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09-09 投稿



deleted 发音

英:[d?'li:t?d]  美:[d?'li:t?d]

英:  美:

deleted 中文意思翻译



deleted 词性/词形变化,deleted变形

动词过去式: deleted |动词第三人称单数: deletes |动词过去分词: deleted |动词现在分词: deleting |

deleted 短语词组

1、deleted it ─── 删除了它

2、deleted scene ─── 删除片段

3、deleted account ─── 已删除的帐户

4、Remove deleted messages from folder ─── 从文件夹中删除有删除标记的消息

5、this video has been deleted ─── 此视频已删除

6、DELETED.SAV directory ─── [计] 暂存已删除文件和目录的目录

7、this member has been deleted ─── 此成员已被删除

8、deleted items ─── 已删除的项目

9、deleted file ─── 已删除文件

10、deleted marker ─── [计] 删除标志

11、log file could not be deleted ─── 无法删除日志文件

12、deleted variable ─── 已删除变量

13、account deleted ─── 帐户已注销

14、this video was deleted ─── 此视频已删除

15、this message was deleted ─── 此邮件已删除

16、deleted representation ─── [电] 删除表示

17、show deleted items ─── 显示删除项 [计] ─── 显示删除项

18、this message has been deleted ─── 此邮件已被删除

19、deleted in the past ─── 过去已删除

deleted 相似词语短语

1、deleaded ─── vi.去铅

2、depleted ─── adj.耗尽的;废弃的;贫化的;v.使减少;弄空;耗尽……的资源;使精疲力竭(deplete的过去式和过去分词)

3、delete ─── vt.删除

4、delegated ─── v.授权;委托;下放(权利);派……代表;委派;任命;选派(delegate的过去式和过去分词)

5、deletes ─── v.删除(文字);(从计算机存储器中)删除(数据);(从购物目录中)删除(产品)(delete的第三人称单数)

6、delisted ─── v.把…从清单中划去;退市(delist的过去分词)

7、deleaved ─── 删除

8、delated ─── v.报案;告发;弹劾(delate的过去式及过去分词)

9、undeleted ─── 删除

deleted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、If the rule is set to Cascade, child rows will be deleted. ─── 如果将规则设置为Cascade,就会删除子行。

2、Book numbers are added to the store or deleted by a numerical keyboard. ─── 图书号码可以通过数字键盘加入存储器内,或者删掉。

3、When you close a Web site, the cache is deleted. ─── 关闭网站时,缓存将删除。

4、The offending paragraph was deleted. ─── 令某些人不悦的那段话已经删除。

5、They may have been moved out of this container, or renamed or deleted. ─── 它们可能已被移出该容器、重新命名或删除。

6、Hold the integer and delet the oddment. ─── 去掉零头只保留整数就行了。

7、The offending paragraph was deleted. ─── 令某些人不悦的那段话已经删除。

8、Column has no name and will be deleted. ─── 列没有名称且将被删除。

9、The name of the step in the job for which the job step log is to be deleted. ─── 将删除其作业步骤日志的作业中步骤的名称。

10、Can be deleted but your additions to the repository will lost. ─── 可以被删除,但是你加入知识库的细节会丢失。

11、The expletives were deleted from the transcript. ─── 咒骂部分被从手稿中删除。

12、Any inappropriate sites will be suspended or deleted. ─── 如有违规使用将依使用规范处理。

13、The firmware file is automatically deleted, select EXIT. ─── 升级完成且,固件文件自动地被删除。选择退出。

14、But pls take note that those unrelated posts/ messages will be deleted. ─── 但请注意那些无关的留言将被撤除。

15、All closed support tickets deleted successfully! ─── 全部已关闭的支持问题成功删除!

16、He deleted those unimportant details from his report. ─── 他将那些不太重要的细节从报告中删去。

17、Files that are deleted may be replaced before the logoff sequence is completed. ─── 在注销序列完成前,可能会替换要删除的文件。

18、When a valve is deleted, a single pipeline replaces the split pipeline. ─── 删除管道之后,单个管道将替换拆分的管道。

19、He diligently deleted all incriminating notes he sent or received. ─── 他很勤勉地把所有可以致罪的收发笔记都删掉。

20、He deleted my name from the list. ─── 他把我的名字从名单上刪掉了。

21、Empty notes are always deleted without confirmation. ─── 不须确认,直接删除空白便签。

22、His name was deleted from the list. ─── 他的名字从名单上删去了。

23、You know what so they get deleted fast. ─── 你知道他们这么快::删除。

24、Incognito is a private space where all traces of your session are deleted as you leave the mode and get back to normal browsing. ─── 匿名浏览状态是完全私人空间,回到正常浏览状态的时候,所有你之前的上网痕迹都会被抹除。

25、He didn't mean to, but he deleted the files by accident. ─── 他不是故意的,他是不小心把档案删除掉的。

26、Content of the current record is deleted. ─── 删除当前记录的内容。

27、The fault tolerant driver deleted a corrupt descriptor on disk %2. ─── 容错驱动程序已在磁盘%2上删除一个损坏描述符。

28、His name was deleted from the list of candidates. ─── 他的名字被从候选人的名单上除去。

29、Your name has been deleted from the list. ─── 你的名字已从名单上删掉。

30、He deleted administrative file shares. ─── 删除管理文件共享。

31、A deleted record would still show up in Domino views, for example. ─── 例如,被删除的记录仍然会在Domino视图中显示。

32、If the holding manager doesn't accept, the order is deleted in both HUD's. ─── 如果不接受控股经理,都被删除,以便显示器的。

33、Please select the logical volume to be deleted on ${VG}. ─── 17请选择要删除${VG}上哪个逻辑卷。

34、Print job %1 has been deleted and will not print. ─── 已删除打印作业%1,不会再打印。

35、Since two edges are to deleted, the subgraphs must contain three edges. ─── 因为有两条边要删去,所以这些子图必须是包含三条边。

36、All references to racial problems were deleted from the history books. ─── 历史书里所有涉嫌种族问题的地方都被删掉了。

37、The same three-color box will be deleted. ─── 三个相同颜色方块相连即可消去。

38、The message will only reappear in the queue when the timeout period expires if, and only if, it has not been deleted by the reading process. ─── 只有当超时周期过期时,而且读取消息的应用程序没有删除它,消息才会重新出现在队列中。

39、A bright, usually blinking, movable indicator on a display, marking the position at which a character can be entered, corrected, or deleted. ─── 光标显示器上的明亮、通常闪动的、可移动指示物,用于标明某一字母可以进入、修改或删去的位置

40、In word processing,a function that enables text held in storage to be deleted. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种功能,能删除保存在存储器中的正文。

41、The selected runs will be deleted as if they had never been run. ─── 所选运行就如同从未运行过一样被删除。

42、Host LUN filter Entry deleted successfully! ─── 主机LUN过滤器项目删除成功!

43、In Report Manager, the My Subscriptions page appears to be empty (it cannot be deleted), even if it previously contained subscriptions. ─── 在报表管理器中,“我的订阅”页显示为空(不能将它删除),即便它以前包含订阅也是如此。

44、If you do not specify a search condition, all rows will be deleted. ─── 如果不指定搜索条件,则删除所有行。

45、The item is deleted the next time that a check-in is performed. ─── 在您下次执行签入时删除该项。

46、A deleted database can be re-created only by restoring a backup. ─── 删除的数据库只能通过还原备份重新创建。

47、People do not know where the information they are sending is being stored and when, if ever, it is deleted. ─── 人们不知道他们发送出去的消息被储存在了哪里并且什么时候会删除。

48、She deleted our names from the guest list. ─── 她把我们的名字从宾客名单中删去了。

49、Some madman(= stupid person)deleted all the files. ─── 不知哪个笨蛋把所有的文件都删掉了。

50、Items that have reached the age limit are deleted. ─── 将删除已到期限限制的项目。

51、Opening the memorandum stealthily, she had deleted all those three memorandums. ─── 偷偷翻开备忘录,她把那三条备忘录都删了。

52、His name has been deleted from the list. ─── 他的名字从名单里面删除了。

53、Chinese Simplified Deleted database entries. ─── 删除数据库条目。

54、Their names were deleted from the guest list. ─── 他们的名字在客人名单上被删除了。

55、Today, the time without hesitation or deleted in the potato that network. ─── 今天发的时候还是毫不迟疑得删掉了土豆网那个。


57、Is the maximum retention period, in hours, before transactions are deleted. ─── 事务删除前的最大保持期(小时)。

58、Special features of the DVD include deleted scenes and outtakes. ─── DVD的特别花絮包括被删减的镜头和剪余片段等.

59、If some nodes are empty, they are being deleted. ─── 如果某些节点是空的,他们可以被删除。

60、Older entries are deleted to make room for new entries. ─── 将删除较早的项以为新项腾出空间。

61、You can customize the deleted item retention period for your users. ─── 可以为用户自定义删除项目的保留期。

62、The whole FHIT gene was found deleted in an EC cell line, EC8733. ─── 在食管癌细胞系EC8733中发现了FHIT全基因的丢失。

63、Deleted Footage Marker. Guide to help identify the newly restored footage. ─── 删除脚本标志,帮助识别全新恢复的脚本。

64、The other business cards are not being deleted. ─── 其他的名片并没有被删除。

65、The book was withdrawn for the offending passages to be deleted. ─── 这本书因为有需要被删除的问题段落而被撤回。

66、Any results that are deleted from the hard disk are also cleared from memory. ─── 从硬盘上删除的任何结果也将从内存中清除。

67、To get the path to the deleted file. ─── 属性来获取删除的文件的路径。

68、Function, however, will mark them as deleted as mentioned above. ─── 函数将象上面所说的那样把它们标记为已删除。

69、In such a case, the existing database is deleted. ─── 在这种情况下将删除现有的数据库。

70、Enables you to specify when files in the Wastebasket are deleted. ─── 允许你设定在什么时候删除废纸框中的文件。

71、Deleted screenshots no longer remain listed in the launcher. ─── 删除不再截图中列出发射。

72、The deleted table and the trigger table ordinarily have no rows in common. ─── 删除的表和触发器表通常没有相同的行。

73、In a document copying machine, a device for adding to or masking details from an original so that these are incorporated into or deleted from the copies. ─── 在资料复制机中,一种用于给原文件中增加或从原文件中屏蔽某些细节的设备,因而可以给复制件加进或删去一些细节。

74、Clauscs not required, should be deleted and initialled. ─── 对未要求的条文应予以删除并加具小签。

75、He also deleted files from the computer system. ─── 他也从计算机系统中删除了文件。

76、I have wrongly deleted my network, but i couldn't change ano... ─── 如何更改或取消已登记的网络内容?

77、Do not click this link. Your account will be deleted if you click this link! ─── 不要点击这条链接,假如你点击这条链接将会删除你的帐号!

78、PRIMARY KEY and FOREIGN KEY constraints can be added or deleted. ─── 可以添加或删除PRIMARY KEY约束和FOREIGN KEY约束。

79、Only the last partition of a logical drive can be deleted. ─── 仅可以删除逻辑驱动器的最后一个分区。

80、In word processing, a function that enables text held in storage to be deleted. ─── 字(词)处理技术中的一种功能,能删除保存在存储器中的正文。

81、The record cannot be deleted. ─── 不能删除记录。

82、Any child nodes under the deleted parent node are also deleted. ─── 删除的父节点下的任何子节点将同时删除。

83、File has been deleted on a site. ─── 已删除了一个站点上的文件。

84、In the Load Predefined list, click Return Deleted Objects. ─── 在“预定义加载”列表中,单击“返回已删除对象”。

85、The source is deleted automatically in the case of an installation failure. ─── 安装失败时将自动删除该源。

86、Sensitive files that you've "deleted" still exist on the disk and are very easy to recover. ─── 一些重要的文件即使你将他们“删除”,他们还是存在磁盘中,而且很容易复原。

87、It may have been deleted from the wiki, or renamed. ─── 它可能已被删除或重命名。

88、The content of any folder you choose will be deleted! ─── 你所选择的文件夹的内容将被删除!

89、Sorry! The user name does not exist. It may be deleted by the Administrator. ─── 对不起,用户名不存在!可能已经被管理员删除了。

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