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09-09 投稿



dizzied 发音

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英:  美:

dizzied 中文意思翻译




dizzied 短语词组

1、dizzied meaning ─── 晕头转向的意思

2、dizzied synonym ─── 晕眩同义词

3、dizzied definition ─── 模糊的定义

dizzied 词性/词形变化,dizzied变形

形容词最高级: dizziest |名词: dizziness |形容词比较级: dizzier |动词现在分词: dizzying |动词过去式: dizzied |动词过去分词: dizzied |动词第三人称单数: dizzies |副词: dizzily |

dizzied 相似词语短语

1、dizziest ─── adj.晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的(dizzy的变形)

2、dizzier ─── 使人眩晕的(dizzy的比较级)

3、dizened ─── vt.修饰(等于bedizen)

4、Lizzie ─── n.莉齐(女子名)

5、dizzies ─── adj.晕眩的;使人头晕的;昏乱的;心不在焉的;愚蠢的;vt.使头晕眼花;使混乱;使茫然;n.(Dizzy)人名;(英)迪齐

6、divvied ─── vi.分摊;n.部分;分配;vt.分摊

7、dirtied ─── adj.下流的,卑鄙的;肮脏的;恶劣的;暗淡的;vt.弄脏;vi.变脏

8、dizzard ─── n.笨蛋;弄臣,小丑

9、bizzies ─── 警官

dizzied 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、1.The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me. ─── 来自数字化的设备的耀眼的光使我头昏。

2、The ride on the roller coaster dizzied us. ─── 乘坐云霄飞车使我们头晕。

3、Patient:Not very well. I have a headache, severe dizzi?鄄ness and poor memory. ─── 病人:我觉得不太舒服,头痛、头晕的厉害,还记忆力差。

4、sad ani wai.....still happi but i fel dizzi cos i didnt have mi cup of coffe....... ─── 今天本来应该是我和老婆们约会天,但应为家里的原因所以没有去成。。。。

5、The complexity of the society we have created for ourselves surrounds us so completely that, instead of being dizzied, we tend to take it for granted. ─── 我们为自己创造了这样一个社会,它的复杂性将我们彻底包围,以至我们非但没有感到头昏目眩,反而倾向于理所当然地加以接受。

6、When you are vexed and dizzied, a little essential oil can help to produce clear vision and refreshment ─── 心烦头晕时,搽些风油精,可清火明目,怡神醒脑。

7、We have been dizzied by the speedy development of the new and hight technology. ─── 我们被高新技术的飞速发展弄得不知所措。

8、Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle ─── 麦克梯格偷偷摸摸地走进走出,给这一阵忙乱弄得头昏眼花。

9、I drove at speeds that dizzied me. ─── 我高速驾车致使我头晕目眩。

10、I drove at speeds that dizzied me. ─── 我高速驾车致使我头晕目眩。

11、stupefied or dizzied by something overpowering. ─── 被强有力的东西弄得麻木或者晕眩。

12、The disaster dizzied her brain and paralyzed her will. ─── 那场灾祸使她头脑昏乱,意志麻痹。

13、The old woman was dizzied by the strong wind. ─── 那位老太太被风吹得头昏眼花。

14、The heavy smells, the foreign babble, the garish multitudinous signs in a strange alphabet, dizzied him ─── 那股强烈的气味,那种陌生的语言,以及许多稀奇古怪的文字写的花里花哨的招牌,叫他头昏眼花。

15、rapidly changing color dizzied the spectators. ─── 颜色的快速变换使观众头昏眼花。

16、The rapidly changing color dizzied the spectators. ─── 颜色的快速变换使观众头昏眼花。

17、I am dizzied by the strong wind. ─── 我被风吹得头昏眼花。

18、That both dazzled and dizzied me ─── 令我头晕目眩的这一切

19、The disaster dizzied his brain. ─── 那场灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。

20、750. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me. ─── 从数字设备中发出的耀眼的(眼花缭乱的)光使我眩晕。

21、disaster dizzied his brain. ─── 灾难弄得他头脑昏乱。

22、She has nearly dizzied with the news. ─── 她听到这一消息几乎晕到了。

23、Mcteague came and went furtively, dizzied and made uneasy by all this bustle. ─── 麦克梯格偷偷摸摸地走进走出,给这一阵忙乱弄得头昏眼花。

24、We were dizzied by the beating wind. ─── 我们被猛烈的风吹得头昏眼花。

25、We were dizzied by the beating wind. ─── 我们被猛烈的风吹得头昏眼花。

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