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trigonometric 发音

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trigonometric 中文意思翻译



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adj. [数] 三角法的;三角学的

trigonometric 短语词组

1、trigonometric derivative ─── 三角导数

2、trigonometric addition formula ─── 三角加法公式

3、trigonometric subroutine ─── [计] 三角子程序

4、trigonometric values table ─── 三角值表

5、trigonometric identity ─── 三角恒等式

6、trigonometric polynomial ─── [数]三角多项式

7、trigonometric ratio ─── [数]三角比

8、trigonometric function ─── [计] 三角函数

9、trigonometric functions n. ─── 三角函数

10、trigonometric integrals ─── 三角积分

11、trigonometric ratios ─── [数]三角比

12、trigonometric regression ─── 三角回归

13、trigonometric calculator ─── 三角计算器

14、trigonometric identities ─── [数]三角恒等式

15、trigonometric series ─── 三角级数

16、trigonometric expression ─── 三角式

17、inverse trigonometric function ─── [计] 反传递函数

18、trigonometric equation ─── 三角方程

19、trigonometric integral ─── 三角积分

trigonometric 相似词语短语

1、trigonometers ─── n.三角测量者;三角法学者;直角三角计

2、trigonometry ─── n.三角学

3、tonometric ─── 张力测量的;压力测量的

4、tromometric ─── 转子测量

5、trigonometries ─── n.三角学

6、axonometric ─── adj.轴测法的;[数]三向投影的

7、trigonometer ─── n.三角测量者;三角法学者;直角三角计

8、trigonometrically ─── 用三角学方法

9、trigonometrical ─── adj.[数]三角法的;三角学的

trigonometric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the rational formula of trigonometric function ─── 三角函数有理式

2、Keywords EDM Trigonometric level Atmospheric refraction; ─── 光电测距;三角高程;大气折光;

3、Main curve may appear as parabola, ellipse, cubic polynomial, and trigonometric curves.Profiles with different main curve are compared one another at the same dimensions. ─── 以抛物线、椭圆、三次曲线以及三角函数为例的研究表明,三次曲线构成的气缸型线具有最大的吸气容积而内容积比最小,适用于大排气量低压比的机器;

4、theory of trigonometric series ─── 三角级数论

5、trigonometric function algorithm ─── 三角函数法

6、trigonometric function system ─── 三角函数系

7、Algebraic trigonometric blending polynomial ─── 代数三角混合多项式

8、Illustrating Solving Trigonometric Functional Problems with Equation Thought ─── 例谈利用方程思想解三角函数题

9、On the Combinational Double Trigonometric Interpolation Polynomial of Amendment ─── 修正的组合型二元三角插值多项式

10、cubic trigonometric polynomial spline curve ─── 三次三角多项式样条曲线

11、trigonometric moment problem ─── 三角矩问题

12、The branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them, particularly the trigonometric functions. ─── 三角学数学的分支研究三角形边、角关系以及在此基础上的计算,尤其是三角函数

13、Analogous to the quadratic B-spline curves,each trigonometric polynomial curve segment is generated by three consecutive control points. ─── 与二次B样条曲线类似,曲线的每一段由相继的三个控制顶点生成;

14、This general solution consists of either the combinations of trigonometric and hyperbolic functions,or algebraic polynomials. ─── 一般解包括三角函数和双曲线函数组成的解,还有代数多项式解。

15、trigonometric parametric curves ─── 三角参数曲线

16、The branch of mathematics that deals with the relationships between the sides and the angles of triangles and the calculations based on them,particularly the trigonometric functions. ─── 三角学数学的分支研究三角形边、角关系以及在此基础上的计算,尤其是三角函数。

17、Some properties of the fundamental interpolation function of trigonometric polynomial are discussed. ─── 讨论了三角多项式内插基函数的若干性质。

18、The trigonometric functions are defined for right triangles. ─── 三角函数是对直角三角形定义的。

19、trigonometric fuction interpolation ─── 三角函数插值

20、trigonometric approximation polynomial ─── 三角近似多项式

21、trigonometric function preference ─── 三角函数偏好

22、trigonometric polynomial curve ─── 三角多项式曲线

23、Research on Curves and Surfaces Modeling of Trigonometric Polynomial in CAGD ─── CAGD中三角多项式曲线曲面造型的研究

24、Use the influence of the circumstance to the kitchen to prove the kitchen is decorated, it is to use so called job normally trigonometric will discuss. ─── 为了证实厨房布置对厨房使用情况的影响,通常是利用所谓的工作三角法来讨论。

25、bivariate trigonometric interpolation ─── 二元三角插值


27、A class of quadratic trigonometric polynomial curves with a shape parameter ─── 一类具有形状参数的二次三角多项式曲线

28、trigonometric definite integral ─── 三角定积分

29、exact solution of trigonometric function ─── 三角函数解

30、trigonometric function combination ─── 三角函数组合

31、logarithmic trigonometric function ─── 三角函数对数

32、simplification of trigonometric expressions ─── 三角函数化简

33、The Proof of Two Trigonometric Identity ─── 两个三角恒等式的证明

34、No need to dive right into memorizing geometric proofs and trigonometric identities. ─── 不必去专研记住几何上的证明和三角恒等式。

35、Improvement of an Even Trigonometric Interpolation Polynomial ─── 一个偶三角插值多项式的改进

36、The diagram of shearing force is formulated by trigonometric series and used to determine the coefficients in above expansions. ─── 剪力图是由三角级数表示的,并用于决定上述本征函数展开式的待定系数。

37、When completed river crossing leveling by means of trigonometric leveling with distance measurement, there are two types of observed values. ─── 采用测距三角高程法进行跨河水准测量,可以不量取仪器高,但观测值中有两类不同的观测量。


39、Lagrange trigonometric polynomial interpolation ─── Lagrange三角多项式插值

40、familty of trigonometric polynomial ─── 三角多项式类

41、trigonometric polynomial operator ─── 三角多项式算子

42、We might prefer to stick to trigonometric functions. ─── 我们可能宁愿拘泥于使用三角函数。

43、Check this button to use radian mode to measure angles. This is important for trigonometric functions only. ─── 20选中此按钮可使用弧度模式度量角度。这只对三角函数非常重要。

44、Inverse trigonometric (asin, acos, atan, atan2, acot, asec, acsc). ─── 反三角函数(asin、acos、atan、atan 2、acot、asec、acsc)。

45、trigonometric interpolation polynomial ─── 三角插值多项式

46、Keywords total station;ranging traverse;trigonometric leveling; ─── 全站仪;测距导线;三角高程测量;

47、On the super bound of partial sum of a trigonometric series ─── 关于一个三角级数的部分和的上界

48、trigonometric spine function ─── 三角样条函数

49、Equivalent Infinitesimal in Trigonometric Functions ─── 三角函数的等价无穷小

50、Application of Trigonometric Function in Numerical Control Programme Manually ─── 三角函数在数控手工编程中的应用

51、A dedicated processor that unburdens the central microcomputer by quickly performing such functions as arithmetic, logarithmic, trigonometric, fast Fourier transform, and floating - point calculations. ─── 一种专用处理器,能快速完成下列操作:算术运算、对数运算、三角函数计算、快速傅里叶变换以及浮点运算,从而减轻了中央微计算机的负担。

52、Construction of trigonometric polynomial curves in CAGD and its application ─── CAGD中三角多项式曲线的构造及其应用

53、trigonometric fourier series ─── 三角傅里叶级数

54、Some Simple Uses for Trigonometric Functions. ─── 三角函数一些简单的应用。

55、Calculation Error Analysis of Trigonometric Function in Servo Control Softwave ─── 伺服控制软件中三角函数值的计算误差分析

56、trigonometric ray-trace method ─── 三角光线追迹法

57、Approximation by product of bivariate trigonometric interpolation polynomials ─── 二元乘积型三角插值多项式的逼近

58、2.Exponential and trigonometric Functions: read Chapter 2 and do exercises. ─── 2. 指数和三角函数:阅读第二章以及做练习题。

59、Talking about Earth-Curvature Correction in Trigonometric Leveling ─── 也谈三角高程测量中地球曲率的改正

60、trigonometric function forecast method ─── 三角函数预测法

61、On the EDM Trigonometric Levelling and Its Data Analysis ─── EDM三角高程测量的试验研究与数据分析

62、trigonometric function expansion ─── 三角函数展开法

63、The expression for g can be rewritten in terms of trigonometric sines and cosines. ─── 关于g的表达式可以重写成三角函数的正弦和余弦形式。

64、the mathematics of triangles and trigonometric functions. ─── 三角形与三角函数的数学。

65、trigonometric leveling method ─── 三角高程测量法

66、A trigonometric method of determining the position of a fixed point from the angles to it from two fixed points a known distance apart; useful in navigation. ─── 从两个定点到一个定点的角度测量该定点位置的一个三角学方法;用于导航。

67、adjustment of trigonometric leveling nekwork ─── 三角高程网平差

68、Provides constants and static methods for trigonometric, logarithmic, and other common mathematical functions. ─── 为三角函数、对数函数和其他通用数学函数提供常数和静态方法。

69、algebraic trigonometric hyperbolic Bézier basis ─── 代数双曲三角Bézier基

70、That would be a nice viewport for trigonometric graphics like sins or cosines. ─── 这对于三角图形(例如sin和cosine)来说是很好的一个viewport。

71、method of trigonometric interpolation ─── 三角插值法

72、cubic trigonometric Bézier curve (CT-Bézier curve) ─── 三次三角Bézier曲线(CT-Bézier曲线)

73、Our model proposed trigonometric function method which simplifies the previous model and is suitable for variable temperatures. ─── 我们提出的三角函数模型简化了先前的多项式模型且可适用于不同的温度。

74、trigonometric activation function ─── 三角正交基函数

75、table of trigonometric function ─── 三角函数表

76、orthogonality of trigonometric function ─── 三角函数的正交性

77、Unfortunately, the solution still included a complicated set of sums of algebraic series involving tricky powers of trigonometric functions. ─── 不幸的是,这一方法仍然包含了一系列复杂的代数计算,还涉及了复杂得三角函数。

78、A Remark on the Uniform Convergence of Certain Trigonometric Series ─── 一类三角级数一致收敛性的一个注记

79、Middle method trigonometric leveling ─── 中间法三角高程测量

80、Returns the trigonometric sine of the specified angle, in radians, and in an approximate numeric, float, expression. ─── 以近似数字(float)表达式返回指定角度(以弧度为单位)的三角正弦值。

81、quadratic trigonometric Bézier curve ( QT-Bézier curve) ─── 二次三角Bézier曲线

82、trigonometric leveling measure ─── 三角高程测量

83、trigonometric polynomial function ─── 三角函数多项式

84、The displacement of rectangular thin plate is assumed as consisting of trigonometric series which includes awaiting coefficients and meets partly boundary conditions. ─── 假定矩形薄板的挠度由包含待定系数、部分满足边界条件的重三角级数构成。

85、Model CR118 has a Fraction to Decimal Conversion Chart and Trigonometric Ratio Equations etched on the front side. ─── CR118 模型的正面刻有一个分数到十进制的转换图和三角比公式。

86、trigonometric spline wavelet ─── 三角样条小波

87、Application of Trigonometric Leveling in Hilly Country Highway Building ─── 三角高程测量在山区公路建设中的应用

88、Is a mathematical function that returns the trigonometric cosine of the specified angle, in radians, in the specified expression. ─── 一个数学函数,返回指定表达式中以弧度表示的指定角的三角余弦。

89、Trigonometric functions use radian mode for angles. ─── 三角函数的角度使用弧度模式。

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