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09-09 投稿



repines 发音


英:  美:

repines 中文意思翻译



repines 词性/词形变化,repines变形

动词过去式: repined |动词第三人称单数: repines |动词过去分词: repined |名词: repiner |动词现在分词: repining |

repines 相似词语短语

1、repiner ─── 雷皮纳

2、crepiness ─── 裂缝

3、repined ─── vi.抱怨;不满

4、repins ─── 列宾

5、repine ─── vi.抱怨;不满

6、repones ─── (苏格兰法律用语)使恢复原来身份(或官职)

7、repiners ─── repiners公司

8、refines ─── vt.精炼,提纯;改善;使…文雅

9、relines ─── v.重新划线;给……换衬里;恢复原线

repines 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some of the subjects are more familiar to me than others.I have no knowledge of how Roentgen, Bernhard, Moore or Repin looked in real life so I can't comment. ─── 我将就作品中的某些我熟悉的人物给予评论,对我不太熟悉的伦琴、伯恩哈特、莫尔等人,将不予以评论。

2、Russia exploits artist, professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. ─── 俄罗斯功勋艺术家,列兵美术学院教授。

3、I have no knowledge of how Roentgen, Bernhard, Moore or Repin looked in real life so I can't comment. ─── 例如:马奈,根据记载,他的胡须和头发通常是修剪得较整齐的。

4、Beijing Repin Gallery is a modern and most respected gallery, which is located in Beijing COFCO Plaza. ─── 北京列宾画廊是一家现代化的高端画廊,位于北京中粮广场。

5、Lin Gang, Wu Biduan and Qian Shaowu are artists who were designated by the government to study oil painting, print and sculpture in the Repin Academy of Fine Arts in the Soviet Union in the 1950s. ─── 林岗、伍必端、钱绍武三位先生是二十世纪五十年代由国家选派到前苏联列宾美术学院学习油画、版画、雕塑的艺术家。

6、He was a former teacher of Sculpture Department in repin Fine Arts Institute, member of Russian Artist Association. ─── 第一位获得俄罗斯列宾美术学院博士学位的中国雕塑家,列宾美术学院雕塑系教师,俄罗斯美术家协会会员。

7、The most famous center of Russian fine arts development is Repin State Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. ─── 俄罗斯造型艺术发展最著名的中心是列宾绘画、雕塑与建筑艺术研究学院。

8、Russia exploits artist, professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts. His works were collected by Russian museums, most of the works were collected by European and American countries and individuals. ─── 俄罗斯功勋艺术家,列兵美术学院教授。作品多次被俄罗斯博物馆收藏,大部分作品被欧美国家和个人收藏。

9、I repines at my misfortune. ─── 我埋怨我的不幸。

10、In 1984, graduated from Shanghai Normal University. 1984-1997 taught at the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, Repin Academy of Fine Arts training in oil painting. Artist. ─── 1984年毕业于上海师范大学.1984-1997年在四川美术学院任教,曾在列宾美术学院研修油画.艺术家.

11、Artworks of the graduates of Repin and Surikov Institutes of different graduations since 1953 to 2006 which have achieved fame and acknowledgement are represented in exposition。 ─── 本次画展选出了列宾美术学院及苏里科夫美院1953年至2006年在俄罗斯国内外获得知名度及认可的不同时期毕业生的作品。

12、Repin Art Institute ─── 列宾美术学院

13、Repin Institute preserved traditions of realistic drawing and painting through all years of changes of 20th century. ─── 在20世纪变更时期仍保有现实主义素描及油画传统。

14、O miserable Creature, said I, whether* am I going: Then I reproach'd my self with my unthankful Temper, and how I had repin'd at my solitary Condition; ─── 我开始责备自己身在福中不知福的脾气,责备自己不应该抱怨孤独的生活。

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