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09-09 投稿



thew 发音


英:  美:

thew 中文意思翻译




thew 网络释义

n. 体力;肌肉n. (Thew)人名;(英)休

thew 词性/词形变化,thew变形

形容词: thewy |

thew 相似词语短语

1、theow ─── 西奥。

2、thewy ─── adj.肌肉发达的,有力的

3、hew ─── v.砍;劈;砍倒;砍成(某物或某种形状);遵从,坚持;n.(Hew)(美、英、马来)休(人名)

4、chew ─── v.咀嚼;(因烦恼或焦虑)咬住;细想,深思;反刍;(非正式)闲聊;n.咀嚼;咀嚼物,口香糖,供咀嚼的烟草;n.(Chew)(美、新、马、英、加)丘(人名)

5、tew ─── v.把(皮革等)打成光滑状态;为……做准备;打;努力工作;大惊小怪,担心;拉,拖;n.焦虑(或兴奋)的状态;n.(Tew)(美、英、加)图(人名)

6、thews ─── n.肌肉;体力,筋力(thew的复数)

7、shew ─── v.(show的旧式拼法)表明;展示;解说;指出;引领;体现;显示出;露出;描绘;上映;展出;收到成效;出现;替(动物)报名参加比赛;获得第三名;已显出身孕;对待(某人);n.(show的旧式拼法)演出;节目;展览;行为;假象;场面;表现;假装;任务;(非正式)机会;(非正式)洋相;n.(Shew)(美)休(人名)

8、phew ─── int.(非正式)哦(表示热、累或宽慰);唷(表示对气味的厌恶);n.(Phew)(美)标(人名)

9、threw ─── v.抛(throw的过去式);丢弃

thew 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、What is thew ighestwcourt of the state? ─── 州的最高法院是什么?

2、He suddenly got rid of the job and thew it up. ─── 他忽然厌倦了这份工作,就不干了。

3、Once thew written administrative reconsideration decision is served, the decision is instantly legally effective. ─── 行政复议决定书一经送达,即发生法律效力。

4、Thew school Real was Estates attended almost entirely by local children. ─── 上这个学校读书的几乎全是当地的孩子。

5、In thew assage the passenger passz ed a cassette o xf message to messenger. ─── 在过道里,乘客给信差传递了一盒带信息。

6、In Q2-2008, portables grew 61%, compared to thew priortear, and now account for close to 2 in 3 units sold. ─── 公司收入(台式机和便携机)的图表与此吻合。2008年第二季度便携机比前一年增长了61%,现在几乎占销售单位的三分之二。

7、is the best book in my opinion for thew basic of satellite. ─── 通信电子由Louis 弗伦泽尔是最好的书在我看来 , 为thew基本的卫星。

8、27. Far from retreating, he thew all his time and energy into secret revolutionary work. ─── 他不仅丝毫没有后退,而且把全部时间和精力都投入了秘密革命工作。

9、Turn the picture round to face thew all. ─── 把照片转过来对着墙。

10、It has been difficult for scientists tonail down thew cause of this disease. ─── 科学家一直无法找出导致这个疾病的原因。

11、As he was playing around,he saw a roud thing in an old tree,but he didn't know what it was.With curiosity,he thew a stone at the honey comb. ─── 他看到了一棵老树上有一个圆圆的东西,他不知道那是蜂巢,他十分好奇,他用了一块石头扔了一下那个蜂巢。

12、She thew the coffee dregs into the sink. ─── 她把咖啡渣子倒进水池里.

13、To turn caring into action, we need to see a problem, see a solution, and see thew impact. But complexity blocks all three steps. ─── 为了将关心转变为行动,我们需要找到问题,发现解决办法的方法,评估后果。但是世界的复杂性使得所有这些步骤都难于做到。

14、We must insist on immediate delivery, otherwise we shall be compelled to cancel thew order. ─── 我们坚决要求立即发货,否则我方将被迫取消订单。

15、Write To save your changes, use thew command. ─── 写把你的变化存档,使用w指令。

16、If poeple feel hopeless,they don't bother to acquire thew skills they need to succeed. ─── 如果人感到失望,他们就不再想获得能够使他们成功的技能。

17、We must lead before we can know one of thew real values of slience. ─── 你可以选择前一条路,也可以选择后一条路,怎样选择完全在于你。

18、I. M. F. chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn said thew real problem is a food deficit which were will probably last four for years. ─── 世界货币基金组织主席多米尼克。斯特劳斯-卡恩说,真正的问题是在未来几年将可能出现粮食不足。

19、Finally, we prove that theW-surface on the parallelogram have the convexity-preserving. ─── 最后证明了平行四边形域上W曲面具有保凸性。

20、In all that sprawling city there was everything,except an end,there was no end.what I didn't see was where the whole thing came to an end.the end of thew. ─── 钢琴有88个键,黑白分明,键盘有始也有终,并不是无限的。城市那么大,看不到尽头。找一个女人,盖一间房子,买一块地,开辟一道风景,这以后就是走向死路。

21、Which one of Boobs the mfd ollowing is TURE of thew status quo of London's economy? ─── 下列哪一个是关于伦敦经济现状的正确表述?

22、I don't think that the W.P.A insurancep covers more risks than thew .P.A.. ─── 我认为水渍险承保的范围并不比平安险的范围宽。

23、Thew womeny willing to talk about going under the knife say their new vaginas have transFORMed their lives, improved theirwsenselof self and allowed them to live vthout shame. ─── 准备从事这项手术的女士们认为她们的新改造的阴道给了她们全新的生活,提高了她们的自我感觉,让她们摆脱了羞耻。

24、But it has lacked the one feature it needed fully to satisfy thew ultranationalist fringe: an accompanying decline of the West. ─── 中国在过去三十年间的崛起令人惊异,不过要想彻底填满极端民族主义势力的欲壑,尚缺一大要素:东升之时,西落。

25、We'll consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T shirts for thew ext two years in your local market. ─── 我们将考虑指定您为贵国市场上T恤衫的独家代理,为期两年。

26、In May 1942 a gruff Soviet division commander thew up his hands in dismay when he learned that a new regiment of combat pilots assigned to him consisted of 254 women,most of them less then 20 years old. ─── 1942年5月,当苏军一位脾气暴烈的师长得知上级委派给他一个由254名妇女新组建的战斗机飞行团,而且她们大部分还不足20岁时,他沮丧地垂下双手。

27、Thew gain in oxygen due to photosynthesis is extremely small . ─── 由光合作用获得的氧气非常少。

28、He's joined the bowler-hatted Brigade working in thew City. ─── 他已跻身于那帮戴常礼帽的人的行列,在伦敦商业区工作.

29、Once thew written administrative reconsideration decision is served, the decision is instantly legally effective. ─── 行政复议决定书一经送达,即发生法律效力。

30、19.They thew their shadows before them who carry their lanterns on their back. ─── 那些背着灯的人们,他们的影子投到了前面。

31、Speech articulation tests of thew chemical protectve masks ─── 防毒面具语言清晰度试验研究

32、Thew equipment is used in filtering liquid. ─── 该设备用于液体物料的过滤。

33、The storm of thew world revolution has powerful impact on imperialism. ─── 世界革命风暴对帝国主义有强大的冲击力。

34、I pu t the liquo r bo t t le aw ay and w en t over thew ashbow l to rin se the glass ou t. ─── 我将酒瓶放到了另一个地方,在洗碗槽里洗了一下酒杯。

35、Thew enormousa increase ef population will create many problems. ─── 巨大的人口增长将产生很多问题。

36、johnsy lay, scarcely making a ripple under the bedclothes, with her face toward thew indow. sue stopped whistling, th inking she was asleep. ─── 琼珊躺在被罩下面,脸对着窗子,一动不动。休以为她睡着了,赶紧停止了口哨。

37、Transport Boobs by sea is thew most Boobs important mode of transportation in the world today. ─── 海运是目前世界上最重要的一种运输方式。

38、In May 1942 a gruff Soviet division commander thew up his hands in dismay when he learned that a new regiment of combat pilots assigned to him consisted of 254 women, most of them less then 20 years old. ─── 1942年5月,当苏军一位脾气暴烈的师长得知上级委派给他一个由254名妇女新组建的战斗机飞行团,而且她们大部分还不足20岁时,他沮丧地垂下双手。

39、Thew article compares the diffhent features of imported cars onuthe market. ─── 这篇文章比较了市场上进口汽车的不同特点。

40、By thew ay , tomorrow I will have evection for a week. ─── 顺便说一下,明天我要出差一个星期!

41、This obviouly points out that "muscle" itself is the issue of the very sort of Injury, and the key point of this issue lies hi the insufficiency of muscle extension and thew. ─── 由其成因得知肌肉本身是此类运动伤害的问题关键,而关键核心又来自于肌肉的柔软性和肌力不足。

42、For the races in thew sportsground,one's place in the competition is judged by the time he has spent in the limited distance; ─── 运动中的赛跑,是在有限的路程内看你使用了多少时间;

43、Roots and stones deeply buried in the mud bumped the head of his plough, consuming geminations of his thew. ─── 石块,磕拌着他的犁头,消耗着他成倍的体力。

44、Later there wasapound;50,000 lunch, dinner and pampering session at thew five-star Lowry Hotel in Manchester for 24 guests, including holeen's mum Colette and Wayne's mum Jeanette. ─── 指女人之夜,包括鲁尼出钱让科琳和5个女性朋友到美国度假,以及让包括科琳妈妈和鲁尼妈妈在内的24个宾客在曼彻斯特五星级酒店吃了5万镑的一餐饭。

45、Zeus.are too warm to host thew Famous Winter Games. ─── 因为很多国家太暖和而不能举办冬奥会。

46、Thew bus is coming; Please get ready. ─── 来了,请大家准备上车。

47、Thew bus is coming;Please get ready. ─── 车来了,请大家准备上车。

48、Step by step thew ladder is ascended. ─── 登梯需要逐级登。

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