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09-09 投稿



endothelial 发音

英:[,end??'θi?l??l]  美:[,?ndo?'θili?l]

英:  美:

endothelial 中文意思翻译



endothelial 词性/词形变化,endothelial变形

形容词: endothelial |名词复数: endothelia |

endothelial 短语词组

1、endothelial cushion ─── 心内膜垫

2、endothelial tumor ─── 内皮肿瘤

3、endothelial cells ─── [医] 内皮细胞

4、endothelial dystrophy ─── 内皮营养不良

5、median endothelial cushion ─── [医] 正中内皮垫

6、endothelial cancer ─── [医] 内皮癌, 内皮瘤

7、high endothelial venule ─── 高内皮小静脉

8、endothelial tube ─── 内皮管

9、endothelial tissue ─── [医] 内皮

10、endothelial phagocyte ─── [医] 内皮噬细胞

11、endothelial system ─── [医] 内皮系统, 网状内皮系统

12、endothelial cyst ─── [医] 内皮囊肿

13、endothelial lepidoma ─── [医] 皮内性里膜瘤

14、endothelial symptom ─── [医] ─── [血管]内皮症状

15、endothelial myeloma ─── [医] 内皮 ─── [细胞]性骨髓瘤

16、endothelial layer ─── 内皮细胞层

17、endothelial junction ─── 内皮连接

18、lateral endothelial cushion ─── [医] 侧内皮垫

19、endothelial leukocyte ─── [医] 内皮性白细胞

endothelial 相似词语短语

1、endothelioid ─── 内皮样

2、endothelioma ─── n.[肿瘤]内皮瘤

3、endothecial ─── 吸血的

4、endothecium ─── n.内皮,内层

5、endothermal ─── adj.吸热的

6、endothelium ─── n.[解剖]内皮;内覆组织

7、endotheloid ─── 内皮样体

8、endothelia ─── 内皮

9、endothecia ─── 内胆

endothelial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The number of endothelial cells was counted by MTT assay at 24h,48 h,72 hrespectively. ─── 不加bFGF 的作为对照组,分别在24h,48 h,72 h,应用MTT 法进行细胞计数.

2、UVA (0.8-5.0 J/cm2) irradiation with the presence of 8-MOP (300 ng/ml)resulted in a dose dependant reduction on cell viability of endothelial cells. ─── UVA (0.8-5.0 J/cm2)联合8-MOP(300ng/ml)可明显抑制内皮细胞的增殖。

3、The endothelial cells are immunoreactive for CD34 and Factor VIII related antigen. ─── 内皮细胞呈CD34+和VIII因子相关抗原+。

4、Angiopoietin acts on Tie-2,which is a receptor tyrosine kinase specifically expressed on endothelial cells. ─── 作用于内皮特异受体酪氨酸激酶酪氨酸激酶受体2。

5、ATD and TL have similar effects on the protection of endothelial structure. ─── ATD及TL具有同样的内皮结构保护作用

6、Several non-invasive detective methods for endothelial cell function are introduced. ─── 介绍几种无创伤性血管内皮功能的检测方法。

7、At present,the study of endothelial dysfunction and protection of endothelium have become the focused issues. ─── 内皮功能障碍的研究和血管内皮的保护成为目前研究的热点。

8、On the other hand, the cultured endothelial cells predominately express Cx43. ─── 另外,培养的内皮细胞主要表达Cx43。

9、Relationship between the level of serum homocysteine and endothelial function in patients with coronary heart disease. ─── 冠心病血清同型半胱氨酸与血管内皮功能的关系研究。

10、CPB induces the injury and activation of vascular endothelial cells,which may be recovered about 72 h after CPB. ─── CPB可导致血管内皮细胞的广泛损伤/活化,这种损伤大约72h恢复。

11、viability of rat glomerular endothelial cells was inhibited by ioversol in a concentration and time dependent manner. ─── 非离子型低渗造影剂碘佛醇能显著降低大鼠肾小球内皮细胞存活率,并呈剂量和时间依赖性。

12、This was followed by the formation of an endothelial opening through which emboli translocated into the perivascular parenchyma. ─── 随后,通过将血栓转移至周细胞软组织而在内皮细胞上形成开口。

13、Massive osteolysis remains an enigmatic condition that involves various skeletal locations and is caused by endothelial proliferation. ─── 大量自发溶骨性疾病是否由内皮增生造成与侵犯骨骼各处的情形仍是一团谜。

14、The adjustive influence of DHEA on the endothelial cell does not been maked through estrogen receptor . ─── DHEA并非通过雌激素受体而发挥其对内皮细胞功能的调节作用。

15、In cultured endothelial cells, knockdown of GIT1 decreased VEGF-mediated phosphorylation of PLC and ERK1/2. ─── 在培养的内皮细胞内,GIT1敲除降低了VEGF介导的PLC和ERK1/2的磷酸化。

16、In brain, the endothelial cell wall, strengthened by tight junctions, defines the blood - brain barrier (BBB). ─── 在脑内,血-脑屏障(BBB)主要由内皮细胞及其间的紧密连接构成,而基膜对它的结构支撑,在保持BBB的完整性方面起重要作用。

17、High-dose Morphine Impairs Vascular Endothelial Function by Increased Production of Superoxide Anions. ─── 大剂量吗啡通过增加过氧化阴离子生成而损伤血管内皮功能。

18、In cultured huma microvascular endothelial cells, the insulin stimulates only migration into the wound tissue. ─── 在培养的人微血管内皮细胞中,胰岛素仅仅对伤口处细胞有促进作用。

19、The number of CD14+CD16+ cells correlated with both endothelial microparticles and EPCs. ─── CD14+CD16+细胞数目与内皮微粒和内皮祖细胞相关。

20、Mouse Vascular Endothelial cell Growth F... ─── 小鼠血管内皮细胞生长因子(VEGF)试剂盒;

21、ARDS is characterized by endothelial and epithelial cellular injury. ─── ARDS的特征为内皮或上皮细胞损害。

22、EPCs were colocalized with endothelial cells. ─── 内皮祖细胞与内皮细胞一起存在。

23、The capillary density(CD) and its endothelial cell area(AEC) in myocardium. ─── (6 )心肌毛细血管密度及其内皮细胞面积。

24、The reasons are as follows: slow blood flow, hypercoagulation state, hyperlipoidemia and endothelial cell injury. ─── 其主要原因可能是心、脑、肺血管疾患影响血流动力学,使血流缓慢;

25、Stem cell mobilization did not occur in knock out mice lacking genes for endothelial . NO synthase. ─── 内皮NO合酶基因敲除的小鼠暴露于高压氧后干细胞动员未发生。

26、He said that measuring levels of circulating apoptotic endothelial cells might be a useful marker to fine-tune CPAP therapy. ─── 他认为,测定循环中凋亡内皮细胞水平对于规范化CPAP治疗也许会是个有用的指标。

27、Umbilical cord blood stem cells in the group A were incubated in the endothelial basal medium. ─── A组用内皮细胞基础培养液培养;

28、Increased HGF level may contribute to the repair of ischemia-induced injury of endothelial cells in patients with AMI. ─── HGF的升高有助于急性心肌梗塞病人受损血管内皮的修复。

29、OBR positive cells were also present in choroid plexus, brain ependymal layer cell and vascular endothelial cells. ─── OBR阳性细胞表达于脉络丛、脑室管膜内皮细胞和脑血管内皮细胞;

30、In 4 cases, endothelial atypia, consisting of nuclear and nucleolar enlargement, was noted. ─── 4例出现内皮细胞不典型性,可以注意到核和核仁增大。

31、The results revealed that linoleic acid hydro-peroxide mainly injured the biomembrane system of endothelial cells... ─── 为阐明脂质过氧化引起的内皮细胞损伤及其在动脉粥样硬化发病机理中的作用提供了新资料。

32、Effect on Corneal Endothelium after Nd :YAG Laser Peripheral Iridotomy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 赵晓辉,陈樱,邢怡桥.

33、Any of various neoplasms derived from endothelium. ─── 内皮瘤由内皮质产生的肿瘤

34、RBA showed the existence of estrogen receptors in endothelial cells. ─── (2 )大鼠肺血管内皮细胞中存在雌激素受体。

35、Tunica intima (the thinnest layer): a single layer of simple squamous endothelial cells. ─── 内膜层(最薄层):单层鳞状内皮细胞。

36、We checked the expression of ESM-1 in endothelial cell by immune fluorescence. ─── 并通过免疫荧光鉴定ESM-1在内皮细胞ECV304中的表达。

37、Folate,a kind of economical and nonpoisonous drugs,can definitely improve vascular endothelial function. ─── 叶酸,一种经济无毒的药物,能明确改善血管内皮功能。

38、Circulating EPC localize to sites of neovascularization and differentiate into endothelial cells in situ. ─── EPC在生理和病理的情况下被招募到目的部位,分化为血管内皮细胞,修复损伤组织。

39、An experimental study on the inhibiting effect of Shenmai Injection on endothelial cell proliferation. ─── 参麦注射液对恶性肿瘤化学药物治疗增效减毒作用的临床和实验研究。

40、Extra cellular S1P binds EDG receptors in endothelial cells leading to activation of cell migration. ─── 分泌到细胞外S1P与细胞膜表面的特异G蛋白偶联受体-内皮细胞分化基因(EDG)结合,调节或激活多种细胞迁移信号。

41、In the brain,AQP9 is found in three cell types:glial cells,endothelial cells and catecholaminergic neurons. ─── AQP9在脑内主要分布于神经胶质细胞、内皮细胞和儿茶酚胺能神经元。

42、Her team is now testing to see whether stem cells will turn into endothelial cells in the channels and into muscle cells elsewhere. ─── 她的团队正在实验,以测试干细胞是否能变成管腔内的内皮细胞和各处的肌肉细胞。

43、Endothelial cell dysfunction plays a key role in the development of clogged arteries, a process called atherosclerosis. ─── 内皮细胞功能障碍在血管阻塞的进展过程中起到了关键作用,我们称这个过程为动脉粥样硬化。

44、MLCK and MLCK-mediated endothelial structure are required for efficient filtration of kidney in mice. ─── MLCK对肾小球内皮细胞结构形态的调节是肾滤过的必需过程。

45、Endothelial and mesangial cells are normal in number. ─── 内皮细胞和系膜细胞数目正常。

46、Leptospires with different virulence did not cause significant changes in permeability of endothelial monolayers. ─── 不同毒力的钩体均未引起内皮细胞单层通透性明显改变;

47、The role of endothelial dysfunction in the very early phase of this process is known well so far. ─── 到目前为止内皮功能障碍在这个过程很早期阶段中的作用已被很好的了解。

48、The obturated haemocoel was enclosed by the continuous and stratified basement membrane under the coelothelium and endothelial. ─── 体腔上皮和内皮下连续成层的基膜围成呼吸树中封闭的血腔。

49、This is an atheromatous plaque in a coronary artery that shows endothelial denudation with disruption and overlying thrombus formation at the right. ─── 图示:冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块。内膜断裂剥落,右边伴有血栓形成。

50、LPS can stimulate expression of ESM 1 in endothelial cells. ─── LPS对ECV304中ESM 1的表达有促进作用。

51、Endothelial protein C receptor(EPCR)is a main component of protein C anticoagulant system. ─── 内皮细胞蛋白C受体(EPCR)是蛋白C抗凝系统的主要组成部分。

52、Influence of cardiovascular risk factors on endothelial progenitor cells: limitations for therapy? ─── 危险因素对内皮祖细胞治疗方面是否存在限制?

53、Can be induced to differentiate into endothelial cells in vitro. ─── 可被体外诱导分化为内皮细胞。并且

54、For six weeks, the participants underwent endothelial function testing. ─── 参加者接受六周内皮功能测试。

55、Endothelial dysfunction and cell loss are prominent features of cardiovascular disease. ─── 内皮细胞的脱失和功能障碍是心血管疾病中的突出特征。

56、"It improved functional outcomes as well as endothelial function," he said. ─── “它在改善内皮功能的同时提高了功能性结果,”他说。

57、In two-dimensional cultures the primary cardiac endothelial cells arrayed into a cobblestone-like structure. ─── 在二维平面培养中,原代心脏血管内皮细胞呈铺路石样排列;

58、The experimental study of expression of vascular endothelial growth actor in diffuse brain injury. ─── 大鼠弥漫性脑损伤中血管内皮生长因子表达变化的实验研究

59、The endothelial morphology in type 1 diabetic rats was similar to that of the control group after receiving ferriheme. ─── 接受亚铁血红素后,1型糖尿病大鼠的内皮形态与对照组相似。

60、Corneal Endothelium Changes after Nd: YAG Laser Peripheral Iridectomy[J]. ─── 引用该论文 刘恒明,袁媛,林晗.

61、Puzzle or Hope? Are Endothelial Progenitor Cell Capture Stents the Next Potential Treatment for Restenosis? ─── 内皮祖细胞捕获支架的困惑与希望?

62、Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is most important of all angiogenesis factors. ─── 其中血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)处于核心地位。

63、The IOP, the loss and coefficients of variation of corneal endothelial cells were comparable between the groups. ─── 3组术后眼压及角膜内皮损失率和变异系数差异均无统计学意义。

64、Endothelial cells may be plump, but no atypia is present. ─── 可有内皮细胞肿胀,但无不典型性。

65、It is a benign (noncancerous) tumor of the cells, called endothelial cells, that normally line the blood vessels. ─── 它是一种良性(非癌的)的,叫做内皮细胞的细胞瘤,通常可以使血管起皱。

66、In the biology class today, the teacher showed us how to dissect the endothelium of frogs. ─── 今天的生物课上,老师带领我们解剖了青蛙的内皮。

67、Fenestrated endothelium is present, and the basement membrane is normal. ─── 可见有窗孔的内皮细胞及正常的基底膜。

68、IHC staining shows that the endothelial cells in FTC 133-rvEndo were significantly less than which in FTC 133 tumor. ─── 免疫组化染色表明FTC133 rvEndo肿瘤中血管内皮细胞数明显减少 ,MVD为 34 86± 10 6 8;

69、AKP showed predominant activity in the endothelial cells of capillaries and arterioles which were stained strongly. ─── AKP主要分布于视网膜小动脉及毛细血管内皮细胞,呈强活性。

70、Mr Lau Kui-kai introduced the study on endothelial progenitor cells as a measurement of carotid atherosclerosis. ─── 刘巨基先生简介量度血管内皮再生细胞作为颈动脉粥样硬化指标的研究。

71、To mimic cardiac cell composition, we reseeded these constructs with cardiac or endothelial cells. ─── 为了模仿心脏细胞组成,我们对这些结构再植心脏细胞或内皮细胞。

72、Mechanisms of Anti-angiogenic Action in Endothelial Cells and its Clinical Application. ─── 刺激反应,而是整合讯息的认知行为。

73、The endothelium influenced vasodilation effect of papaverine and lidocaine. ─── 内皮细胞的功能可影响罂粟碱和利多卡因的血管舒张作用。

74、Dysfunction in endothelial cells contributes to the narrowing and hardening of heart arteries. ─── 内皮细胞功能障碍可造成心脏血管变窄变硬。

75、EPCs exist in the peripheral blood,and can be differentiated into mature endothelial cells( ECs) by the stimulation of VEGF, bFGF, IGF and EGF. ─── 外周血中确实存在EPCs,并且在促血管生长因子VEGF、b-FGF、IGF、EGF等的刺激下能分化为成熟的内皮细胞。

76、And a close association between hypo-adiponectin-emia and endothelial dysfunction has also been demonstrated. ─── 2型糖尿病和胰岛素抵抗时常伴有内皮机能障碍,低脂联素水平和内皮功能障碍之间的密切联系已被证实。

77、TIA is associated with endothelial injury and the ascension of ET and CGRP. ─── TIA的发病与内皮细胞损伤和血浆ET及CGRP水平增高有关。

78、Endothelin is a kind of polypeptide generated by vascular endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells. ─── 内皮素是一族由血管内皮细胞和平滑肌细胞产生的多肽。

79、Endothelial injury, dysfunction and damage are common starting points for both conditions. ─── 内皮损伤,功能障碍以及损害是这两种情况共同的进展开始。

80、The level of NO and PGI2 secreted by human vascular endothelial cells had no significant difference (P>0.05). ─── 人脐静脉血管内皮细胞分泌NO和PGI2在HA材料和空白对照组差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

81、Immunostaining confirmed endothelial P-selectin expression in the ischemic bed. ─── 免疫染色证实了缺血心肌床表达P-内皮选择素。

82、KDR,a receptor of VEGF,is expressed on endothelial cell of new vasculature. ─── KDR作为最重要的血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)的主要受体,高表达于易损斑块新生血管内皮细胞。

83、Effects of riluzole on retinal neovascularization and in vitro cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells. ─── 利鲁唑;

84、These results suggested that the metabolism and ability to resist cold injury of vascular endothelial cells were enhanced by cold acclimation. ─── 冻后4h冷习服冻伤组CEC数明显低于未冷习服冻伤组。 结果提示,冷习服后大鼠血管内皮细胞代谢旺盛、更新加速,且其抗冷损伤的能力增加。

85、The circular imprints of the endothelial nuclei were also found on the cast surface of the alveolar capillaries. ─── 在肺泡毛细血管铸型的表面有散在分布的圆形的内皮细胞核的压迹。

86、Studies on the relationship of CIC,IgE and the damage of blood vessel endothelial cells of PIH. ─── CIC和IgE与妊高征血管内皮损伤关系的探讨

87、Endothelial dysfunction plays an essential role in initiation and progression of atherosclerotic diseases. ─── 内皮功能完整性的维持需要通过细胞间不同的机制调整其活性。

88、Here we showed that the anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs could reduce the cell viability of endothelial (HMEC-1) cells. ─── 在本研究中我们发现anti-NS1-DR4 IgGs会降低内皮细胞 (HMEC-1) 的存活力。

89、And PI3 kinase inhibitor LY294002 blocked the differentiation of ADAS cells into endothelial cells in vitro. ─── 利用信号通路特异性抑制剂抑制实验,提示PI3K在ADAS细胞向内皮细胞分化中

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