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09-09 投稿



drouth 发音

英:[[dra?θ]]  美:[[dra?θ]]

英:  美:

drouth 中文意思翻译



drouth 短语词组

1、drouth bandcamp ─── 德鲁思·班 ─── 德坎普

drouth 相似词语短语

1、Youth ─── 《芳华》(电影名)

2、South ─── n.南;(罗盘的)南方;adj.位于南方的;(风)来自南方的;南部居民的;adv.向南,朝南;v.朝南移动;(天体)穿过子午线;n.(South)(美)苏(人名)

3、drouths ─── n.久旱(等于drought);n.(Drouth)人名;(法)德鲁特

4、Louth ─── n.劳斯郡(爱尔兰地名)

5、drouthy ─── adj.干燥的,干旱的;干渴的

6、drymouth ─── 口干

7、routh ─── n.丰盛,丰富;n.(Routh)人名;(英)劳思

8、-mouth ─── n.口,嘴;河口;vt.做作地说,装腔作势地说;喃喃地说出;vi.装腔作势说话

9、drought ─── n.干旱;缺乏;n.(Drought)人名;(英)德劳特

drouth 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I knew you in the wilderness, In the land of great drought. ─── 5我曾在旷野极其干旱之地认识你。

2、They are waging warfare with drought. ─── 他们正同干旱作斗争。

3、Week after week the drought continued. ─── 乾旱持续了许多星期。

4、For example, Australia, a major wheat exporter, faces a drought. ─── 例如,主要小麦出口国澳大利亚正面临干旱。

5、In times of drought, the members of the tribe would consult the medicine man in the belief he could make it rain. ─── 在干旱季节,那些部落的人们总是请来巫师,相信他会使老天赐雨。

6、The scarcity of fruits was caused by the drought. ─── 不易解决的还有水果缺乏。

7、The leaves languished in the drought. ─── 天旱使树叶枯萎。

8、A continuous drought is threatening the crops. ─── 10庄稼正遭受持续干旱天气的威胁。

9、The long drought dried up all the wells in the village. ─── 久旱使村中所有的水井都干涸了。

10、Famine is not the only backwash of drought in Africa. ─── 在非洲,饥荒并非干旱带来的唯一后果。

11、Some places had a serious drought this sping. ─── 今年春天有些地区有严重干旱。

12、Eight million people joined in the battle against drought. ─── 800万人参加了抗旱战斗。

13、The soil cracked from the drought. ─── 土壤干裂了。

14、They put up a tenacious fight against the drought. ─── 他们同干旱进行了顽强的斗争。

15、The water supply failed during the drought. ─── 在干旱期供水不足

16、The crops survived the drought. ─── 大旱之后,这些作物还是活下来了。

17、A great swell of drouth will devour us till the last person. ─── 久旱的巨浪会将我们吞噬至最后一人。

18、Seasonable rain fell after a long drought. ─── 久旱逢甘霖。

19、Drought has caused famine in Africa. ─── 乾旱在非洲造成了饥荒。

20、They are preparing against a drought. ─── 他们正准备抗旱。

21、The crops died as a result of drought. ─── 因为干旱,农作物都枯死了。

22、Severe drought has afflicted the countryside. ─── 严重的干旱使乡村深受其害。

23、A physiological study on lespedeza in drought and salt stresses. ─── 几种胡枝子的旱盐逆境生理学研究。

24、The long drought was followed by months of famine. ─── 久旱之後出现长达数月的 荒.

25、The soil is cracking up because of the drought. ─── 土地因干旱而正在龟裂。

26、Of that dense drouth, those warm and heavy odors, that piercing fragrance, he alone was aware. ─── 那浓郁的赤旱之气里的浓烈的热臭与刺鼻的芳香,只有他一人能感觉到。

27、They can end a drought and refill lakes and water reservoirs. ─── 它们可终结旱象、为湖泊与水库补充蓄水量。

28、A saturating rain was expected to end the drought. ─── 只盼下场透雨,解除旱情。

29、People are busy with fighting against drought. ─── 人们忙着抗旱。

30、But probably not enough to end the severe drought. ─── 但这或许还不足以解决当地严重的旱灾。

31、The ground cracked after a long drought. ─── 天旱地坼。

32、For a long time we had a drought of good writings. ─── 在一段时期内我们缺乏好作品。

33、The long drought famished many people. ─── 久旱使很多人陷入饥饿。

34、Rationing water during the drought. ─── 在干旱时期定量供应水

35、The water-table has been lowered by drought. ─── 地下水位因干旱已降低。

36、Water allotments to farmers were cut back in the drought. ─── 在干旱时期配给农民的水量减少。

37、The drought caused crop failure. ─── 乾旱造成农作物歉收。

38、They go to sionia to see how the drought affected life there. ─── 他们到索亚看看干旱如何影响那儿的生活。

39、Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield. ─── 因为长时间的干旱,农民们对于好收成的前景是怀疑的。

40、The reservoir was low after the long drought. ─── 久旱之后水库的水位下降了。

41、Owing to the drought, crops are short. ─── 因干旱,谷物欠收。

42、They had to contend against drought. ─── 他们必须跟干旱作斗争。

43、Experts believe that the drought will be extensive. ─── 专家们认为干旱的波及面会很广。

44、Research progress in agricultural drought index[J]. ─── (农业干旱指标研究与进展)

45、The land is in a state of drought. ─── 土地干旱。

46、The reservoir was very low after the long drought. ─── 久旱之後水库的水位很低了。

47、They made a detailed plan to fight the drought. ─── 他们制定了一个详细的抗旱计划。

48、We have not enough food to eat because of the drought. ─── 因为旱灾,我们没有足够的食物可吃。

49、The peasants are protecting the sprouts against drought. ─── 农民们正在抗旱保苗。

50、Last year Guangzhou was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. ─── 去年广州遭受60年不遇的最大旱灾。

51、Fresh vegetables were scarce during the drought. ─── 在干旱期间新鲜蔬菜短缺

52、The voice I heard , like spring that swept my heart's drouth. ─── 那钟声像泉水浇灌我的心灵。

53、The drought left the lawn with only a few tufts of grass. ─── 久旱无雨,草坪上只剩下了几小片草了。

54、I cared for you in the wilderness, In the land of drought. ─── 何13:5我曾在旷野乾旱之地认识你。

55、Chinese military tackles drought crisis. ─── 中国军队处理干旱危机.

56、The long drought scorched the grass. ─── 久旱使青草枯萎。

57、During the drought some households had their water supply cut off. ─── 在干旱期间有些住户的自来水供应被中断。

58、The drought withered the leaves. ─── 乾旱使叶子枯萎了。

59、The river ran dry (ie stopped flowing) during the drought. ─── 大旱期间这条河都干了。

60、Last year Canton was visited by the worst drought in 60 years. ─── 去年,广州遭到六十年未遇的严重旱灾。

61、Africa was not alone in the global drought. ─── 全世界,并不只有非洲遭受了这样的一种干旱枯竭。

62、The drought had worsened their chances of survival. ─── 出现乾旱後他们就更难活命了.

63、The water is turn off for several hour a day during the drought. ─── 在乾旱时, 每天有几小时停止供应自来水。

64、The northern part is suffering from drought. ─── 北部地区发生旱情。

65、Soon afterward drought set in. ─── 不久之后又发生了干早。

66、They went all out to combat the drought. ─── 他们全力以赴和干旱作斗争。

67、A recent drought caught the government flat-footed. ─── 不久前的旱灾让政府窘态百出,束手无策。

68、If the drought continues there's going to be a famine. ─── 如果旱灾继续下去很可能要发生饥荒。

69、They were ready to overcome the drought by sinking more wells. ─── 他们准备打更多的井来克服干旱。

70、He drought along a file of document to back up his claim . ─── 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。

71、Heavy rains in March alleviate the drought conditions. ─── 三月的大雨减轻了干旱的情形。

72、The farmers tried their best to contend against the drought. ─── 农民们竭尽所能地与干旱作斗争。

73、We had a bit of a drought last summer thanks to the heat-wave. ─── 去年夏天,由于酷暑我们遭受了轻微的旱情。

74、Guatemala Gripped by Severe Drought. ─── 危地马拉遭遇严重旱灾。

75、Heliophiles, drought and poorness tolerant. ─── 喜光,耐干旱瘠薄,适应性极强。

76、Drought and famine stalked the land. ─── 乾旱和饥荒肆虐这片土地。

77、We all came off very well in the struggle against drought. ─── 在抗旱斗争中我们大家都表现得很好。

78、Fresh vegetables were scarceduring the drought. ─── 在干旱期间新鲜蔬菜短缺。

79、Like flowers well watered after a long drouth. ─── 如久旱的花朵浇得淋漓酣畅。

80、The water supply for the town failed after a long drought. ─── 对镇上的水的供应经过一场长时间的大旱后不足了。

81、There is a recordation of this drought in the local chronicles. ─── 地方志中有关于这次旱灾的记载。

82、Raining they fear flood, sunning they fear drought. ─── 下雨担心洪水,出太阳担心干旱。

83、The land ploughs hard after the drought. ─── 大旱之后土地难耕。

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