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09-09 投稿



dietitian 发音

英:[da??'t??(?)n]  美:[,da??'t???n]

英:  美:

dietitian 中文意思翻译



dietitian 词性/词形变化,dietitian变形

异体字: dietician |

dietitian 相似词语短语

1、dietician ─── n.营养学家;膳食学家(等于dietitian);n.营养师(专业人员,须获得证书)

2、dietarians ─── n.吃规定饮食者,遵守饮食规定者

3、Laetitia ─── 蕾蒂西娅(人名)

4、dietetical ─── adj.饮食的

5、dietitians ─── n.营养师(dietitian的复数)

6、dieticians ─── n.营养师;[医]饮食学专家(dietician的复数)

7、Letitia ─── n.利蒂希娅(女子名)

8、diet plan ─── 饮食计划

9、dietarian ─── n.吃规定饮食者,遵守饮食规定者

dietitian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your dietitian may suggest a nutritional supplement. ─── 你的营养师可能会建议一些营养补品。

2、The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.If needed, ask your oncologist for a referral. ─── 如果需要的话,也可以请你的肿瘤医生推荐有关专家指导饮食。

3、Did you see a dietitian about your problems? ─── 你的问题有去看营养专家吗?

4、Dietitian denotes a person with a Bachelor's Degree or a post-graduate diploma or Master's Degree in Dietetics inclusive of an internship, or equivalent. ─── 营养师 指持有营养学学士学位或深造文凭或硕士学位并通过驻院实习训练,或具备同等资格的人.

5、The dietitian was helpful, making suggestions as to how I could improve my diet. ─── 这位饮食学家很有帮助,就我如何能改善膳食提出了建议。

6、The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful. ─── 你可以咨询一下营养学家,他们的建议会对你有所帮助。

7、In The Origin Diet, dietitian Elizabeth Somer asserts that certain cravings were central to human survival and evolution. ─── 在《源头节食》一书中,营养学家elizabeth Somer断言:某些吃的渴望在人类生存和进化中曾经起到了重要作用。

8、According to one dietitian, a kiss of average intensity uses up about nine calories ─── 根据一位饮食学家的研究,一次中等热烈的吻要耗掉大约九卡的热量。

9、Protein is especially important to a growing child, it is essential to seek the advice of your dietitian if you are bringing up a child on a gluten-free vegetarian or vegan diet. ─── 蛋白质特别重要的是越来越多的儿童,有必要徵求意见,您的营养师如果你是造就一个孩子的面筋免费素食主义者或素食饮食。

10、Guaranteed!You should definitely join the gym on the 13th.And you should definitely hire a personal trainer.And a dietitian. ─── 请保证,13号你会加入健身的行列,而且请聘用私人教练和营养师。

11、If you're concerned about your weight or your diet, you might want to talk with your doctor or a dietitian who specializes in helping athletes. ─── 如果您担心你的体重或饮食习惯,您可能需要与您的医生或专门帮助运动员的营养师交流。

12、I have no doubt she would make a good dietitian . ─── 毫无疑问她会成为优异的营养学家。

13、In the course of the diet history the dietitian learned that Mrs.I pays little attention to her food intake. ─── 在饮食的营养师历史教训夫人我并没有重视她的食物摄入量。

14、Edmunds, a registered dietitian with the New York State Department of Health, Albany, told Reuters Health. ─── 来自奥尔巴尼的纽约州卫生健康部的注册营养师LynnS.Edmunds告诉路透社记者说。

15、Your local registered dietitian, practice nurse or diabetes care team will be able to give you specific lifestyle advice, based on your own individual needs. ─── 当地的注册营养学家、执业护士和糖尿病医生会根据你的需求提出建议。

16、Your doctor also may be able to direct you to weight-loss support groups or refer you to a registered dietitian. ─── 医生也可能会向你推荐减肥自助小组和营养师。

17、If you aren't sure how to create a vegetarian diet that's right for you, talk with your doctor and a registered dietitian. ─── 如果你对于如何规划适合你的素餐还没有主意,你可以咨询你的医生或者专业的营养学家。

18、We should enhance propaganda of nutrition knowledge and let inpatient know assistance effects of dietotherapy arranged by dietitian. ─── 结论:应加强营养知识宣传工作,提高病人营养意识,认识到营养室膳食安排对疾病的辅助治疗作用;

19、Bonnie Taub-Dix, a registered dietitian in New York City, says on Valentine's Day she bakes oatmeal/dark chocolate cookies in the shape of hearts. ─── 一位纽约城注册营养师,说在情人节上她焙烤心形状的燕麦/黑巧克力饼干。

20、Meeting with a dietitian or nutritionist can help ensure your child is getting all the nutrients they need without allergenic foods. ─── 向营养学家咨询可以确保你的孩子既没有摄入过敏食物又获得了足够的营养。

21、Schedule a session with a Registered Dietitian to work out an eating plan and to stay current on the latest research. ─── 确定时间跟一个有证的营养学家会面,制作出一个饮食计划和在最新的研究上保持领先。

22、Talk with your doctor or a dietitian about whether nutritional supplements might be appropriate for you. ─── 和你的医生或者营养师探讨,看你是否适合营养补充。

23、but my dietitian recommend me to have more food which contain good fat. i need to gain weight. ─── 走到哪里不重要,家在哪里都可以,有你的地方就是家。

24、A few weeks ago I wrote about how challenging it was for even a registered dietitian to plan a day's meals based on the federal government's dietary guidelines. ─── 几星期前我写到就是一个注册营养学家按照联邦政府的膳食指南计划一天的膳食是多么的具有挑战性。

25、Given all the complexities, it pays to discuss individual needs with a doctor, dietitian or other health professional. ─── 考虑到所有这些复杂情况,与医生、营养师或其他健康专业人士讨论一下个人需求还是有好处的。

26、lean meats only) or a low-sodium diet.The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful.If needed, ask your oncologist for a referral. ─── 营养学家的建议将会对患者有所帮助,在需要时也可以请你的肿瘤医生推荐有关专家。

27、With these results either your vet or a canine dietitian may be able to advise you how to proceed. ─── 以这些结果或您的狩医或一位似犬营养家也许能劝告您怎么进行。

28、dietitian educator ─── 营养师教员

29、lean meats only) or a low-sodium diet.The advice of a nutritionist or dietitian may be helpful. ─── 如果有些问题不明白,可以咨询一下营养专家,他们的建议会有所帮助。

30、registered dietitian ─── 注册营养师

31、I became a dietitian not because I'm enamored of nutrients but because I love food. ─── 我成为饮食专家不是因为我对营养物质感兴趣而是因为我喜欢食物。

32、You may want to ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist for specific nutrition advice and guidance. ─── 你或许会请你的医师为你推荐一位营养师或营养学家,让他来帮助你制定明确的饮食计划。

33、Conclusion Clinical physician should find the patients who were in maladjusted nutrition.The dietitian should give di... ─── 结论临床医师要善于发现营养失调的患者,营养师应定期进行膳食调查,根据不同疾病调整营养素的供能结构。

34、typical American diet is a lot higher in protein than a lot of us think," says registered dietitian Angela Pipitone. ─── 典型的美国饮食中的蛋白质含量比我们想象的要高得多。”注册营养师安吉拉·皮皮托内说道。

35、administrative dietitian ─── 营养管理员, 管理营养师, 主任营养师

36、"I think studies like this are a disservice to the consumer because they oversimplify the causes of obesity," registered dietitian Beth Hubrich of the Calorie Control Council tells WebMD. ─── 但是,低热量增甜剂产业的发言人严词批评这篇研究,指出这篇研究只针对27只老鼠做实验。

37、I have no doubt she would make a good dietitian. ─── 毫无疑问她会成为优秀的营养学家。

38、Although foods' aphrodisiac qualities aren't based in science it's still fun to play along with your partner registered dietitian Sara Shama says and many of them have health benefits anyway. ─── 虽然激发欲望的食物质量并不基于科学,它们仍然让(你)和你的伙伴玩得愉快!

39、All participants were given menu plans and attended weekly meetings with a dietitian to help them stick with their new lifestyle. ─── 所有的参与者会收到饮食计划,并要求参加每周一次的会议,配备营养专家以使其更好地坚持和完成新的计划。

40、dietitian administrator ─── 营养师管理人员

41、For individualized diet planning, please seek advice from dietitian. ─── 如欲接受切合个人需要的饮食指导,请向营养师查询。

42、A dietitian can help you find ways to include your favorites in your diabetes meal plans. ─── 营养学家可以帮助糖尿病患者如何在饮食计划中包括所喜欢的食品。

43、One should be careful in choosing a dietitian, because not all of them are legitimate. ─── 选择营养师时应当慎重,因为不是所有的营养师都是合法的。

44、Go easy on colorful foods just before a big ride or race, advises registered dietitian Shawn Dolan, Ph.D. ─── 在进行长时间的乘骑或赛跑活动前尽量避免进食“多彩”食物,注册营养师肖恩多兰博士建议。

45、Seek the advice of a nutritionist or dietitian. ─── 可以征求营养师或饮食专家的意见。

46、I do remember the dietitian told me the chance to get real diabetes is very high for women had gestational diabetes . ─── 怀孕时要求非常严格是怕影响婴儿。不过因为遗传的原因,总是会比别人更容易得上,我也是这样,木...

47、What they do Black beans are a great source of soluble fibre - a half cup (125 mL) contains 6.4 grams, an amount that Vancouver-based registered dietitian Heather McColl recommends you eat every day. ─── 作用:黑豆是可溶性纤维素的重要来源,半杯(125毫升含有)6.4克,这是温哥华注册营养学者建议你每天摄入的纤维素的总量。

48、23. Davidson, a nurse, and a dietitian worked out a diet designed to maintain Sue Ellen's proper body weight. ─── 戴维森,一个护士和一个营养学家三人共同制定了一个保持埃伦适当体重的饮食计划。

49、If you start pregnancy weighing too much, you should not try to lose weight. Instead work with your dietitian or doctor to curb how much weight you gain during pregnancy. ─── 如果你开始怀孕的时候体重过重,你不要尝试开始减肥,而是应该与你的营养师或医生沟通如何控制怀孕期间增加的体重。

50、Dietitian Ursula Arens says no. ─── 营养师乌尔苏拉.阿伦斯说不用。

51、Davidson , a nurse, and a dietitian worked out a diet designed to maintain Sue Ellen's proper body weight . ─── 戴维森,一个护士和一个营养学家三人共同制定了一个保持埃伦适当体重的饮食计划。

52、Nut Cream for Summer FruitThis recipe was created by Mum Mum’s own dietitian and makes the perfect topping for fresh fruit, adding a little more nutrient density. ─── 夏日水果之坚果冰激凌,这份食谱是由妈妈博客的营养学家自制,并且使用最佳的新鲜水果原料,营养更加丰富。

53、Ask your health care provider how you can learn more about carbohydrate counting. A dietitian can help you make a plan. ─── 请向医师询问如何计算醣类。而营养师则可帮助您制订饮食计划。

54、Observe the patient after every tube feeding for adverse changes such as diarrhea, abdominal distention, vomiting or constipation and consult the attending physician or dietitian when necessary. ─── 需注意患者灌食后之反应,若有不良的管灌症候群,如腹泻、腹胀、呕吐、便秘等,应请教医师或营养师。

55、dietitian practitioner ─── 营养师开业人员

56、“If you send someone to a dietitian one time, that will do next to nothing. ─── 他说,“如果你将一个人送到营养师那边,同样也没有作用。”

57、"These are the foods we naturally look to as we try to lose extra pounds; however, they are the ones that we need to be careful about," says Dee Rollins, PhD, R.D., dietitian with Baylor Regional Medical Center at Grapevine. ─── 如果你是几百万美国人中希望通过购买无脂肪、无胆固醇或全天然食品来减肥的一个,你可能感到惊讶的是,专家们说那就是所谓的经常破坏日常饮食的“健康”食品。

58、He checked himself: a good chief dietitian was a pearl to be prized. ─── 他自我检讨着:一个好的营养主任是一颗值得夸赞的珍珠。

59、A member of your health care team, such as a dietitian, can work with you to make a personalized plan. ─── 因此,会由医护人员(例如营养师)配合您个人量身制订计划。

60、For the first eight weeks of the study, they also attended one-hour weekly group sessions with a registered dietitian trained to explain the diet to them in detail. ─── 对于这项实验的最初八周,她们每周都要参加一个一小时的群组会议,当中有一位受过训练的注册营养师向她们详细的解释她们的饮食。

61、Your doctor can help arrange for a dietitian to work with you on keeping a healthy diet. ─── 医生会为你找一个营养医师来帮助保持健康的饮食结构。

62、You can call the ADA’s Nutrition Information Hotline for a referral to a registered dietitian in your area for individual nutrition counseling. ─── 你可以拨打美国饮食营养协会的营养信息热线,让他们来推荐你所在地区的注册营养师,以便提供个人的营养指导。

63、in Japan, every 300 people have a dietitian, Japanese law, those with 100 or more must be equipped with a canteen nutritionists, dietitians and the number is equivalent to 2.4 times the clinicians. ─── 在日本,每300人就拥有一名营养师,日本法律规定,100人以上食堂必须配备1名营养师,营养师的数量相当于临床医师的2.4倍。

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