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09-09 投稿


parallelism 发音

英:['p?r?lel?z?m]  美:['p?r?l?l'?z?m]

英:  美:

parallelism 中文意思翻译



parallelism 词性/词形变化,parallelism变形


parallelism 短语词组

1、extra parallelism ─── [计] 外加并行性

2、parallelism of multiprocessing ─── [计] 多重处理并行性

3、or parallelism ─── 或并行性

4、multipartite parallelism ─── 多部分并行

5、parallelism symbol ─── 平行度符号

6、and parallelism ─── 和并行性

7、stream parallelism ─── [计] 流并行性

8、anti parallelism ─── 反并行性

9、axial parallelism ─── 轴向平行度

10、parallelism sentences ─── 平行句

11、degree of parallelism ─── [计]并行度

12、data parallelism ─── 数据并行,资料平行

13、quasi-parallelism ─── [计] 拟并行性

14、parallelism definition ─── 平行度定义

15、lock-step parallelism ─── [计] 锁-步并行性

16、parallelism synonym ─── 平行同义词

17、psychophysical parallelism ─── 身心平行论; 心物平衡论

18、functional parallelism ─── [计] 功能并行性

19、parallelism of disease ─── [医] 疾病平行现象, 疾病类似现象

parallelism 相似词语短语

1、parallelises ─── 平行

2、parallelize ─── v.平行放置;使……平行于……;使程序(适合)进行计算

3、parallelise ─── 平行

4、parallelwise ─── 平行

5、parallels ─── n.平行线;平行状态;匹敌者(parallel的复数形式);v.使…成平行;与…相应(parallel的第三人称单数)

6、paralleling ─── v.与……平行;与……相似;与……媲美;与……同时发生(parallel的现在分词);n.(公司)以低价买进高价物的经营方式

7、parallelist ─── n.平行;类似,对应(parallelism的变形)

8、parallelists ─── 平行线

9、parallelised ─── 平行线

parallelism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her experiences parallel mine in many instances. ─── 她的经历多与我的相似。

2、My experience in this matter is parallel to yours. ─── 在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。

3、The parallelism in the classification of organisms and phytocoenoses is relised. ─── 在认识上生物分类和植物群落分类是平行的。

4、The parallel lives of two contemporaries. ─── 两个时代类似的生活

5、To achieve this disk parallelism, selection of the proper extentsize is key. ─── 为了取得这一磁盘并行性,选择合适的区段大小就十分关键。

6、The progressing of two or more activities(processes, programs) in parallel. ─── 两个或多个活动(进程或程序)以并行方式进行。

7、Don't exaggerate the parallelism between the two cases. ─── 不要夸大那两件事的相似性。

8、Infinite retry on parallel printer time-out. ─── 在并行打印机超时上;连续再试。

9、My experience in selling is parallel to yours. ─── 在销售方面,我的经验和你相仿。

10、Up-vector mustn't be parallel to the line of sight. ─── 向上矢量不能同视觉线平行。

11、How to connect IGBT in parallel? ─── 在IGBT并联的情况下,应该如何连接?

12、Parallel park in this space ahead. ─── 在前面的空位平行趴车。

13、Parallel wire strands supposted the precatst deck every 27ft. ─── 使用平行钢丝索来支承预制拼装的桥面结构,钢索间距为27英尺。

14、Synchronous and asynchronous parallelism. ─── 同步和异步并行性。

15、His experiences parallel mine in many instances . ─── 他的经历在许多方面与我的相似。

16、The condition of the normal eye when parallel rays are focused exactly on the retina and vision is perfect. ─── 屈光正常当平行光线恰好聚焦于视网膜并形成清晰视觉时正常眼睛的状态

17、The slots can be parallel or nonparallel. ─── 凹槽平行或不平行。

18、This hinders parallel scanning of data. ─── 从而延缓了数据的并行扫描。

19、Harmony with parallel voices. ─── 几个平行声部构成的和谐

20、Measurement of clutch driven plate assembly thickness and parallelism. ─── 从动盘总成厚度和平行度的检测。

21、Parallel Processing for Image Recognition. ─── 图象识别的并行处理方法。

22、Actually no one can parallel him in poetry . ─── 实际上,在诗歌方面无人能同他相提并论。

23、The road runs parallel to the railway. ─── 公路同铁路平行。

24、Chinese shone at parallel bars semifinal. ─── 中国人在双杠半决赛中星光闪耀。

25、Parallelism handles complexity better than traditional supercomputers made of one huge, incredibly fast serial computer. ─── 并行机制处理复杂性的能力要好于以体积庞大、运算速度超快的串行计算机为基础的传统超级计算机。

26、A unique event, without parallel in history. ─── 历史上独一无二的事件

27、The brook runs parallel to the road. ─── 小溪的流向跟道路平行。

28、Alternative for blocks, used to measure thedepth of parallelism ofparts. ─── 可替代等高块,用于测量零件的平行度,成对供应。

29、Looking at the diagram, I notice that there is some scope for parallelism. ─── 在看图时,我注意到有些地方可以有并行性。

30、There is no converging point of two parallel lines. ─── 两条平行线是不会有交汇点的。

31、He does not care if the language is functional or not, as long as you can tell the compiler where it's OK to use parallelism. ─── 他不关心语言是不是函数性(functional)的,只要你能告诉编译器在哪儿能使用并行就可以了。

32、The parallel with Britain is plainly inexact. ─── 将法国同英国完全等同当然并不准确。

33、The parallelism in the classification of organisms and phytocoenoses is realized. ─── 人们已认识到生物分类和植物群落分类是平行的。

34、The procedure of converting serial data into parallel data. ─── 将串行数据转换为并行数据的过程或方法。

35、The path or one of the set of paths, parallel to the reference edge on a data medium, associated with a single reading or writing component as the data medium moves past the component. ─── 与数据媒体基准边并行的轨道或一组轨道中的一条,当数据媒体移动而经过单个读(或写)元件时,就与这种读(或写)元件相联系。

36、An eerie parallel seems to be at work. ─── 不堪的历史似乎即将重演。

37、People's attitude is suspicion of axiom of choice and axiom of parallelism. ─── 人们对平行公理和选择公理的态度都表现为:怀疑。

38、Concentric spheres are parallel. ─── 同心球面是平行的。

39、He first drew a series of parallel lines. ─── 他先画了好些平行的线。

40、The two opposite mirrors gave back hundreds of parallel images. ─── 两面对照的镜子反映出几百个相同的形象。

41、Will two parallel lines hand over to order? ─── 两条平行线会有交点吗?

42、Only set cost threshold for parallelism on symmetric multiprocessors. ─── 只能在对称多处理器系统上设置cost threshold for parallelism。

43、A plow equipped with several blades that make parallel furrows. ─── 多铧犁一种具有几个能翻平行垄的刀口的犁

44、The last thing we should do is make any parallelism between the murderers and their victims. ─── 我们最不应该做的一件事就是拿凶手和受害人相比较。

45、A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts. ─── 吊架一根从两根平行的绳子悬挂下来的水平的短棍,用于体育锻炼或杂技表演

46、Experiment including parallel control groups. ─── 实验包含平行对照组。

47、In multi-channel digital magnetic record/playback heads, the angle between the parallel lines measuring gap scatter and the nominal direction of tape motion over the head assembly. ─── 在多道数字记录/读出磁头中,测量间隙变化的平行线与磁带在磁头组合件上运动的标定方向之间的夹角。

48、Hills Road is parallel to Mill Road. ─── 希尔斯路和米尔路平行。

49、Power consumption (parallel): 100 mA (Max. ─── 功率消耗(并行):100毫安(最大值)

50、He insisted in an extremely agitated fashion on the absurdity of the parallel. ─── 他还是十分激动地坚决指出这种类比是荒谬的。

51、Negotiations for a peace went on in parallel with the war. ─── 和平谈判与战争同时进行。

52、To construct with such parallel horizontal beams. ─── 为 ... 架搁栅,为 ... 装托梁用平行水平横梁来构筑

53、That line is parallel to the lower line. ─── 与下面的平行。

54、This method is a parallel one in essence. ─── 从本质上看,这是一种并行算法。

55、Ann wanted to pursue her own career in parallel with her husband's. ─── 安想跟丈夫同时追求各自的事业。

56、Loosely, parallel processing. ─── 不严格地讲,并行处理(法)。

57、You do not have to go far to find a living parallel for these prehistoric organisms. ─── 你不必走远就可以找到与这些史前有机体相类似的生物。

58、A pair of forces of equal magnitude acting in parallel but opposite directions, capable of causing rotation but not translation. ─── 力偶具有相等磁性的两个力,平衡作用但反向,能导致旋转但不能造成平移

59、But now see wherein the parallel changes. ─── 但是,现在来看看这种类比在什么方面有所不同。

60、There are two kinds of venation, parallel and net. ─── 叶脉有两种:平行脉和网状脉。

61、Antitrust law does not forbid the conscious parallelism due to the oligopolistic interdependence among the enterprises. ─── 反垄断法并不禁止寡占企业基于寡占的相互依赖性而采取的有意识的平行行为;

62、Beijing Puretrix Parallel Computing Co., Ltd. ─── 北京清源并行计算机有限公司。

63、His prudence is parallel to his zeal. ─── 他固然谨慎,也同样热心。

64、The quality or condition of being parallel. ─── 平行性处于平行的性质或状态。

65、Use consistent visual symbols on parallel command vectors. ─── 在相同的命令向量中使用相同的视觉符号。

66、He drew a series of parallel lines. ─── 他画了一组平行线。

67、Do not attempt to connect the speakers in parallel. ─── 不要企图并联扬声器。

68、She and her friends have parallel likes and dislikes. ─── 她和她的朋友喜恶相同。

69、The gymnast swung on the parallel bars. ─── 体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。

70、Shift a road and a railway that run parallel. ─── 平行延伸的公路和铁路。

71、What is the key element in a parallel bars routine? ─── 双杠成套动作的关键成分是什么?

72、A usually high-speed ski turn used for changing the direction of descent or stopping, performed by shifting the weight forward and turning with the skis kept parallel. ─── 作制动转弯在转变下滑方向或停止时的高速滑雪旋转,通过向前转移重量并平行地旋转滑雪板来完成

73、No one can parallel him in swimming. ─── 在游泳方面无人能与他匹敌。

74、Concentric circles are parallel. ─── 同心圆是平行的。

75、Finally some implications and suggestions to teaching of the concept of function are given in terms of the historical parallelism. ─── 文章的最后从“历史相似性”的角度对函数的教学提出了一些建议。

76、Hocks are parallel when viewed from the rear. ─── 从后面看跗骨平行。

77、I think he exaggerates the parallelism between the two cases. ─── 我认为他夸大了两件事的相似之处。

78、The parallel test of generators. ─── 主发电机并电试验。

79、There has been a good deal of cheerleading and smoke-blowing about these two approaches to massive data parallelism in recent months. ─── 对于这两种并行处理海量数据的方法,近几个月已经有着不少吹鼓和交锋。

80、Serial or Parallel Remote Control. ─── 串行或并行遥控操作。

81、A contrasting but parallel element, item, or theme. ─── 对照物对比平行的成分、项目或主题

82、Sometimes resistances are installed in parallel . ─── 但有时阻力为并联布置。

83、No one can parallel him in Math. ─── 在数学方面无人能与他匹敌。

84、His experiences parallel mine in many instances. ─── 他的经历在许多地方与我的差不多。

85、He proved the existence of parallel lines. ─── 他证明了平行线的存在性。

86、A related phenomenon is evolutionary parallelism. ─── 另一个有关的现象是进化上的并行现象。

87、The number of data partitions is equal to the number of process copies, and is referred to as the degree of parallelism. ─── 数据分区的数量等于流程副本的数量,称为平行度(degreeofparallelism)。

88、A fast sailboat with three parallel hulls. ─── 三体船一种有三个平行的船身的,速度快的帆船

89、A road and a railway that run parallel. ─── 平行延伸的公路和铁路

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