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09-09 投稿


contenting 发音

英:[k?n?tent??]  美:[k?n?tent??]

英:  美:

contenting 中文意思翻译






contenting 词性/词形变化,contenting变形

动词过去分词: contented |动词第三人称单数: contents |动词现在分词: contenting |动词过去式: contented |

contenting 短语词组

1、contenting meaning ─── 知足的意思

2、contenting synonym ─── 满足同义词

3、contenting slime videos ─── 满足粘液视频

4、contenting definition ─── 满足定义

contenting 常用词组

main content ─── 主要内容

water content ─── 含水量

moisture content ─── 水分含量;含湿量

contenting 反义词

displease |discontent | discontented

contenting 同义词

fulfillment | gist | pleasure | ease of mind | meaning | gladden | comfort | profundity | capacity | idea | pith | felicity | ease | cheerful | cheer | tranquil | delight | gratified | contents | placid | easygoing | at peace | subject matter | carefree | ingredients | glad | extent | gladness | please | purport | contented | contentment | gratification | text | gratify | scope | constituents | comfortable | contentedness | untroubled | essence | substance | subject | volume | happiness | import | complacency | at ease | peaceful | significance | intent | charmed | sunny | appease | serene | satisfaction | bulk | well-being | relaxed | fulfilled | calm | happy | pamper |satisfy | inwards | matter | satisfied | peace | humour | pleased | dimension | message | delighted | unworried | bigness | components | innards | magnitude | soothe | serenity | measure | charm | peacefulness

contenting 相似词语短语

1、contending ─── v.奋斗,竞争;主张,认为,声称(contend的现在分词)

2、contentions ─── n.争论,争辩;争夺;论点

3、contesting ─── n.比赛,竞争;争辩;(体育)防守(contest的现在分词)

4、consenting ─── v.准许;答应(做某事)(consent的现在分词);adj.达到可以自主决定与谁发生性行为年龄的

5、contorting ─── vt.扭曲;曲解;vi.扭曲

6、contention ─── n.争论,争辩;争夺;论点

7、contacting ─── v.接触;接洽联络(contact的ing形式)

8、contemning ─── v.蔑视;侮辱

9、continuing ─── adj.继续的;持续的;连续的

contenting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Content you; I can no more, on my salvation. ─── 你们也该知足了,我已经尽了我最大的能力;我敢起誓。

2、Will you ever be content on your side of the fence? ─── 你曾满意过自己这边的青草吗?

3、In the Component type list, click Included Content. ─── 在“组件类型”列表中,单击“包含内容”。

4、Because contenting everything is your character... ─── 因为包容万象是你的性格。

5、Thirdly, it does not cause agglutinate reaction to variants of human red cell without contenting protein. ─── 不含蛋白质对人类各型血液的红细胞不发生凝集反应。

6、Needless to say, the disgraceful censorship code is an important factor in predetermining the content of these pictures. ─── 不消说,不光彩的审查法规是预先决定这些影片内容的一个很重要因素。

7、He is content to stay in his present job. ─── 他对现在的工作心满意足。

8、Then as there were spectators, they paused and said not a word more, contenting themselves with softly touching each other's hands. ─── 后来,因为有人在旁,他们中止了谈话,只满足于互相轻轻地用手碰一下。

9、Content regions indicate where you can add content. ─── 内容区域指示能添加内容的地方。

10、It is hard to imagine Mrs Clinton contenting herself with a purely symbolic role, any more than Dick Cheney has. ─── 同迪克切尼一样,很难想象克林顿夫人会满足于这个纯粹具有象征意义的角色。

11、Dynamic page header and page footer content. ─── 动态页眉和页脚内容。

12、Renders the page content on the client. ─── 在客户端上呈现页内容。

13、Change in the mineral content of a rock because of outside influences. ─── 外力变质因外部影响而使岩石的矿物构成发生变化

14、Delete the content of a directory. ─── 删除目录的内容。

15、Don't be content with small success. ─── 不要有点成绩就满足。

16、He had to be content with third place. ─── 他只好屈居第三名。

17、There are three main forms of pricing for new products, they are skimming pricing, contenting pricing and penetrating pricing. ─── 新产品的定价有撇脂定价、满意定价和渗透定价三种方法。

18、Content may change as the mission progresses. ─── 内容可能会随任务进程而更新。

19、Main content and adopting scope. ─── 主要内容与使用范围。

20、You have to content yourself with what you have. ─── 你必须满足于现状。

21、Today I am content with who I am. ─── 今天我对自己很满意。

22、You ought to be content with simple cotton dress. ─── 你得满足于穿着简单的棉布衣服。

23、She be not content to be a housewife. ─── 她不满足于做个家庭主妇。

24、Jesus is the only one resource of contenting the thirst of soul. ─── 耶稣是满足灵魂饥渴的唯一泉源。

25、After a busy life he was content to lie back and take life easy. ─── 在忙碌的生活后过上了悠闲自在的生活,他心满意足。

26、He seems to be quite content with his life at present. ─── 他似乎对目前的生活心满意足。

27、He signified his content with a nod. ─── 他以点头表示同意。

28、Never content ourselves with book knowledge only. ─── 不可满足于仅仅有一点书本知识。

29、Tear off the rhetorical top-dressing form his speech and you find there's very little solid content. ─── 他的演讲,剥去堆砌的华丽的词藻,实实在在的内容很少。

30、RSS is used to share content between websites. ─── RSS是用于网站之间的内容共享的。

31、In the Parent Content Type list, click Page. ─── 在“父内容类型”列表中,单击“网页”。

32、He is content to remain where he is now. ─── 他安於现状.

33、Are you content with your present salary? ─── 你对你现在的薪水满意吗?

34、You should not content yourself with book knowledge only. ─── 你不能只满足於书本知识。

35、They just suggest how to display the content through a Web browser. ─── 他们只建议如何通过Web浏览器来显示内容。

36、Add some content, the more you add the better! ─── 加上一些内容,更增添了你更好!

37、The Smiths are content to live a simple life. ─── 史密斯夫妇乐于过着简单的生活。

38、Primary contact for the Content Experts. ─── 与内容专家的主要联系人。

39、Don't be content with your little success. ─── 你不要满足于小小的成就。

40、Pay only for optional premium content. ─── 你只为你所选择的付费内容支付费用。

41、NLP is concerned with process rather than content. ─── 与过程有关而不是内容。

42、Jeeres must be content to taste of their own broth. ─── (谚语)嘲笑人者必被人笑。

43、is no contenting some people. ─── 有些人是很难满足的。

44、Write the content that we expressed in "main body". ─── 在"正文"中,书写我们表达的内容。

45、To increase the alcoholic content of(a beverage). ─── 增加(饮料的)酒精含量

46、You should be well content with your daughter. ─── 你应该对你的女儿感到满意。

47、Be content with what you are and what you have. ─── 你应该对你自己的身份和地位表示满足。

48、He is content to remain an expatriate the rest of his life. ─── 他满足于馀生流亡于国外。

49、Don't be content with this small success. ─── 不要满足于这次小小的成功。

50、The wrappers could limit content to one use. ─── 包装器可以把内容限制在一次使用。

51、Be not content with the commonplace in character. ─── 不要满足于普通的共性。

52、He is content with such a small success. ─── 他对这样一个小小的成功就感到满足。

53、It is better to be content with what one has than to risk losing everything by being too greedy. ─── 一鸟在手,胜於二鸟在林(最好满足於现有的,以免因贪心而失去一切)。

54、Content of the current record is deleted. ─── 删除当前记录的内容。

55、True to prevent changes to its content. ─── 以防止对它的内容进行更改。

56、Jo had never tried this style before, contenting herself with very mild romances for _The Spread Eagle_. ─── 乔以前从未写过这种风格的东西,为《展翼鹰》报写这种非常柔和的浪漫传奇,她洋洋自得。

57、Remove Help content that you no longer need. ─── 删除您不再需要的帮助内容。

58、Seems far from content; a test of strength that was far from a failure. ─── 一点也不满意; 绝对谈不到失败的力量考核

59、He seemed more content, less bitter. ─── 他看起来比较满意,不那么失望。

60、We can't go abroad this year, so we'll have to content ourselves with a holiday in Shanghai. ─── 今年我们不能出国,所以只能去上海度假了。

61、Work out their content by unit absorptivity. ─── 再利用单位吸光系数换算其含量。

62、A register whose content changes at regular intervals in such a way as to measure time. ─── 其内容按有规律的间隔进行变化的一种寄存器,可用来度量时间。建议使用timer。

63、of contenting himself with what he had, he was always asking for more. ─── 他从不满足于已有的(东西),总是要求更多的(东西)。

64、J-s must be content to taste of their own broth. ─── 嘲笑人者必被人笑。

65、Content is better than riches. ─── [谚]知足胜于财富。

66、He drinks to his heart's content. ─── 他开怀畅饮。

67、Content types are added to the top-level site. ─── 内容类型将被添加到顶层网站中。

68、Content comes first, form second. ─── 主要是内容,其次才是形式。

69、Tear off the rhetorical topdressing from his speech and you find there's very little solid content. ─── 去掉他演讲中华丽的词藻,你会发现其中没什么实在内容。

70、Instead of contenting himself with what he had, he was always asking for more. ─── 他不仅不知足,反而总是贪得无厌。

71、Poor and content is rich and rich enough. ─── 人能安贫就是富。

72、Information content natural unit. ─── 信息量的自然单位。

73、He would be well content to go with us. ─── 他很愿意跟我们一起去。

74、The scabbard is content to be dull when it protects the keenness of the sword. ─── 刀鞘保护刀的锋利,它自己则满足于它的迟钝。

75、The content of his argument was weak. ─── 他的论证不充分。

76、There is a lot of moisture content inside your body. ─── 在你的身体里有很多水分。

77、He is quite content with his present fortune. ─── 他对自己目前的境遇颇为得意。

78、First make an outline and then fill in the content. ─── 先搭好架子, 再充实内容。

79、Actively listen for feeling and content. ─── 主动倾听。

80、The content of his book is no more than plagiarism. ─── 他这本书的内容完全是抄袭他人的观点。

81、He was content to lie back and take life easy. ─── 他为自己能悠闲舒适地过日子而感到满足。

82、An invalid character was found in text content. ─── 在文本内容中发现一个无效字符。

83、They are not merely content to fill the stomach. ─── 他们不仅仅满足于填饱肚子。

84、Don' t be content with such a small success. ─── 不要满足于这样小的成功。

85、Content of Other Chemical Element Max. ─── 化学元素含量,不大于。

86、Because the carbon content of steel largely determine its usefulness for specific application. ─── 因为钢的含碳量在很大程度上决定了钢在具体应用时的范围。

87、Within thine own bud buriest thy content. ─── 你却在自己的所有里埋葬了自身。

88、He was content to eat dry bread. ─── 他满足于吃干面包。

89、Oil content is below national standard. ─── 含油量低于国家标准。

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