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09-09 投稿



eschatology 发音

英:[,esk?'t?l?d??]  美:[,?sk?'tɑl?d?i]

英:  美:

eschatology 中文意思翻译



eschatology 网络释义

n. 末世论;来世论

eschatology 词性/词形变化,eschatology变形

名词: eschatologist |副词: eschatologically |形容词: eschatological |

eschatology 相似词语短语

1、archaeology ─── n.考古学;考古学的

2、sematology ─── 语义学

3、scatology ─── n.[基医]粪便学;粪石学

4、escapology ─── n.脱逃术

5、piscatology ─── n.捕鱼学

6、euchology ─── 欧几何学

7、chaology ─── n.混沌学

8、eschatologist ─── n.末世论;来世论(eschatology的变形)

9、eschatologic ─── 末世的

eschatology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This was not an issue as to whether they were Calvinistic in their soteriology, but an issue over their eschatology. ─── 这与他们在救赎论上是不是加尔文主义无关,而是跟他们的末世论有关。

2、Display (on a board or overhead) and explain the main ways in which eschatology developed from Moses, to early prophets, to later prophets, to the New Testament. ─── 显示(在黑板或投影片上)并解释末世论形成的主线,从摩西到早期先知,后期先知直。

3、Following their expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jews were more than ever taken up with messianic hopes and eschatology, and Kabbala found wide favour. ─── 随着于1942年他们被驱逐之后,犹太教徒比以为更采纳救世主的希望和末世学,而卡巴拉带来更广泛的喜爱。

4、Let's just call that "reserved eschatology." ─── 我们姑且叫那“末实现的末世论。”

5、Solzhenitsyn's writing has a strong tendency to religious consciousness and eschatology. ─── 索尔仁尼琴的创作具有强烈的宗教意识和末世论倾向。

6、And Hebrew's Eschatology seems to be full of profound historic significance. ─── 而缘起希伯来文化“末世论”的隐喻就颇有历史深意。

7、Objective: This lesson gives an overview of the ways in which eschatology developed in the Old Testament and into the New Testament. ─── 目标:这节课给出了有关末世论在旧约中形成并进入新约的一个概要。

8、As other branches of theology,eschatology was explained according to the private,individual,and existential method. ─── 同神学其它分支一样,末世论是按照私人的、个体的、存在主义的方式加以解释的。

9、Maitreya Bodhisattva (Sanskrit) or Metteyya Bodhisatta is the future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology. ─── 弥勒菩萨在佛教末世学中未来的佛。

10、Objective: This lesson gives an overview of the ways in which eschatology developed in the Old Testament and into the New Testament. ─── 目标:这节课给出了有关末世论在旧约中形成并进入新约的一个概要。

11、155 Pages.Vol.(3) explains the doctrines of the Holy Spirit, salvation, church and eschatology. ─── 基要神学(3)以圣灵的实现救恩为重心,解释救恩论、教会论、末世论的要义。

12、Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul. ─── 保罗思想中的圣灵观与末世论。

13、The starting point and end point of his Eschatology is human existence and value. ─── 他的末世论的出发点和最终归宿是个体的生存和价值。

14、A second reason for this obsession relates to the Church's fascination with eschatology, the study of the End of Times. ─── 译:第二个原因是来自基督教会对末世论的强烈着迷,对世界末日的研究。

15、Factors of eschatology ─── 末世论因素

16、Berdyaev has found at his special angle of religious philosophy, that in Russian nation has been cultivated a spiritual structure of the Eschatology. ─── 摘要别尔嘉耶夫以其独特的宗教哲学角度发现在俄罗斯培育出了一种末日论的精神结构。

17、His active thought of Eschatology enlightened the followers although his thought can"t be fulfilled completely. ─── 尽管他提出的设想不能全部一一实现,但他的积极的术世论思想仍给后人以启迪。

18、O**ective: This lesson gives an overview of the ways in which eschatology developed in the Old Testament and into the New Testament. ─── 目标:这节课给出了有关末世论在旧约中形成并进入新约的一个概要。

19、Eschatology concerns antinomy in blessing and cursing, destroying and producing, and attributes the destructive time to man's original sin, which will lead to the end of the world. ─── “末世论”赋予时间以祝福和诅咒、摧毁和催生的基督教二律背反特征,将时间的线性运动所带来的摧毁性质归咎于人的原罪,并认为原罪所生发的邪恶时间导致了世界末日的来临;

20、The eschatology of the Bible (it's view of history as culminating in Christ's second coming) developed from Moses' basic covenant pattern of exile and return from exile. ─── 圣经的末世论(从历史上来看,在基督的第二次再来时达到*)的形成,来自于摩西的被掳和从被掳中回归这一约的基本模式。

21、a theologian who specializes in eschatology. ─── 专门研究末世学、来世论的神学家。

22、This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology, it's the only name that should ever be used. ─── 这不仅是最符合末世论发展史的名字,也是唯一应该用来指代末世论的名字。

23、Eden is shot through with eschatology. ─── 伊甸园就有末世的盼望/意义。

24、Eschatology is about ultimate things as well as "last" things. ─── 末世论是关于最终极和“末后”的事。

25、This is called by scholars "realized eschatology." ─── 这被学者称为“实现末世论。”

26、It displays the construing function of historical time during the process of the transition from the concept of Christian eschatology to that of modern history. ─── 摘要从基督教末世论的历史概念到现代历史概念的转变过程,展现了历史时间的构成作用。

27、Christian eschatology, however, reveals that the issue of time in Spenser's poetry is far more complex than classical influence. ─── 从基督教“末世论”思想的角度,则可发现斯宾塞诗歌中的时间观远比学者们通常认为受古典传统的影响要复杂。

28、This is not only the best name in the long history of eschatology , it's the only name that should ever be used. ─── 这不仅是最符合末世论发展史的名字,也是唯一应该用来指代末世论的名字。

29、An antidote to sentimentality, prosperity doctrine, and an excessively worldly eschatology, this is theological gold dust. ─── 这是神学的金矿,是对于诉诸情绪,诉诸成功的教义,以及一种过分属世的末世观的解毒剂。

30、Osama's Galatea is a sculpture whose ivory is an eschatology and exegesis plated with a Salafi-Wahhabi interpretation of Islam. ─── 欧萨玛的未来是一个镀有沙拉菲瓦哈比关于伊斯兰教的解释的末世说和训诂学的象牙雕像。

31、What's eschatology? ─── 末世论是什么?

32、history and eschatology ─── 历史学和未世学

33、With a textual analysis of the contemporary Russian ecoliterature, this paper examines its Messianic consciousness and ecological eschatology. ─── 文章通过对当代俄语生态文学的文本分析 ,阐释了其中与生态末世论紧密相连的弥赛亚意识。

34、An Analysis of Contemporary Christian Eschatology ─── 现代基督教末世论评析

35、eschatology belief ─── 末世论信念

36、atheism has no inherent philosophical tenets, moral code, eschatology, view of the "afterlife" or paradigm to give a person a means of understanding his existence. ─── 无神论没有哲学性教条、道德标准........以提供一个人了解他存在的理由。

37、Biblical eschatology was revealed progressively. ─── 圣经中有关末世的启示是渐进的。

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