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09-09 投稿



grindstone 发音

英:[?ɡra?ndsto?n]  美:[?ɡra?ndst??n]

英:  美:

grindstone 中文意思翻译



grindstone 词性/词形变化,grindstone变形


grindstone 短语词组

1、the grindstone ─── 磨刀石

2、keep one's nose to the grindstone ─── 使自己一刻不停地拼命干

3、grindstone dresser ─── 磨石刻槽器

4、get back to the grindstone ─── 回去工作

grindstone 习惯用语

1、get back to the grindstone ─── 回到工作岗位(指枯燥艰苦的工作)

grindstone 相似词语短语

1、bondstone ─── n.砌合之石;备用石

2、clinkstone ─── n.响石;响岩

3、Maidstone ─── n.梅德斯通(英国英格兰一城市)

4、gritstone ─── n.粗砂岩

5、clingstone ─── n.粘核桃;adj.粘核的

6、grindstones ─── n.磨石

7、dripstone ─── n.[建]滴水石;石笋

8、grinds on ─── 坚定地、无情地向前移动

9、brimstone ─── n.硫磺;悍妇

grindstone 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、With so many debts to pay off,he'll just have to keep his nose to the grindstone for the next few years. ─── 他负债累累,今后几年他只有拼命干活才能还清债务。

2、Put your nose to the grindstone. ─── 你要坚持不懈地努力。

3、You need to quit complaining and get to work. Put your nose to the grindstone! ─── 你必须停止抱怨并开始工作!埋头苦干吧!

4、3. A knife is sharpened on the grindstone; steel is tempered in fire. ─── 刀在磨刀石上可以磨尖,钢铁是在火中练就的。

5、That the impact of your army may be like a grindstone dashed against an egg--this is effected by the science of weak points and strong. ─── 兵之所加,如以碫投卵者,虚实是也。

6、"I hate stainless steel, " he said as he pedaled the grindstone. "No one makes knives like they used to. " ─── 他边踩着滚轮磨刀石,边说:“我讨厌不锈钢刀具,现在已经没有人再像以前那样做刀了。”

7、Someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone works very hard. This can help a worker keep his nose clean or stay out of trouble. ─── 不插手别人的事情永远都是有好处的。他们不干涉(别人的事)。与此相反的是,某些人总是打听别人的事情。这种人对他人的私事很感兴趣。人们认为他爱管闲事

8、have one's nose to the grindstone ─── 一刻不停地拼命干

9、2.Slit with thin Blade (about 1 mm thickness), with function of automatic or manual grindstone to keep blade sharp and slit sheet smoothly and tidily. ─── 2.采用薄刀分切(厚度仅为1毫米)、设有自动、手动砂轮磨削,保持刀刃锋利,使分切的纸板平滑整齐。

10、Or, only wants to let the donkey grind with a grindstone, actually every day maltreats the donkey, lets it be utterly exhausted daily. ─── 或者说,只想让驴拉磨,却每天都虐待驴,让它天天疲惫不堪。

11、elastic grindstone ─── 弹性磨具

12、9.Oh! But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! ─── 喔!但他是一个吝啬的人,手有如研磨机。司克洛奇!一个奸诈、夺掠、攫取、杂碎、善于支配、贪婪的老坏蛋!

13、George has to keep his nose to the grindstone to support his family. ─── 乔治必须辛勤地工作以维持家庭生活

14、I never mind your kind reminding me that the grindstone hinders you. ─── 我决不介意你的好意提醒我说磨刀石妨碍了你。

15、I'll have to keep my nose to the grindstone if I'm to finish this project on time, ─── 如果我准备按时完成这一项目的话,我就得埋头苦干。

16、If you want to finish the paperwork within a day, you must keep your nose to the grindstone. ─── 如果你想在一天之内完成这项文书工作,你就必须要埋头苦干了。

17、He's got to keep his nose to the grindstone to feed his six children. ─── 他得一刻不停拼命做才能养活他那六个孩子.

18、water grindstone ─── 水磨石

19、Keep your nose to the grindstone and you should pass the exam easily. ─── 刻苦学习, 你就能不费力气地通过考试。

20、I will take exams in two weeks, so I'm keeping my nose to the grindstone just at the moment. ─── 我两星期后要考试, 因而眼下正埋头苦读。

21、He's get to keep his nose to the grindstone to feed his six children. ─── 他得一刻不停拼命做才能养活他那六个孩子。

22、"If you chatter so much," said Sir George Staunton,"you will have the boat on the Grindstone." ─── “你再唠叼下去,”乔治?汤顿爵士说,“船就要撞到磨盘石上去了。”

23、He's got to put his nose to the grindstone to feed his wife and five children. ─── 为了养活妻子和5个孩子,他不得不拚命地干活。

24、62. I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder. ─── 我决不介意妳不友善的提醒说我的磨刀石妨碍了妳的汽缸。

25、B also found whetstone can be fixed in order to live grindstone, we must have produced a few fixed wooden grindstone. ─── 乙又找来磨刀石,可为了固定住磨刀石,必须得制作几根固定磨刀石的木条。

26、He's got to keep his nose to the grindstone to feed his five children. ─── 为了养活他的五个孩子,他不得不埋头从事辛苦的工作。

27、9 see joke: The teacher explains physical general knowledge on classroom: "The place of exert oneself is among grindstone, often grind with small knife, because this is sunken,go down; ─── 9看笑话: 老师在课堂上讲解物理常识:“磨刀石中间是着力的地方,经常跟刀子磨擦,因此凹下去;

28、I never mind your kind reminding me that the grindstone hinders you . ─── 我决不介意你的好意提醒我说磨刀石妨碍了你.

29、it is better to rope him in with the promise of the first two dollars and a half you find floating down the river on a grindstone. ─── 你应该用最初的2美元还有从河中磨刀石上发现的半美元去哄他。

30、hold one's nose the grindstone ─── keep one's nose to the grindstone

31、His wife was wasteful and he had to keep his nose to the grindstone. ─── 他的太太很会花钱,所以他不得不努力辛苦工作。

32、Miss Pennington was one of those teachers who enjoyed seeing that children's noses were kept firmly to the grindstone. ─── 有些教师看到孩子们埋头苦读就非常高兴。潘宁顿小姐就是这种教师之一。

33、I studied what business leaders had to say and found answers like “To succeed keep your nose clean” and “Keep your nose to the grindstone. ─── 他们是这样回答的:“想成功,要保持鼻子干净”,“把你的鼻子放到砂轮上面。”

34、I'm sure that if you just keep your nose to the grindstone, you'll get the results you want. ─── 我相信如果你坚持埋头苦干,你就会得到你想要的结果。

35、He grinds ax on the grindstone. ─── 他在磨石上磨斧。

36、"If you're being paid to be a professional, you have to put your nose to the grindstone and go hard all the time, " he said. ─── “如果别人出钱雇你为专业人士,你就必须得忙的马不停蹄时刻努力,”他说。

37、hold someone's nose to the grindstone ─── keep someone's nose to the grindstone

38、He sharpened the edge of his knife on a grindstone ─── 他在磨石上磨快了他的刀刃。

39、day, gentlemen; and until that day comes, keep your ear to the grindstone. ─── 日安,先生们;在这个日子到来之前,请辛勤地工作吧。

40、His large growing family kept his nose to the grindstone. ─── 他的日益增多的家庭人口使他埋头从事辛苦的工作。

41、Similar to the access pipe of the game to help small Toddy to find him a good friend grindstone! ─── 类似于接水管的游戏,帮助小Toddy找到他的好朋友就是了!

42、The journey towards sponsorship is a tough road;but as long as you are honest and as long as you keep your nose to the grindstone;you will reep the dividens in the long run. ─── 寻求赞助是条艰辛的路,不过只要你能够诚实以及努力,长远来看都是有机会成功的.

43、He ground his knife on a grindstone. ─── 他在磨刀石上蹭刀。

44、He grinds the ax on the grindstone. ─── 他在磨刀石上磨斧头。

45、I succeeded in my work by keeping my nose to the grindstone ─── 我埋头苦干,使我的工作获得成功。

46、A knife is sharpened on the grindstone;steel is tempered in fire. ─── 刀在石上磨,钢在火中炼。

47、In the SGW pulping production, grindstone carving is one of the most important issues. ─── 在磨石磨木浆的生产中,磨石的刻石是一项重要的技术课题,传统的刻石技术存在诸多缺点。

48、Back in Manhattan he was a struggling actor, he was always a real "nose to the grindstone, " kind of guy. ─── 以前在曼哈顿,他是苦苦挣扎的演员,一直是那种拼死拼活的家伙。

49、He sharpened the scythes on the grindstone, slaughtered a pig, caught and salted fish, ground barley in a water-driven gristmill and grew and stored potatoes. ─── 他用砂轮磨镰刀,宰猪,抓鱼腌鱼,在水磨坊碾大麦,种土豆收土豆。

50、get back to the grindstone ─── vi. 重新干枯燥乏味

51、The way she's been working weekends, she really has her nose to the grindstone! ─── 就连周末假期都还在工作,她真是硬著头皮努力。

52、Only by holding one's nose to the grindstone can one hope to improve one's standard of living. ─── 只有辛勤劳动,才能提高生活水平。

53、They kept discussing how the black slave must have been crazy to have written those strange words on the grindstone. ─── 我想那一定意味着汤姆伤得很重,就决定赶到筏子那儿去。当我急着往河边赶时,突然遇到了赛拉斯姨父。

54、One bright winter morning, a stranger walked down a small town street looking for a grindstone to sharpen an ax that he carried in his hand. ─── 冬天,一个晴朗的早晨,小镇的街上走着一位陌生人,他手里拿着一把斧子,东张西望,想找块磨石磨磨斧子。

55、Only by keeping one's nose to the grindstone can one hope to improve one's standard of living. ─── 只有埋头苦干才能有希望提高生活水平。

56、To think that in three days'time,our holiday will be over and we'll have to get back to the grindstone. ─── 想想吧,3天之后假期一完,我们又得回去干活了。

57、He's been keeping his nose to the grindstone and trying to pay off the debt. ─── 他一直埋头辛苦地工作,尽力还清所有的债务。

58、Gilardino has his nose to the grindstone and is working towards his next goal for A. ─── 在篮球比赛新赛季的开幕式上,加利亚尼谈到了很多方面,并对奥利维拉的妹妹被绑架的事表示了关心。

59、grindstone with chest ─── 带罩壳砂轮

60、Come on now-buck up -face the music -nose to the grindstone . ─── 快振作起来,面对现实,埋头苦干,你会慢慢习惯的。

61、If you keep your head low and nose to the grindstone you will come out of a stormy week smiling, whilst others around have lost their heads. ─── 如果你低着头专心你的工作,你能从繁忙的一个星期里微笑着脱身,而其他人则忙得不可开交。

62、He had to work with his nose at the grindstone to support his family. ─── 他只得不停地工作来养家糊口。

63、if you chatter so much , " said sir george staunton , " you will have the boat on the grindstone . ─── “你再唠叼下去,”乔治汤顿爵士说,“船就要撞到磨盘石上去了。”

64、2. Our factory produces grindstone . ─── 我们工厂生产磨刀石。

65、If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you'll succeed. ─── 如果你努力不懈,就会成功的。

66、Keep one's nose to the grindstone: ─── 不停地工作。

67、I always admire men, even the dullest, who know their job and put their noses to the grindstone. ─── 我一向敬重那些有专长且做事勤奋不懈的人,包括那些最没情趣的人。

68、Have bout, the individual took a grindstone, the heart thinks: Take a grindstone from him pass before the door, always won't have what thing. ─── 有一回,有个人拿了一块磨刀石,心想:带一块磨刀石从他家门前过,总不会有啥事吧。

69、Take the sickle which is lying on the grindstone. ─── 把磨刀石上的那把镰刀拿去。

70、"If you chatter so much," said Sir George Staunton, "you will have the boat on the Grindstone." ─── “你再唠叼下去,”乔治·汤顿爵士说,“船就要撞到磨盘石上去了。”

71、bring one's nose to the grindstone ─── 埋头苦干,埋头从事辛苦的劳动,埋头干苦工,不停地干活

72、62.I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinders your cylinder. ─── 62. 我决不介意你不友善的提醒说我的磨刀石妨碍了你的汽缸。

73、keep sb.'s nose to the grindstone ─── 使某人勤奋工作

74、got back to the grindstone ─── v. 重新干枯燥乏味

75、bring someone's nose to the grindstone ─── 叫某人不停地干活

76、"I hate stainless steel, " he said with a harrumph as he pedaled the grindstone. "No one makes knives like they used to. " ─── “我讨厌不锈钢”,他支起磨刀石时哼着说,“没有人再像以前一样造刀子了。”

77、The clou: The blade can be sharpened on the grindstone which is almost invisibly integrated in the back of the knife. ─── 亮点是:刀片可以在固定暗藏在刀柄尾部的磨石磨刀。

78、148.He is a man who keeps his nose to the grindstone. ─── 他是个任劳任怨、埋头苦干的人。(非“把鼻子顶在石磨上”)

79、Come on now... buck up... face the music... nose to the grindstone . ─── 好了,好了,振作起来,鼓起勇气,埋头工作。

80、Richy: What we need is someone who keeps his nose to the grindstone. ─── 我们需要任劳任怨,埋头苦干的人。

81、I never mind your unkind reminding that my grindstone hinderafter effect 大纲s your cylinder. ─── 我决不介意你不友善的提醒说我的磨刀石妨碍了你的汽缸。

82、They ground the knife on a grindstone. ─── 他们在磨刀石上磨刀子。

83、keep one's nose to the grindstone ─── 埋头苦干

84、His call is bracing but melodious, although once he sets to work on a blade, the noise of grindstone on metal brings out the old women with their beloved worn-out cleavers. ─── 他的叫卖声很精神,但很有音韵,尽管只要他一开始磨刀锋,金属在磨石上的噪音就会引来老妇人们,带着她们心爱的旧菜刀。

85、The crank used to give motion to a grindstone or similar device. ─── 摇柄,曲柄用于给石磨或其他装置施力的把手

86、Mill and grindstone shall not be taken as a pledge. Can life be taken as a pledge? ─── 不可拿人的磨,或上面的一块磨石作抵押,因为这无异是拿人的性命作抵押。

87、He's got to keep his nose to the grindstone to feed his wife and five children ─── 为了养活妻子和五个孩子,他不得不玩命地干活。

88、Jim's father succeeded in business by keeping his nose to the grindstone. ─── 吉姆的父亲埋头苦干,努力不懈,从而在事业上获得了成功。

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