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chloroplastid 发音


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chloroplastid 词性/词形变化,chloroplastid变形

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chloroplastid 相似词语短语

1、chloroplatinic ─── adj.氢氯铂酸的

2、chromoplast ─── n.成色素细胞;色素母细胞

3、chromoplasts ─── n.成色素细胞;色素母细胞

4、chloroplasts ─── n.[植]叶绿体(chloroplast的复数)

5、ceroplastic ─── n.蜡塑术;蜡塑工艺;adj.蜡塑的

6、chloroplastic ─── 叶绿体

7、chloroplast ─── n.[植]叶绿体

8、chloroplastal ─── 叶绿体

9、fluoroplastic ─── n.氟塑料

chloroplastid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Interfamilial Relationships of Santalales as Revealed by Chloroplast trnL Intron Sequences ─── 内含子序列数据的檀香目科间系统发育关系的研究

2、Effects of Low-energy Carbon Ion Implantation on the Growth and Development of Chloroplast of Stevia rebaudiana ─── 低能碳离子对甜菊生长和叶绿体发育的影响

3、Blue Native Gel Electrophoresis Analysis of Chloroplast Pigment Protein Complexes ─── 一种分析叶绿体类囊体膜色素蛋白复合物的蓝绿温和胶电泳系统

4、chloroplast centripetal movement ─── 叶绿体向心运动

5、It's high efficient expression and safety made it been attached more and more importance to.This paper introduces the chloroplast transfer mation, including its advantages, methods, uses and defects. ─── 叶绿体基因工程的特点,特别是其高效表达和安全性,使其受到越来越多的重视,本文对叶绿体转化作了较为全面的介绍,包括其优势、方法、用途及不足等内容。

6、74. The chloroplast envelope has the light yellow color of violaxanthin. ─── 叶绿体的套膜有紫黄质的淡黄色。

7、The outer of the two membranes around a chloroplast could be regarded as the host exclusion membranes. ─── 围着叶绿体的外面两层膜,可以看作寄主排斥的膜。

8、Comparative Study on Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Leontopodium leontopodioides Grown at Different Elevations ─── 不同海拔火绒草叶绿体超微结构的比较

9、vulgaris C-27 chloroplast did. ─── vulgaris C-27的报道相吻合。

10、Once proteins have been translated, they can also be delivered to other organelles in the cell, such as the mitochondria and the chloroplast. ─── 一旦蛋白质已被翻译,也可以传送到其他器官的细胞,如线粒体和叶绿体。

11、The chloroplast ultrastructures of Leontopodium leontopodioides distributed in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang plateau at altitute of 2300,2700 and 3800?m were observed respectively with TEM. ─── 利用透射电镜对生长于青藏高原东北部3个不同海拔地区(2300m、2700m和3800m)的火绒草叶绿体超微结构进行了比较观察。结果发现,随着海拔的升高,叶绿体结构差异明显。

12、Chloroplast Redox Poise and Signaling ─── 叶绿体氧还均衡和信号发送

13、mRNAs could cross the chloroplast envelope in vivo. ─── 在体内mRNA能穿过叶绿体外膜。

14、White and soft callulas were obtained.They are fitful to be observed under fluorescence microscope, having no interference of chloroplast. ─── 优化了愈伤组织的培养条件,得到了质地疏松柔软的白色愈伤,不受叶绿体的荧光干扰,便于进行荧光观察。

15、Keywords pinellia ternata(Thunb.) breit;typhanium flagelliforme(Lood.) blume leaf cell;chloroplast;ultrastructure; ─── 半夏;水半夏;叶细胞;叶绿体;超微结构;

16、Spectroscopic Research on the Mechanism for 730 nm Component in Delayed Fluorescence of Chloroplast ─── 叶绿体延迟荧光中730nm成分产生机理的光谱学研究

17、Title: Cloning of Insecticidal Protein Gene from Bacillus thuringiensis and Chloroplast Genetic Transformation in Brassica napus L. ─── 关键词:苏云金芽孢杆菌;油菜;杀虫晶体蛋白基因;叶绿体转化

18、The triploid clones were more sensitive to light induction than that of diploid clones in the movements of leaf and chloroplast. ─── 三倍体无性系对光诱导的敏感程度要高于二倍体无性系。

19、In C4 plants there are two types of chloroplast. ─── 在C4植物中有两种类型的叶绿体。

20、chloroplast genetic transformation ─── 叶绿体遗传转化

21、.. The inside of a chloroplast with the granum circl ... ─── 叶绿体将太阳的光能透过光合作用转化为化学能储存在 .

22、Spectroscopy Research on the Origin Mechanism for Light Induced Delayed Fluorescence of Chloroplast ─── 叶绿体光诱导延迟荧光产生机理的光谱学研究

23、Studies on a new method to observe the number of plant chloroplast ─── 一种观察植物叶绿体数目的新方法

24、Effects of Chilling Temperature on Chloroplast Auto-Fluorescence and Antioxidant System in Rice Seedlings ─── 低温对水稻幼苗叶绿体自发荧光及抗氧化系统的影响

25、Chloroplast transformed vector ─── 叶绿体转化载体

26、During early evolution in earth history, the ancestral cyanobacteria were annexed by early primitive eukaryotes and gradually evolved into chloroplast through symbiosis. ─── 在漫长的进化过程中,蓝藻类的原核生物被原始的真核细胞吞噬入胞内,与宿主细胞长期共生,逐渐演化为叶绿体。

27、Experimental results of the DF spectrum at different chloroplast concentration show that the intensity of peaks at 685 and 730 nm ascend with the increasing chloroplast concentration when the concentration is relatively low. ─── 不同浓度下叶绿体延迟荧光光谱实验结果表明:初始随浓度的增加,延迟荧光光谱中685和730 nm成分强度均增强;

28、Effects of UV-B Radiat-ion on Seedling Growth and ChloroPlast Ultrastructure Changes in Some Woody Plants[J].Journal of Tropical and subtropical Botany,2002,10(3):235-244. ─── UV-B辐射对几种木本植物幼苗生长和叶绿体超微结构的影响[J].热带亚热带植物学报,2002,10(3):235-244.

29、chloroplast small heat shock protein ─── 叶绿体小分子热激蛋白

30、the distribution of chloroplast was normal distribution. ─── 叶绿体数的分布服从正态分布。

31、Plants have two reaction centers in the thylakoids of the chloroplast;Photosystems I and II). ─── 在植物的叶绿体的类囊体上有两个反应中心:光系统I和光系统II。

32、uhrastructure of chloroplast ─── 叶绿体超微结构

33、Produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. tagetis is an unknown compound that affects chloroplast thylaloid membranes.Affected plants may turn white especially near growing apices. ─── 丁香假单胞菌万寿菊致病变种产生的一种未知化合物,使植物变白,尤其是生长点处。

34、Effects of the Aquatic Extractor of Some Common Plant Species on Chloroplast of Chinese Fir ─── 几个常见植物种水浸液对杉木叶绿体的影响

35、Chloroplast A photosynthetic PLASTID containing chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments. ─── 叶绿体:包含叶绿素和其他光合色素的能进行光合作用的质体。

36、Chloroplast membranes form elongated flattened fluid-filled sacs called thylakoids. ─── 在叶绿体基质中,有许多由膜封闭形成的扁平小囊,称为类囊体。

37、Activity Regulation of Chloroplast ATP Synthase and Site-directed Mutangenesis of Its Subunit ─── 叶绿体ATP合酶的活性调节与亚基的定点突变

38、Keywords chloroplast;endosymbiosis;metabolic network;hypergraph;modularization;network evolution; ─── 叶绿体;内共生;代谢网络;超图;模块化分解;网络进化;

39、Triose Phosphate Translocator in the Inner Membrane of Chloroplast ─── 叶绿体内被膜上的磷酸丙糖转运器

40、Chloroplast size was bigger and grana stack was thicker in tetraploid than that in diploid. ─── 四倍体的叶绿体的长度和宽度均显著高于二倍体,基粒片层加厚,结构致密有序。

41、In this time, the amount of chloroplast and lamella in Liangyoupeijiu was more abundance, but the nucleolus and mitochondria were no change. ─── 但此时细胞核与线粒体没有出现较大的变化,且两优培九叶绿体数目和基粒片层数目都较汕优63丰富。

42、A correlation has been established between ploidy and chloroplast number in the stomatal guard cells. ─── 同一小孢子再生植株群体内的不同倍性植株的叶绿体数平均值差异极显著。

43、On the other hand, during the same period, the relative volume percentage of grana per chloroplast increased. ─── 但在此时期,每个叶绿体之基粒的相对容积比例则上升。

44、chloroplast molecular genetics ─── 叶绿体分子遗传学

45、Photosynthesis is often limited by the rate of CO2 diffusion from the atmosphere to the chloroplast. ─── CO2从大气中向叶绿体中的扩散经常限制光合作用的速率。

46、Linoleic acid is the predominant fatty acid in the chloroplast. ─── 亚油酸是叶绿体中主要的脂肪酸。

47、Chloroplast ribosomes contain about 50 distinct ribosomal proteins, distributed between the two subunits. ─── 叶绿体核糖体还含有约50种不同的核糖体蛋白,这蛋白分布在两个亚基之中。

48、Chloroplast expression vector ─── 叶绿体表达载体

49、Photosynthetic Electron Transport and Photosynthetic Phosphorylation of Chloroplast ─── 叶绿体的电子传递和光合磷酸化

50、discontinuous chloroplast DNA gradient separation ─── 不连续叶绿体DNA梯度分离

51、The Analysis Techniques of Chloroplast DNA in Research of Plant Systematics ─── 叶绿体DNA分析技术及其在植物系统学研究中的应用

52、The chloroplast expression plasmid PLCTB-adw, which contained lettuce psb promoter and terminor, besides two homogeneous sequences at adw gene flanks was used to transforme lettuces by the biolislic method. ─── 叶绿体表达载体PLCTB-adw采用了基因枪介导法将adw导入莴苣。

53、Inside the chloroplast is a fluid called stroma, which contains a series of flattened stacks of thylakoids. ─── 叶绿体里面是一种叫基质的液体,它含有一系列扁平的成堆的类囊体。

54、From the reconstruct result, we can clearly observe the structures like flagellum and chloroplast which can’t be revealed in the projection images directly. ─── 从实验的结果中,我们可以清楚的观察到不能在透射像中直接观察到的绿藻的鞭毛和叶绿体等细微的结构。

55、The enzymes in the chloroplast catalyse the reactions in photosynthesis. (Chlorophyll response for absorbing energy. ─── 在叶绿体内的酶催化(即加速)光合作用。

56、However,the chloroplast structure renewed and restructured normally after recovery of the yellow part of leaves into green. ─── 叶绿体结构在失绿区表现为严重退化,基粒和基粒片层减少,淀粉粒和嗜锇粒增多;

57、Superoxide dismutase gene of chloroplast ─── 叶绿体超氧化物歧化酶

58、The nu mber of chloroplast per cell and number of amyloid per chloroplast were lower when the soil moisture content was lower. ─── 叶绿体超微结构观察表明:土壤含水量的减少明显地降低叶片细胞的叶绿体数目及每个叶绿休内的淀粉粒数。

59、ATP was mainly located in chloroplastid and mitochondria. The protection to chloroplastid of cholesterol was more effective than that to mitochondria and cytosol. ─── ATP主要存在于叶绿体和线粒体中,胆固醇对低温下叶绿体的保护作用尤为明显。

60、The Sensitivity of Chloroplast Ultrastructure of Two Duckweed Species to Simulated Acid Rain ─── 两种浮萍植物的叶绿体超微结构对模拟酸雨的敏感性

61、chloroplast submicroscopic structure ─── 叶绿体亚显微结构

62、Difference of flue-cured tobacco's chloroplast of main nerve in different maturing ─── 不同成熟度烤烟叶片主脉叶绿体的差异

63、Effects of NaCl stress on betaine, chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast pigment of leaves of Lycium Barbarum L. ─── NaCl胁迫对枸杞叶片甜菜碱、叶绿素荧光及叶绿素含量的影响。

64、Chloroplast genetic engineering ─── 叶绿体基因工程

65、Structure and Function of the Smaller Subunits of Chloroplast ATP Synthase CF_1 ─── 叶绿体ATP合酶CF_1的小亚基结构与功能

66、The plant was diploid when the number of chloroplast in stomata guard cell was less than 16, otherwise it was polyploid, and the rates to identify diploid and polyploid cultivars were 92.8% and 94.2%. ─── 以16为界来判定倍性,叶绿体数少于16的为二倍体,大于或等于16的为多倍体,对二倍体和多倍体判定的准确率分别达92.8%和94.2%。

67、though the high activity reaction of ATPase in nuclei and at chloroplast lamellae was still maintained. ─── 关于高等植物细胞内三磷酸腺苷酶(ATPase)活性的细胞化学的超微结构定位,以往主要集中于维管束的韧皮部和根尖细胞的研究。

68、The ultra-structure of chloroplast was damaged with time went by, and there was hollow in the membrane of the chloroplast, also the inner substance lost in the last period of senescence. ─── 剑叶生育后期可观察到膜脂受损的产物如嗜锇滴的出现,其数目随着衰老进程的进行增多,体积增大。

69、In chloroplast, the enzyme consists of two parts, CFo and CF1. CFo, a membrane-spanning complex, conducts proton flux through the thylakoid membrane and provides an affinity binding site for the CF1 complex. ─── 其中叶绿体ATP合酶可以根据结构和功能的不同分成两部分:镶嵌在膜内的CFo和突出在膜外的CF1。 CFo形成跨类囊体膜的质子通道,并为CF1提供膜上的结合位点。

70、Chloroplast is an organelle specialized for carrying out photosynthesis in plants and descended from cyanobacteria according to endosymbiosis. ─── 叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的细胞器,“内共生学说”认为叶绿体起源于蓝藻类的原核生物。


72、The uniformity of chloroplast grana lamellae,, the numbers and cristae of mitochondria, and the concentration of nucleus karyolymph were different among different mature grade leaves. ─── 不同成熟度叶片超微结构变化明显,主要表现在叶绿体片层结构整齐程度、线粒体个数和嵴数以及细胞核核液浓度上。

73、inheritance of chloroplast DNA ─── 叶绿体DNA遗传

74、What is embedded in the thylakoid membrane of the chloroplast and protruding as knobs from the outer surface? ─── 下列何者镶嵌在叶绿体的囊状膜上,且从外表看起来向外突出?

75、Those achieved by using photosynthetic microorganism as model material also contributes tremendously to the research development in fields like plant metastases, photosynthetic mechanism and chloroplast biothynsesis. ─── 以光合微生物作为模式材料所取得的研究成果也同样极大的促进了植物新陈代谢、光合作用机制以及叶绿体的生物发生等领域的研究进展。

76、One of numerous particles located on the inner lamellar surface of a chloroplast and sometimes considered to be the functional unit of photosynthesis. ─── 光能转化体附着在叶绿体内表层的许多微粒之一,时常被认为是光合作用的机能单位

77、The inside of a chloroplast with the granum circled. ─── 叶绿体的内部构造与颗粒盘旋。

78、The mechanism of 730 nm component appeared in the DF spectrum of chloroplast was studied with various spectral analysis methods. ─── 利用多种光谱学测量手段研究了叶绿体延迟荧光光谱中730 nm峰的产生机制。

79、The stoma size and chloroplast number in guard cells could be regarded as the reliable indicators of ploidy levels to identify seedlings in the early stage. ─── 再生植株叶片气孔大小和气孔保卫细胞内叶绿体数目可以作为从再生植株中早期鉴别四倍体植株的可靠指标。

80、increase of chromosome ploidy, the size of stomatal guard cells and the chloroplastid Numbers were increased, accompanied by the decrement of stomatal density. ─── 染色体倍性提高,气孔保卫细胞的大小及其中叶绿粒数目增加,而气孔器密度减小。

81、Transport processes in chloroplast envelope ─── 叶绿体膜内物质的传送

82、The number of chloroplast per cell and number of amyloid per chloroplast were lower when the soil moisture content was lower. ─── 叶绿体超微结构观察表明:土壤含水量的减少明显地降低叶片细胞的叶绿体数目及每个叶绿体内的淀粉粒数。

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