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impossibly 发音

英:[?m'p?s?bl?]  美:[?m'p?s?bl?]

英:  美:

impossibly 中文意思翻译



impossibly 反义词


impossibly 短语词组

1、impossibly beautiful ─── 难以置信的美丽

2、not impossibly ─── 并非不可能

impossibly 词性/词形变化,impossibly变形

副词: impossibly |

impossibly 同义词

ridiculously | hopelessly | unbelievably | incredibly | unbearably | unreasonably | extremely | insufferably | terribly | intolerably |dreadfully

impossibly 相似词语短语

1、impassibly ─── 不可理喻地

2、implausibly ─── adv.难以置信地

3、impressibly ─── 令人印象深刻

4、possibly ─── adv.可能地;也许;大概

5、impossibility ─── n.不可能;不可能的事

6、impassible ─── adj.不觉痛苦的;不能伤害的

7、compossible ─── adj.可共存的

8、impossible ─── adj.不可能的;不可能存在的;难以忍受的;不真实的;n.不可能;不可能的事

9、impassably ─── adv.无法通行地,不能通行地

impossibly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This may sound impossibly utopian ─── 也许听起来这是十足的空想。

2、It can be understudied easily that our society can develop impossibly if we all do not plant the crops. ─── 如果我们都不种庄稼,我们的社会就不可能发展。理解这一点是十分简单的。

3、The person impossibly escapes from other people but exists. ─── 人是不可能脱离别人而存在.

4、However, meet the accident probably, but impossibly all have intention to every day outside, this also is a kind of to practice moral teachings. ─── 不过,有可能遇到意外,但是不可能天天都有意外,这也是一种修行。

5、Although TCL is not a blooded baby in mobile phone empire, but will look with the position that TCL shift holds the balance in whole group today, it uses situation impossibly already not only. ─── 尽管 TCL 并不是手机帝国里一个纯种的婴儿,但以今天 TCL 移动在整个集团举足轻重的地位来看,它已不可能用情不专。

6、The field smiling goes to seek one appearing impossibly you! ─── 微笑地去寻找一个不可能出现的你!

7、"Medicine is a more professional thing, common netizen understands more knowledge impossibly, hype rises tired difficulty should have a few difficulty than groovy project. ─── “医药是一个比较专业的东西,普通网民不可能了解更多的知识,炒作起来困难度比常规的项目要有一些难度。”

8、Signora, between Austria and Italy, there is a section of the Alps called the Semmering.It is an impossibly steep, very high part of the mountains. ─── 在奥地利(维也纳)与义大利(威尼斯)中间的阿尔卑斯山脉,有一处叫做[森梅林],非常非常地陡峭高峻。

9、It is impossibly for heat to be converted into a certain kind of energy without something lost. ─── 一点不损耗就把热转换成某种能是不可能的。

10、Accordingly, we disregard this impossibly to be in economically the change with the occurrent neighbour of aggressive. ─── 因此,我们不可能无视这个在经济 上咄咄逼人的邻居正在发生的变化。

11、Hubble's Top 10 illustrate that our universe is not only strange, but also impossibly beautiful. ─── 哈勃的10大发现表明,我们的宇宙不仅奇特,而且美丽得难以置信。

12、His eyes shone impossibly green behind his glasses. ─── 他的绿眼睛在那双眼镜后面亮得几乎难以置信。

13、Particularly BE, any two language cultures are all impossibly completely on an equal footing, is reappear in all of three kinds of meanings in the original text translate a text usually impossible. ─── 尤其是,任何两处语言文化都不可能完全对等,要把原文中的三种意义全部再现于译文常常是不可能的。

14、Feminine appearance can change, you are had impossibly forever young, beautiful beautiful, green countenance, dan Yongyuan has fashionable charm can come true completely however. ─── 女人的容貌是会变的,你不可能永远拥有年轻、靓丽、青春的面容,但永远拥有时尚魅力却是完全可以实现的。

15、After a few moments concentration the spectator examines the rings only to find out that they are IMPOSSIBLY LINKED TOGETHER! ─── 一会儿后集中观众审查圆环只发现他们一起不可能地连接!

16、As with all Korean leading hunks, well-loved by female audiences, he is crafted to be impossibly romantic and dogged in the pursuit of love. ─── 就如所有被女性观众所钟爱的韩剧男主角,他被刻画成不可思议的浪漫,并对爱的追寻毫不畏缩。

17、To newlywed, when buying sofa, consider even in the future child postnatal security and durable sex, sofa has the edge with hard needle impossibly, its color also answer bright and a few more lively. ─── 对新婚夫妇来说,买沙发时还要考虑到将来孩子出生后的安全性与耐用性,沙发不可能有尖硬的棱角,其颜色也应鲜亮活泼一些。

18、But the engi-neer from Ypsilanti, Mich., hasn't given to the relief efforts in Burma and China, in part because the world's problems seem impossibly large. ─── 但这位来自密西根州伊斯兰堤的工程师尚未捐款给缅中,部分因世界上的问题似乎太大,他觉得个人无能为力。

19、The impossibly glamorous, politically powerful women who make up half of Nicolas Sarkozy's cabinet. ─── 令人难以相信的魅力,法国总统萨科齐的内阁一半是由这些漂亮迷人的政治女强人组成!

20、At Israel, a lot of problems impossibly solve problems with the greatest ease because of a"diagram". ─── 在以色列,很多问题不可能因为一张“图”就迎刃而解。

21、He seems to advise us that don't entertain delusive phantom against foreign language ability: we learn impossibly the language same as native people. ─── 他似乎忠告我们对外语能力不要抱有迷惑的幻想:我们不可能学得到本族人那样的语言.

22、Eg. He will possibly be an engineer in the future, but he will impossibly be a pilot. ─── 将来他有可能会成为一名工程师,但他不可能会成为一名飞行员。

23、But don't pay attention to the business enterprise of farsighted development and then die halfway probably, the fun impossibly realized to be a real entrepreneur. ─── 但是不注重长远发展的企业就可能半路夭折,就不可能体会做一个真正企业家的乐趣。

24、But in multifarious method, of set number and frequency cooperate to reach theory, you are used impossibly entirely absolutely, you yourself must find out the most effective to yourself method. ─── 但在五花八门的方法中,组数与次数的配合及理论,你绝对不可能全部用上,你必须自己去找出对你自己最有效的方法。

25、Because the home installed a company to had done a part to work before laying a brick, owner seeks other company impossibly again, be forced to return money. ─── 因为家装公司在铺砖之前已经做了部分工作,业主不可能再找别的公司,只好退货。

26、But these kids can be viciously* self-critical when they fall short of their impossibly high standards, which far exceed those of parents or teachers. ─── 但是这些孩子一旦达不到自己设定的高不可攀的超标准时,自我批判的狠劲可能也远远超过父母师长。

27、His only peculiarity, was a habit of wearing impossibly gaudy neckties ─── 他唯一的怪癖就是佩带俗得令人不敢置信的领带。

28、Certainly, this also impossibly promises the investor change is a rational investor, rectifying this kind of behavior with maximum limit, avoid should grow behavior to bring bane is very necessary. ─── 当然,这也不可能保证投资者转变为理性的投资人,最大限度地纠正这种行为,避免该种行为带来危害是十分必要的。

29、Isabella Swan:"[to Edward] I know what you are. You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, and ice cold. " ─── "伊莎贝拉:“我知道你是什么。你难以置信的快和强壮。你的皮肤苍白寒冷如冰。”爱德华:“大声的说出来那是什么。说出来。”

30、The orphan was weak,cold, still shrouded with the placenta, and walking impossibly on tall and wobbly legs. ─── 待我们赶到时,羊妈妈已在生产时死掉了,剩下这只孤零零的小羊羔又冷又弱,还裹着胎盘,靠那细长孱弱的四肢简直无法走动。

31、Of two months decorate a process very endless, see construction group job impossibly in the spot every day. ─── 两个月的装修过程很漫长,不可能天天在现场看施工队工作。

32、Jackson came into our public consciousness as an impossibly cute preteen wonder in 1969, an unbelievably precocious singer of his family band, The Jackson 5. ─── 1969年,杰克逊作为其家族乐团“杰克逊五兄弟”成员之一,以一个不可思议出色的可爱的神童歌手身份走入大众视线。

33、If the market does not have too big response, IPO procrastinates till the cows come home impossibly also go down. ─── 如果市场没有太大反应,IPO也不可能无限期地拖下去。

34、Perfectionist intimidators. These bullies set impossibly high standards and unrealistically short deadlines. They also give underlings more work than they can reasonably handle. ─── 完美主义型恫吓者:这些霸王设定高不可及的标准和不切实际的期限。他们给下属布置的工作超出大家的合理应对能力。

35、When because they open the more mature business that give out and facility,selling well just about, be in impossibly gain period abandons. ─── 因为他们开发出的比较成熟的业务和设备正是卖得好的时候,不可能在盈利期放弃。”

36、long thought to be an impossibly difficult operation; impossibly far from sources of supply. ─── 一直都认为是一个很难做的手术;无法想象的供给缺乏。

37、The Party member is civilian, impossible get sth done once and for ever, accomplish in one move impossibly also, must arrowy annals not change, cease ceaselessly also momently. ─── 党员为民,不可能一劳永逸,也不可能一蹴而就,必须矢志不渝,一刻也不停息。

38、Ear film grows what can come impossibly, science and technology still is done not have so develop! ─── 如果耳膜在水中撞破了,还会有机会长好吗?

39、"Earth " the problem is not solved, unlock horizon impossibly, the high level on establish job, restrict the rapid development of economy and society with respect to can severe refashion. ─── “土”的问题不解决,就不可能放开眼界,确立工作上的高标准,就会严重制约经济和社会的快速发展。

40、Auther: Zhang Ruicheng;et al.The quality of wastewater treated by current treatment techniques is impossibly to agree the water quality regulated in the national standard. ─── 利用我国现有的经济适用性水处理技术处理的污水水质难以达到国家标准中规定的水质指标,应在更大的范围内确定有关悬浮固体的经济可行性指标。

41、Next, although did not use those likelihoods to infect the article of the bacteria, but assure impossibly to had not been contacted absolutely. ─── 其次,虽然没有使用那些可能传染病菌的物品,但是不可能保证绝对没有接触过。

42、A large number of lampblack arise when Chinese meal cooking, although take lampblack chance best,suck all lampblack impossibly also. ─── 中餐烹饪时产生大量油烟,即使最好的抽油烟机也不可能吸走全部油烟。

43、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "Imposs... ─── 不要只因一次挫败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(莎士比亚)

44、The Hollywood version of me: a young starlet with impossibly shiny hair and a tweed blazer. ─── 在好莱坞电影中,我是这样的形象:影视圈新秀,秀发飘逸亮泽,穿花呢外套。

45、They can become the place in real life impracticable, can do the accomplishs impossibly thing in reality even. ─── 他们可以做现实生活中所做不到的,甚至可以做现实中不可能做到的事。

46、But cannot know the past deep, know impossibly now, foreknow more impossibly well future. ─── 但是不能深入地认识过去,就不可能认识现在,更不可能很好地预见未来。

47、"He was a Hollywood A-lister without the A-lister's arrogance. he was impossibly famous, yet possessed the humility of a man who understands that fame can leave as quickly as it arrives. ─── “他是一位没有一线明星傲慢态度的好莱坞一线明星。他难以想象的出名,然而他是一个明白名望可以像它到来那样快地离开的拥有谦逊的品质的人。

48、He eat so mush impossibly for hunger but for greediness absolutely. ─── 他完全是嘴馋才吃那么多,不可能是肚子饿。

49、They can choose ' exit ' , but have field of books of network of other company reentrance impossibly; ─── 他们可以选择‘退出’,但不可能有其他公司再进入网络图书领域;

50、Plus a list of achievements that showed her to be impossibly musically talented. ─── 她还取得了很多的成绩,证明她有着不可思议的音乐才能。

51、Not only were his features unsymmetrical, the left side was impossibly big and the right side was extremely small.It gave one an urge to set them right. ─── 五官不仅不对称,左边的大得离谱,而右边的又小得出奇,让人有一股想要把它扳正的冲动。

52、But the system of the official censor at court of ZhenGuan Period impossibly changed the nature of absolute monarchy, and it was a different concept to democracy today entirely. ─── 但是贞观诤谏不可能改变封建专制的本质,与今天的民主更是两个截然不同的概念。

53、But in private he is also reported to have been impossibly strict, frequently flogging his servants for the slightest of mistakes. ─── 但在私下里,据说他过于苛求,经常因为一些小错就鞭打他的仆人。

54、(1) swallows an eyewinker bigger, impossibly from bowel eduction person, should use surgical operation to be taken out. ─── (1)吞服异物较大,不可能从肠道排出者,应采用外科手术取出。

55、Impossibly, this kind of lock key is Germany manufacturing, not easy make copy, I dare to say to be an elephant what you say so. ─── 不可能,这种锁钥是德国制造,不容易仿制,我敢说绝对不是象你所说的那样。

56、He's so impossibly long - winded.You need to be as patient as Job to listen to him without making some excuse to leave. ─── 他的讲话真是又长又臭。你需要有约伯一样的耐心才能听下去而不致找借口离开。

57、A word is wraparound " break away from the scientific method research to specific issue, the general that achieves materialist dialectics impossibly is comfortable " . ─── 一句话概括“脱离科学方法对具体问题的研究,不可能达到唯物辨证法的普适”。

58、Lashed to the pier under the bright lights of Zenko's Cave, the impossibly vast hulk of “Sovyetskii Soyuz” looked more like a factory ship than a man-of war. ─── 在洞顶明亮灯光的照射下,"苏联"号的硕大艇体看起来倒更像艘捕鲸船,而不是战舰。

59、Health) Impossibly Hard to Achieve Barbie`s Figure A wasp-thin waist, full bosom, and a pair of pretty, long legs make up an enticing figure which almost all women in the world hope to have. ─── 健康)拥有芭比身材,比登天还难纤瘦细腰和丰满胸部加上一双修长的美腿,这样的魔鬼身材,几乎是全世界的女性人人期盼拥有的。

60、It felt like an impossibly huge goal when I was getting ready to launch it, but slowly but surely, I've built it into something I love. ─── 当我在准备开办时,它感觉上是一个巨大无比的目标。慢慢地,可却稳当地,我已经将它建立成为一样我热爱的东西。

61、Isabella Swan:[to Edward] I know what you are. You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is pale white, and ice cold. ─── 伊莎贝拉:“我知道你是什么。你难以置信的快和强壮,麦兜响当当。你的皮肤苍白寒冷如冰。”

62、To sophisticated urban dwellers in Moscow, Siberia is almost impossibly distant. ─── 对生活在莫斯科城的经验老练居民而言,西伯利亚几乎遥远得难以想象。

63、One of the majestic labors was to clean the stables of the King of Elis, in the impossibly brief period of one day. ─── 其中一项任务是,在短短的一天之内清洁好艾丽斯国王的马厩,这几乎是不可能的事。

64、The grade of the human life removes impossibly and completely. ─── 人间的等级是不可能完全消除的。

65、Both hands are slowly closed into fists and held three feet apart...and yet a moment later when both hands are opened, the key and coin have impossibly changed places! ─── 两只手慢慢地被关闭入拳头和以后被握三英尺单独... 仍然片刻当两只手被张开, 钥匙并且硬币不可能地改变了地方!

66、They can often be found on the slopes of the continental shelf, though as yet they are impossibly awkward to extract. ─── 它们能经常在大陆架的斜坡上找到,尽管目前来看其开采难度之大令人望而却步。

67、" The idea of Edward ceasing to exist, even if I were dead, was impossibly painful. ─── 即便是因为我的死令爱德华产生寻短的念头,都令人痛不欲生。

68、In a match where two sets of impossibly rich footballers were driven forward by such hatred, poor put-upon Riley didn't have a chance. ─── 在一场双方那些异常有钱的球星们在强烈的憎恨驱使下踢球的比赛中,可怜而无辜的雷利是没有机会的。

69、Ignored puts into practice, breathe out only catchword, "Mustache of one night respecting is white, day break still is smooth chin " , it is to do not have any meanings, obtain any result impossibly. ─── 不重视付诸行动,只呼口号,“一夜说到胡子白,天亮仍是光下巴”,是没有任何意义,不可能取得任何成效的。

70、He takes the cigarette from the boy's thin, long-fingered hands, feeling how impossibly cold they are. ─── 他从那男孩纤细修长的手指间取过香烟,触摸到了那难以置信的冰凉。

71、For you but existence of those are sad that you all comprehend impossibly forever ─── 为你而存在的那些伤心你永远都不可能会理解

72、In science technique today change with each passing day, the fact of the economic social development proves more and more, a person is engaged in a kind of occupation impossibly and the whole life. ─── 在科学技术日新月异的今天,经济社会发展的事实越来越证明,一个人不可能终生从事一种职业。

73、The Endara government inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors. ─── 达拉政府从其前任手里接过了一个极为困难的局面。

74、Even if you have very strong communicate with capability , not good if preparation job composes reach expected the best effect impossibly. ─── 即使你有很强的沟通能力,如果准备工作做的不好也不可能达到预期的最佳效果。

75、Be we also is impossibly one fan on the successful road fluent, we will appear thus and so of problem,, our emotion there will be the quarrel, the standpoint there will be the rift... ─── 就是我们在成功的道路上也不可能是一帆通顺的,我们会出现这样和那样的问题,,我们的情感会有争执,观点会有分歧。。。

76、She browsed through pictures of spacious campuses and happy, contented kids- all of it looking impossibly glamorous and unachievable. ─── 她翻着画册上那些宽敞校园、幸福而自信的学生的照片。所有这一切,对她来说,具有难以置信的魅力,却永远不可及。

77、Most surveys about sex find impossibly that men have had far more partners than women, ty..." ─── 为什么平均男性的性伴侣要比女性的多?

78、In midsummer every Cape Cod town is impossibly crowded. ─── 仲夏时节,鳕鱼角的每个镇都出奇地拥挤。

79、Edifice security personnel introduces, 10 buildings are to hand in each branch entirely below, have stockjobber impossibly. ─── 大厦保安介绍,十楼以下全部是上交所各部门,不可能有证券公司。

80、Another problem which is all too common is that installers are expected to comply with almost impossibly short completion deadlines. ─── 另外一个问题更为普遍,安装者期望按照不可能的短的完工期限施工。

81、Curiously enough, this did not strike her as an impossibly rash thing to do ─── 怪得很,朱莉亚并不觉得,这不切实际的想法太冒失。

82、He would allow John slyly to copy his answers to impossibly difficult algebra questions. ─── 难的代数题,他允许约翰偷偷抄袭他的答案。

83、We forever impossibly together still be in the heart in longing for a bright future although being to tell friends this way on the mouth! ─── 我们永远地不可能地一起仍然在心在渴望为明亮的未来虽然在这样告诉朋友在那之上嘴!

84、If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening ”those with impossibly vaulted backs, and painful-looking contortions ”you should not worry. ─── 如果你觉得在电视上看到的那些不可能做到拱形的背,看起来痛苦的扭转的冥想姿势有点可怕,你也不必担心。

85、Although Yi Kan obtains dealership to contend for battle, drive away Yang Zhiyuan, he reachs brushstroke prep above impossibly also with Microsoft of every 33 dollars trade. ─── 即使伊坎取得代理权争夺战,并赶走杨致远,他也不可能与微软达成一笔高于每股33美元的交易。

86、Pessimists look at that situation and despair. But three success stories show that the hurdles to prevention are not impossibly high. ─── 农业领域的此类障碍是制造业的两倍,而富裕国家对中等收入新兴市场设置的门槛是最高的。

87、Since the top of the sun also has black mark, the affair of human life more impossibly has no blemish. ─── 既然太阳上也有黑点,人世间的事情就更不可能没有缺陷。

88、The bulk of cycle specialists, who spurn any systematic integration as impossibly deductive and overly simplified, are thereby (wittingly or unwittingly) rejecting economics itself. ─── 大部分经济循环问题研究方面的专家们,认为这种系统性的结合工作是不能演绎推断的而不屑于去做,因此(自觉或不自觉地)将它拒绝于经济学之外。

89、Keira Knightley is an impossibly lovely young actress, a fact that Hollywood seems bent on proving one body part at a time. ─── 凯拉。奈特莉是位可爱至极的年轻女演员,对于她的可爱,好莱坞似乎一心想通过她身体的各个部位加以证明,一次证明一个。

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