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09-09 投稿



dinned 发音

英:[d?nd]  美:[d?nd]

英:  美:

dinned 中文意思翻译




dinned 短语词组

1、dinned meaning ─── 晚餐的意义

dinned 词性/词形变化,dinned变形

动词过去式: dinned |动词过去分词: dinned |动词第三人称单数: dins |动词现在分词: dinning |

dinned 相似词语短语

1、dinged ─── v.叮当作响;打击,撞击(车或头);执拗地讲,反复地说;n.(非正式)凹痕;(头上)一击;(叮当的)钟声;(非正式)气氛活跃的聚会;int.丁当(用来模仿如铃铛般的金属响声);n.(Ding)(英、加、澳)丁(人名)

2、dinner ─── n.晚餐,晚宴;宴会;正餐;n.(Dinner)人名;(法)迪内

3、donned ─── n.先生,阁下;指导教师,大学教师;西班牙绅士,西班牙人;(非正式)黑手党头目;v.穿上,披上,戴上;n.(Don)(美)唐(人名)

4、denned ─── n.贼窝,私室;兽穴,窝巢;小房间;vi.藏到洞里;住在肮脏简陋的小房间里;vt.把……赶进洞穴;n.(Den)人名;(日)传(名);(俄)杰恩;(法)德恩

5、dinted ─── n.凹痕;vt.击出凹痕

6、dined ─── vt.宴请;vi.进餐,用餐;n.(Dine)(意、葡)迪内(人名);(英)戴恩(人名);(法)迪纳(人名)

7、dinnled ─── 晚餐

8、dinked ─── n.吊球;;v.巧妙地打或踢(球);骑马、车等带(人);adj.(穿着)整洁的

9、binned ─── v.扔掉,丢弃;把……扔进垃圾箱;摈弃,拒绝;把……放进搁架;把(数据)归入统计堆(bin的过去式及过去分词)

dinned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The company manufactures high standard product with comply GB, HG, ASTM, DIN, JIS and other criterion strictly. ─── 公司严格按照GB、HG、ASTM、DIN、JIS等标准生产高质量不锈钢管。

2、Animal er ikke for din underholdning! Please Respekt Live! ─── 代它说"不",因它有口难言动物不是您的娱乐!请尊重生命!

3、His house is far from din and bustle. ─── 他的房子远离喧嚣和繁忙。

4、From somewhere ahead there came a din of shouting voices. ─── 前面传来了一阵叫喊的声音。

5、If you don't stop that din, I'll come in and sort you out! ─── 你如果再吵闹不休,我就要进来收拾你了!

6、Faiz Din says there were some traces of food, most of it rotting, in the kitchen when he found her. ─── 发现他的时候的那个小空间很可能是后来形成的。

7、The PS/2 port supports a mini DIN plug containing just 6 pins. ─── PS/2端口支援仅6个针脚的小型DIN接头。

8、Sides, Ah din' hab no way ter git back an' Ah wuz sceered de patterollers pick me up, kase Ah din' hab no pass. ─── 另外,我想回也回不去。 没有通行证所叫巡逻队抓去。

9、In this earsplitting din of pop-music, patrons drank more in less time. ─── 在这震耳欲聋的流行乐中,顾客的饮酒速度加快,饮酒量也增加。

10、"She knowed you but she din' bow. ─── "她认识你却不向你鞠躬。

11、A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicality and romantics. ─── 内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的宣器,品位着经典与浪漫。

12、All equipment in line with ASTM, ISO, JIS, AATCC, IWTO, BS, DIN and other international testing standards. ─── 仪器全部符合ASTM、ISO、JIS、AATCC、IWTO、BS、DIN等国际测试标准。

13、The quality of EMMET Tools to be reached or exceed standard of U.S.ANSI, Germany DIN and Standard of China National. ─── EMMET工具产品品质达到或超过ANSI美国标准、DIN德国标准及中国国家标准。

14、A din; a clamor. ─── 喧闹; 吵闹

15、The DIN family closures are available in multiple colours. ─── 喧嚣家庭关闭有多种颜色。

16、The Prophet (s) said, "O Umar, your din is your flesh and blood. ─── 先知(愿主福安之)说:“欧迈尔,你得信仰来自于你的教亲,

17、In spring, there were positive correlation between NO2--N and NO3--N, NO2--N and DIN. ─── NO2--N在DIN组成中的百分组成随季节的变化有所不同,水体中确有NO2--N存在,NO2--N养殖毒性不容忽视。

18、There was silence again, an unearthly silence, more trying than hideous din . ─── 又是沉默,可怕的沉默比低声的喧骚更令人难受。

19、Christmas is also known as bada din (the big day) in Hindi. ─── 圣诞节在北印度也被认为是一个重大节日。

20、Making or marked by loud outcry or sustained din. ─── 吵闹的,喧嚷的大声叫嚷的或持续嘈杂的

21、Chang Ah-hsin's voice alone could be heard shrilling above the din. ─── 在纷乱中,又有一个声音更响地喊着,那是张阿新:

22、Roar: To make or produce a loud noise or din. ─── 发出或产生出巨大的噪音或嘈杂声。

23、To improve spatial sampling rate on the basis of reducing din scale is an important way to enhance resolution. ─── 减小面元尺度,增加空间采样率,是提高分辨率的重要手段。

24、"He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din"(Henry Kingsley). ─── “他可以听到杓鹬穿透一片嘈杂之声的奇怪叫声”(亨利·金斯利)

25、Amongst them, 66.55% DIN was NO_3~(-)-N and 20.19% DIN was NH_4~+-N. ─── DIN中以NO_3~--N(66.55%)为主,NH_4~+-N(20.19%)次之。

26、He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din. ─── 他能够听到一些喧嚣的鸟令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声。

27、"Ah hope Ah done kill dat black baboon. But Ah din' wait ter fine out," he panted. ─── "但愿我把那个黑鬼弄死的,不过我没来得及看清楚,"他气喘吁吁地说。

28、Calibrate up to six points from USA, NIST, DIN, and PWB buffer options. ─── USA, NIST, DIN和PWB缓冲液选项中可达六点校准。

29、An optional adapter board for assembly on top hat rails as specified in DIN EN 50022 is available for fitting in a control cubicle. ─── 另有符合DIN EN 50022的可选适配器,用于安装在控制机箱的顶帽式导轨上。

30、An' dey driv dey cannons an' waggins 'cross de cotton till it plum ruint, 'cept a few acres over on de creek bottom dat dey din' notice. ─── 他们把炮车和运货车开过棉花田,把棉花全毁了,只剩下小河滩上那边很少几英亩,那是他们没有注意的。

31、And Jerusalem's splendor, her multitude, her din of revelry and the jubilant within her, descend into it. ─── 他们的荣耀,群众,繁华,并快乐的人,都落在其中。

32、Zein El Din Mohamed Aly, the CTO's director, says the previous rebel boy fighters range from 14 to 18 years old. ─── 临时难民培养中心的主任阿里说,这些前反叛分子儿童,年纪从14到18岁不等。

33、And as our electronic communications become more intense, they simply add to the din of radio interference. ─── 但是若提高电子通讯的强度,又会增加无线电干扰杂讯。

34、"He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din" (Henry Kingsley). ─── “他可以听到杓鹬穿透一片嘈杂之声的奇怪叫声” (亨利·金斯利)

35、Creax: Long time din chat d.. how's life nowadays? Hows work? Ur latest blog post seems moody orr. ─── 亚特兰飞:好一句话,换了环境,说不定也会有烦恼,避得了多少烦恼呢?你的想法都很中立,想必你的人生一定很丰富吧

36、The din and commotion of a great crowd. ─── 喧哗,吵闹一大群人发出的吵闹声和骚扰

37、We offer products according to customers' needs, such as GB, ANSI, DIN, JIS. ─── 可根据客户需要按国标GB,美标ANSI,德标DIN,日标JIS生产;

38、They have to bear the heavy traffic, dirty air and various kinds of din. ─── 他们必须忍受拥挤的交通,污浊的空气和各种各类的喧嚣。

39、The shouts of the boys dinned his ear. ─── 孩子们的吵闹声把他的耳朵都快吵聋了。

40、A few minutes' walk from a bus stop, still near enough to hear the din of the highway, lies Nexus World. ─── 从公共汽车站出发走上几分钟,仍然可以听到高速路上的喧闹,“纳克索斯的世界”就坐落在那里。

41、"Miss Pitty in a state bekase she din' come ter meet you. ─── "皮蒂小姐因为没有来接你而不大高兴。

42、But at this moment there was a din of shouting and a zoom of heavy vehicles from somewhere to the left. ─── 可就在这时,人们吵嚷起来,左边的什么地方响起重型卡车的嘎轧声。

43、Please!" till the din died down. ─── "后来人们渐渐安静下来"

44、They drive away from the city centre , the roar of the traffic still din in their ear. ─── 他们驶出了市中心,但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响。

45、A hundred horns dinned in protest. ─── 成百的喇叭齐鸣以示抗议。

46、They drive away from the city centre ,the roar of the traffic still din in their ear. ─── 他们驶出了市中心, 但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响。

47、DIN EN 12674-2-2002 Roll containers - General design and saf... ─── 2007金属的腐蚀防护.铝和铝合金上经清洗和未清洗的...

48、Saad El Din Wahba, an eminent writer and efficient executive, who was appointed by the Minister of Culture. ─── 在他的领导下,电影节进入了一个新的时代。

49、We comply with and carry out the GB standard (ANSI, BS, AFNOR, JIS, DIN) in this project. ─── 在这个工程中我们遵守并执行中国国家标准GB。(美国标准、英国标准、法国标准、日本标准、联邦德国标准)

50、ERNI was the first company to manufacture DIN connectors. ─── ERNI种类齐全的背板连接器和板对板连接器,其设计优越、不断创新。

51、For today, we are looking at DIN, SGR, &CMI. ─── 今天,我们推荐的股票是DIN、SGR和CMI。

52、The noise dinned in his ears. ─── 他听到聒耳声。

53、All manner of cries were scattered through the din: "We're getting rich--TWO Symbols of Incorruptibility! ─── 在一片喧嚣声中,各式各样的喊叫此起彼伏:"咱们镇子发财了--两位拒腐蚀的模范!

54、How much longer must I din into your ears the importance of hard work? ─── 努力工作的重要性我还要一而再,再而三地跟你讲多少次才行?

55、You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. ─── 你比我好,冈噶·丁。

56、He could hear the unearthly scream of some curlew piercing the din (Henry Kingsley). ─── 他可以听到杓鹬穿透一片嘈杂之声的奇怪叫声(亨利 金斯利)

57、Distracted by the morning din, I hardly heard my transportation approaching. ─── 在清晨的喧闹声的干扰下,我没有听见我的运输工具在向我这里走来。

58、Pressure measuring equipment in safety design S2 as specified in DIN 38030 for compressed air brakes in vehicles. ─── 在安全设计S2中,压力测量装置被DIN38030标准指定用于车辆压缩空气制动。

59、Trading had apparently not yet begun, yet the Exchange rang with the deafening din of voices. ─── 似乎尚未开市,满场是喧闹的人声。但吴荪甫仿佛全没看见,全没听到;

60、I haven't dinned in a restaurant alone for quite a while, since I usually cooked myself or ordered take-outs. ─── 因为多半自己煮饭或买外带,因此很久没有自己上馆子吃饭。

61、TIDP 5 pin, female DIN phono plug. ─── 5个针片,信号插座用。


63、To: Nikki Y din tell me leh? I also vy long din go liao.. haha.. ─── 你自己也有偷看吧!说到好像自己很纯真这样...

64、As he entered the din of voices dropped to about half its volume. ─── 他一进去,里面谈话的嗡嗡声就低了下来。

65、He dinned this thing into my ears. ─── 他絮絮不休地跟我说这件事。

66、But now they cannot make themselves heard above the din of criticisms of Iraq. ─── 但如今,他们的声音淹没在了人们对伊拉克政策排山倒海的批评声浪中。

67、By about eleven, the horde of creditors in the Lin shop were quarrelling with a tremendous din. ─── 十一点钟光景,大群的债权人在林家铺子里吵闹得异常厉害。

68、They made so much din that I couldn't hear you. ─── 他们太吵了, 我听不见你说的话.

69、DIN 53497-1969 Testing of Plastics; Hot Storage Test on Moul... ─── 1970纺织品的检验.从显微投影的纵视中测量纤维的直径...

70、We product the wing springs, the axles, the lathes, the pressing parts and so on according to GB, ISO, JIS, DIN and BS. ─── 以国家标准GB、国际标准ISO、日标JIS、美标ANSI、德标DIN、英标BS标准生产异型精细弹簧、车轴、车床件、冲压件等。

71、There is a ceaseless din in these courts. ─── 在这一带的街道上,整天吵吵闹闹。

72、The noise dinned in his ears. ─── 他听到聒耳声。

73、The IM-600 features a DIN mountable package for easy panel mounting. ─── IM-600的突出特点是提供一个DIN可安装程序包方便配电盘装配。

74、These mainly include: German standard (DIN), American Standard (UNC, UNF), English (BSW), GB (GB). ─── 主要包括:德标(DIN)、美标(UNC、UNF)、英制(BSW)、国标(GB)。

75、The tumors were soli din 39 cases(66.1%), cystic in 13 cases(22%), and the remaining 7 cases not stated. ─── 39例(66.1%)肿瘤为实质性,13例(22%)为囊性,7例记载不详。

76、Huccome you din' ast dem ter stay fer supper, Miss Scarlett? ─── 你怎么没留他们吃晚饭呀,思嘉小姐?

77、Flush mount using bezel or screw or rail mount to DIN 46 277 using base mount. ─── 使用面板齐平安装或螺钉或铁路挂载到标准46 277基地安装使用。

78、The woman's scream dinned for minutes. ─── 那个女人的惨叫声持续了数分钟。

79、CO2, (T), HCO3-,CO32- are closely related to DIN. ─── 、CO2(T)、HCO3-、CO32-与pH、HCO3-/CO32-呈极显著的线性相关;

80、But now they plunge the cross in, and the air echoes with an extraordinary din. ─── 不过,后来,人们把十字架浸进水里,空中响彻了异乎寻常的闹声。

81、DIN 5 pin, male DIN phono plug. ─── 信号插头用唱头线DIN插头。

82、Some of them reckon that, besides microwaves, the sky reverberates with the din of radio waves as well. ─── 其中一些天文学家认为,除了微波之外,宇宙还同辐射波的杂音一起发生反射。

83、Wu, G. "Two Psychological Traps din Negotiation." HBS Publishing # 9-897-036. ─── “两个心理谈判盲点”,哈佛商学院出版社文章#9-897-036

84、Low-voltage current limiting circuit breakers are widely use din industrial and domestic installations. ─── 低压限流断路器是广泛应用于工业与民用的低压电器。

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