

17、Frankincense, sage grass, Neroli, etc. ─── 成份:乳香、鼠尾草、橙花等。

18、Alec thinks he would be better off if he moved to another company. But the grass always looks greener on the other side to of the fence: I don't think he would really be better off. ─── 亚历克以为要是他转到另一家公司的话,他会更富裕。然而,这山望着那山高:我认为他不会真的会富裕些的。

19、A grain or seed, as of a cereal grass, enclosed in a husk. ─── 子,粒如谷类禾本植物的包在壳里的谷粒或种子

20、A crowd of cattle were dotted around the grass land with a little boy sitting on a rock. ─── 一群牛羊分散在草地上,一个男孩坐在一块岩石上。

21、A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together. ─── 一簇,一丛连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草

22、We have to mow down the long grass regularly. ─── 我们得定期刈草。

23、In the meadows pretty flowers peep out from the grass. ─── 在牧草地上,美丽的花儿从草间隐约地显现。

24、They eat leaves, twigs, bark, grass and fruits. ─── 它们吃树叶、嫩枝、树皮、青草和水果。

25、The path was matted with grass. ─── 小径上杂草丛生。

26、Do you prefer grass or hard courts? ─── 你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场?

27、The wet grass sparkles in the sun. ─── 太阳使湿草闪闪发光。

28、His heart was high and he ran across the grass. ─── 他兴致勃勃地奔跑着穿过了草坪。

29、He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine. ─── 他躺在草地上享受阳光。

30、They trampled out a fire in the grass in time. ─── 他们及时踩灭了草中的火。

31、We saw a rabbit on a tuft of grass. ─── 我们看见在一簇草中有一只兔子。

32、A barefoot kid was playing in the grass. ─── 一个光著脚板的孩子在草地里玩耍。

33、Your dad mows the grass, and I clean. ─── 你爸爸负责割草,而我就负责清理。

34、"Grass" is a criminal slang for "informer". ─── grass 是罪犯用的俚语,意思是“告密的人”。

35、We spread a rug on the grass for the picnic. ─── 我们在草地上铺镇开毯子,准备野餐。

36、Luckily she fell back on grass or she might have hurt her head. ─── 幸好她是向后倒在草地上,不然就会伤着头。

37、Application of Three Dimensional Geonet Grassing Technology to Slope Protection ─── 三维土工网垫植草技术在边坡防护中的应用

38、The two of us began walking together along the grass verge. ─── 我们俩沿着长满草的路边开始一起散步。

39、She sat down on a tuft of grass. ─── 她坐在一小块草地上。

40、The hillside is covered by grass and flowers in summer. ─── 夏天时,山坡上长满了花草。

41、He went to grass after being hit in the head. ─── 头部被猛击一下后,他颓然倒下。

42、The great earth makes herself hospitable with the help of the grass. ─── 大地借助于绿草,显出她自己的殷勤好客。

43、He was found lying at full length on the grass. ─── 人们发现他直挺挺地躺在草地上面。

44、When she left school and started her first job, she was as green as grass. ─── 她走出校门刚开始工作时非常幼稚。

45、Eve was cutting the grass, and meanwhile Adam was planting roses. ─── 夏娃在剪草,亚当种玫瑰。

46、He lay outstretched on the grass. ─── 他手脚摊开躺在草地上。

47、The grass had been pressed down in places where people had been lying. ─── 在人们躺着的地方草坪上的草都被压倒了。

48、After we had finished tea, we all sat on the grass. ─── 我们喝完茶后,都坐在草地上。

49、They sit on the grind in spite of the wet grass. ─── 不顾草是湿的,他们不是坐在地上。

50、Grass will not succeed in this dry soil. ─── 在这种干燥的土壤上,草是无法生长的。

51、Though very small, the grass has great vitality. ─── 小草虽小,但有强大的生命力。

52、Don't trample on the grass. ─── 不要践踏草地。

53、Some snake in the grass has told the manager that I was late for work this morning. ─── 一些暗中与我作对的人告诉经理,今天早上我上班迟到了。

54、Beneath them the earth was naked of grass. ─── 在他们脚下是寸草不生的土地。

55、In three days we shall go to grass. ─── 三天后我们到乡下休假。

56、I borrowed a mower from my neighbor to cut grass in my garden. ─── 我从邻居那借了割草机来割花园里的草。

57、They are sitting on the grass. ─── 他们坐在草地上。

58、The main streets were edged on both sides with grass. ─── 主要街道两边都种上了草。

59、They sowed a plot of land with grass . ─── 他们在一块地里种草。

60、She lay on the grass, contemplating the high, blue sky. ─── 她躺在草地上,凝视著高高的蓝天。

61、A summer fire can wipe out all the grass. ─── 夏季的一场火可把草都烧光。

62、Don't walk on the grass. ─── 勿踏草坪。

63、We must not forget about the grass roots. ─── 我们绝不能忘记民众。

64、The crisp frost lay like salt upon the grass. ─── 严霜象盐一样复盖在草上。

65、actuality of degenerated nature grassland in northern agro-grassing acetone along the line of the great wall was described in this paper. ─── 描述了长城沿线农牧交错区天然草场退化现状,指出退化主要原因是干旱少雨、超载放牧、滥垦和不合理利用土地、滥采乱挖。

66、The farmer decided to lay ten acres down to grass. ─── 农场主决定把10英亩耕地改为牧场。

67、A snake slithered into the thick grass. ─── 一条蛇蜿蜒游进了草丛。

68、Effects of Nutritious Dock and Grassing Puna on the Performance of Finishing Beef Cattle ─── 营养酸模、普那菊苣育肥肉牛试验

69、Grass will not succeeded in this dry soil. ─── 在这种干燥土壤中草不会成活。

70、Sunbathers lay spread-eagled on the grass. ─── 做日光浴的人呈大字形躺在草地上。

71、Some boys are playing on the grass. ─── 一些男孩在草地上玩。

72、We swished through the long grass. ─── 我们穿过深草地发出沙沙的响声。

73、They carved out an orchard where there used to be wild grass. ─── 他们在曾是野草丛生的地方开辟了果园。

74、The long drought scorched the grass. ─── 久旱使青草枯萎。

75、The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'. ─── 布告牌上写著`勿踏草地'.

76、She spread our lunch on the grass. ─── 她在草地上摆好了我们的午饭。

77、The grass was trodden down near the cave. ─── 山洞附近的草都被踏平了。

78、A long, long time ago, cowboys were wanderers, driving their herd from place to place, looking for fresh grass and water. ─── 在很久很久以前,牧童都是游牧者,赶着他们的牧群到处寻找青草和水源。

79、They quickly trod out the fire in the grass . ─── 他们迅速地把草中的火踩灭了。

80、He put some grass in the manger. ─── 他在食槽里放了些草。

81、We sat on the grass to have our picnic. ─── 我们坐在草地上野餐。

82、There is nothing on the moor but rough grass and low brushes. ─── 在荒野上除了野草和低矮树丛外什么也没有。

83、They put out their horse to grass every day. ─── 他们每天把马放出去吃草。

84、You may go grass skiing, bicycle riding, or shopping on the weekend. ─── 周末你可以去滑草,骑脚踏车,或购物。

85、We played cricket on the grass in the park. ─── 我们在公园的草地上打板球。

86、You must mow down the long grass in the big field. ─── 我们必须把大田里的深草割掉。

87、She was as green as grass when she was sixteen. ─── 她16岁时,年轻无知,十分天真。

88、Viticulture : Environment respecting approach to limit the use of chemical products; grassing down to minimize the use of herbicides; partly mechanical and partly manual harvest. ─── 种植方式: 合理种植以减少化学药品的使用。留草以减少除草剂使用。采收部分机械部分手工。

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