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09-09 投稿



womanly 发音

英:['w?m?nl?]  美:['w?m?nli]

英:  美:

womanly 中文意思翻译



womanly 网络释义

adj. 像女人的;有女子气质的adv. 像女人地;适合于妇女地

womanly 词性/词形变化,womanly变形

形容词最高级: womanliest |形容词比较级: womanlier |名词: womanliness |

womanly 反义词

unwomanly | manly

womanly 同义词

feminine | female

womanly 相似词语短语

1、yeomanly ─── adj.勇敢的;忠实的;adv.勇敢地;刚毅地

2、unwomanly ─── adj.不似女流的;女人不应有的

3、workmanly ─── 熟练地

4、unmanly ─── adj.怯懦的;无男子气概的;女子气的;娇气的

5、womaned ─── n.妇女;女性;成年女子

6、manly ─── adj.男子气概的;强壮的;适于男人的;adv.雄赳赳地;n.(Manly)(英)曼利(人名)

7、humanly ─── adv.以人特有的方式;像人地;在人力所能及的范围;带人的感情(或仁慈)地;尽最大努力

8、wanly ─── adv.苍白地;衰弱地;暗淡地

9、woman ─── n.妇女;女性;成年女子

womanly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I don't know what modern womanly beauty is, but in my mind, it consists of such an eternal diathesis on women which has little relationship with time. ─── 我不知道什么是现代女性美,因为在我的心目中,女性美在于女性身上那些比较永恒的素质,与时代不相干。

2、She could not look down on him from the heights of womanly superiority, smiling as women have always smiled at the antics of men who are boys at heart. ─── 这本身就很奇怪,因为在亚特兰大,任何一个新来的体面人都急于把自己的经历向大家进述,炫耀一下自己显赫的家庭。

3、providing sex appeal with a womanly body that can move at the elbows shoulders waist and knees. ─── 提供性吸引力的女性身体,能够将在肘,肩,腰和膝盖。

4、While your sparkling, emotive eyes, chiseled bone structure and womanly proportions make you the picture of the feminine urge to nurture, there's more to you than meets the eye! ─── 只要妳眨眨眼睛,露出极富线条感的面颊,那就是一幅精致的画作,再也找不到比妳更好地体现女性柔媚气质的人选了。

5、8.The sight of him filled her with a womanly sympathy. ─── 一看到他,她心中就涌起同情怜悯之情。

6、Miss Darcy was tall, and on a larger scale than Elizabeth;and, though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful. ─── 达西小姐身材很高,身段比伊丽莎白粗壮,她虽然才十六岁,可是已经发育完全,一举一动都象大人,端庄大方。

7、womanly sympathy. ─── 女性的同情心。

8、womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion. ─── 亲和而富于同情心的女人的美德。

9、It was not to promote high intellectual learning (xue 学) among women, or to cultivate feminine aesthetic talent (cal 才), but to inculcate practical principles of ethical womanly conduct (jiao 教). ─── 在二十世纪早期,当中西接触激发中国人对其历史久远的文化自负重新评估的时候,人们对传统女训文本提出质疑,进行补充,并在一定程度内奉行遵守。

10、See where she comes, and brings your froward wives As prisoners to her womanly persuasion. ─── 彼特鲁乔:凯瑟琳,你那顶帽子不好看,把那玩意儿脱下,丢在地上吧。(凯瑟丽娜脱帽掷地上。)

11、Typically this season, the focus was at the back, rather than on the womanly bosoms at Prada. ─── 富有本季特色的焦点是在背后,而不是像Prada在胸部。

12、womanly virtues ─── 女性的美德

13、With shrewd tact and womanly kindness Nadyezhda had won his complete trust. ─── 娜蒂契达以她的精明机智和女性的好心肠赢得了他完全的信任。

14、1. She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. ─── 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。

15、"Has she baffled me by some piece of womanly jugglery? ─── “她耍了几个女性的戏法把我搞迷糊了吗?

16、The clothes are very comfortable and womanly and they could be mix-matched, but they are the only one. ─── 衣服的感觉都很惬意的样子,有点小女人。衣服满百搭的,但是多就一件。

17、She had a classical, womanly shape. ─── 她有一副标准的女人味儿十足的身材。

18、Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly; ─── 不只是做女人的事情但又不会缺乏女性魅力的人;

19、Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly; everything that is tender, poetic, pure and in every way beautiful. ─── 不只是做女人的事情但又不会缺乏女性魅力的人;所有温柔、诗性、纯洁美丽的特质。

20、"Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities" (Margaret Fuller). ─── “毅力和勇气就象适用男性一样适用女性” (玛格丽特·夫乐尔)。

21、womanly attire. ─── 妇女的盛装。

22、Which makes sense, since many of my friends think of me asacomedic (if womanly) painter, with a strong penchantforgovernmental interventionist fiscal policy. ─── 这样的结果也不无道理,因为我的很多朋友都认为我是有女性气质的幽默画家,同时又有强烈的财政政策政府干涉主义倾向。

23、It would have seemed as foolish to expect dignified reserve or womanly gravity from this amber-haired syren, as to wish for rich basses in the clear treble of a skylark's song. ─── 指望这琥珀色头发的塞壬尊严寡言或端庄贤淑,看来是愚蠢的,就象希望在云雀歌唱的清晰高音里听到厚实的低音一样。

24、So, yeah, it's really nice having the women around and having that womanly support. ─── 所以,可以有这群女人在身边,可以得到女人的支持,那真的很好。

25、Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities ─── 毅力和勇气就象适用男性一样适用女性

26、8. They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman. ─── 她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。

27、Every evidence of womanly refinement was visible in the elegant chamber. ─── 在这精致的房间里,女性附庸风雅的迹象随处可见。

28、womanly tenderness ─── 女性的温柔

29、effeminate; womanish; womanly ─── 女人气

30、She showed a womanly concern for their health. ─── 她对他们的身体状况表现出了女性的关心。

31、You may have noticed, Mrs. Jordan, that we are finally getting around to respecting your womanly judgment. ─── 你可能注意到了,乔丹太太,我们兜了一大圈最后终于尊重起你的妇女的判断力来了。

32、They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman. ─── 她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。

33、You may have noticed, Mrs Jordan, that we are finally getting around to respecting your womanly judgment. ─── 你可能注意到了,乔丹女士,我们兜了一大圈最后终于尊重起你的妇女的判断力来了。

34、the state of being a woman; womanly qualities. ─── 成年女子的状态;女人的品质。

35、She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses. ─── 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出俐落匀称的身材,端庄的女人步伐,他站在那儿看着她,一直等到她转身走进一座小房里去。

36、I'm proof that you can be both smart and womanly. ─── 我能够证明你可以既聪明又有女人味。

37、womanly qualities/wiles ─── 女人的特性/花言巧语

38、What is more, the argument runs, these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business. ─── 而且,这种观点还认为这些据说是女性特有的品质在商业中越来越重要。

39、Let me make it clear, in my opinion, "modernity" goes contray to "womanly beauty". ─── 让我明白地说一句吧--依我看,"现代"与"女性美"是互相矛盾的概念。

40、But at the very time that he was expressing this to himself, in another part of his mind her image floated to the surface in all its womanly beauty. ─── 但是在他向自己表白这一决心时,从她的灵魂的另一面正浮现出她的整个女性美的形象。

41、She has a soft womanly figure. ─── 她体态婀娜多姿。

42、Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? Those who are women without ceasing to be womanly, everything that is tender, poetic, pure and in every way beautiful ─── 你喜欢的虚构的女英雄有哪些?那些一直成长的,温柔,有诗意,纯洁而且永远美丽的女人

43、Tsui's specialty was turning traditionally male genres into showcases for womanly wiles and beguiling actresses. ─── 徐克几乎从来不会对自己或他人的工作感到满意。

44、womanly qualities ─── 女性的特性

45、The second is almost an example of what Jung called "great dreams", as it shows the contrast that opposes a manly position (the Animus and Father archetypes) to a womanly world (that of the Mothers). ─── 第二个梦几乎就是荣格所谓“大梦”的一个样本,正如在梦中所示的对立,男人气质(阿尼姆斯和父亲原型)和女子气的世界(母亲的)的对立。

46、This figure of tile study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right. ─── 尽管海丝特 - 白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

47、You lose some of your springy brightness, but you add a touch of womanly charm. ─── 你失去了些许春天的明媚,但是你增添了一抹女人的魅力。

48、1) She rather liked to embroider silk lambrequins, as a feat of womanly prowess, but her darning of Father's socks was an impatient and not-too-skillful performance. ─── 她宁愿绣绣绸缎桌布,显显她的本领,至于替父亲补袜,那是她既不耐烦也做得不挺好的工作。(名词转换成动词)

49、Minnie's womanly nature was higher than this. She figured the possibilities in such cases. ─── "女人的天性使敏妮不能就此丢开不管,她猜测着这种情况下的种种可能。

50、Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome. ─── 二十八年的闺房生活却如此寂寥。

51、She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street. ─── 她顺着黑暗的街道走去,显出利落匀称的身材,迈着端庄的女人的步子。

52、the state of being a woman; womanly qualities. ─── 成年女子的状态;女人的品质。

53、A broad-planed strong, womanly face. ─── 一副宽阔,标准,坚毅的女人面孔。

54、Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly; everything that is tender, poetic, pure and in every way beautiful. ─── 虚构的女性英雄你又最喜欢哪些?不只是做女人的事情但又不会缺乏女性魅力的人;所有温柔、诗性、纯洁美丽的特质。

55、three: naivete and lovely; pretty, fashionable and womanly; tender, erudite and intellectual. ─── 三类:天真烂漫的;妩媚、时尚、极具女人味的;温柔、见多识广、聪慧的。

56、Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities(Margaret Fuller. ─── 毅力和勇气就象适用男性一样适用女性(玛格丽特·夫乐尔)。

57、They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman. ─── 她们泄露了一个事实,那就是她们不具有女性的本能。

58、She is a veritable blue stocking, her nose always stuck in a book and her interest devoid of womanly pursuits. ─── 她总是埋头书本,对女人的事一点也不感兴趣,真使个不折不扣的女学究。

59、"This figure of the study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right." ─── 尽管海丝特·白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

60、We were kept in chapel twenty minutes later than usual to listen to a speech about womanly women. ─── 礼拜时间延长了二十分钟,为我们宣讲为妇之道。

61、Here are a few tips on how to keep that womanly heart beating as strong as ever. ─── 这里有几条如何保持妇女心脏强健的建议。

62、her own danger disturbed her less than her concern for the two sisters , in whose behalf her womanly sympathies were now strongly enlisted. ─── 尽管她自己身处逆境,但她更为那两姐妹担心,姐妹俩深深地激起了她那女性的同情心。

63、The French traditional design of womanly, sunshine and fresh is the trend for this year. ─── 融合法国的传统设计,体现出拥有女性味道、阳光、新鲜感的服装,正是今年流行的趋势。

64、and, though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful. ─── 她正要说一声不胜荣幸,可是话未出口,就听见彬格莱先生上楼梯的急促的脚步声,一刹那工夫,他就进来了。

65、Womanly modesty ─── 合于妇女的谦虚

66、Her own danger disturbed her less than her concern for the two sisters, in whose behalf her womanly sympathies were now strongly enlisted. ─── 尽管她自己身处逆境,但她更为那两姐妹担心,姐妹俩深深地激起了她那女性的同情心。

67、a truly womanly woman ─── 真正有女人味的女人

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