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09-09 投稿


unbroken 发音

英:[?n'br??k(?)n]  美:[?n'brok?n]

英:  美:

unbroken 中文意思翻译



unbroken 同义词

continual | complete | unplowed | perpetual | incessant | ceaseless | continuous | unploughed | kept |constant | whole | successive | uninterrupted | even | regular | steady | endless

unbroken 反义词


unbroken 短语词组

1、unbroken oath ─── [法] 被信守的誓言

2、unbroken pdf ─── 完整pdf

3、unbroken 2014 ─── 不间断2014

4、unbroken leg fallacy ─── 断腿谬论

5、unbroken possession ─── [法] 继续占有

6、unbroken book ─── 完整的书

7、unbroken bonds ─── 未破裂的债券

8、unbroken cast ─── 连续铸造

9、unbroken movie ─── 完整的电影

10、unbroken ground ─── [法] 未耕的土地, 未开垦的土地

11、unbroken motivation ─── 不间断的动机

unbroken 词性/词形变化,unbroken变形

副词: unbrokenly |名词: unbrokenness |

unbroken 相似词语短语

1、broken ─── adj.破碎的;坏掉的;v.折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)

2、unbrake ─── 不间断

3、unbrokenly ─── 不间断的;未破的;未驯服的;未被打扰的

4、unbroke ─── adj.未破损的;完整的;连续的;(体育运动记录等)未被打破的(等于unbroken)

5、upbroken ─── 乐观的

6、unbrakes ─── 未制动

7、unbooked ─── 未预约的

8、unbraked ─── 未制动

9、-broken ─── adj.破碎的;坏掉的;v.折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)

unbroken 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For this reason, the sight of the well-ordered, unbroken expanse of the city's lights always brought me a great sense of relief. ─── 正因为这个,每当看到竟然有序,连成一片的城市灯光总会带给我释然的感觉。

2、The voyage of their life has been one of unbroken smoothness. ─── 他们的人生旅程一直一帆风顺。

3、In fact she knocked my glasses flying and they fell, though unbroken, several feet away from me on the kitchen floor. ─── 好在她只是打掉了我的眼镜,虽然眼镜没有碎,但已落到了离我几英尺远的厨房地板上。

4、I have heard of the ancient pass Shanhaiguan/Now here I see unfold before me an unbroken view /Of the seas running for mile and mile with billows/And sheer sky-kissing cliffs barring every trespasser. ─── “曾闻山海古榆关/今日行经眼界宽/万顷洪涛观不尽/千寻绝壁渡亦难”。

5、I consider that, in view of the Constitution and the laws, the Union is unbroken. ─── 从宪法与法律上看,我认为这一联合是不可分裂的。

6、D. A fine unbroken line. ─── 不间断的细线。

7、Is the line from the skull to the muzzle unbroken and is it wedge shaped?Note the eyes for correct placement, shape, color and size.Are the ears set high? ─── 从头盖骨到鼻口之间的线条是否顺滑并且呈楔型?注意眼睛的位置、形状、颜色和大小是否正确?

8、That is, an unbroken sequence of transaction log backups must extend up to the point of failure. ─── 也就是说,事务日志备份的连续序列必须能够延续到故障点。

9、It depicts a young blindfolded woman strumming on the last unbroken strings of a harp, her ear to the instrument. ─── 它描绘了一个年轻的女子被蒙住眼睛,耳朵贴着竖琴,在最后几根未断的琴弦上弹奏。

10、Purchase at safe website means you can tell whether a site has a secure server by the appearanceof a small padlock or an unbroken key in the bottom left-hand corner of your browser. ─── 在安全的网站购物就是说你可以从你的浏览器左下角是否出现一个小锁,或一个没有破裂的钥匙来判定该网站是否有保密服务器。

11、Still the silence was unbroken, and they all embarked with the caution that had been used in coming ashore. ─── 四周仍是一片静寂,一行人跟上岸时一样,上船时也小心翼翼。

12、We named it ‘Unprosperous &Unbroken’, because we see the excellent aspects of Chinese design, but still without catholicity. ─── 凡从事设计行业或您身边有朋友是设计师的朋友,您都可以参与进来,可以自拍、被拍、或只是去拍摄。

13、Egypt seemed to have established an unbroken line about five miles across the Suez Canal. ─── 埃及似乎已经在苏伊士运河以东五英里处建立起一条连续不断的防线。

14、The globe shows that the entire southern hemisphere is preponderantly waterthe widest parts of the Atlantic and Pacific, the unbroken sweep of Antarctic seas circling the world. ─── 地球仪显示,水在整个南半球占绝对优势包括大西洋和太平洋最广阔的部分以及环抱地球的南极海洋。

15、In Song Jing natural premise falls, progressively ground exercises breath Rou Xiyun is longly, be like " spring silkworm spin " , unbroken and ceaseless. ─── 在松静自然的前提下,逐步地把呼吸锻炼得柔细匀长,如 “春蚕吐丝”,绵绵不断。

16、What I allude to is the unbroken and agonizing ugliness, the sheer revolting monstrousness, of every house in sight. ─── 我所指的是完整的和痛苦的丑陋,纯粹的反抗残暴,每看到的房子。

17、His Democratic Party of Japan won a landslide victory on Sunday, ending more than half a century of almost unbroken rule for the Liberal Democratic Party. ─── 周日,鸠山由纪夫所在的日本民主党以绝对优势取得了胜利,结束了自民党长达近半个世纪的执政历程。

18、a large and unbroken expanse or distance. ─── 大而没有破坏的宽广空间或距离。

19、Unbroken (Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle on Normal Difficulty. ─── 不破-在普通难度下,不使用修理功能,一次击败(不可灭团)烈焰巨兽.

20、None of his house windows are unbroken,what a poignant scene. ─── 他的房子窗户无一完好,一派令人心酸的景象。

21、The thick snow was falling amidst unbroken darkness. ─── 天地一片昏暗,鹅毛大雪纷纷扬扬。

22、And it kept coming, the laden trees, the unbroken surface of snow, the sudden white vistas. ─── 不断有新事儿,雪压着树木,完好无损的雪地,突然间满眼白色街色。

23、After its longest unbroken expansion in history, GDP did not even fall for two consecutive quarters, the traditional definition of a recession. ─── 在历史上最长时间的连续增长之后,GDP甚至没有连续在两个季度出现过下跌,这是传统上对衰退的定义。

24、The days and nights of torture that the young woman suffered were somerged into one long, unbroken nightmare of hideousness that she soonlost all track of time. ─── 华腾缘婚庆服务中心兼承这永恒的信念和真诚的祝愿,已经陪伴数千对幸福的新人携手走进神圣的婚姻殿堂。

25、With this shout, the mountains in every direction echoed her voice.It was as if many fairies were harmonizing with her.For a moment, there was only an unbroken hum. ─── 她这一呼叫,四山响应,真像许多仙子与她唱和一般,一时间嗡嗡之声不绝。

26、Only Jimmy Connors and Ivan Lendl have had longer unbroken streaks at number one. ─── (仅次于美国球员康诺尔斯(康纳斯)和美籍捷克斯洛伐克裔球员伦德尔。

27、Where the sand dunes stretch unbroken ─── 垒垒沙丘在哪儿延伸它的完整

28、Computers on a 10BASE2 LAN are linked together by an unbroken series of coaxial cable lengths.These lengths are attached to a T-shaped connector on the NIC with BNC connectors. ─── 在10BASE2LAN上的电脑以没破损的一序列的同轴电缆加以连接,这些线段接上BNC接头连至NIC上的T型接头。

29、With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility. ─── 他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。

30、A journey across Baltimore and then Washington provides nearly 60 miles of unbroken urban development. ─── 从巴尔的摩至华盛顿作一次旅行,沿途可观赏到近60英里连绵不断的市景。

31、With the breezy insouciance that unbroken success creates, Yu then began to recount a somewhat irreverent memory of Mao Zedong’s death. ─── 余华开玩笑说,“我告诉朋友住在红灯区。”他的妻子有着白皙精致的脸庞和松散的长发,听了后笑了起来,笑声非常好听。

32、Margulis was now denouncing the modern framework of the century-old theory of Darwinism, which holds that new species build up from an unbroken line of gradual, independent, random variations. ─── 如今,玛格丽丝又公开对历经百年的达尔文学说的现代框架发起抨击。达尔文进化论认为,新的物种是通过线性不间断的、渐进的、独立的和随机变异的过程而形成的。

33、If you so will, I will love you unrelentingly, just like those boundless, unbroken mountain ranges and valleys!But, I regret I am not the wind and not able to take care of you. ─── 如果你愿意,我将会不懈地爱你就象那连绵不断的山川!

34、Under Mr Blair, Britain has enjoyed 10 years of unbroken economic growth, with low inflation and low unemployment. ─── 在布莱尔的领导下,英国经历了连续10年的经济增长,实现了低通胀和低失业率的并存。

35、Then, there is an answer in the west end of the sky:unbroken cloud plains are like piles of white towers,far above the blue sky. ─── 原来,在西边的天际,可以找到答案:云层重重叠叠,就像一排嵯峨的白塔,高耸在蓝天之上。

36、They carry the air of that time and place as if the Williamstown of my childhood had been lying under an unbroken seal for 50 years. ─── 那上面留有当时当地空气的味道,好像我童年时的威廉斯敦被封存了50年,未曾遭到任何破坏。

37、To relieve the unbroken twelve hours of flying, the airline provides a feature in the cabin. ─── 为了使连续12小时的飞行不致单调乏味,航空公司在机舱里给旅客放一部故事影片。

38、"I'd expected to be more emotional about it, after an unbroken run of attending so many grands prix for so many years," he said. ─── "我预计将有更多的情绪有关,一个完整的运行后,参加这么多大奖赛这么多年,“他说。

39、A high-ranking Christian cleric,in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese and in some churches regarded as having received the highest ordination in unbroken succession from the apostles. ─── 主教,基督教高等牧师,在现代教堂通长掌管主管教区,在某些教堂被视为从传道士不断继承接受最高圣职授任。

40、I opened the glass-door in the breakfast-room: the shrubbery was quite still: the black frost reigned, unbroken by sun or breeze, through the grounds. ─── 在早餐间,我打开玻璃门---灌木林一片寂静:黑压压的林子席卷大地,透不出一丝光芒或一缕微风。

41、There was a full minute of unbroken silence and again another drop fell, but I knew with infinite unshakable certainty that everything would change immediately. ─── 又掉下一滴水,但我知道,而且深知和确信,一切都将马上发生变化。

42、The Russian soldiers were so exhausted by this unbroken march at the rate of forty versts a day that they were unable to quicken their pace. ─── 俄国军队一昼夜强行军四十俄里,被这种连续不停的行动累得人困马乏,要想再快一点点都不可能办到。

43、God already knows more about the contents of our hearts than we do; our real need is to be perpetually aware of Him as the source of our protection, and so we pray to keep unbroken contact with Him. ─── 上帝比我们自己更清楚我们心中的想法;我们真正的需要是永远知觉到上帝是护佑我们的源泉,因此我们祈祷是为了保持与上帝的联系不致中断。

44、Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round at the seasons is unbroken. ─── 不论是什么,人都可以使之改变,但一年四季是永恒的,是改变不了的。

45、THE sun is sinking, the air is cooling and our legs are pumping up and down,powering us toward a horizon unbroken by a cellphone tower, a house or even a fence. ─── 太阳西下,空气变得凉爽起来,我们的自行车轮继续前进,朝着地平线方向的信号塔、房屋和篱笆奔去。

46、If the sun shone all day there will be an unbroken line across the recording pane. ─── 如果太阳照耀着所有每天将有一整个完整的记录窗格线。

47、She picked up the mug, thankfully unbroken, and proceeded to pour the tea. ─── 好在杯子没有摔坏,她拾起它来往里面倒茶。

48、He survived, battered but unbroken. ─── 不过,他却熬的过去,没有倒下来。

49、We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine. ─── 我们已经有10天几乎完全没有中断过的艳阳天。

50、George Gershwin was now a real composer.The rest of his life was an unbroken record of success. ─── 乔治.格什温现在是一名真正的作曲家,此后,他一直保持着成功的纪录。

51、Under the full recovery model, and sometimes under the bulk-logged recovery model, an unbroken log chain lets you to restore the database to any point in time. ─── 在完整恢复模式下(或者在大容量日志恢复模式下的某些时候),连续不断的日志链让您可以将数据库还原到任意时间点。

52、An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area ─── 全景包括周围所有区域的全部画景

53、THE fundamental features of Chinese life are her tremendous population and the unbroken length of her history, with the economic backwardness, the detailed and deeply rooted social forms and the ingrown conservatism resulting from them. ─── 中国社会的基本特点是人口众多,历史悠久经济落后,社会结构细致入微而根深蒂固,因而具有内在的保守性。

54、The alto voice is the lower female or unbroken male voice, or, in traditional English vocal music, the falsetto male voice. ─── 中音声部是指女低音或完整男声,传统声乐的英文表达为男性假声。

55、She had let go the outer world, but within herself she was unbroken and unimpaired. ─── 她舍弃了外部世界,但在她的内心,她并没有屈服,没有泄气。

56、An uninterrupted sequence of log backups contains the complete log chain of the database, which is said to be unbroken. ─── 不间断的日志备份序列包含数据库的完整(即连续不断的)日志链。

57、In the North Sea all was unbroken cloud and rain. ─── 北海上空满布乌云,而且下起雨来。

58、He saw this solid green earth cover passing underneath for hours unbroken. ─── 他看到这片郁郁葱葱的绿色地毯一连几小时在下面连绵不断。

59、The bridal dress flows fluidly from the bust to the hem with an unbroken line. ─── 做模拟目的是要准备08年考试中新的题型,所以也要认真对待。

60、Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroken; And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend. ─── 好久以后,在一棵橡树上,我找到那支箭,完好没折断;还有那支歌,我也找见,字字句句记在朋友的心间。

61、Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. For example,an unbroken consecutive series of storage locations. ─── 在边缘或边界的邻接。例如,不间断的连续的一串存储单元。

62、You can enjoy the extraordinary sight unbroken cloud plains that stretch out before you. ─── 你可以欣赏展现于面前一望无边的奇特云海。

63、He must turn aside from a life of ceaseless activity and contact with human needs, to seek retirement and unbroken communion with His Father. ─── 他必须脱开不停的活动和不断接触人类需要的生活,去歇一歇,去与天父作无阻碍的属灵的交通。

64、Being of unbroken descent; lineal ─── 世袭未被打破的;祖传的

65、Accounting for almost two-thirds of final demand, consumers, aided and abetted by steadily rising levels of credit, underpinned the UK’s remarkable 16 years of unbroken growth. ─── 会计几乎三分之二的最终需求,消费者,协助及教唆他人的稳步上升的信贷水平,支撑了英国的显着16年的连续增长。

66、Touching or joining at the edge or boundary. For example, an unbroken consecutive series of storage locations. ─── 在边缘或边界的邻接。例如,不间断的连续的一串存储单元。

67、The wind blowing steady and gentle from the south, there was no contrariety between that and the current, and the billows rose and fell unbroken. ─── 从南方吹拂过来的风柔和而有力,它与海流的方向一致,因此海浪一起一伏,平稳而有节奏。

68、You can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unbroken cloud plains that stretch out for miles before you, while the sun shines brilliantly in a clear sky. ─── 你可以观赏一下展现在你面前的、一望数英里的、连绵不断的云海,同时阳光灿烂,天空清澈明朗。

69、A ballroom dance consisting of a series of unbroken rapid steps in2/4 time. ─── 一步舞一种舞厅舞,由一系列连贯并且速度较快的2/4拍步子组成

70、A high - ranking Christian cleric, in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese and in some churches regarded as having received the highest ordination in unbroken succession from the apostles. ─── 主教基督教高等牧师,在现代教堂通长掌管主管教区,在某些教堂被视为从传道士不断继承接受最高圣职授任

71、Any secondment that requires you to be outside the UK for an unbroken period of over three months will make your previous stay in the UK ineligible as a continuous period in the UK. ─── 为了在英国定居,你必须是已经在英国度过4年的一个连续的时期,期间除了短的假期或商业旅行。

72、GYORGY LIGETI,"My music is a continuous flow, unbroken by bars, like a Gregorian melody. ─── 乔治.利盖蒂,“我的音乐是持续流动的,不受小节线的影响,就像格里高利圣咏的旋律。

73、You can enjoy the extraordinary sight of unBroken cloud plains.. ─── 你可以欣赏那连绵不断的云海的非凡景象..

74、What’s “old” looks new, because the wooden beams are freshly lacquered, the roof tiles unbroken, and the painted details vibrant for lack of grime. ─── 什么是“老的”期待新的,因为木质横梁都是新鲜漆,完整的瓦片,并详细描绘活力缺乏尘垢。

75、In a row one after another; in unbroken sequence ─── 一个接一个地;连续不断地

76、It is now in its 16th year of unbroken expansion, during which time it has grown at an average annual rate of 3.6%, well above the OECD average of 2.5%. ─── 如今已是其持续扩张的第16年,期间年均增长速度达3.6%,远高于经济合作与开发组织的平均水平2.5%。

77、The Buddha's teachings were passed down in an unbroken chain of oral tradition for four centuries. ─── 佛陀的教诲以传统的口述方式不间断传承了四个世纪。

78、The importance and development future of unbroken inspection with supersonic in the machines manufacture, the aviation and the railway transportation are discussed. ─── 叙述了超声波无损检测在机器制造、航空及铁路运输中的重要性及发展前途,分析了超声波在金属材料中的传播变化规律。

79、Overhead hung a canopy of grey, unbroken but for a rift in the western sky, where a minute patch of purple cloud showed through. ─── 天空张着一望无际的灰色的幕,只有直西的天角像是破了一个洞,露出小小的一块紫云。

80、Head widens gradually toward the base of the ears in a practically unbroken line. ─── 头部耳根的位置逐渐变宽,这条线几乎保持笔直。

81、He had ten hours of unbroken sleep. ─── 他连续睡了十个小时。

82、And the old, mysterious love tale attracts quite a large number of youth with unbroken affections on their arrival at the magical place. ─── 古老而神奇的爱情故事吸引了不少青年男女在此情意绵绵。

83、By May, the nightingale will sing an unbroken song, and the discreet, barely audible Tuscan cuchoo will be a little more audible. ─── 到了五月,夜莺就会歌声不断。平日很难听到歌声的胆小杜鹃也放开了歌喉。

84、She spun all my surroundings into a single,unbroken thread,the wove it into multicoloured lace. ─── 她将我的一切搓成一条唯一不可扯断的细线,然后将它织成五彩缤纷的花边。

85、But when I came to open it I found that the seal was unbroken. ─── 但在取信时,我发现封口还没有拆开。

86、His goal was an unbroken chain of Xs. ─── 他的目标是一列不间断的x。

87、With unbroken will, he had stood by his position with regard to her, he had substituted pity for all his hostility. ─── 他坚守着这种不可动摇的对她的信念,用怜悯取代他所有的敌意。

88、But, this one day, she did not come out to play, so his chain of failures remained unbroken. ─── 但是,就这一天,她却没有出来玩。因此,他那一连串的失败记录仍没有被打破。

89、The Court of Appeals decision is just the latest in an almost unbroken series of advances for the gun-rights lobby. ─── 上诉法庭的决议只是一系列主张个人有权拥有和携带枪支的活动所取得的最新进展之一。

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