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09-09 投稿


bourn 发音

[b??n; b??n]

英:  美:

bourn 中文意思翻译



bourn 网络释义

n. 界限;小溪;目的地n. (Bourn)人名;(法)布恩;(瑞典)博恩

bourn 短语词组

1、bourn trucking ─── 伯恩卡车运输

2、bourn cos ─── 伯恩公司

3、bourn dr ─── 博士

4、bourn jana ─── 伯恩贾纳

5、jason bourn ─── 杰森·伯恩

bourn 词性/词形变化,bourn变形

形容词: Burgundian |异体字: Bourgogne |

bourn 相似词语短语

1、bourne ─── n.小溪;目的地;边界;n.(Bourne)人名;(英)伯恩;(西)博尔内

2、bourns ─── n.柏恩斯(美国公司名)

3、burn ─── vt.燃烧;烧毁,灼伤;激起……的愤怒;vi.燃烧;烧毁;发热;n.灼伤,烧伤;烙印;n.(Burn)(英)伯恩(人名)

4、bourd ─── n.玩耍

5、ourn ─── pron.我们的(等于ours)

6、mourn ─── v.哀悼;忧伤;服丧

7、boun ─── adj.准备好的;v.准备;穿着;n.(Boun)(美、法、加)奔(人名)

8、bourg ─── n.村镇;有城堡的村镇;n.(Bourg)人名;(法)布尔格

9、born ─── v.出生;出现(bear的过去分词);adj.天生的;出生的;天赋的;创造的;n.(Born)(美、德、爱、英、丹)博恩(人名)

bourn 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"yes. but the beach is stony. You cannot beat Bourn mouth for sandy beach. " ─── 是的,但是海滨石头多。找不出任何一个地方的海滨沙滩能赛过渤恩慕的。

2、A Research into the Bourn between the Behavioral Offence and Potential Damage Offence ─── 行为犯与危险犯之界限探析

3、And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn ─── 篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中

4、On the Art Bourn of Trope Beauty of Prose ─── 论散文辞意美的艺术审美境界

5、Culture is a faith, a penetration, a bourn, a heritage. ─── 文化是一种理念,是一种渗透,是一种境界,是一种传承。

6、This is a bourn, a bourn of learning English, if someone can enter into this bourn, i am sure learning English well for him is just a piece of cake. ─── 运用一切感官学习英语。你必须听英语、说英语、触摸英语、闻英语,还要尝尝英语的味道。用心去感受英语。让自己沉浸在这门语言当中。学会用英语思考。

7、It is the truest life scene and the best life civilization where life bourn is rested. ─── 生活情景至真,生活文明至善。人生境界止于此。

8、Everyone is pursuing success and wealth more or less in their life, what kind of bourn could this be? ─── 生活中的每个人可能都在或多或少的追求着成功和富裕,而这究竟是怎样的一种境界呢?

9、Keywords Non-pillar Sublevel caving The height of digging rock The bourn of digging rock; ─── 无底柱;分段崩落法;开岩高度;开岩界限;

10、Culture is a faith, a penetration, a bourn, a heritage, a piece of matting, a keen sword, a clarion, a banner, a resource and a landscape. ─── 摘要文化是一种理念,是一种渗透,是一种境界,是一种传承,是一种铺垫,是一把利剑,是一把号角,是一面旗帜,是一种资源,是一道风景线。

11、3) high-level play is the climax of play bourn and children who can play enjoy real freedom in play. ─── (3)高水平的自由游戏是儿童游戏的最高境界,“会玩”的儿童才能在游戏中享受到真正的自由。

12、"Yes, but the beach is stony. You cannot beat Bourn mouth for sandy beach. " ─── 是的,但是海滨石头多。找不出任何一个地方的海滨沙滩能赛过渤恩慕的。

13、Bourn of crime and no- crime of production and sale of fake or substandard commodities ─── 生产、销售伪劣产品罪与非罪的界限

14、inside them is undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. ─── 黑洞里头是个未知的国度,一个未曾有访客复返的地方。

15、Theory of life bourn posts different moral bourns of individuals, which reflects the knowledge and partition of Moral cultivation's different arrangements virtually. ─── 人生境界论揭示出个体各种不同的道德境界,这实质上反映出冯友兰对于道德修养不同层次的认识和划分。

16、Education wisdom is aquality, A state and a bourn. ─── 教育智慧是一种品质、状态和境界;

17、Keywords following-vein drift;non-pillllar;sublevel caving;rock digging bourn;optimization; ─── 沿脉;无底柱;崩落法;开岩边界;优化;

18、through the search of bourn of intraclast congeries silica rock , its earth and west side all grow consortium robble. ─── 经对内碎屑堆积硅质岩的边界研究发现,其东西两侧均发育有同生断裂。

19、The Poem Eye and Painting Bourn of China's Literature Review ─── 二十四诗品:中国文论的诗眼画境

20、You are not good at controlling your feelings.You often chase mystic life bourn.You not only inebriet in this bourn,but also want others to do so.Sometimes you will even immolate yourself. ─── 你常常追求一种神秘的人生境界,你不但自己陶醉于这种境界里,而且也希望自己能以此来影响别人,迷惑别人,有时为了得到别人的认可,甚至可以牺牲自己的一些利益。

21、Though with a grand verve and great bourn, this poem is one with improvisation from the real images, which is called “timely” “poems with improvisation” that “from the reality” by Goethe. ─── 这首诗气魄宏大,境界开阔,然而却是即景生情,缘物抒怀的即兴诗,即被歌德称之为“趁时机”“来自现实生活”的“应景即兴诗”。

22、Lao Zi's Doctrine of "Governing by Noninterference" and Its Spiritual Bourn in the Practice ─── 老子的"为道"及其在实践中的精神境界

23、When Su-shi has transcended his pain of life he gain a kind of extrication.Then he could make the best of things and reach a bourn of fitting himself. ─── 当苏轼超越了人生痛苦之后,他便获得了解脱,达到了随遇而安,随缘自适的境界。

24、I am a bourn, you are my mellifluence. ─── 我是一条小溪,你是我的甘泉。

25、rock digging bourn ─── 开岩边界

26、What is the beach like at Bourn mouth? ─── 布莱顿的海滨是什么样的

27、high-level play is the climax of play bourn and children who can play enjoy real freedom in play. ─── 高水平的自由游戏是儿童游戏的最高境界,“会玩”的儿童才能在游戏中享受到真正的自由。

28、the woman has a black wallet ,this man has a orange purple .that girl is not white ang i am yellow.you are a green man .my car is not silver ,but yours is .his house is red not bourn . ─── 用一个肯定特征和一个否定特征分别描述六个人(一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我)及其拥有的财物。例如:那个女人的硬币是银色的。它们不是金色的。

29、from whose bourn no traveller returns ─── 坟墓, 死的王国(莎士比亚语)

30、To develope all my life to the career which can make happiness for the others is the highest bourn that actualize my own personal worth. ─── 投入到为他人创造快乐的事业中去,是实现自身价值的最高境界。

31、from whose bourn(e) no traveller returns ─── 有去无回的国土,死的王国

32、I always believe that something in one’s life may arrive at some bourn. ─── 我一直相信,在人的一生中,有些事情可以达到某种境界。

33、You are not good at controlling your feelings.You often chase mystic life bourn.You not only inebriet in this bourn but also want others to do so.Sometimes you will even immolate yourself. ─── 你常常追求一种神秘的人生境界你不但自己陶醉于这种境界里而且也希望自己能以此来影响别人迷惑别人有时为了得到别人的认可甚至可以牺牲自己的一些利益。

34、As to the aesthetical bourn, Roman Ingarden, Poland Expert of phenomenological esthetics has given us many useful inspirations. ─── 在这一方面,波兰现象学美学家茵加登的理论则可以给我们很好的启示。

35、So he, both in the Chinese medicine and literature circles, delivers the feeling of universe and earth's change and also seeks for the bourn of philosophical thought and poetics. ─── 他在中医与文学的两个世界里倾诉着大气和沧桑的感慨,追求着哲思和诗情的境界。

36、But I thought that a person can reach a higher bourn with his(her) hanker. ─── 是的,时间过的很快,我又将面临人生的选择了。

37、2) after his illness, he was tortured, and so grieved that he wanted to be dead, his poetry bourn was secluded and lonely, and his poetry style trended to being sorrowful and bitter. ─── 2、染疾以后,诗人为“幽忧之疾”折磨,痛不欲生,处境困危,诗歌境界幽寂,风格趋向悲凉、凄苦。

38、A harmonious society is a social ideal representing modern civilization, and harmoniousness is a cultural bourn. ─── 和谐社会是一种体现现代文明的社会理想,“和谐”是一种文化境界。

39、Will is a kind of bourn, at the meantime, it is confidence, persistance and decision.besides, it contains unlimited desire of conquering oneself, reasonable decision about the future and highly beyonding oneself! ─── 意志是一种境界,是自信、坚定和刚毅,饱含着无限的征服自我的欲望,还有对未来征程的一份果敢,一种自我的超越!

40、This paper holds that Li Bai's poems hold in store the connotation of Taoism, and reveal the bourn of human life, while the bourn of Taoism lies in the exploration and understanding of the value of human life. ─── 李白诗歌中蕴藏着道家思想文化的内涵,并展示了人生价值的境界,而“道”之境界就在于对人生价值的探究与认识。

41、I think Bourn mouths a much nicer town than Brighton. ─── 我认为渤恩慕是一个比布莱顿好得多的城市。

42、The topmost bourn of a job is to watch others' working, but gain their salary. ─── 工作的最高境界就是看着别人上班,领着别人的工资。

43、I am a bourn, you are my mellifluence. ─── 我是一条小溪,你是我的甘泉。

44、3.Till Ming Dynasty, this art image still incarnated a Utopian bourn of a joint of sensibility, nature and faeries which was pursued by literator estate. ─── 在明代,这一审美意象仍然体现着文人阶层所追求的诗情、自然与天仙连成一片的理想境界。

45、Compare Research between Wang Guo-Wei's "Bourn", "Artistic Conception" and Zong Bai-Hua's "Artistic Conception" Theory ─── 王国维“境界”、“意境”说与宗白华“意境”说的比较研究

46、The expression of music is nearest to the saint bourn, therefore the relations of saint boundary and the music are extremely close. ─── 音乐的表达最接近圣境,因此《吕氏春秋》中明德合圣的圣境与乐教的关系十分密切。

47、Together they established the Bourn Hall Clinic in Cambridge, the world's first center for IVF therapy. ─── 他们一起在剑桥创办了世界上第一个体外授精诊疗中心伯恩霍尔诊所(BournHallClinic)。

48、I think Bourn mouth 's nicer. ─── 我认为渤恩慕城好一些。

49、This bourn is the one that many serious authors go in for. ─── 这是古今中外许多严肃的艺术家孜孜以求的艺术境界。

50、The pair founded the first ever IVF clinic at Bourn Hall in Cambridge, which now treats around 900 women a year. ─── 他们在剑桥伯恩楼里成立了世界上第一家试管婴儿诊所,现在每年接待大约900位妇女顾客。

51、A bourn is flowing out with happy from deep vally eventhrough there are many deadwood and deadleaf fall down in it on its way. ─── 但却并不影响它纯洁的本质。喜欢便是那条小溪。是一种轻松而淡然的心态。

52、Keywords mining engineering;following-vein drift;non-pillar;sublevel caving;rock digging bourn;optimization; ─── 采矿工程;沿脉进路;无底柱;分段崩落;开岩边界;优化;

53、I think Bourn mouth 's nicer. ─── 我认为渤恩慕城好一些。

54、Just as the thought of the key of the eternal universe, is none, none is the most Philosophy bourn of the seeking of Metaphysics. ─── 作为宇宙的永恒的本体的“道”,即是“无”,“无”是玄学追求的最高哲学境界。

55、 bourn n. ─── 小河;目标;

56、They were reunited again earlier this month at a ceremony celebrating 30 years of IVF at the Bourn Hall Clinic, a conception center in eastern England co-founded by Edwards and Steptoe. ─── 们在这个月初,于英国东部由爱德华与史戴托共同成立的波恩厅受孕中心举办的庆祝试管婴儿卅周年典礼中,再度相聚。

57、Research on intersecting on the solid part in the dashed line of bourn symbol ─── 境界符号中虚线实部相交问题的研究


59、"And full-grown lambs loud Bleat from hilly Bourn ; Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft The redbreast whistles from a garden-croft, And gathering swallows twitter in the skies." ─── "篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中,红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;而群羊在山圈里高声默默咩叫;丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。"

60、"And full-grown lambs loud Bleat from hilly Bourn ; ─── "篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中,红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;

61、But that the dread of something after death - The undiscover'd country, from whose bourn no traveller returns - puzzles the will. ─── 倘不是因为惧怕不可知的死后,惧怕那从来不曾有一个旅人回来过的神秘之国。

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