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09-09 投稿



epitomized 发音

英:[??p?t?ma?zd]  美:[??p?t?ma?zd]

英:  美:

epitomized 中文意思翻译



epitomized 词性/词形变化,epitomized变形

动词第三人称单数: epitomizes |动词过去分词: epitomized |动词过去式: epitomized |动词现在分词: epitomizing |

epitomized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thomas Aquinas epitomized the overall medieval aesthetics thought, who exerted important influence on the development of western modern aesthetics. ─── 摘要托马斯?阿奎那是中世纪美学思想的集大成者,对西方近现代美学思想发展也有重大影响。

2、We've covered how the new Astra is in line with Opel's new design paradigm, epitomized by the Car of the Year winning Insignia model. ─── 我们已经覆盖了新的Astra符合欧宝新的设计模式,体现在年度车型获奖徽章模型。

3、of,relating to,or being a variety of a language that is epitomized by a prestigious body of literature ─── 规范的,属于为语言权威团体视为标准的一种语言的多方面的

4、”, a phrase traditionally epitomized by Futabatei Shimei (though the claim is still in dispute. ─── 之怀疑亦为可能的研究角度,本文也稍作探讨。

5、(2).His political creed was epitomized in this report. ─── 他的政治信念就概括在这篇报告中。

6、City center city is the political, economic, cultural core activities area, which epitomized the character and outlook of a city. ─── 城市的中心是城市的政治、经济、文化的核心活动区域,它集中体现出一个城市的特征和风貌。

7、Cicero epitomized Nature Law in the ancient Republic of Rome. Firstly he inherited the law thought from Plato, Aristotle and Stoic school, which he romanized later. ─── 西塞罗是罗马共和国时期自然法思想的集大成者,他继承古希腊柏拉图、亚里士多德以及斯多葛派的法律思想,并将其罗马化。

8、s football infrastructure, epitomized by, but by no means confined to, the new Wembley stadium, is already impressive and is set to receive a new wave of investment ahead of the 2012 Olympics. ─── 这个国家的足球氛围,其缩影将不仅限于给人们留下深刻印象的新温布利球场,在2012年奥运会前将会拥有新一轮的投资。

9、Few brands epitomized this trend better than Bulgari, which has grown to 259 stores from just 5 when Mr. ─── 比宝格丽更能代表这种趋势的品牌并不多见。

10、Evidently, the something-for-everyone model epitomized by Heathkit and the Amateur Scientist column can't compete anymore. ─── 很显然,像希斯套件及业馀科学家专栏这种想迎合大众需求的模式,已不再具有竞争力。

11、We've covered how the new Astra is in line with Opel's new design paradigm, epitomized by the Car of the Year winning Insignia model. ─── 我们已经覆盖了新的Astra符合欧宝新的设计模式,体现在年度车型获奖徽章模型。

12、and the point epitomized in his famous dictum, that “thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind”, is one which he repeatedly emphasizes. ─── 浓缩到他的最著名的一句格言中的“没有内容的思想是空泛的,没有概念的直观是盲目的”的观点被他不断地重复强调着。

13、No consolation came from my father, a World War II veteran who epitomized authority. ─── 我的父亲,一个二战老兵,权威的缩影,没有给我任何安慰。

14、Luther's religious reform and French enlightenment spirit have produced German classical philosophy, and Hegel epitomized the German classical philosophy and completed a closed circle. ─── 摘要路德的宗教改革与法国启蒙精神产生了德国古典哲学,黑格尔是德国古典哲学的集大成者。

15、She played the intellectual assistant of Ahn Jae-wook's character and epitomized the ideal career woman. ─── 她饰演安在旭的聪明助理,并且是作为一个完美职业妇女的缩影.

16、No play epitomized this better than the one that gave New York its biggest lead of the day. ─── 没有发挥更好的体现本比一,使纽约最大的铅的一天。

17、The article may be epitomized by mentioning only those main points. ─── 提一下那些要点即可概括那篇文章。

18、Greg epitomized the idea that travel is about who you meet, not where you go. ─── 格雷格概括出了一个观点,那就是,旅游中应关注的是你所遇见的人,而不是你要去的地方。

19、be epitomized in the formula ─── 具体化为一个公式

20、As a highly internationalized, and the real estate industry with the most closely related regional, CBD development process will be epitomized entry to the WTO on China's real estate industry. ─── 作为一个高度国际化,又与地产行业最紧密相关的区域,CBD开发过程中将会集中体现出加入WTO以后对我国地产行业的影响。

21、His sound epitomized the strain of commercial country that dominated his era: updated honky tonk and Southern-fried country-rock on the uptempo tunes, well-polished, adult contemporary-tinged pop on the ballads. ─── 麦克劳的声音成为了主导那个年代的商业化乡村音乐的缩影:流行的乡村乐伴着南方的乡村摇滚乐和欢快的曲调,悦耳还时尚;情歌中加入流行乐的诸多因素。

22、Cicero epitomized Nature Law in the ancient Republic of Rome.Firstly he inherited the law thought from Plato, Aristotle and Stoic school, which he romanized later. ─── 摘要西塞罗是罗马共和国时期自然法思想的集大成者,他继承古希腊柏拉图、亚里士多德以及斯多葛派的法律思想,并将其罗马化。

23、Almost everybody in the movement shares the belief that "capitalism and militarism" (both epitomized by America) are the main challenges to human welfare. ─── 几乎所有与会方都秉持这一共同的信念:“资本主义和军国主义”(美国无疑是两者结合的典范)是对全人类福祉的最大威胁。

24、The fighting qualities of the team are epitomized by the captain. ─── 这个队的战斗精神从队长身上体现出来。

25、The results epitomized what can be accomplished through the focused effort of teamwork. ─── 通过团队的一致努力,这只是一个缩影而已。

26、Seafood is a regional speciality epitomized by Captain Anderson's Restaurant. ─── 海鲜是个当地特色,安德森船长餐厅是其典型代表。

27、He was one of those talented executives who served successive administrations and epitomized the ideal of public service. ─── 他是那些曾在多届政府中任职,体现公职理想的能干的行政官之一。

28、The declination and its reasons of the Jia's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong. ─── 贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。

29、Sichuan opera has accumulated the artistic creation of Chinese operas and Bashu culture and epitomized the wisdom of artists and intellectuals in the past history. ─── 川剧积淀了中国戏 曲和巴蜀文化诸多历史层面的艺术创造,凝聚了历代艺人和知识分子的智慧和才能。

30、The ancient Anasazi created a flourishing culture in New Mexico's Chaco Canyon, epitomized by Pueblo Bonito. ─── 古代的阿纳萨齐人在新墨西哥州的查科峡谷创造了一个繁盛的文化,博尼托即是其缩影。

31、This is the alienation of productivity, which is epitomized in that it is alienated from benefiting to harmful. ─── 它集中表现为利己、利他又利天的生产力异化为损人、损天又损已的生产力。

32、The objectives of Zen Buddhism could be epitomized two points as "To stand all alone against the world outside" and "To open trust with wisdom" to object to religion secularization. ─── 中国禅宗的“宗旨”集中体现为“遗世独立”和“以智启信”两点,其目的在于反对宗教世俗化。

33、"They epitomized what imagination was." Asked about the Tevez-Rooneypartnership, he said: "They are both good players so you know that onan individual basis they are not going to let you down. ─── 但是弗格森也对他的防守不满意,他指出球员们回防太慢了,他认为纳尼应该在防守方面改善,应该多些回防帮助边后卫。

34、The re-emphasis on the bed is one of life, it can be epitomized by large beds, padded pandemic. ─── 对床上生活的重新重视就是其中之一,它集中体现为大床、软垫的流行。

35、Epitomized by the work of ─── 特技为主的功夫动作

36、He was one of those talented executives who served successive administrations and epitomized the ideal of public service. ─── 他是那些曾在多届政府中任职,体现公职理想的能干的行政官之一。

37、The beginning of the end is felt even in the halls of the elite firm Goldman Sachs, which, among its Wall Street peers, epitomized and defined a high-risk, high-return culture. ─── 连高盛公司这种精英公司内部都感受到好日子快完了,高盛可是华尔街同侪眼中高风险、高报酬文化的同义词和缩影。

38、It turned out that English for the law epitomized wordiness, unclearness, pomposity, and dullness when it made its debut after it was legitimized. ─── 结果当英语获得合法地位后首次登台亮相却成为罗唆冗长、不明确、浮夸和单调乏味的典型。

39、The article may be epitomized by mentioning only those main points. ─── 只要提一下那些要点即可概括那篇文章。

40、The economic isolationism of the 1930s, epitomized by America's Smoot-Hawley tariff, cruelly intensified the Depression. ─── 20世纪30年代,以美国斯姆特-霍利关税法为典型代表的经济孤立主义严重加剧了大萧条。

41、This is the organization's effort, epitomized in Valenti's every act, to redefine the meaning of “creative property. ─── 然而该组织有一个最为根本和重要的任务,就是重新规定“创造性财产”的涵义;这个使命贯穿于瓦氏所有努力的始末。

42、Zhu Xi was a great thinker, philosopher and educator of Southern Song Dynasty who epitomized New-Confucianism . ─── 朱子是理学的集大成者,南宋时期伟大的思想家、哲学家、教育家。

43、He epitomized the thought of this school. ─── 他是这一学派思想的集大成者。

44、The declination and its reasons of the Jia's family condensed and epitomized those of the reigns of Kangxi and Qianlong. ─── 贾府的衰败过程和衰败原因是“康乾盛世”衰败凝缩和缩影。

45、Of, relating to, or being a variety of a language that is epitomized by a prestigious body of literature. ─── 规范的属于为语言权威团体视为标准的一种语言的多方面的

46、That said, it's not as if Barcelona's front three has epitomized stability in the past three seasons. ─── 这就是说,此推论成立如果巴萨的锋线三员在上三个赛季都保持稳定。

47、7.Abstract: Events contributing to the establishment of statistics?the science of data?and its chemical branch are epitomized. ─── 文摘:本文追溯了统计学发展、建立中的大事,陈述了它的定义及其化学分支发展、建立的梗概;

48、Each movement has been led by a man of words, who used words as instruments of policy, of persuasion and of power, who epitomized the character of his movement in words of historic simplicity. ─── 每一次运动的领导者都有。作为宣传政策、游说拉拢和攫取权力的工具,他们的言语简洁而隽永,于寥寥数语中揭露了运动的本质。

49、3. Hemingway epitomized the great American writer by producing works that would impact millions. ─── 海明威以创作影响百万人的作品而成为伟大美国作家的典型代表。

50、The combination of the open source movement, the Web, and the advertising-supported software model epitomized by Google are starting to have the long-predicted effect. ─── 而目前开放源码运动,网络以及以谷歌为代表的广告软件模式正发挥着长期的不可预知的效果。

51、It epitomized the building style of the Ming-Qin dynasty, with delicate craftmanship into every inch of the building, and an compact yet elegantly designed garden. ─── 它体现了建筑风格的明清秦王朝,与微妙的工艺到每一寸建设,以及一个紧凑,但优雅的设计,花园。

52、This high/low concept is epitomized by collaborations between mass chains like H&M and famous fashion designers. ─── 这个上下交替的概念由在许多链子象H&M和著名时装设计师之间的合作代表。

53、Yet the Bildungsroman discards them as irrelevant, abstracting from “real” youth a “symbolic” one, epitomized, we have said, in mobility and interiority. ─── 然而,教育小说把这些作为无关紧要的而忽略了,把“真实”的年轻抽象成“象征”的、代表的。

54、But tens of thousands of fans lined the road outside Heathrow to get a final look at the plane that epitomized jet set glamour. ─── 但是,仍有成千上万的协和迷聚集在希思罗机场外的道路两旁,以求最后一睹作为“喷气族”象征的这款机型的风采。

55、"He epitomized the attitude and commitment in the Liverpool side and you could see how desperate he was to get the three points. ─── “你能看到他的比赛态度以及为利物浦奉献的努力,你可以看到他渴望三分的决心。”

56、The fighting qualities of the team are epitomized by the captain. ─── 这个队善于较量的品质从队长身上体现出来。

57、City center city is the political, economic, cultural core activities area, which epitomized the character and outlook of a city. ─── 城市的中心是城市的政治、经济、文化的核心活动区域,它集中体现出一个城市的特征和风貌。

58、Shangri-La Hotels &Resorts has always epitomized the concept of Shangri-La hospitality. ─── 香格里拉国际酒店管理集团始终体现着殷勤好客香格里拉情的经营思想。

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