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09-09 投稿



sphericity 发音

英:[[sf??'r?s?t?]]  美:[[sf?'r?s?t?]]

英:  美:

sphericity 中文意思翻译



sphericity 同义词

spheric | rotund | orbicular | circular |round | globular | ball-shaped | globose | global

sphericity 词性/词形变化,sphericity变形

名词: sphericalness |异体字: spheric |副词: spherically |

sphericity 短语词组

1、sphericity assumed ─── 假定球形度

2、sediment sphericity ─── 沉积物球形

sphericity 反义词


sphericity 相似词语短语

1、heroicity ─── 英雄气概

2、sericite ─── n.丝(绢)云母

3、helicity ─── n.[物]螺旋性

4、spheroidity ─── 球化

5、sphericality ─── 球度

6、spheroidicity ─── n.球形;扁球体状;椭球体状

7、spherically ─── adv.球地;球状地

8、clericity ─── 神职人员

9、amphoricity ─── n.空瓮性

sphericity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It prolongs life itself and enlarges the sphere of existence. ─── 他能延长人类的寿命,扩大人类的生存空间!

2、He drew a world map on a sphere. ─── 他在球上面画了一幅世界地图。

3、A globe is a sphere while in fact the earth is not. ─── 地球仪是个球体,但地球实际上不是。

4、Direction on the sphere is measured by azimuths. ─── 地球上的方向是通过方位角测定的。

5、Astronomers have divided the celestial sphere into a total of 88 regions. ─── 天文学家已把天球划分为88个区域。

6、L["Choose the skin displayed by the Cryolysis sphere. ─── "] = "选择 Cryolysis 球体的显示外观。";

7、A half of a sphere bounded by a great circle. ─── 半球一个巨大圆周所包围的球体的一半

8、For what distances can love reach that are not in that vast sphere? ─── 因为爱能延伸的距离那一个不在他浩瀚的领域之内呢?

9、He would promise that they would become influential in some sphere of society. ─── 他会许诺他们将成为社会上某个领域有影响的人。

10、They are portions of a sphere, a torus or a cone. ─── 他们是一球形、环形或锥形的一部分。

11、Seen from the space, the earth is a blue sphere. ─── 从太空看,地球是个蓝色的球体。

12、In the sphere of organization,ensure democracy under cen tralized guidance. ─── 在组织上,厉行集中指导下的民主生活。

13、The sphere of its action was to be this present life. ─── 他们要积极地去做事而不是对周围的事听之任之。

14、The partition principle of QTM on sphere is introduced. ─── 介绍了球面四元三角网(QTM)的剖分原理;

15、Visualize a beautiful and radiant sphere of light all around you. ─── 在你的周围四处使一个发光美丽光球体能让大家看得见。

16、The shape of these nodules is mostly sphericity or stick, and the color is mostly red, sandy beige, brown or yellow. ─── (3)本地区豆科植物根瘤形状多为棒状、球状,部分为不规则状:颜色为红色、浅褐色、褐色、黄色,部分为白色、黑色。

17、Meanwhile, there are some pure iron beads and pure glass beads with good sphericity and smooth surface. ─── 同时出现一些球形度好、表面光滑的纯铁珠和纯玻璃珠。

18、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a sphere. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含球体的网格。

19、Language was considered a specific sphere, a fourth natural kingdom. ─── 人们把语言看作一种特殊的领域,自然界的第四王国。

20、During the Cold War, Western Europe was America's sphere of influence. ─── 冷战期间,西欧是美国的势力范围。

21、In the sphere of material things giving means being rich. ─── 在物质的范围内,给予意味着富有。

22、Some latin american state fall within the usa's sphere of influence. ─── 一些拉丁美洲国家沦为美国的势力范围。

23、In the naval sphere similar evasions were practised. ─── 在海军方面,德国人也是实行同样的掩饰手段。

24、He challenges every standard and method in his sphere of responsibility. ─── 他在自己的职责范围内对每一项标准和每一种方法进行挑剔。

25、A sphere of power or dominion; an empire. ─── 主权权力或主权的地区;帝国

26、four androeciums in a flower, the anther is near sphericity and androeciums protrude after florescence. ─── 雄蕊四枚,花药近圆球形,开花后伸长于花冠之外。

27、A circle that divides a sphere or other surface into congruent parts. ─── 中纬线将球体或其他球面分成相导两部分的圆

28、He calculated the volume of the sphere. ─── 他计算了这一球体的体积。

29、Philosophy limits the disputable sphere of natural science. ─── 哲学划定自然科学可以争论的范围。

30、EM Sphere release codes now have more variations. ─── EM球体释放密码现在有更多的变动。

31、PMD vectors are dispersed on the whole Poincare sphere. ─── 偏振模色散矢量弥散于整个邦加球.

32、The point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer. ─── 天顶在观测者正上方的天体上的一点

33、To shape into a circle or sphere. ─── 使成环形或球形

34、The solution is exact insofar as the model of the sphere is exact. ─── 只要球的模型是精确的,这种解释就是精确的。

35、Therefore , the atmosphere is merely a sphere . ─── 因此大气层只不过是一个球体。

36、He have extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking. ─── 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界

37、The earth is not a perfect sphere. ─── 地球不是一个很圆的球体。

38、and the surface roughness of bearing balls significantly influence performance and reliability of the bearing. ─── 轴承球的真球度及表面粗糙度对轴承的性能及可靠性有显著影响。

39、The effects of slurry solid content and operation technology on the sphericity and average diameter of the microspheres were investigated. ─── 论文其次研究了操作工艺、料浆固含量对微球粒径与球形度的影响。

40、His sphere of influence extended around the globe. ─── 他的势力范围延伸至全球。

41、To assume the shape of or form into a sphere. ─── 以球体出现,成球状

42、A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith. ─── 天底天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对

43、In the sphere of theory,destroy the roots of ultra-democracy. ─── 从理论上铲除极端民主化的根苗。

44、L["Cryolysis 3 is an all-purpose sphere AddOn. ─── "] = "Cryolysis 3 是个全方位的球形插件。";

45、In the mundane sphere, sati-sampajanna is vipassana wisdom. ─── 在出世间法的范围,正念正知就变成了道心。

46、Some scientists relegate parapsychology to the sphere of quackery. ─── 一些科学家把灵学归类到骗术范围。

47、She is used to mixing in an altogether different sphere. ─── 她习惯于在一个完全不同的社会阶层里交往。

48、Archimedes, On the Sphere and the Cylinder, 220B.C. ─── 圆球体的表面积等于球体中最大圆的面积的4倍。

49、In this way the sphere is transformed into an ellipsoid . ─── 于是球体变成为椭球体。

50、The earth is about 0.34 percent away from being a perfect sphere. ─── 地球与一个完全的球形只差0.34%。

51、The element believed in ancient and medieval civilizations to fill all space above the sphere of the moon and to compose the stars and planets. ─── 天体要素在古代和中古时代被认为是充满于月球空间并且是构成恒星和行星的元素

52、The earth is a spheroid and not a sphere. ─── 地球是一个椭球而非球体。

53、These include the bulge at the equator and other deviations from sphericity, and variations in the distribution of the mass of the earth. ─── 其中包括地球赤道部位桶腰形的凸起,一些地方不是标准的球形,以及地区质量分布的变化等。

54、likelihood ratio criterion of sphericity test, its asymptotic expansion and limiting distribution are obtained. ─── 得到了球形检验的似然比准则,它的渐近展开与极限分布。

55、Such an appraisal necessarily led to putschism in the political sphere. ─── 在这种估量之下,就必然要产生政治上的盲动主义。

56、Immense expansions were ordered in the production sphere . ─── 在生产领域内曾经安排了大规模的扩充。

57、Each state is a complete sovereignty within the sphere of its reserved powers. ─── 各州在其保留权之范围内享有绝对的主权。

58、Young as he be, kerry have become famous in many sphere. ─── 克里虽然年轻,却已在许多领域出了名。

59、A property that can be quantitatively described, such as the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector. ─── 可量化的值可以用数字形式描述出来的特性,例如球体的面积或者向量的长度

60、The results indicate that high sphericity and smooth-faced alumina based ceramic microspheres can be obtained by twice sintering process. ─── 结果表明:采用二次烧成工艺可以获得球形度高、表面光滑的氧化铝基微球。

61、Includes solidified air bubble launcher and sphere ammunition! ─── 包括凝固气泡发射器和球形弹药!

62、This method opens up the possibility for measuring sphericity using roundness measuring instrument. ─── 该法为圆度仪测量球度开辟了一条新途径。

63、Thick Cylinder and Thick Sphere. ─── 厚壁缸体、厚壁球体。

64、FFI continues to expand its sphere of influence in China. ─── 国际动物群和植物群组织(FFI)继续扩张在中国的影响力。

65、His social sphere is limited. ─── 他的社交范围非常有限。

66、She had done something which was above his sphere. ─── 她所做的事远远超出于他的能力范围。

67、He rounded the clay into a sphere. ─── 他把粘土揉成球形。

68、Doctors have replaced the top of his hip bone with a metal sphere. ─── 医生用一个金属球体置换了他的股骨头。

69、The state of being curved like the inner surface of a sphere. ─── 凹陷被刻成象球体内表面的样子

70、Bead roundness, sphericity, smooth finish and bright degree, depends entirely on the polishing process. ─── 圆珠的圆度、毬度、光洁度以及亮丽程度,完全在于打磨抛光工序。

71、Sphere: A progression with the shape of a three-dimensional ball. ─── 三维球体形状的渐进。

72、Give my love to Randolph should he come into your sphere. ─── 倘若伦道夫进入你的地区,请转达我对他的慰问。

73、You're ambitious; and your proper sphere is command. ─── 你是一个有志气的人,你天生应该主宰别人。

74、His main sphere of influence is the world of banking. ─── 他的势力范围主要是金融界。

75、Then, the error produced by sphericity error, material refractive rate error and optical center error of cat eye are discussed. ─── 从猫眼的球度误差、材料折射率误差和光学中心误差几个方面对猫眼产生的光学误差进行了分析。

76、There is an sphere of sparkling sweats on the footway. ─── 人行道铺上了一层亮闪闪的水珠。

77、The earth is an oblate sphere. ─── 地球是一扁圆球体。

78、He was the first person to believe that the earth was a sphere. ─── 他最早提出地球是一个球体。

79、He has extended his sphere of influence to the world of banking. ─── 他已把自己的势力范围扩展到金融界。

80、Shanghai Celestial Sphere Macheinary Machinery Co., Ltd. ─── 上海天球机械有限公司!

81、Sphericity Error of minimum zone applies to the criterion of Sphericity Error of minimum condition principle. ─── "最小区域球"意义上的球度误差,是符合"最小条件原则"的球度误差评定标准。

82、She's used to mixing in an altogether different sphere. ─── 她习惯於在一个完全不同的社会阶层里交往。

83、Curved like the inner surface of a sphere. ─── 凹的象球体的内表面一样弯曲的

84、Before I became a widow, I was in very different sphere. ─── 在我居孀之前,我是处在完全不同的圈子里的。

85、In actual production processing, the a sphericity of an aspheric surface is directly relative to its manufacture difficulty. ─── 在实际生产加工中,非球面镜的非球面度直接反映加工的难度。

86、The Indian state's greatest achievements lie in the noneconomic sphere. ─── 印度政府最大的成绩是在非经济领域。

87、Ecliptic armillary sphere was improved by Li Chunfeng during Tang Dynasty. ─── 唐代李淳风于633年改造浑天黄道仪。

88、To enclose in or as if in a sphere. ─── 使成球形围入或仿佛是围入球内

89、The Earth is not a perfect sphere . ─── 地球并不是一个完全的球体。

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