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09-09 投稿



epidemiology 发音

英:[,ep?di?m?'?l?d??]  美:['?p?'dim?'ɑl?d?i]

英:  美:

epidemiology 中文意思翻译



epidemiology 短语词组

1、shoe leather epidemiology ─── 鞋革流行病学

2、epidemiology tb ─── 结核病流行病学

3、communicability epidemiology ─── 可传播性流行病学

4、bladder cancer epidemiology ─── 膀胱癌流行病学

5、epidemiology basics ─── 流行病学基础

6、epidemiology covid 19 ─── 流行病学covid 19

7、epidemiology pdf ─── 流行病学pdf

8、confounding epidemiology ─── 混杂流行病学

9、experimental epidemiology ─── [医] 实验流行病学

10、Epidemiology and Sanitation Technician ─── 流行病学和卫生技术员

11、epidemiology and infection ─── 流行病学和感染

12、epidemiology is ─── 流行病学是

13、Epidemiology and Sanitation Technic ─── 流行病学和卫生技术

14、descriptive epidemiology ─── 描述性流行病学 ─── 描述流行病学

15、analytic epidemiology ─── 分析流行病学, ─── 分析性流行病学

16、epidemiology quizlet ─── 流行病学测验

epidemiology 同义词

prevalent | outbreak | craze | rife |widespread | contagion | pestilence | contagious | spate | endemic | wide-ranging | sweeping | catching | rampant | wave | scourge | rash | plague | infectious

epidemiology 词性/词形变化,epidemiology变形

形容词: epidemiologic |副词: epidemiologically |名词: epidemiologist |

epidemiology 反义词

ecdemic | endemic

epidemiology 相似词语短语

1、epidemiologically ─── 从流行病学的角度看

2、epidemiologists ─── n.流行病学家(epidemiologist的复数)

3、demology ─── n.人口学;人口统计(等于demography)

4、epizootiology ─── n.动物流行病学

5、endemiology ─── n.[内科]地方病学

6、epidemiological ─── adj.流行病学的

7、epidemiologist ─── n.流行病学家

8、epistemology ─── n.认识论

9、epidemiologic ─── adj.流行病学的;传染病学的

epidemiology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective: To study the epidemiology, manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of primary tracheobronchial and pulmonary amyloidosis. ─── 摘要目的:探讨原发性支气管肺淀粉样变的流行病学特征、临床表现及诊断和治疗方法。

2、Gordon H.Guyatt, MD, Prof. of Medicine &Clinical Epidemiology &Biostatistics in McMaster University, involve in Evidence-based clinical research and practicing EBM for 20 years. ─── 医学博士,加拿大医学与临床流行病学和生物医学系教授,从事循证临床研究与实践20年。

3、Sarcoma of female tract is rare and fatal malignancy. This review briefly introduces the advance in epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of the sarcoma of female genital tract. ─── 女性生殖道肉瘤是少见的女性生殖系统恶性肿瘤。本文对女性生殖道肉瘤的流行病学、发病原因、诊断与治疗进展作了扼要介绍。

4、Feng LC.The anopheline mosquitoes and the epidemiology of malaria in China.Chin Med J.1937,51:1005. ─── 孟庆华.按蚊和疾病//孟庆华.中国按蚊的分类习性与防制.北京:人民卫生出版社,1956:106-107.

5、This article reviews the epidemiology and pathophysiology of migraine headache and patent foramen ovale(PFO),and the impact of PFO closure on migraine. ─── 回顾偏头痛和卵圆孔未闭的发病情况和病理生理学机制,以及经导管封堵卵圆孔未闭对偏头痛的影响,评价其应用价值。

6、This article briefly introduces the progress of the pathogeny,epidemiology,clinical characteristics,diagnosis,treatment and detection of Norwalk Virus. ─── 文章介绍了诺瓦克样病毒的病原学、流行病学、临床表现和诊断检测等方面的研究进展。

7、As you learn more about diagnostic patterns and epidemiology, knowing what data you are listening for and asking about specific details become more automatic. ─── 当你掌握了更多的诊断学和流行病学知识,(你)就知道了什么是你要听取的信息,并且有意识地询问更多的细节。

8、Objective To analyze the epidemiology of clonorchiasis sinensis and provide basis for the prevention and control programs. ─── 摘要目的了解重庆市华支睾吸虫病流行趋势,为制定防治方案提供依据。

9、You know, from physics to medicine , in particular, epidemiology and also mathematical modeling . ─── 从物理学到医学,尤其是,传染病学和数学建模。

10、MEIR J.STAMPFER and WALTER C.WILLETT are professors of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. ─── 史丹普佛与魏特勒两人都是美国哈佛大学公共卫生学院流行病学与营养学教授。

11、The research, published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, concluded that there was no clear evidence of more frequent sex increasing the chances of a stroke. ─── 刊登在传染病学和社区健康杂志上的这份结果同时显示了频繁的性生活和中风的发作并无明显联系。

12、METHODS The data of epidemiology survey,routine surveillance,as well as sentinel surveillance for high risk population were collected and analyzed. ─── 方法对全市历年来流行病学调查和随访资料、监测哨点资料、特殊人群筛查和相关研究资料进行分析。

13、Methods: The investigation was carried out according to the case control method of epidemiology and conditional logistic regression model was used. ─── 方法 :依照流行病学病例对照研究方法 ,采用条件Logistic回归模型。

14、Beaglehole R,World J Surg Epidemiology of Varicose Veins 1986; 10: 898. ─── 孙建民,张培华,蒋米尔,等.上海市周围血管病流行病学的调查研究[J].中华外科杂志,1990,28(8):480.

15、Research progress of the etiology, epidemiology, clinic diagnosis, and control of this disease was reviewed. ─── [方法]综述近年来该病的病原学、流行病学、临床诊断、防治等方面的研究进展。

16、Gordis L. Epidemiology, the Fourth Edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2009. ─── 吕宗学译:临床流行病学精要。台北:九洲出版社。

17、A study by the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters finds that between 1980 and 2007, nearly 8,400 natural disasters killed more than two million people. ─── 灾害流行病学研究中心的一项研究发现,在1980年至2007年间,近8400起自然灾害导致200多万人死亡。

18、An Epidemiology Study of Disease of Peripheral Vessels in Elder People in Beijing Area. ─── 北京老年人群下肢周围血管病的流行病学研究。

19、The two-person team, with expertise in epidemiology and virology, will visit hospitals and consult with local health authorities. ─── 具有流行病学与病毒学专长的两人小组将访视医院,并谘询地方卫生机关。

20、Methods:We presented a case of PDH and reviewed the etiology,epidemiology,clinical manifestations,diagnosis,differential diagnosis and treatment of the disease. ─── 方法:结合1例PDH患者的临床资料及文献复习,对本病病原学、流行病学、临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断和治疗等方面进行分析。

21、Graber, director of environmental and occupational disease epidemiology for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. ─── 她来抱怨说呼吸急促,胸部疼痛并且咳嗽,让人想起肺炎。

22、The study of epidemiology, biomechanics , characteristic and classification can help us to perfect the treatment. ─── 对此病流行病学、生物力学、疾病特点及分类的复习有助于治疗方法的完善。

23、Since the epidemic of dengue fever occurred in Pingtung area in the past few years, we conducted a study to investigate the epidemiology in this area in 2004. ─── 鋻于这几年登革热的流行,屏东都有感染案例,因此进行本研究,将屏东地区2004年的登革热病毒感染流行病学进行分析报告。

24、Division of Biostatistics Department of Epidemiology and Population Health Albert Einstein College of Medicine Bronx NY United States Dr. ─── 急性心肌梗死行经皮冠状动脉介入后院内死亡率的树形风险分层:来自纽约州经皮冠状动脉介入数据库的报道

25、The techniques used for the examination of the result of treatment are closely aligned to some of the general methods of epidemiology. ─── 审察处理结果所用的技术与流行病学某些一般方法是接近一致的。

26、Study on Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Emergency in Guangdong. ─── 广东严重急性呼吸综合征突发事件流行病学研究


28、From the point of system: call for cooperation among teams in different areas. Use the advantage of macroscopical analyzing of epidemiology. ─── 从系统的角度:提倡多学科的团队组合,发挥流行病的宏观分析的优势。

29、The National Cancer Institute Genetic Epidemiology Branch is doing a study on chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in families. ─── 国家癌症协会遗传流行病分会正在进行一项针对家族性慢性淋巴细胞性白血病(CLL)的研究。

30、Jeju, Korea, The 2nd East Asia Conference of the international Society for Environmental Epidemiology. ─── 台中,台湾公共卫生学会、台湾流行病学学会2007年联合年会。

31、This article is trying to discuss the epidemiology and mental health problems of these people, and overview their mental health condition. ─── 本文试图通过对同性恋者和青少年同性恋者的流行学及其精神卫生相关问题进行综述,以观其精神健康状况。

32、Public health has many sub-fields, but is typically divided into the categories of epidemiology, biostatistics and health services. ─── 公共卫生有许多子领域,一般分为流行病学、生物统计学和健康服务。

33、Epidemiology has always been a necessary part of medicine practice. ─── 流行病学一直医学实践必不可少的部分

34、Maura Gillison, a professor of oncology and epidemiology, said in a telephone interview. ─── 他是一名肿瘤学和流行病学的教授。

35、Population Studies (Epidemiology) ─── 群体研究(流行病学)

36、Headachy epidemiology findings makes clear, have a headache to be concerned with age structure. ─── 头痛的流行病学调查结果表明,头痛与年龄结构有关。

37、Title: Survey on the molecular epidemiology of hantanviruse carried by mites in a base. ─── 关键词:螨类;肾综合征出血热病毒;分子流行病学;序列分析

38、Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-DNA (PAH-DNA) Adducts, as exposure biomarkers, have great significance for surveillance and molecular epidemiology. ─── PAH-DNA加合物是一种暴露标记物,在生物监测和流行病学研究中有重要意义。

39、The ability of the infective agent to survive in man's environment is an important factor in the epidemiology of the infection. ─── 感染因子在人体环境中的存活能力是传染病流行病学的一个重要因素。

40、Objective To analysis the clinic and pathological characteristics of Hymenolepiasis nana and explore the epidemiology basis lead to Hymenolepiasis nana. ─── 摘要目的分析微小膜壳绦虫感染人体所致病变特点及临床表现,阐明微小膜壳绦虫病发病的流行病学依据。

41、Epidemiology and mechanisms of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. ─── 恶性疟原虫;磺胺多辛-乙胺嘧啶;抗药性;流行病学

42、Molecular Epidemiology Laboratory,Toxicology and Molecular Biology Branch, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Morgantown,WV, USA. ─── 南华大学生命科学与技术学院,湖南,衡阳,421001;郧阳医学院附属太和医院检验科,湖北,十堰,442000

43、Based on documents, this article discussed and analyzed the character of epidemiology and etiology on exercise-induced sudden death. ─── 应用文献资料法,对运动性猝死的流行病学和病因学特征进行了探讨和分析。

44、Sperber,D.(1994).The Modularity of Thought and the Epidemiology of Representations,in L.A.Hirschfeld and S.A.Gelman (Eds.):Maping the Mind[M],Cambridge University Press. ─── 卡米洛夫-史密斯.缪小春译.超越模块性--认知科学的发展观[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2001.

45、Future research will be required to determine if these findings hold true for other territories in Asia and Oceania with similar malaria epidemiology. ─── 需做进一步研究以确定这些发现是否适用于有类似疟疾流行病的亚洲和大洋洲。

46、"I think the results of this study are quite reassuring," Joachim Schuz of the Danish Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen, said. ─── “我认为这个研究结果相当可靠,”哥本哈根丹麦癌症流行病研究院的苏兹说。

47、The clinical epidemiology investigation demonstrates that the incidence of the SCD is increasing during the past 50 years. ─── 临床流行病学研究表明,在过去的五十年中,SCD的发生有上升趋势。

48、Oral epidemiology can be used to evaluate the efficacy of preventive measures. ─── 口腔流行病学也可用于口腔疾病预防措施和预防方法的研究,并对其效果进行评价.

49、Objective: To study the analytic means for ordinal categorical response in epidemiology. ─── 摘要目的:探讨流行病学中有序分类结果资料的回归统计分析方法。

50、The biting and sucking blood ability for N. w. laizhouensis is stronger than for A. e. girshami, and both of them are great significance in plague epidemiology. ─── 伍氏病蚤较穗缘端蚤的吸血能力强,具有非常重要的鼠疫流行病学意义。

51、This article reviewed the etiology, disease mechanism, epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of Tularaemia. ─── 摘要本文主要介绍土拉菌病及病原的发现概况、病原学、发病机理、流行病学、临床表现、诊断和防治。

52、Headachy epidemiology findings makes clear, have a headache to be concerned with sexual distinction. ─── 头痛的流行病学调查结果表明,头痛与性别有关。

53、"With the development of molecular clones and diagnostic tests for ABV, we can now begin to explore both the epidemiology of the virus and how it is linked to the disease state. ─── “随着ABV病毒诊断检测方法和分子克隆技术的发展,我们现在可以开始探讨该病毒的流行病学以及它的发病机制”。

54、Another approach is to describe the findings of epidemiology in relation to disease entities. ─── 另一个思路就是描述与疾病本质有关的流行病学表现。

55、Molecular epidemiology had identified that hepatitis B virus (HBV) and aflatoxin Bl (AFB1) were important risk factores. ─── 分子流行病学研究表明乙肝病毒(Hepatitis B Virus,HBV)和黄曲霉毒素B1(Aflatoxin B1,AFB1)是肝癌发生的重要危险因子。

56、A former environmental and science writer for Newsday, his articles on cancer epidemiology won the AAAS Science Journalism Award in 2003. ─── 他所撰写的癌症流行病学文章,于2003年荣获美国科学促进协会科学新闻奖。

57、Methods: The alteration of both morbidity and mortality of infectious diseases were analysed by the method of descriptive epidemiology. ─── 方法:运用描述流行病学方法分析急性传染病的发病率、死亡率变化趋势。

58、The research progression of epidemiology,etiology,clinical manifestation,diagnosis, treatment and prevention of Lyme disease were summarized. ─── 作者对莱姆病的流行病学、病原学、临床表现、诊断、治疗和预防方面的研究进展进行了综述。

59、The techniques used for the examination of the result of treatment are closely aligned to some of the general methods of epidemiology. ─── 审察处理结果所用的技术与流行病学某些一般方法是接近一致的。

60、It uses textual and statistical portraits of disease to describe past and present collaborations between anthropology and epidemiology. ─── 它使用疾病的原文和统计肖像描述在人类学和流行病学之间的过去和现下合作。

61、Rizzo, it turned out, was an economist working in the epidemiology division of the school of public health and was an expert in data analysis and management. ─── 我发现原来里佐是位经济学家,在公共卫生学院的流行病学系教书,专精数据分析及管理。

62、The scene in the hospital illustrates a key challenge of molecular epidemiology. ─── 医院的场景正说明了分子流行病学所面临的重要挑战。

63、He is an outstanding doctor and medical researcher, director of all internal medicine, and an even more famous educationist of clinical epidemiology. ─── 他是一个优秀的内科医生、学研究者、科全科主任,更是一名誉满全球的临床流行病学教育家。

64、For this, the recruit of 6 75 renown enrollment that we train to attending undertakes dogging investigating, in order to discuss its epidemiology characteristic. ─── 为此 ,我们对参加练习的 6 75名入伍新兵进行跟踪调查 ,以探讨其流行病学特点。

65、Over the past few years increasing emphasis has been placed on the need for administrators in the health service to be trained in disciplines such as epidemiology. ─── 在过去几年里,日益强调对卫生机构行政人员要进行某些学科,譬如流行病学的训练。

66、A molecular epidemiology study on risk factors and mechanism of HBV intrauterine transmission [J].Natl Med J Chin, 1999, 79(1): 24-7. ─── HBV宫内感染机制及其危险因素的分子流行病学研究[J].中华医学杂志,1999,79(1):24-7.

67、Chen YC, Chang SC, Sun CC, et al: Secular trends in the epidemiology of nosocomial fungal infection at a teaching hospital in Taiwan. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 1997;18:369-75. ─── 吴淑萍,黄树桦,黄高彬等:成人院内念珠菌血流感染流行病学特徵之分析。感控杂志2002;12:355-65。

68、In order to prevent and control the disease in ZiBo city, a comprehensive DVH epidemiology study was carried on. ─── 为了预防和控制该病的发生,开展了淄博市鸭病毒性肝炎的综合防治研究。

69、Clemente-casares-P,Pina-S,Buti-M et al. Hepatitis E virus epidemiology in industrialized counties. Emerg-Infect-Dis, 2003 ,9 (4): 448-54. ─── 康来仪,孙永得,郝连杰等.我国丙型和戊型肝炎人群流行病学调查及流行因素的研究.中华传染病学杂志,1997,15(2):38-44.

70、They said their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, is the first definitively to link air pollution with birth defects. ─── 他们说,这项刊登在《美国流行病学杂志》上的研究首次明确地提出空气污染与出生缺陷有关。

71、Abstract: Objective To analyze the epidemiology of clonorchiasis sinensis and provide basis for the prevention and control programs. ─── 文章摘要: 目的了解重庆市华支睾吸虫病流行趋势,为制定防治方案提供依据。

72、Second Annual Genomics and Genetic Epidemiology: General Principles and Application to Disease Studies. ─── 基因组与基因流行病学:原理和在疾病研究中的应用。包括了视频与讲义。

73、In this paper the epidemiology,clinical manifestations and laboratory studies on stonefish Synanceja Inimicus Japonicus were presented. ─── 8‰。用光、电镜方法对该棘毒鱼的毒腺结构进行了初步观察;

74、Objective To explore the epidemiology, pathogeny, diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary sequestration. ─── 摘要目的探讨肺隔离症的流行病学、病因、诊断和治疗方法。

75、It was noted that the genotyping of HCV isolates in China was mainly of 1b and 2a, whereas the molecular epidemiology of Chinese HEV strains was close to that of Burmese. ─── 我国 HCV基因型以 1b和 2 a为主 ,HEV毒株接近缅甸株。

76、Typing of IBV is useful for implementation of control measures and for understanding the pathogen,epidemiology and evolution of IBV. ─── IBV毒株的分型对于实施有效的疫病控制、病原研究、流行病学调查及研究病毒的演化意义重大。

77、Epidemiology investigation on AS: To adopt the multicenter,maximus sample clinical survey. ─── AS临床流行病学调查:采用多中心,大样本临床调查。

78、And the sort of molecular epidemiology he and his colleagues wanted to do is only a small part of it. ─── 他和他同事所做的分子流行病学只是其中一个很小的一部分。

79、Giuntinic DI, Ricco G, Marini C, et al. Pulmonary embolism: epidemiology [ J ] . Chest ,1995 ,107 (1) : 3 5 . ─── 何建国,程显声,高明哲,等.全国21家医院急性肺栓塞诊治情况的调查分析[J].中华医学杂志,2001,81(13):1490.

80、A detailed illustration of molecular biology,epidemiology,laboratory diagnosis,treatment and preventive strategy of the VZV were given. ─── 对VZV的分子生物学特征、流行病学、实验室诊断、治疗及预防对策等做了详细阐述。

81、The OIE "Bulletin" contains sections devoted to the epidemiology of the principal contagious diseases and to OIE activities. ─── OIE

82、Current studies of epidemiology and experiments research on mobile phone radiation are reviewed in the paper. ─── 从流行病学和实验研究两个方面综述了有关手机辐射的最新研究进展。

83、Human reproductive system. (Image courtesy of the U.S. National Cancer Institute's Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) Program. ─── 人类的生殖系统。(图片提供:美国国家癌病署的“监测、流行病学与最终结果”计划。)

84、There have been isolated reports in the literature of the natural history and less than complete knowledge of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of syringomyelia. ─── 摘要脊髓空洞症为脊髓腔洞扩张以致渐进性之脊髓病变。

85、"Analytic epidemiology conducts studies to test the conclusions of descriptive surveys or laboratory observations. ─── 分析性研究用来检验描述性研究或实验室观察所得出的结论。

86、Avoiding and then adjusting for any such bias, however, is at the heart of the work of the Oxford cancer epidemiology unit. ─── 然而,避免和调整诸如此类的偏见是牛津大学癌症流行病学部门的工作核心。

87、Cohen, an associate professor of epidemiology and population health at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University. ─── 他是Yeshiva大学AlbertEinstein医学院的一名流行病与人群健康专业的副教授。

88、Objective To understand the epidemiology of primary open angle glaucoma in rural population in Heze. ─── 摘要目的了解农村原发性开角型青光眼流行病学状况。

89、Information on the epidemiology of mumps disease during the campaign would be important for the understanding of reported rates of aseptic meningitis. ─── 在开展接种运动时收集到的流行性腮腺炎的流行病学信息非常重要,有助于我们理解报告的无菌性脑膜炎的发生率。

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