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09-09 投稿


ballot 发音

英:[?b?l?t]  美:[?b?l?t]

英:  美:

ballot 中文意思翻译






ballot 网络释义

n. 投票;投票用纸;投票总数vi. 投票;抽签决定vt. 使投票表决;拉选票n. (Ballot)人名;(英)巴洛特;(法)巴洛

ballot 同义词

balloting | consult | canvass | opinion poll | abstention | voting | choice | election |vote | survey | suffrage | ticket | poll | secret ballot | abstain

ballot 反义词

abstain |abstention

ballot 常用词组

by ballot ─── 投票选举(或表决);按抽签决定

secret ballot ─── 无记名投票

ballot box ─── 投票箱

ballot 词性/词形变化,ballot变形


ballot 短语词组

1、ballot rigging n. ( ─── 选举中的)操纵 ─── 选票,投票舞弊

2、cast a ballot ─── 投票

3、a large ballot ─── 很多的选票

4、ballot paper account ─── [法] 投票计算

5、controller of ballot ─── [法] 监票员

6、cast a single ballot ─── 代表全体选举人投一张总的赞成票,造成一致通过的现象

7、ballot problem ─── [计] 抽签问题

8、ballot box ─── 投票箱 [法] ─── 投票箱

9、ballot ticket ─── [法] 选票

10、blank ballot ─── [法] 空白票

11、confines a ballot ─── [法] 确认投票有效

12、ballot-box ─── 投票箱 民主选举

13、cancelled ballot ticket ─── [法] 废票

14、absentee-ballot n. ─── 缺席选举人票

15、ballot paper ─── [法] 选票

16、additional ballot ─── [法] 再决投票

17、ballot for ─── 投票赞成…

18、ballot paper null and void ─── [法] 无效票

19、absentee ballot ─── [法] 缺席选举人票

ballot 习惯用语

1、cast a single ballot ─── [美]代表全体选举人的公意投一张总选票

2、tissue ballots ─── [美]用薄纸制成的投票纸(为了弄虚作假)

3、absentee ballot ─── 缺席选举人票(指选举日因故未能出席者预先送交机构的票)

4、ballot for ─── 投票选举(某人); 投票赞成(某事) ─── 抽签决定先后

5、secret ballot ─── 无记名投票, 秘密投票

6、short ballot ─── 对少数主要官员[议员]的选举

7、ballot against ─── 投票反对

ballot 相似词语短语

1、hallot ─── 热度

2、allot ─── vt.分配;拨给;分派;n.(Allot)人名;(英)阿洛特;(西)阿略特;(法)阿洛

3、ballet ─── n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞曲,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团;芭蕾式交流;n.(Ballet)(法、美)巴莱(人名)

4、ballots ─── n.选举(ballot的复数);不记名票;v.投票(ballot的第三人称单数)

5、ballonet ─── n.升降气袋;小气囊

6、ballon ─── n.(舞者)轻快优雅;一小束,一小捆;n.(Ballon)(美、法)巴隆(人名)

7、ballow ─── 巴洛

8、ballat ─── 巴拉特

9、balloted ─── n.投票;投票用纸;投票总数;vi.投票;抽签决定;vt.使投票表决;拉选票;n.(Ballot)人名;(英)巴洛特;(法)巴洛

ballot 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But it is hard to think of a recent ballot in a developed country that has led to a stockmarket taking a decisive new course. ─── 但是我们很难想到最近有哪一个发达国家的选举使该地区股市峰回路转。

2、He was elected by the unusual method of a secret ballot among the 15 board members to prevent lobbying by candidates. ─── 为阻止候选人的游说,15名董事会成员进行了不寻常的无记名投票,最终选出纳赛尔。

3、A ballot will be drawn in case of over-subscription. ─── 如出现超额认购,将进行抽签。

4、To mark(a vote or ballot) in favor of candidates from different parties. ─── 分投赞成票对不同党派候选人都投赞同票

5、On the final ballot, Margaret Chan defeated Mexican Health Minister Julio Frenk 24r to 10. ─── 在最后一轮投票中,陈以24比10的票数优势击败了墨西哥卫生部长朱丽叶弗兰克。

6、She should take easy. Just getting on the ballot is a good experience. ─── 她要放轻松些,能上了选票就已经是很好的经验了。

7、Not all jurisdictions with measures on the ballot choose to participate in the Voters' Pamphlets. ─── 不是每一个在选票上有议案立法选举区都选择参加出版选民手册。

8、He won the nomination on the third ballot. ─── 他在第三次投票中获得提名。

9、They had progressive ideas about human rights, observance of democratic procedures and the value of a secret ballot. ─── 他们有着关于人权的先进思想,他们遵守民主程序,推崇无记名投票方式。

10、Well, since No.*and No.* have the same ballot /poll, both have to say /defend for themselves. ─── 再次对一号和二号投票,若票数仍然相同.就由其他人发言,为其辩解.

11、Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead. ─── 不去管什么投票箱了,用超市购物车就行。

12、But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. ─── 但今晚,我脑海里一直萦绕着的,却是在亚特兰大投票的一个妇人的故事。

13、The club members held a secret ballot to choose the chairperson. ─── 俱乐部成员用无记名投票选举负责人。

14、But one that's on my mind tonight's about a woman who cast her ballot in Atlanta. ─── 但是,今晚在我脑海的一个人是一位妇女,她在亚特兰大投下了她的选票。

15、What does voting by secret ballot mean It means no one can watch you vote and no one should look at your marked ballot. ─── 以暗票方式投票是什麽意思没有人可以监视你投票或看你投谁的票。

16、Put no other mark on the ballot paper, or your vote may not be counted. ─── 不要在选票上做任何其他标记,否则你的投标就会无效。

17、With a trio of victories under his Andean hat, Mr Morales can feel secure about his popularity at the ballot box. ─── 在莫拉雷斯先生的安第斯人的帽子下(象征权位)由于三个胜利,他对自己在投票中的声望可以感到放心。

18、They packed the ballot with dummy candidates to split the vote . ─── 他们立假后选人纠集选票以分裂选票。

19、Finally, on the forty-seventh ballot, support began to increase for one of the minor candidates. His name was Franklin Pierce. ─── 最后,在第47轮投票中,支持者开始将票投向一位年轻的参选人,他的名字叫富兰克林.皮尔斯。

20、In the event of over-subscription, a ballot will be held. ─── 如出现超额认购的情况,会进行抽签。

21、On Monday morning, lawyers for Bush and Gore laid out their oral arguments on Florida's disputed ballot recount. ─── 周一早晨,布什和戈尔的律师就佛罗里达州是否重新计票这个有争议的问题进行了口头辩论。

22、The ballot is taking time to organise, concedes a GMB spokesman. ─── 一位GMB新闻发言人承认,正花费时间在组织投票。

23、Palmer released his delegates on the thirty-eighth ballot. ─── 在第三十八轮投票中,帕尔默放弃他对代表的控制。

24、The first ballot is on Tuesday Nov. 20. ─── 第一轮投票是在11月20日,星期二。

25、If he is ousted, his replacement will be chosen on the same ballot. ─── 如果戴维斯下台,他的继任者将同时在这次选举中产生。

26、B. She should take easy. Just getting on the ballot is a good experience. ─── 她要放轻松些,能上了选票就已经是很好的经验了.

27、The odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot. ─── 她在第一轮选票中获得提名的可能性大

28、They decided to vote by ballot. ─── 他们决定进行我记名投票表决。

29、Change is coming. China is already having secret ballot and competitive elections at the local level. ─── 中国正在发生变化,地方政府已经在举行不记名投票的地方选举。

30、They decided to ballot for competing lanes. ─── 他们决定抽签选择比赛跑道。

31、Although he cannot drop out of the Legco race before the ballot, he has insisted on serving if re-elected. ─── 在投票日前他不能退选,而他亦表示若然当选不会辞职。

32、Other quick count surveys also put President Susilo on top of the ballot counting, which avoids the second run-off. ─── 其他快速计票检查也显示总统苏西洛的票数排在首位,这也就避免了第二轮投票。

33、Nationalism is built out of frustration that people feel when they cannot get their way through the ballot box. ─── 如果不能通过选票箱自主行事,人民就会感到沮丧,而民族主义情绪的根源就是沮丧心理。

34、The members have demanded a ballot. ─── 会员们要求投票表决。

35、So the ballot winner is Taros’ hard work. ─── 因此,在选票上赢家是芋仔'的辛勤工作。

36、Members were asked to place their votes in the ballot box. ─── 会员们被要求把选票放入投票箱。

37、To the surprise of Security Council members, his victory came on the first official ballot. ─── 但是出乎安理会成员国意料之外,加利在第一次正式投票选举时即旗开得胜。

38、But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President. ─── 但如果有二人或二人以上得票相等时,应由参议院投票表决,选举其中一人为副总统。

39、She won 58.8% of the ballot. ─── 她赢得了投票总数的 58.8%。

40、She won 58.8% of the ballot. ─── 她赢得了投票总数的58.8%。

41、In a separate ballot on the same day as the assembly vote, Kurds are likely to re-elect him. ─── 在当天另一个单独的集会选举中库尔德人还是会倾向于再次选择他。

42、He also cast one ballot fot Mr.Wu. ─── 他也投吴先生一票。

43、On the other hand, the Swiss look at the ballot box like an appendix, something that can easily be done away with. ─── 可是到了瑞士以后,我发现投票箱对他们而言,已经是一个盲肠,一个随时都可以切掉的东西。

44、Ballot said the primary aim of the computer link between Dutch and Indonesia was to raise public awareness of the apes and their plight. ─── 巴洛特说,在荷兰和印度尼西亚间建立猩猩约会网路的主要目的是唤起公众对猩猩及其困境的关注。

45、Why did my Primary ballot change? ─── 为何我的初选票不同了?

46、He was elected by ballot. ─── 他是由无记名投票选举的。

47、He has already voted by absentee ballot. ─── 他已经通过缺席投票的方式投了票。

48、A recent court ruling allows people to register and cast their ballot in the same day. ─── 一个近期的法庭裁定允许人们在同一天登记和公布投票结果。

49、But since Lebanon is a system of confessional baronies, no government wins full control of it through the ballot box. ─── 但是由于黎巴嫩是个宗教制度领地,任何政权都不能保证自己可以完全通过投票。

50、Beijing won in the second round of the secret ballot, receiving 56 votes. ─── 北京在第二轮无记名投票中获胜,得56票。

51、If you are voting in a polling booth and make a mistake, ask the poll workers for a new ballot. ─── 如果你在投票站填写选票时出错,请向投票站工作人员索取一份新的选票。

52、He got the requisite two-thirds majority on the first ballot. ─── 他在第一次投票时得到所要求的三分之二多数。

53、Confidence has also been rattled by plans to pass a bill letting unions organise without a secret ballot. ─── 又一议案传来,工会无需不记名投票即可组织,信心再度受挫。

54、To deposit or indicate(a ballot or vote). ─── 存放或指示(一张投票或选票)

55、Her daughter arranged for the ambulance ride at the last minute after Owen failed to get an absentee ballot. ─── 她女儿在欧文没有拿到缺席票的最后时刻安排了救护车投票。

56、It is a crime to stuff the ballot box. ─── 为候选人投伪造票是犯罪行为。

57、He suggested that perhaps he had defaced his ballot. ─── 他暗示说,他毁掉了自己的选票。

58、The 1997 ballot included the Houston mayoral race, other city offices and local issues. ─── 1997年的投票包括选举休斯顿市长、其他市属职位和当地的一些议题。

59、Nigerian Election officials check ballot boxes at a center, 14 April 2007 in Port Harcourt. ─── 奈及利亚选务官员4月14日在哈科特港一个选务中心查验票匦。

60、At the party convention, he was nominated on the first ballot. ─── 在党内大会中,他获得的选票最多。

61、The expected landslide did not occur on the third ballot, and Farley turned in desperation to the Texas and California delegates. ─── 在第三轮投票时,这种预期的压倒优胜并未出现,法利拼命转向得克萨斯和加利福尼亚的代表。

62、Ballot boxes are in place in France as the country is getting ready to select a new president. ─── 选举用的箱子都已经准备好了,那是因为法国要推选一位新的总统。

63、What do you mark on a federal election ballot? ─── 你在联邦选票上划上什么?

64、What is a polling station It is a place where you get a ballot to vote. ─── 何谓投票站投票选举的地方。

65、The terms referendum, proposition and ballot initiative frequently are used interchangeably. ─── “全民投票”、“建议”和“公民投票”常常互换使用。

66、If King County moves to an all vote-by-mail system, where can voters with disabilities cast an independent ballot? ─── 如景郡改成以邮寄方式来投票,体能有障的选民将往那处投他们独立的一票?

67、For the moment, across Europe, there is no party of the far right or the far left that looks close to winning power through the ballot box. ─── 眼下,在欧洲各国,似乎没有任何一个极右或极左政党有希望在大选中夺得政权。

68、The incumbent party also calls for a recount only of specific ballot boxes. ─── 不仅如此,执政党也只想对特定的票匦重新计票而已。

69、The vote is transferable amongst the candidates marked on a ballot paper if the elector marks his preferences for more than one candidate. ─── 如选民在选票上选择多于一名候选人,并注明选择的优先次序,则选票可在选民所选择的候选人之间转移。

70、You may also contact King County Elections to request a new ballot. ─── 你亦可以与景郡联络索取一份新的选票。

71、The return of an ongoing absentee ballot as undeliverable. ─── 因邮局无法递送,缺席或邮寄选票被退回。

72、The people make their wishes known through the ballot box. ─── 人们以投票方式表达他们的愿望。

73、They received a massive vote of confidence from the people in the secret ballot elections. ─── 他们在不记名投票选举中获得了人民的大量信任票。

74、The procedure he created was a two-tier ballot. ─── 他倡议的新办法,是两次投票法。

75、Plenty of state [b]initiatives[/b] were on the ballot. ─── “部分州在投票选举当中策动一些运动”。这句译的好!

76、He pins some hopes on the party's high position on the ballot paper. ─── 他把对该党重要地位的希望部分寄托于选票之上。

77、The write compares ballot to taxation, saying: the two could be regarded as obligation rather than privileges. ─── 作者将投票与纳税做了对比,说:两者都可以被看作是义务,而非特权。

78、Odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot. ─── 她在第一轮选票中获得提名的可能性大。

79、He has tallied the result of the ballot. ─── 他已经将投票结果记录下来了。

80、"Come on, everybody ballot to decide what the order of appearance. ─── “来,大家先抽签,决定一下出场的顺序。”

81、To save time the assistant secretary cast a single ballot as the unanimous vote of all for Dr. Alger. ─── 为了节省时间,副秘书长代表全体选举人的公意投了一张总选票,选举了阿尔杰博士。

82、Once qualified, minor party candidates are placed directly on the General Election ballot and do not appear on primary ballots. ─── 一经验证资格,非主要政党候选人不需出现在初选的选票就直接晋升入普选的选票。

83、He said that too many people stuffed the ballot boxes. ─── 他说有极多的人投的是假选票。

84、There was also voting by ballot. ─── 也有用选票选举的。

85、Oh yes, and if you are an American Ex-pat working or living overseas get your absentee ballot here. ─── 对了,如果你是工作、生活在海外的美国人,到这里投票。

86、Her name has been put on the ballot. ─── 她已被列为候选人。

87、In 2006 alone, anti-gay-marriage ballot initiatives passed in seven out of eight states where they were put to a vote. ─── 仅在2006年一年当中,反同性恋的不记名投票在执行投票的州中有七分之八的通过率。

88、The four Bucks on the ballot are Redd, center Andrew Bogut, guard Mo Williams and forward Charlie Villanueva. ─── 入选的雄鹿队员分别是:后卫迈克尔?里德,中锋安德鲁?博格特,后卫莫瑞斯?威廉姆斯和前锋查尔里?维拉纽瓦。

89、There are 34 Senate seats and 36 governor's offices on the ballot; about 20 minority politicians are running or considering it. ─── 今年有34个参议院席位和36个州长职位进行改选,大约有20名少数民族政治家参选或正在考虑参






07年第一季开始的时候,大儿子刚上初中,小儿子八岁左右,小女儿五岁。小儿子十分调皮,而且非常爱说谎,经常跟朋友和其他家长说自己爸爸是战斗英雄/首相的保镖/亲手掐死过人/得了罕见的血液病等等,父母不得不在尴尬中为孩子擦屁股。小女儿言语犀利,经常语出惊人,其饰演者Ramona Marquez在2009年获得British Comedy Award的最佳女性喜剧新人奖,当时年仅八岁,是最小的获奖者。



其编剧Andy Hamilton的其他作品也是类似风格,近期作品是Ballot Monkeys (2015) 和Power Monkeys (2016),都是关于拉票,选举的政治喜剧,一本正经得像纪录片,体现现实的荒诞。

英国还有一些伪纪录片形式的喜剧也很有意思,比如纪实风格关于2012年伦敦奥组委的"2012", 表现bbc电视台日常的W1A,还有荒诞风格的《伴我双飞》,都值得一看。

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