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09-09 投稿



habilitation 发音

英:[[?h?b?l?'te???n]]  美:[[?h?b?l?'te???n]]

英:  美:

habilitation 中文意思翻译



habilitation 相似词语短语

1、labilization ─── n.不稳定

2、habilitative ─── 使能的

3、rehabilitation ─── n.复原

4、habilitating ─── v.取得任职资格;(使)合适,有能力;给……穿衣;给(煤矿)提供设备(或资金)

5、facilitation ─── n.简易化;[生理]助长;容易

6、debilitation ─── n.衰弱;乏力

7、nobilitation ─── 贵族

8、habilitator ─── 限定符

9、habitation ─── n.居住;住所

habilitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Habilitation was done in the field of environmental engineering with a thesis dealing with road traffic related air pollution. ─── 因其课题而所授于的衔头牵涉到环境工程,这是与道路交通空气污染有关的。

2、Methods The medical data of the OSAHS patients in the Sleep Center of the Duchess Kent Children's Habilitation Institute from May 1999 to May 2003 were retrospectively reviewed. ─── 方法回顾性总结香港大学附属根德夫人儿童医院睡眠中心1999年5月至2003年5月的儿童OSAHS病例资料。

3、Evaluation of Deaf Children's Auditory Habilitation after Cochlear Implantation ─── 人工耳蜗植入后聋儿听力培建效果的评价

4、The paper states the present condition, problem to be existed, revitalization counter measure and organization implementation option of habilitation elevated rod line in Nanjing City. ─── 该文阐述南京市道路架空杆线现状、存在问题、整治对策措施和组织实施方案。

5、This recommendation enabled Husserl to prepare and submit his habilitation dissertation On the Concept of Number (1887) with Stumpf. ─── 这一举荐使得胡塞尔能够跟随斯图姆夫来准备和提交他的任教资格论文《论数的概念》(1887)。

6、Clinical habilitation treatment of coronary artery disease angina ─── 冠心病心绞痛的临床康复治疗观察

7、Objective To discuss the habilitation experience of cerebral vascular disease (CVD) in community sanitary service. ─── 目的探讨在社区服务中有关脑血管疾病的康复经验。

8、Discussion on Habilitation Problem of Cerebral Vascular Disease in Community Sanitary Service ─── 社区卫生服务中脑血管病康复问题的探讨

9、Keywords Fractures;Ankle joint;Habilitation;Treatment with Chinese herbs; ─── 关键词骨折;踝关节;功能恢复;中药疗法;

10、The role of paediatric subjective audiometry in pre-operative evaluation and post-operative habilitation in cochlear implantation for children ─── 人工耳蜗手术前后使用小儿主观测听法的意义

11、Proposal submitted by Uganda on article 26 Rehabilitation and Habilitation. ─── 提交的提案第26条乌干达康复和适应训练。

12、Clinical habilitation treatment of coronary artery disease angina ─── 冠心病心绞痛的临床康复治疗观察

13、Objective To discuss the habilitation experience of cerebral vascular disease (CVD) in community sanitary service. ─── 目的探讨在社区服务中有关脑血管疾病的康复经验。

14、Proposal submitted by Uganda on article 26 Rehabilitation and Habilitation . ─── 提交的提案第26条乌干达康复和适应训练。

15、Methods 84 cases with MS were divided randomly into habilitation group and control group who received corresponding nursing measures. Both group patients were assessed with EDSS and HAMD at different phases. ─── 方法收集84例MS住院病例,随机分为康复组与对照组,分别给予相应护理措施,并在不同时相点对EDSS及HAMD评分进行评估。

16、Keywords Neurology;CVD;Community;Sanitary service;Habilitation; ─── 神经病学;脑血管病;社区;卫生服务;康复;

17、And the purpose of nutritional support is to keep nitrogen balance, strengthen the cellular metabolism, improve tissue functions and speed up habilitation of cerebral patients. ─── 营养支持的目的是维持氮平衡、维护细胞代谢、改善组织器官(包括脑组织)功能,促进脑血管病人的康复。

18、Evaluation of Deaf Children's Auditory Habilitation after Cochlear Implantation ─── 人工耳蜗植入后聋儿听力培建效果的评价

19、Keywords physical therapy;hypertension;re habilitation; ─── 关键词运动疗法;高血压病;康复治疗;

20、The Habilitation was done in the field of environmental engineering with a thesis dealing with road traffic related air pollution. ─── 其课题而所授于的衔头牵涉到环境工程,这是与道路交通空气污染有关的。

21、Results The continuing nursing care time of patients was positively related with their medical knowledge about habilitation. ─── 结果延续护理时间与患者对康复知识的知晓程度成正比;

22、Multichannel ABI,as a safe and effective means of hearing habilitation, has been implanted in nearly 150 recipients worldwide. ─── 目前世界上已有约150例患者接受了多导ABI植入。

23、Keywords Cerebrovascular accident;Space behavior;Move dysfunction;Habilitation; ─── 脑血管意外;空间行为;运动障碍;康复;

24、Behavior training recovery motor an d cognitive function in disturbance of brain and there are significitial re habilitation in learning and memory. ─── 行为训练在脑功能障碍运动和智能方面都发挥了重要作用,在学习记忆方面的康复也具有重要意义。

25、The Habilitation was done in the field of environmental engineering with a thesis dealing with road traffic related air pollution. ─── 因其课题而所授于的衔头牵涉到环境工程,这是与道路交通空气污染有关的。

26、I immediately received instruction of the exercises that I need to carry out in the habilitation period. ─── 不过,我们的德行没有约伯那麽高,就很容易会觉得这样的指控是合宜的,以至不断地自我践踏。

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