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09-09 投稿


cis 发音

英:[s?s]  美:[s?s]

英:  美:

cis 中文意思翻译




cis 短语词组

1、cis-double bonds ─── [化] 顺式双键

2、cis-addition ─── [建] 顺(式)加(成)作用

3、cis-1,4-polybutadiene rubber ─── [化] 顺丁橡胶

4、cis-1,4-polybutadiene ─── [化] 顺-1,4-聚丁二烯; 顺式-1,4-聚丁二烯

5、cis-aconitic acid ─── [医] 顺乌头酸

6、cis-1,4-polyisoprene rubber ─── [化] 顺式-1,4-聚异戊二烯橡胶

7、cis-configuration ─── [建] 顺式构型

8、cis-13-docosenoic acid ─── [化] 芥酸; 顺13-二十二烯酸; 顺式13-二十二碳烯酸

9、cis-crocetin dimethyl ester ─── [医] 顺番红花酸二甲酯

10、cis- ─── [建] 顺式

11、cis-form ─── [化] 顺式

12、cis-butenedioic acid ─── [化] 顺丁烯二酸; 马来酸

13、cis-3-hexen-1-ol ─── [化] 顺式3-己烯-1-醇; 叶醇

14、cis-2-butene ─── [化] 顺式-2-丁烯

15、cis-1,4-polyisoprene ─── [化] 顺(式)-1,4-聚异戊二烯

16、cis-9-octadecenoic acid ─── [化] 顺式9-十八碳烯酸; 油酸

17、cis-butenedioic anhydride ─── [化] 顺丁烯二酸酐; 马来酐; 马来酸酐; (俗称)顺酐

18、cis-compound ─── [化] 顺式化合物

19、cis-butanediol ─── [化] 丁二醇

cis 词性/词形变化,cis变形


cis 相似词语短语

1、His ─── pron.他的;n.(His)人名;(法)伊斯

2、CIGS ─── abbr.帝国总参谋长(ChiefofImperialGeneralStaff);铜铟镓硒

3、-cis ─── adj.同侧的,顺式的;n.(Cis)(美、比、荷)齐斯(人名)

4、Dis ─── v.表示对某人的轻视、不敬、小看;n.冥府;污辱;n.(Dis)狄斯(罗马神话中的冥王);n.(Dis)(俄、荷、美、法)迪斯(人名)

5、cits ─── 中国国际旅行社(ChinaInternationalTravelService);中心综合测试系统(CentralIntegratedTestSystem)

6、Acis ─── n.埃西斯(西西里青年牧人)

7、Vis ─── n.力,活力;n.(Vis)(美、荷、加、法)维斯(人名)

8、cis- ─── adj.同侧的,顺式的;n.(Cis)(美、比、荷)齐斯(人名)

9、cist ─── n.石柜;石棺;圣器箱

cis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Clinical Information System (CIS) is the important part of hospital informationization. ─── 临床信息系统(CIS)是医院信息化的重要组成部分。

2、The empirical results show that the widths of the CIs obtained by the EVT model are narrower than those obtained by Chang et al. [9]. ─── 实证结果显示,使用极值理论所计算出之信赖区间的宽度较小;

3、We are a famous company fully leads in the CIS,specializing in products design,research,manufacturing and marketing brand management mode. ─── 公司全面导入CIS,集产品设计、开发、生产、销售为一体的全方位品牌经营模式。

4、Trademarks, as signs CIS strategic enterprises the main part of the corporate image transfer process is the use of the most extensive and highest frequency, but also the most crucial element. ─── 商标,标志作为企业CIS战略的最主要部分,在企业形象传递过程中,是应用最广泛、出现频率最高,同时也是最关键的元素。

5、Students accepted to a CIS or Computing Science minor may register with permission of the department. ─── 学生接受的一个独联体或计算机科学未成年人登记部门的许可。

6、Business scope: expo pictorial, real estate scheming, CIS, 2-D design, packaging design, outdoor ad. ─── 业务范围:博览会会刊、房地产全案策划、企业识别系统、企业识别系统、平面设计、包装设计、户外广告。

7、Cis, cis-1, 4-dibromo-1 ,2,3,4-tetraphenyl-1,3-butadiene is obtained from the reaction of 1, 4-dilitho-l ,2,3,4-tctraphenyl-l,3-buladicnc with carbon tetrabro-mide. ─── 1,4-二锂-1,2,3,4-四苯基-1,3-丁二烯与四溴化碳反应生成顺,顺-1,4-二溴-1,2,3,4-四苯基-1,3-丁二烯。

8、The target fragments were cut down from pGEMT-easy and ligated with shuttle vector pJFF224-XN/E. coRI. Through identification, the homogenous regulatory gene inserted in cis and trans direction under T4 promoter, separately. ─── 切下目的片段与酶切的穿梭质粒pJFF224-XN连接,经PCR方法及酶切鉴定,调节基因片段分别以正向或反向插入到质粒的T4启动子下;

9、If the current trend continues, there will be more incidents within CIS and, ultimately, the CIS may be split into much smaller cooperative organizations, and become a "grey area" in the political game between Russia and the West. ─── 从目前趋势看,独联体仍会事件频发,最后导致名存实亡,分离和分解为小范围合作组织,从而变为俄罗斯与西方之间的“灰色区域”。

10、The 2,4??cis??squamone (1?1) and 2,4??trans??isoannonareticin (2?1) are new annonaceous acetogenins. ─── 其中2,4?顺式体的1?1和2?1是新的番荔素成分。

11、These two trends will continue to exist in the CIS in a new form. ─── 两种倾向还将在独联体内以新的形式继续发展.

12、And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years. ─── 后来他们求一个王,神就将便雅悯支派中,基士的儿子扫罗,给他们作王四十年。

13、Separation of trans _ dichlorochrysanthemic acid(DCCA) and cis _ DCCA was performed by using their different dissolubility and pKa value, satisfactory results were obtained with yield of 83.7% for trans _ DCCA and 88.9% for cis _ DCCA. ─── 利用顺式二氯菊酸和反式二氯菊酸的溶解度不同及pKa 值的差异 ,分离二氯菊酸中的顺式体和反式体 ,可取得较好的效果 (反式二氯菊酸收率83.7% ,顺式二氯菊酸收率88.9% );

14、Amurensins B (2), C (3) and J (10) were the first naturally occurring resveratrol trimers and tetramer with a cis dihydrobenzofuran moiety. ─── 在Amurensins B(2),C(3),J(10)的结构中都具有一个顺式苯骈二氢呋喃环,它们是首次发现的具顺式苯骈二氢呋喃环的天然低聚?类化合物。

15、Advertisement &CIS: Corporate image planning &design. ─── 广告制作事业部:企业形象策划及设计制作。

16、CIS: Even if that life was just an illusion? ─── 即使那个生活只是个幻境?

17、Nanjing is the cis Poly drink, Jinling will eat duck dish osmanthus. ─── 南京人是夜月下聚饮,必吃金陵名菜桂花鸭。

18、Separation of trans- and m-DCCA was performed by using their different dissolubility and pK3 value, satisfactory results were obtained with yield of 83.7% for trans- DCCA and 88.9% for cis -DCCA. ─── 利用顺、反式二氯菊酸在石油醚中的溶解度不同及pK_a值差异,分离二氯菊酸中的顺、反式二氯菊酸,顺、反式二氯菊酸收率分别为88.9%、83.7%。

19、And afterward they desired a king: and God gave unto them Saul the son of Cis, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, by the space of forty years. ─── 后来他们求一个王,神就将便雅悯支派中,基士的儿子扫罗,给他们作王四十年。

20、The standards prepared from CA15-3 antigen are corrected against the standards of CIS ELSA CA15-3 IRMA kit. ─── CA15-3标准品以CIS公司免疫放射分析药盒标准品校正。

21、I can only say that all the cis to nature, I'm not sure what kind of future can only be described as, forgive me, forgive myself. ─── 我只好说一切顺去自然,我不确定未来是什么样的,只能说,原谅我,原谅自己。

22、CIS not only shows concern for students' accomplishments, but we also place an emphasis on our students social behavior and demeanor. ─── “纷吾既有此内美兮,又重之以修能”,学校强调学生的道德修养,也关注学生的举止仪容和行为习惯的训练养成。

23、Beijing Playhouse's performances are conveniently located in the Chaoyang District in the modern new CIS theatre, 1 km east of the Kempinksi. ─── 北京剧场的演出设置在朝阳区的CIS剧场里,距凯宾斯基约1公里。

24、Germany (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is under Ukraine AVALON Group, a wholly owned subsidiary, for the CIS market has unique advantages. Welcome new and old customers came to negotiate. ─── 万富德(上海)有限公司是乌克兰AVALON集团下的全资子公司,针对独联体市场有得天独厚的优势。欢迎新老客户前来洽谈。

25、The application for HIPS production with F250 is successful,and the physical properties of HIPS made from F250 corresponds to or be superior to that made from imported low?cis linear polybutadiene. ─── 开发的F250成功应用于HIPS改性生产,所得HIPS物性相当于进口线形低顺橡胶改性HIPS的物性,其中F250对HIPS抗冲击改性效果比线形LCBR更好。

26、Gnetucleistol B (7) is the first cis stilbene isolated from the genus Gnetum. ─── Gnetucleistol B(7)为首次从买麻藤属植物中分离得到的顺式二苯乙烯类化合物;

27、Nissim Gas and Oil Group is the world's leading Financier for the international and domestic oilfield services and supply industry in Russia and the CIS. ─── 尼辛石油天然气集团是世界一流的金融机构,致力于俄罗斯和独联体国家的国内外油田开采服务和石油供应。

28、Cis-shegansu B (5) is a cis isomer of shegansu B. (+)-bisisorhapontigenin A (6) is isolated as a natural product for the first time. ─── cis-shegansu B(5)为二聚体射干素B的顺式异构体; (+)-Bisisorhapontigenin A(6)为首次以天然产物形式得到的异丹叶大黄素二聚体;

29、It is crucial to make Complicated Information System (CIS) secure, interoperable, extensible and controllable. ─── 保障复杂信息系统(CIS)的安全、互操作、可扩展和可管理非常关键。

30、For costumers outside of the CIS, this is the only valid product currently available and Eagle Dynamics is not supporting any other versions at this time. ─── 对于消费者以外的独联体国家,这是唯一有效的产品目前已经上市,鹰动力学是不支持任何其他版本在这个时候。

31、JENA can automatically produce CIM/XML data,and highly effective query helping to implementation of CIS. ─── JENA不仅能自动地生成CIM/XML数据,而且可以高效地对CIM/XML进行查询从而可以进一步实现CIS接口。

32、CIS(CIGS) based solar cells become the most promising solar cells in tertiary generation solar cells with their so many virtues. ─── 以CIS(CIGS)作为吸收层的太阳能电池因其诸多优异性能而成为最具潜力的第三代太阳能电池。

33、Contact was made with AGI and an initial TOC introduction leading to a recommendation was done for several senior managers at CIS. ─── 他们派人听取了AGI(高德拉特研究所)所做的一个初步的TOC介绍,并向CIS的几位高级主管提出了建议。

34、Therefore, Putin did not spare any effort in courting Belarus.When it comes to Russia's relations with other CIS member states, Belarus is, of course, its closest partner. ─── 因此,普钦总统对白俄之拉拢不遗馀力,俄罗斯与独立国协各国的关系,其中,最密切的夥伴,当推白俄罗斯。

35、Providing technical support and training to Sales/BD and CIS team on gas application. ─── 对销售、市场及工程部进行食品和气体应用技术的支持和培训。

36、Russia,with economic means as the tool and energy resources in particular,intends to prevent Ukraine from getting out of the CIS and into the group of western countries. ─── 从对俄乌天然气争端的政治因素分析中可以看出,能源问题应上升到国家安全战略高度;

37、The Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, and it certainly has the biggest catalog system, called...CIS. ─── 国会图书馆是世界上最大的图书馆,它有着最大的目录系统,叫作LOCIS

38、These two compounds were quantitative determined. The precision of the method for the determination of cis and trans resveratrol was 4 48% and 5 23% of RSD, respectively. ─── 对方法的精密度和回收率进行了测定 ,方法的相对标准偏差分别为 4 48% (顺式 )和 5 2 3% (反式 ) .

39、The CIS Summit conference held on August 26, 2005 at Kazan was a turning point in the process of CIS development. ─── 2005年8月26日举行的独联体喀山峰会是独联体发展进程中的一个转折点。

40、Records in VSAM data sets can be of fixed or variable length. These records are stored in blocks called Control Intervals or CIs. ─── 在块中存储的记录叫做控制间隔。

41、Saturated fatty acid and trans fatty acid in fried food were higher than non-fried food;polyunsaturated fatty acid and cis fatty acid of fried food was lower than non-fried food. ─── 实验发现,油炸后食品中饱和脂肪酸和反式脂肪酸含量比油炸前食品中含量有升高,而油炸后食品中多不饱和脂肪酸和顺式脂肪酸含量比油炸前食品中含量显著降低。

42、Meanwhile the mechanism of the intramolecular cycloaddition of cis, cis-1, 5-cyclooctadiene to tricyclo [,6)]-octane under >250nm irradiation is also discussed. ─── 对在大于250nm光波照射下,顺,顺-1,5-环辛二烯分子内环加成形成三环-[,6)]-辛烷的反应机制,进行了讨论.

43、But CIS possesses band gap energy equal to 1.04eV, which is not within the maximum solar absorption region. ─── 太阳光的吸收要求材料的最佳带隙在1.45eV左右,不过CuInSe_2的带隙为1.04eV。

44、If the AV in CIS detects a malware for example for blacklisting, D+ will not bother alerting for it. ─── 如果在独联体的AV侦测到的恶意软件的黑名单例如, d +可将不会打扰报警的。

45、Dihydromyrcene was obtained from cracking of cis pinane,followed by direct hydration of the crude products to prepare dihydromyrcenol. ─── 从顺式蒎烷裂解得二氢月桂烯,粗产物直接水合制二氢月桂烯醇。

46、Corporate image plans (CIS): CI design, VI design, trademark design, logo design and visual identity system-VI. ─── 企业形象(CIS)策划:CI设计,VI设计,商标设计,标志设计,VI视觉识别系统

47、The good integration of the laboratory automation system(LAS),the laboratory information system(LIS),and the clinic information system(CIS)is one of the key factors of a successful TLA. ─── TLA的成功实施因素之一是实验室自动化系统(LAS)、实验室信息系统(LIS)和临床信息系统(CIS)三者间的良好整合。

48、Ablative therapy for CIN is profitable for the avoiding of missed diagnosis of CIS. ─── 对CIN行切除性治疗有利于避免CIS的漏诊。

49、The EMEA EAC is committed to ensuring that resources and materials are available to support the adoption of FOUNDATION technology within the CIS&B region. ─── EMEAEAC承诺保证提供可用的资源和材料以支持在独联体和波罗的海地区采纳基金会技术。

50、CIS: Just killing time. You wanna spar? ─── 娱乐而已。想来比划比划?

51、On September 11-13, 2006, the VI CIS Congress of Immunology and Allergology took place in Moscow. ─── 2006年9月11-13日,在莫斯科召开了第六届独联体国家免疫学和变态反应学会议。

52、The gene segments mentioned above were cloned into the multiple cloning sites of retrovirus vector pLXSN to construct an attenuated superantigen expression vector pLXSN SEA (D227A) linker CD80tm modulated by cis acting element of AFP gene. ─── 将上述片断插入逆转录病毒载体 pLXSN的多克隆位点 ,构建AFP基因顺式作用元件调控的肝癌特异性减毒超抗原表达载体 (pLXSNSEA(D2 2 7A) linker CD80tm)。

53、Professional users need a full keyboard based CIS, which allows them to type massive amount of texts at very high speed. ─── 专业用家需要使用全键盘的文字输入系统,让他们高速输入大量文字。

54、In this paper, the CNDO/2 calculation of cis and transisomers in XCH=CHX (X=F,Cl,O) molecules has been made. ─── 对XCH= CHX (X= F,Cl,O)顺反异构体进行了CNDO/2 量子化学计算.

55、A single copy fragment containing cis acting "CACA" box has been identified, which might be the upstream of a new tumor suppressor gene deleted in tumors of the stomach and small intestine. ─── 在胃、小肠肿瘤组织发生缺失突变的片段可能为某一抑癌基因的前半部分 ,即含有启动子成分的调控元件部分CACA盒

56、To defend the geopolitical interest of Russia, the Putin government adopted a pragmatic approach and began to push a new CIS policy. ─── 为维护俄罗斯的地缘政治利益,普京政府采取务实态度,开始推行新的独联体政策。

57、East European and CIS countries welcome such a move while the Russians object it resolutely. ─── 东欧和独联体国家对此表示欢迎,俄罗斯则坚决反对,态度强硬。

58、We estimated hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) by means of multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models. ─── 通过构建多变量Cox累计风险比例回归模型,我们计算了风险比(HRs)和95%置信区间(CIs)。

59、Lobular CIS consists of a neoplastic proliferation of cells in the terminal breast ducts and acini. ─── 小叶原位癌由末端乳腺导管与腺泡内的瘤性细胞增生形成。

60、"We could see a serious strengthening of NATO actually performing its core mission of standing against the Russians and trying to roll back Russian influence in the former CIS. ─── 他说:"我们将看到一个更坚实的北约真正执行它的核心任务,那就是与俄罗斯相抗衡,并试图撤除俄罗斯对过去独立国家联合体的影响。

61、During this renovation, the building's owners, CIS, consulted the solar panel company, Solarcentury. ─── 在改造过程中,业主 CIS 咨询了太阳能电池板公司 Solarcentury。

62、The next step was to provide a TOC overview for all levels of management in the CIS division, including the CIO. ─── 下一步就是向CIS部各个层面的经理们提供TOC总体介绍,包括首席信息官在内。

63、TerraTec develops International Market, offices been set up in Benelux, Denmark, Great Britain, Spain, France, Italy, Eastern Europe CIS and USA. ─── TerraTec走向国际市场,在比利时,北欧,意大利,西班牙,英国,法国,东欧,美国等地设立销售据点。

64、In 1999 the company launched a comprehensive CIS image projects, and in early 2000 through the IS09002 international quality system certification. ─── 公司在1999年全面开展CIS形象工程,并于2000年初通过IS09002国际质量体系认证。

65、In 2004, the completed CIS tower became Europe's largest range of vertical solar panels. ─── 在2004年,完工的 CIS 大厦成为了欧洲最大的垂直太阳能电池板。

66、As a kind of exotics, CIS has not more than ten years developmental history in China. ─── CIS作为舶来品在中国的发展只有十几年的历史。

67、On the one hand, for the international economiccooperation of the division of labor, CIS is a noticeable giant of the local countriesunion. ─── 一方面,在国际经济分工一体合作中,独联体是一个不可忽视的巨大的地区国家联合体。

68、The target fragments were cut down from pGEMT-easy and ligated with shuttle vector pJFF224-XN/E. coRI. Through identification, the homogenous regulatory gene inserted in ?cis? and ?trans? direction under T4 promoter, separetely. ─── 切下目的片段与酶切穿梭质粒pJFF224-XN连接,经PCR及酶切鉴定,调节基因片段分别以正向或反向插入到质粒的T4启动子下。

69、Shipments to countries outside the CIS increased by 12% over the previous year. After the M &As of Russian oil companies, the previously No. ─── 原油出口量增长较快,特别是向独联体以外国家的原油出口量同比增长了12%。

70、Backed up by the CIS, Putin pursued actively a policy of "Double-winged Diplomacy" balancing the East and West. ─── 以独联为依托,普京积极推行平衡东西方的“双翼外交”。

71、Exports of light industrial machinery has been more than 30 complete sets of equipment, throughout Russia and the CIS countries. ─── 已经出口轻工机械成套设备30余条,遍及俄罗斯和独联体国家。

72、Opening of a World Scout organization office in Yalta-Gurzuf in Crimea covering the CIS and related countries. ─── 在乌克兰共和国的克里米亚半岛‧雅尔塔港成立办事处,服务独立国协(CIS)及其相关的国家。

73、The amino cyclohexylcarbinols(9) derived from the fused isxoazolidine(8) were a mixture of cis and trans isomers. ─── 从稠合的四氢异?0唑(8)所得到的氨基环已基甲醇(9)则是顺式和反式异构体的混合物。

74、At the photostationary state the quantities of cis isomers are about 92%. ─── 在光稳定态 ,顺式异构体的量约为 92%。

75、Interfax (China), the largest company under the Interfax brand outside the CIS, which was founded in 1998, with offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. ─── 其最大的子公司-Interfax (China)成立于1998年,在北京、上海、香港设有办事处。

76、Seven types of CIs,designated E-CI1,E-CI2,E-CI3,E-CI4,E-CI5,E-CI6 and E-CI7 by alkaline Native-PAGE,and two types of CIs,designated E-CIa and E-CIb by acid Native-PAGE were detected,respectively. ─── 在碱性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳中检测到7种CI,定名为E-CI1、E-CI2、E-CI3、E-CI4、E-CI5、E-CI6、E-CI7;

77、From this point of view it could be quite useful to participate in the Forum both for signing contracts and looking for new Russian and CIS partners. ─── 从这个角度来说,参加此次论坛对于签订合约及寻找新的俄罗斯及独联体合作伙伴都是极有帮助的。

78、The 2.2 kb of the MIA promoter contains cis acting elements which can generate tissue specific expression in vivo . ─── 2.2 kb 的MIA/CD-RAP启动子含有调节MIA/CD-RAP组织特异性表达的顺式调控元件

79、surface machining when cutting is at a fixed direction of processing, the use of cis milling. ─── 表面加工切割时正处在一个固定的加工方向,独联体铣削使用。

80、Total effective rate of CIS (70%) was significantly higher than that of BFA (40%)(P

81、The great significance of the CIS was analyzed, and the CIS presenting measures for an enterprise to achieve its goal was proposed. ─── 分析了企业形象战略的重要意义,提出了实施企业形象战略的具体措施与途径。

82、All of RAA patients (3/3) were responsive to CIS therapy. ─── CIS治疗3例RAA均有效 ,而SIS治疗 1例RAA无效。

83、The Tm and Ti of compounds 18 is higher than the compounds 16.The Tm and Tj of compounds 18 II and 16 II which have the trans conformation is higher than those of compounds 18 I and 16 I having cis conformation. ─── 化合物 16和 18中,反式构型的化合物 16II和 ISll的熔点和液晶态的清亮点均高于顺式构型的化合物 161和 ISI。

84、The application of domestic Li low cis polybutadiene rubber (LCBR) in the chafer compound of all steel radial truck tire was investigated by using an imported LCBR as control. ─── 对比国产和进口锂系低顺式聚丁二烯橡胶(LCBR)在全钢载重子午线轮胎胎圈护胶中的应用效果。

85、This paper reviews fluorides CVD methods for refractory metals in CIS countries, including modern development of the equipment and products. ─── 介绍了独联体国家难熔金属氟化物化学气相沉积的工艺、设备及其产品的开发情况和研究进展。

86、For N-methylformamide, cis-form has lower energy than trans-form. ─── 对于 N-甲基甲酰胺,顺式形式的能量低于反式形式。

87、The difficulty of the island terrain forced both the CIS and the Republic to retreat. ─── 岛上地势险峻,独立星系邦联和共和国都不得不撤军。

88、The paper here attempts to usher in the CIS design theory into schools with a hope that school identity system can be established. ─── 本文试图将企业CIS策划理论引入学校,旨在建构学校形象识别系统。

89、Corporate Culture is the spirit of a company, the weapon to be competitive in the market, and the hinge of the Corporate Identity System (CIS). ─── 企业精神是企业的灵魂,是企业市场制胜的法宝,是企业形象策划的关键。

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