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09-09 投稿



Hesperian 发音

英:[he?sp?ri?n]  美:[he?sp??ri?n]

英:  美:

Hesperian 中文意思翻译




Hesperian 相似词语短语

1、Hesperidean ─── 周

2、Websterian ─── adj.韦氏的

3、hesperidin ─── n.橘皮苷,橙皮素

4、Hesperidian ─── 橙皮

5、hesperid ─── 弄蝶

6、Hesperians ─── 西方人的

7、hesperids ─── 赫斯佩里兹

8、Hesperia ─── n.西方之国(古希腊诗人以此称意大利,而古罗马诗人则以此称西班牙);弄蝶

9、Hesperian ─── adj.西方国家的;西方的;n.西方人

Hesperian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Chinese and Hesperian aesthetics consideration,examination and answer of "what is beauty" can be divided into two kinds of methods:Depiction and description. ─── 中西美学五彩缤纷的“美是什么”的思考、追问与回答,可分为两种方式:叙述与描述。

2、hesperian culture ─── 西方文化

3、Transplacement of the 20th Century Hesperian Democracy and Its Apocalypse ─── 20世纪西方民主的转型及其启示

4、" this shows, hesperian is right at that time the endearment of Chinese antique furniture degree. ─── 由此可见,当时西方人对中国古董家具的钟爱程度。

5、Chinese and Hesperian aesthetics ─── 中西美学

6、Part III clarifies the practice of mezzanine finance in the Hesperian finance, finance mode and actualize effect about mezzanine finance. ─── 第三部分简要介绍西方夹层融资的实践,夹层融资的几种融资方式和西方实施融资效果;

7、Many Hesperian economists made a lot of researches on this phenomenon and gave answers from different angles. ─── 许多西方学者对这一现象展开了大量研究,从不同的角度给予了解释。

8、Color red is the first selection of Oriental bride; White is the color that Hesperian likes. ─── 颜色红色是东方新娘的首选;白色是西方人喜爱的颜色。

9、Hesperian prefers to spread a carpet between sitting room and dining-room, make a room vivid and red-blooded. ─── 西方人更喜欢在客厅与餐厅之间铺块地毯,让房间生动而布满活力。

10、the system of Hesperian civil servant ─── 西方文官制度

11、The newly discovered lake is believed to date from the Hesperian era and postdates the end of the warm and wet period on Mars by 300 million years, according to the study. ─── 该研究表明,最新发现的这一湖泊是在赫斯伯利亚纪时期形成的,比火星温暖湿润季的结束还晚3亿年。

12、occidental civilization; Hesperian culture. ─── 西方文明;西方文化。

13、Hesperian prefers to spread a carpet between sitting room and dining-room, make a room vivid and red-blooded. ─── 西方人更喜欢在客厅与餐厅之间铺块地毯,让房间生动而布满活力。

14、White is the color that Hesperian likes. ─── 白色是西方人喜爱的颜色。

15、This conclusion is like ibid paragraph time says Hesperian in an article " foolish " , the argument of Chinese " astute " is euqally simple and cursory. ─── 这个结论就如同前段时间一篇文章里说西方人“傻”,中国人"精明"的论点一样简单草率。

16、Hesperian realizes the effect of latter-day industry edge tool early. ─── 西方人比我们更早地熟悉到近代工业利器的作用。

17、Comparative Analysis on Chinese and Hesperian Electronic Book Systems ─── 中西文电子图书系统比较分析

18、Color red is the first selection of Oriental bride; White is the color that Hesperian likes. ─── 颜色红色是东方新娘的首选;白色是西方人喜爱的颜色。

19、Additionally the Hesperian started to push out overseas Chinese and unemployed overseas Chinese repatriated in succession thereupon the domestic unemployment position worsen all. ─── 加之西方国家掀起了排华运动,失业华侨纷纷回国,国内失业形势更加恶化。

20、At present, there is an unquiet undercurrent in most of America newspaperdoms, even a majorityof Hesperian newspaperdoms. ─── 在目前的美国新闻界乃至大多数西方国家的新闻界里,都涌动着一股不平静的暗流。

21、It is the proper way to use the Hesperian experience for reference, and combine it with our practice. ─── (4)借鉴外国的相关立法经验,并与我国实践相结合是我国立法改革的方向。

22、But the University of Colorado team says the lake formed during the Hesperian epoch, postdating the end of the warm and wet period on Mars by 300million years. ─── 但科罗拉多大学研究小组称,湖泊形成于西方纪,是火星上温暖潮湿气候结束后形成的。

23、The bases of the carbohydrate in Hesperian food is starch and cane sugar, and bases of the carbohydrate in the food of our country is amylaceous. ─── 西方人饮食中碳水化合物的主要成分是淀粉和蔗糖,而我国的饮食中碳水化合物主要成分是淀粉。

24、This paper studies the tradition of Modern Poem in a new aesthetic category, which is different from that of Classical or Hesperian poems. ─── 本论文有意避开新诗与古典和西方之间的复杂关系,从“新的审美空间”这个角度寻求新诗本身的传统。

25、Look in Hesperian, god gives the world light, and supervising everything worldly, all living things is live below the eyelid in god. ─── 在西方人看来,上帝给予世界光明,并且监督着世间的一切,芸芸众生都是在上帝的眼皮底下生活。

26、Therefore, the theories and methods used by the Hesperian scholars, and their conclusions and explanations have an unshakable position. ─── 所以,长期以来在这一领域中西方学者所研究的理论方法,所做出的结论释读一直占据不可动摇的地位。

27、Metropolitanization is the senior phase of urbanization in the Hesperian developed countries. ─── 大都市区化是当前西方发达国家城市化发展的高级阶段。

28、On Prejudication of the Speech Ways of "Beauty" in Chinese and Hesperian Aesthetics ─── 论中西美学"美"的言说方式的先在预设

29、The fourth part resurveys the Hesperian state theories in contemporary era, endeavoring to find a practical road of the state"s development from the animadverts on Nationalism and Economism. ─── 第四部分结合马克思的国家观重新审视当代西方的国家理论,在对‘国家主义”和“经济主义”的批判中寻求一条国家发展的现实道路。

30、It is composed of six parts, that is, 1.economic transition and importing of Hesperian educational modes. ─── 分为六个小段,分别是:1、经济转型期与西方教学模式的输入;

31、Look in Hesperian , god gives the world light, and supervising everything worldly, all living things is live below the eyelid in god. ─── 在西方人看来,上帝给予世界光明,并且监督着世间的一切,芸芸众生都是在上帝的眼皮底下生活。

32、There are religious belief and the share that the move that suffer a pain will come restrain in Hesperian behavior, the standard that China interacts morely however by the society will restrain. ─── 在西方人行为中有宗教信仰及负罪感来约束的部分,中国却更多地由社会交往的规范来约束。

33、Two host, one is the Hesperian that long-term job is in China, loving China while the happiness that filling pair of home town lives again is sentimentally attached to; ─── 两位主人,一位是长期工作在中国的西方人,钟情中国的同时又布满着对家乡生活的美好眷恋;

34、Many Hesperian economists made a lot of researches on this phenomenon and gave answers from different angles. ─── 许多西方学者对这一现象展开了大量研究,从不同的角度给予了解释。

35、The Difference Between Contemporarily Chinese Architecture Image and Hesperian Perspective ─── 当代中国建筑图像与西方透视图像的差异

36、Assessment on Thoughts of Contemporary Hesperian Culture ─── 当代西方文化思潮评析

37、Therefore, the theories and methods used by the Hesperian scholars, and their conclusions and explanations have an unshakable position. ─── 所以,长期以来在这一领域中西方学者所研究的理论方法,所做出的结论释读一直占据不可动摇的地位。 在我国,学者对这一领域的研究相当缺乏。

38、Photo for USA and England bomb Iraq! Is this hesperian human rights? This is genuine death! ─── 美国、英国轰炸伊拉克的照片!这就是西方的民主吗?这是真正的屠杀!

39、He says, a lot of him Hesperian admit, they do not understand China. ─── 他说,很多西方人自己都承认,他们不了解中国。

40、Chinese and Hesperian aesthetics consideration, examination and answer of "what is beauty" can be divided into two kinds of methods:Depiction and description. ─── 中西美学五彩缤纷的“美是什么”的思考、追问与回答,可分为两种方式:叙述与描述。叙述是对“美是什么”的回答,描述是对“美在哪里”的回答。

41、Fled over Adria to th'Hesperian Fields ─── 亚地里亚;西方的

42、The professionalism of civil official is one of the foci and the most prominent features of Hesperian civil servant system. ─── 文官职业化是西方文官制度建立的最显著的特征之一,也是这一制度的最核心的内容之一。

43、In the Napoleon that he is China in Hesperian eye. ─── 在西方人眼里他是中国的拿破仑。

44、This shows, hesperian values inner tie, and the Chinese values exterior tie. ─── 由此可见,西方人重视内心约束,而中国人重视外部约束。

45、That times, rich Hesperian thinks China is adornment palace a person of extraordinary powers curtilage costly article supplies a source, be eager to spreading out communication of Chinese and Western. ─── 那个时代,富裕的西方人认为中国是装饰宫廷豪宅的奢华物品供给源,急于展开中西交流。

46、Hesperian regards her as the porcelain child that a person sees square sweep the deck of person love, thing, chinese brethren regards her as a piece of calling card that Oriental is in Hollywood. ─── 西方人把她看成是一个人见人爱、东西方通吃的瓷娃娃,中国同胞则把她看成是东方人在好莱坞的一张名片。

47、OVM, in Hesperian eye, the pride of indicative the Chinese nation. ─── OVM,在西方人眼里,象征着中华民族的骄傲。

48、ABSTRACT: Metropolitanization is the senior phase of urbanization in the Hesperian developed countries. ─── 摘要:大都市区化是当前西方发达国家城市化发展的高级阶段。

49、They are taking the measure of Hesperian, the genital of husband of measure coming home, how do you say the result is met? ─── 她们拿着西方人的尺度,回家丈量丈夫的生殖器,你说结果会怎么样?

50、It is the shellfish that only can eat raw in the eye of Hesperian. ─── 它在西方人的眼中是惟一能够生吃的贝类。

51、But Zhang Zhifeng thinks, chinese cannot blindly follow sb at Hesperian follow, the fashion colour that takes in wedding wanders in black, white, dichromatic on. ─── 但张志峰认为,中国人不能亦步亦趋于西方人后尘,在婚礼服的流行色徘徊在黑、白、两色上。

52、Is this hesperian human rights? ─── 这就是西方的民主吗?

53、Comparison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values ─── 中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观

54、In the eye shot of Hesperian, he is half dictator. ─── 在西方人的视野里,他是半个独裁者。

55、This paper focuses CPA industry on systemic views.Then, some reformational design is put forward on the comparative research in CPA industry management system and Hesperian experience. ─── 本文试图用系统论的观点和方法认识注册会计师行业,对我国的注册会计师的管理制度提出一些改革的设想。

56、It is an important work about the nineteenth century’s Hesperian depictive linguistics and comparative linguistics combining with the research of Beijing Mandarin. ─── 是十九世纪西方描写语言学和比较语言学同北京话研究相结合的作品。

57、On the Inspiration of the Hesperian Human Spirit and Legal religion to the Way of Chinese law ─── 西方人文精神及法治信仰对我国法治之路的启示

58、To use the contrastive way, author conclude the similarities and differences of "intuition" between with Chinese and Hesperian art. ─── 运用中西比较的方法,归纳出中西方对“直觉”思维方式看法的相同点与不同点。

59、Ask: Oriental and Hesperian photograph are compared, oriental talks about sexual life very bashful, do excuse me you feel Oriental how is ability freer, opener talk about sexual life? ─── 问:东方人与西方人相比,东方人谈论性生活很羞涩,请问您觉得东方人怎么才能更自由、更开放谈论性生活?

60、The Official Professionalization was important part of the Hesperian official system, and it contributes to the matured political system and the improved administration of the capitalistic country. ─── 公务员职业化是西方国家公务员制度的重要内容之一,对于资本主义国家政治制度的成熟和行政管理水平的提高有着重大的贡献。

61、What why the nose of Hesperian compares Oriental is tall? ─── 西方人的鼻子为什么比东方人的高?

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