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09-09 投稿



perches 发音

英:[?p??t??z]  美:[?p??rt??z]

英:  美:

perches 中文意思翻译



perches 词性/词形变化,perches变形

动词现在分词: perching |名词复数: perch |动词第三人称单数: perches |动词过去分词: perched |动词过去式: perched |

perches 相似词语短语

1、perched ─── adj.栖息的;置于高处的;v.栖息(perch的过去式)

2、perchery ─── n.母鸡舍

3、perchers ─── n.栖于树上的鸟;高坐者;织物检查工

4、unperches ─── 取消

5、-perches ─── n.鸟类的栖木;休息处;河鲈(perch的复数);v.鸟类栖息于…;暂歇;坐落于…(perch的第三人称单数)

6、percher ─── n.栖于树上的鸟;高坐者;织物检查工

7、porches ─── n.门廊(porch复数形式)

8、parches ─── vt.烤,烘;使干透;vi.焦干;烤干

9、percales ─── n.高级密织棉布

perches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On a perch beside him sat a blue parrot. ─── 在他旁边的栖木上栖着一只蓝色的鹦鹉。

2、Baby got on one of the low perches, and Mom watched on the sidelines. ─── 小鸟落在一根低的上,而鸟妈妈则在一旁观望着。

3、Instead of being a Blitzkrieg, Operation Perch had ended as a shambolic retreat. ─── 作为一次闪电战,“鲈鱼”计划以惨败告终。

4、He watched the game from his precarious perch on top of the wall. ─── 他无视安全,高坐在墙头上观看比赛。

5、And after a week of complaints, this racy Chicago billboard has been removed from its downtown perch. ─── 在被抱怨了一周之后,这幅芝加哥市中心的广告版终于被搬走了。

6、In doing so, it knocked its bigger neighbour, Cuba, from its perch as the Caribbean's sporting power. ─── 因为这样,它打击了他最大的邻国古巴。而古巴是加勒笔地区的体育强国。

7、Hope is the thing with the feather that perches in the soul. ─── 希望是栖息在灵魂之上的,会飞翔的东西。

8、You don't find that foreign birds and butterflies come and perch upon your crockery. ─── 你们并没看见过奇奇怪怪的鸟儿和蝴蝶飞来落在碗盏上。

9、He has a perch in his father's bank for as long as he wants it. ─── 他在他父亲的银行里占有一高位,想占多久就多久。

10、All the hens came down from their perches, and began to look for their food. Chanticleer walked up and down. ─── 于是所有的母鸡都从栖息处走出来觅食。强啼克利尔则走来走去。

11、Seagulls perch with a Victorian-era boathouse in the background. ─── 在海鸥的栖息处的后方,是一座建于维多利亚时代的船库。

12、He watch the game from his perch on top of the wall. ─── 他在墙头居高临下看比赛。

13、Donald perches on a nearby tree and the mouth pointed in the direction of the spire. ─── 唐纳德栖息在附近的一棵树上,嘴巴指向尖顶的方向。

14、Come off your perch and stop considering yourself as the most important person here. ─── 别狂妄了,不要自以为这儿你是老大。

15、The birds jumped onto their perches, the animals settled down in the straw, and the whole farm was asleep in a moment. ─── 鸟跳上巢,动物们在稻草上安身,很快整个庄园进入梦乡。

16、They went fishing for perch. ─── 他们去捕河鲈。

17、An endearing, small winged ox (Luke's symbol) watches from his perch on a curtain rod as Luke writes his text. ─── 一头可爱的长翅膀的小牛(路加的象征)在路加写作时从窗帘杆的高处向下注视着他。

18、He had a new perch as president of the university. ─── 他新任大学校长的高职。

19、An eagle found a perch on the rock. ─── 一只老鹰在岩石高处落脚。

20、In the other a younger woman perches precariously on a tall stool, neon lights flashing around her. ─── 另一家门口一个年轻女子摇摇欲坠地坐在一个高凳子上,旁边都是眩目的霓虹灯。

21、A desert village perches "on the edge of the hot sands like a small harbour on the edge of a great sea". ─── 一个沙漠村庄"座落在滚滚黄沙的边缘,有如浩瀚大海岸边的小小港口"。

22、Three or four birds were moving restlessly on their perches. ─── 三四只鸟在栖枝上不安的跳动。

23、The little village perches high among the hills. ─── 小村庄高踞于群山之中。

24、Perfect man-machine engineering Unscrew perch pin ensures reliable connection. ─── 完美人机工程高位插脚防松设计,使插接更牢靠。

25、E vedendo le turbe, n’ebbe compassione, perch’erano stanche e sfinite, come pecore che non hanno pastore. ─── 他看见群众,就怜悯他们,因为他们困苦无依,像没有牧人的羊一样。

26、Hope is thing with feathers that perches in the soul. ─── 希望是栖息于灵魂中一种会飞翔的东西。

27、Much as a circus clown might perch atop a ball, the ballbot's body stands atop the ball wheel. ─── 圆球机器人站在球形轮上,很像是马戏团小丑贴在球上。

28、In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch, and the pigeons were silent in their corner. ─── 在晚风中,她爱养的孔雀在架上昏睡,鸽子在自己的角落里沉默着。

29、To persuade the birds to stay away from power lines, all condor candidates for wild release were raised in a cage with a wide variety of perches. ─── 为了教导秃鹫们远离户外电力线,研究人员在将其余的秃鹫都置于一个笼子里喂养,笼子里布满了各式的栖身之所。

30、He consults with them on policy matters from his perch in the White House. ─── 在出任白宫首席经济顾问之后,萨默斯经常与他们磋商政策事务。

31、Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si, which perches on a rocky outcrop next to the main street. ─── 从香通寺看下去是另一所寺庙宗西寺,坐落在主要街道边一块突出的岩石上。

32、He committed his famed 7th Armoured Division to the offensive, codenamed Perch, and believed that victory would be quick and total. ─── 他命令他著名的第7装甲师展开进攻,作战代号“鲈鱼”,他相信很快即能取得全面的胜利。

33、In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch, and the pigeons were silent in their corner. ─── 在晚风中,她爱养的孔雀在架上昏睡,鸽子在自己的角落里沉默着。

34、From my perch, I have watched the flabbergasting events of the past week. ─── 从我所处的高度,我观看了过去一周那些令人目瞪口呆的事件。

35、Little birds perch themselves on the branches. ─── 小鸟儿栖歇在树枝上。

36、"Poena damni"is the thing with feathers. That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope. ─── “失落的痛苦”是个有羽毛的东西。它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。

37、A lone man perches on an outcrop on Gunnison Island amid the shimmering expanse of Great Salt Lake, the largest salt lake in the western hemisphere. ─── 一个孤独的人坐在冈尼森岛露出地面的岩层上,他被闪闪发光的广袤大盐湖环绕着。大盐湖是西半球最大的盐湖。

38、A lady was walking down the street to work and she saw a parrot on a perch in front of a pet store. ─── 一位女士去上班的途中,看见宠物商店前的栖木上站着一只鹦鹉。

39、They perch loftily on cloud, the sun and the moon following them. ─── 他们高高地居于云端,日月都尾随在他们的后面。

40、He exists between" poem" and "think", and he is poesy to perch on the earth. ─── 从而使人在“思”和“诗”中成为存在的看护者,诗意地栖居在大地上。

41、All the hens came down from their perches, and began to look for their food. ─── 于是所有的母鸡都从栖息处走出来觅食。

42、A desert village perches "on the edge of the hot sands like a small harbour on the edge of a great sea" . ─── 一个位于热沙边缘的沙漠上的村子就像大海边上的一个小港口。

43、From our perch up there on the top of the cliff we can see the whole town. ─── 从悬崖顶部休息处我们可以看到整个城市。

44、In the evening breeze her pet peacock sat drowsing on its perch,and the pigeons were silent in their corner. ─── 夜晚的微风中,她宠爱的孔雀在架子上昏睡,鸽子在它们的角落里沉默着。

45、If we stop supplies that will knock them off their perch. ─── 如果我们停止供应,那就会打乱他们的计划。

46、All of the chickens in the hen house sat on perches, closed their eyes and got ready to sleep. ─── 所有鸡舍里的鸡都站在栖木上,合上眼睛,准备睡觉。

47、Hope is the thing with feathers that perches on the soul. ─── 希望长着羽毛,栖息于灵魂之上。

48、Hope is the thing with feather that perches in the soul. ─── 希望是灵魂中长着羽翼的东西。

49、Then one day, Punkinhead suddenly plunged headlong from his perch to the bottom of the cage. ─── 后来有一天,“南瓜头”突然从栖木上一头栽到了鸟笼子的底儿上。

50、Of or relating to the Percoidea,a large suborder of spiny - finned fishes that includes the perches,sunfishes,groupers,and grunts. ─── 刺盖太阳鱼两种产于北美的可食用太阳鱼,包括暗斑刺盖太阳鱼(黑刺日鱼)或刺盖太阳鱼(白刺日鱼)

51、Fourteen birds perch on the tree. ─── 十四只鸟在树端栖息。

52、Above you an eagle leaves its perch and soars off into the wind currents and allows the thermals to take it where they will. ─── 一头苍鹰飞离了树枝,直冲云霄。它不一会儿乘上了一股热气流,在蓝天上自由自在地翱翔。

53、Little birds perch themselves on the roof of the house. ─── 小鸟飞落在屋顶上。

54、An old boathouse perches well above Currituck Sound at low tide in North Carolina's Outer Banks. ─── 在北卡罗来纳州的外海岸低潮的时候,一座老船库稳稳的竖立在裘瑞塔克海湾上。

55、He hopped down from his perch and began to search his trouser pockets hastily. ─── 从坐着的地方跳了下来,慌忙地在裤兜里摸索。

56、When he perches over Gotham on the edge of a skyscraper roof, he looks more like a gargoyle than a savior. ─── 当他栖息在哥顿城摩天大楼的屋顶,他更象一个恶魔而不是救世主。

57、"I fall off my perch you fool!"screeches the parrot. ─── “我会从杆上掉下来,你这个傻瓜!”鹦鹉尖叫着说。

58、Examples include perches for birds, branches with ropes for monkeys, colder temperatures for animals from the polar regions, and warmer temperatures for amphibians. ─── 例如,鸟的栖息地,铁笼里的猴子,生活在两极寒冷天气里动物和生活在炎热气温下的两析动物。

59、"I fall off my perch, you fool! " screeches the parrot. ─── “那我就掉下来了,你这个笨家伙,”那只鹦鹉尖叫着说。

60、Eric ordered the Finn to silence Einar and bring him toppling down from his lofty perch. ─── 埃里克命令这芬兰人取埃纳尔性命,把他从高处射下来。

61、Other protection can be obtained by providing wooden perches throughout the orchards. ─── 其它保护措施是可在种子园中到处设置木制的栖木。

62、Fixed the entrance to Beacon's Perch from Lornar's Pass so you can't sneak around the edge of the zone portal. ─── 修正从洛拿斯通道进入毕肯高地的入口,这样你就不能偷偷的从地图边缘跑过去了(雪山计程车无效?

63、Come off your perch!We've seen you through. ─── 别装模作样了!我们已看透了你。

64、A bald eagle perches, wings stretched, in a snow-covered tree by the Chilkat River near Haines, Alaska. ─── 一只白头雕正栖息在阿拉斯加,海恩斯附近的奇尔卡特河,一棵覆盖着白雪的树上,舒展翅膀。

65、But China is not (yet, anyway) seeking to knock America off its perch. ─── 但无论如何,中国不会试图篡夺美国的地位。

66、Workers perch on the scaffolding of a high-rise development in India. ─── 图中的工人们攀爬在印度的一栋高楼建筑的手脚架上。

67、The hummingbird perches on a twig of the hawthorn. ─── 小蜂鸟栖在山楂树枝上.

68、"I fall off my perch you fool!!"screeches the parrot. ─── “我会从杆上掉下来,你这个傻瓜!”鹦鹉尖叫着说。

69、To demonstrate, Justin, one of Pepperberg's undergraduate assistants, instructs Griffin and Alex to hop up on the work perch. ─── 为了演示,佩珀堡的一个大学生助手贾斯廷,指导格里芬和亚历克斯跳到高处工作架上去。

70、The neo-Gothic Swallow's Nest castle perches 130 feet (40 meters) above the Black Sea near Yalta in southern Ukraine. ─── 在乌克兰南部的雅尔塔边有一座新哥特式的燕巢城堡,它坐落在高黑海海面130英尺(40米)的高处。

71、Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul. ─── 希望是插着羽翼的精灵,栖息在灵魂间。

72、story of a nearby house perches on a single pillar, like a boxy flamingo. ─── 附近的一幢二层楼颤巍巍地倚在一根柱子上,像一只四四方方的火烈鸟。

73、Perches need to be mounted in the cage so that the bowls for water and food will not be fouled by the falling droppings of the birds. ─── 栖息木需要安装在笼子中间,以便鸟滴落粪便时不会弄脏碗里的水和食物。

74、A lone arbutus tree perches atop a hill on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia. ─── 不列颠哥伦比亚,盐泉岛,一棵孤独的杨梅树。

75、The second storey of a nearby house perches on a single pillar, like a boxy flamingo. ─── 附近的一幢二层楼颤巍巍的倚在一根柱子上,像盒子式的火烈鸟。

76、Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade. ─── 但种上以后,就长起来,比各样的菜都大,又长出大枝来,甚至天上的飞鸟可以宿在他的荫下。

77、Then he returned to his perch on the keg and sat stolidly holding the can of shrimps while the storm burst. ─── 外面突然暴雨如注,这个木头搭建的小店在风雨中也飘摇起来。

78、If you perch quietly in this pose for at least a minute, what tiny sounds can you hear? ─── 如果用猫头鹰的姿式安静的栖息于树枝上一分钟,你可以听到多细微的声音?

79、A funnel-shaped spider web; the funnel-web spider perches in the center of the web. ─── 一种漏斗形的蛛网;漏斗网蜘蛛就栖息在网的中间。

80、"I fall off my perch, you stupid fool!" screeched the parrot. ─── “我会从树干上掉下去的,你这个笨蛋!”鹦鹉尖声说道。

81、But the hawks apparently decided to try finding a new perch on the other side of the park. ─── 不过,2只老鹰显然已决定试著在公园另一边寻找新的栖身之处。

82、Magpies used to perch in the branches and wake us early in the morning with their chatter. ─── 一清早就有喜鹊在树上叫,把我们早早叫起来。

83、The location where Yuanhua perches, boasts one complex commercial block which combines commerce, humane landscape, scene tourism etc. ─── 元华所处地段是集商业、人文景观、风景旅游为一体的综合性商业街区。

84、Perch’egli ha rinforzato le sbarre delle tue porte, ha benedetto i tuoi figliuoli in mezzo a te. ─── 因为他坚固了你城门的门闩,赐福在你中间的儿女。

85、That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words,and never stope. ─── 它栖息在灵魂之中,唱着无词的悲歌,永远不会停息。

86、He's always finding fault with us; we'll have to find some way to knock him off his perch one of these days. ─── 他老是找我们麻烦;哪一天我们也要设法让他认输。

87、From this perch, she will guard her eggs (typically four) for about two weeks. ─── 从这个时候开始,她将警卫她的蛋(通常为四年),为两个星期左右。

88、Hope is a thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings a tune without words And never stops at all. ─── 关系数字7:你们有著深远的精神相通层面,这说明了,你们的关系在求道与宗教方面,会有良好的依持行为出现。

89、Previous attempts to cull pika numbers, including mass poisoning campaigns and the construction of hundreds of perches for owls and eagles, have failed or had limited success. ─── 以前也用过很多方法限制鼠兔的数量,如:大量投放毒药,为鹰和猫头鹰建立上百个栖息处,但是,最后都失败了,或是收效甚微。

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