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09-09 投稿



dynamometer 发音

英:[?da?n??mɑ?m?t?r]  美:[?da?n??m?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

dynamometer 中文意思翻译



dynamometer 词性/词形变化,dynamometer变形

形容词: dynamometric |名词: dynamometry |

dynamometer 常用词组

chassis dynamometer ─── 底盘测功机;框架测力计;惯性模拟系统;底盘动力计

dynamometer test ─── 测功器试验

dynamometer 短语词组

1、friction dynamometer ─── [机] 磨擦测功计

2、dynamometer type multiplier ─── [计] 测力计式乘法器

3、Foroude dynamometer ─── [机] 福劳得测力计

4、tension dynamometer ─── [机] 拉力功率计牵引测力计, 拉力测力计

5、astatic electro dynamometer ─── [电] 无定向电流测力计

6、brake dynamometer ─── [机] 制动测功器

7、gastro-dynamometer ─── [医] 胃动力测量器

8、balance dynamometer ─── [机] 秤量测功计

9、dynamometer brake ─── 测功制动器

10、transimission dynamometer ─── [机] 传动测功计

11、torsional dynamometer ─── [化] 扭力计

12、recording dynamometer ─── [化] 记录式拉力表; 记录式动力计

13、fan dynamometer ─── [电] 风扇测力计

14、electric dynamometer ─── [电] 电测力计

15、hydraulic dynamometer ─── [机] 水力测功器

16、absorption dynamometer ─── [电] 吸收测力计

17、differential dynamometer ─── [电] 差分作用测力计

18、electric cradle dynamometer ─── [机] 电测功计, 电测力计

19、dynamometer life ─── 台架试验寿命

dynamometer 相似词语短语

1、dynamometric ─── adj.测力的

2、tokodynamometer ─── n.分娩力计

3、anemometer ─── n.风力计,[气象]风速计

4、dynamometer car ─── 测力试验车;动力试验车

5、cyanometer ─── n.天空蓝度测定仪

6、tocodynamometer ─── n.分娩力计

7、dynameter ─── n.倍率计;测力计

8、dynamometry ─── n.肌力测定法;测力法

9、dynamometers ─── n.测力计;功率计;动力计

dynamometer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Research on excitation control system of AC electrical dynamometer ─── 交流电力测功机励磁控制系统研究

2、When the motocycle is running in the dynamometer, the emission will be collected in the sample bag and the contaminant such as HC,NOx,CO in the emission be caculated. ─── 当摩托车运行于测功机上时,其排气污染物如总碳氢、氮氧化物和一氧化碳被检测设备收集并进行检测,计算出污染物排放值。

3、Method for Vehicle Braking Performance Examination on DCG-10E Style Dynamometer ─── 在DCG-10E型汽车底盘测功机上实现制动试验

4、The system is composed of a PC as host computer and four 80C196KC single-chip microcomputer controllers as slave computers, and an electric dynamometer control station situated in slave position as a part of the system. ─── 它由一台微机作为上位机(主机)、4个80C196KC单片机控制模块作为下位机(从机),以及处于下位的电涡流测功机控制柜组成。

5、Keywords elastic beam;dynamometer;telemeasuring;stiffness;sensitivity; ─── 单元变形体;力传感器;遥感;刚度;灵敏度;

6、three-dimensional dynamometer ─── 三向测力仪

7、The model dynamometer card analysis of API pumping units on different crude oil viscosities ─── 不同原油粘度下API游梁式抽油机模型示功图分析

8、Development and Application Actuality on Electric Power Dynamometer ─── 国内外电力测功机发展现状

9、The motorcycle takes transient sampling test using the serial connection of VMAS Emission Measurement System and CVS Emission Measurement System on the same dynamometer. ─── 摘要在同一底盘测功机上,采用VMAS排放测试系统和CVS定容取样排放测试系统串联的形式对同一辆摩托车进行瞬态采样测试,并对排放测试结果进行了分析。

10、Keywords reciprocating pump;dynamometer card pump efficiency; ─── 往复泵;示功图;泵效;

11、From dynamometer tests, it is shown that the performance, fuel economy and exhaust emission of the engine are improved obviously. ─── 台架试验结果表明,采用进气调节系统后,发动机动力、经济性和排放指标得到了显著的改善。

12、Torque can be measured along with power on the dynamometer. ─── 在测功器上,扭矩是与功率一道测量出的。

13、It works in conjunction with a hydraulic dynamometer and incorporates the technologies of a monolithic computer and transducer. ─── 它与液压测功器相配,采用单片机和传感器技术。

14、evaluation well yield by dynamometer card ─── 功图量油

15、Research on Test Method for Chassis Dynamometer Inertia Weight ─── 底盘测功机等效汽车质量测试方法研究

16、Constant Speed Control of Chassis Dynamometer Based on Fuzzy Control Technology ─── 基于模糊控制技术的车辆底盘测功机恒速控制

17、Understanding of automotive engine and vehicle dynamometer an vehicle emission testing systems ─── 了解汽车发动机及整车的测功仪及排放测试系统

18、Tommy leaned over the dynamometer and spat in the wheel well. ─── 汤米靠在测功机上,朝着车轮吐了口痰。

19、Methods and Analysis of Improving of Chassis Dynamometer Test Accuracy ─── 提升汽车底盘测功机试验精度的方法及分析

20、Application of USB in AC frequency-conversion electric dynamometer ─── USB在交流变频电力测功机中的应用

21、dynamometer for children, hand ─── 儿童用握力计

22、The dynamometer torque controller of ASM is designed and developed based on P-Fuzzy-PI compound control. ─── 应用模糊控制理论和技术,设计并开发了基于P-FUZZY-PI复合控制的ASM测试扭矩控制器;

23、The paper has analyzed the dynamometer monitoring result of high slope anchor cable of TGP double-line five-grade ship lock. ─── 本文对三峡工程双线五级船闸高边坡锚索测力计监测资料进行了分析。

24、More simplified dynamometer test lines will be provided to apply this exhaust test approach to all in-use vehicles and the limits will be lowered. ─── 不断完善机动车尾气简易工况法检测制度,加严检测标准限值,将检测范围尽快扩大到所有在用车辆。

25、back dynamometer with indicator ─── 指针型背力计

26、To meet the requirements of the motorcycle research and development and their emission regulation tests, a host computer system for the motorcycle emission chassis dynamometer was developed. ─── 摘要为满足摩托车研究开发和法规检测排放试验的要求,开发了摩托车排放转鼓试验台主控计算机系统。

27、Check the water tank of the dynamometer and the circulatory system of filling water. ─── 检查测功器水箱及补水循环系统。

28、Practice of Exploring a Testing Program about the Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer on the up Computer ─── 基于上位机开发汽车底盘测功机测试程序

29、The Design on Torque and Losses of Asynchronous Power Dynamometer ─── 异步电力测功电机转矩和损耗的研究

30、Finally, the performance of the thrusters has been tested using dynamometer test bench and a circulating water channel. ─── 配合动力测试平台以及水槽实际量测,验证模拟分析结果及推进器之性能。

31、Program Study on AC Power Dynamometer ─── 交流电力测功机的方案研究

32、Plotting and analysis of dynamometer card in theory of subsurface sucker rod pump having hanging weight ─── 悬重式抽聚泵理论示功图的绘制与分析

33、Keywords dynamic constitutive model;vibration cutting;impact loading;LS-DYNA;octagonal ring dynamometer; ─── 动态本构模型;振动切削;瞬态载荷;LS-DYNA;八角环传感器;

34、Automatic Calibration System of Three-Dimensional Dynamometer ─── 三向测力仪的自动标定系统研究

35、A method of quantitative analysis of dynamometer for sucker rod pumping wells is presented, and a corresponding computer program is developed. ─── 提出了一种泵示功图的定量分析方法。并编制了相应的定量分析软件。

36、A Coasting Performance Test Simulation on Chassis Dynamometer ─── 底盘测功机模拟道路滑行试验

37、the performance of dynamometer ─── 侧力仪性能

38、On this basis, the concerted effects of the SIR with the fuel injection system parameters and the intake air swirl ratio on the diesel engine performance were studied on a dynamometer test bench. ─── 在此基础上,通过台架试验对比分析燃烧室内的这种涡流强度保持性与喷射系统参数和进气涡流匹配时对柴油机性能的影响。

39、A Novel Dynamic Power Dynamometer Based on PWM Rectifier and Direct Torque Control of Induction Machine ─── 一种基于PWM整流器和异步电机直接转矩控制的新型动态电力测功机

40、With the formulas, the coast-down time in both fixed load and variable load coast down check can be calculated.So the loading accuracy of chassis dynamometer can be evaluated. ─── 依据此公式,给出了准确的恒加载滑行测试和变加载滑行测试的计算滑行时间,对底盘测功机的加载准确度进行判定。

41、Extreme working conditions in cutting process are discussed, and cutting ranges in which the dynamometer can work well are calculated. ─── 讨论了测力仪在切削过程中的极限工作条件,计算出测力仪能够正常工作的加载点范围。

42、Development of a Dynamometer Test System with Decoupling Algorithm ─── 具有解耦算法的测力仪测试系统的研制

43、paper and board tests . determination of resistance to cleavage perpendicularly to the plane of the sheet . " dynamometer " method. ─── 纸张和纸板试验。纸面抗垂直开裂强度测定。测力计法。

44、The Structure and Control of Alternative-current Electric Dynamometer ─── 交流电力测功器的结构与控制

45、We have provided many types and sizes of bases for dynamometer applications. ─── 我们提供许多型号和尺寸的测功机底座。

46、Study of Test Loading System with Hydraulic Dynamometer for Cutting Gearhead ─── 截割部减速器水力测功试验加载系统研究

47、The design method of the brake dynamometer with the electric analogy or electromechanical hybird analogy of the inertia was presented . ─── 为此,作者给出了电模拟和机电混合模拟制动器台架的设计方法。

48、Asynchronous dynamometer group ─── 异步测功机组

49、Design and Realization of Energy Feedback Type Electric Dynamometer ─── 再生能馈式电力测功器的设计与实现


51、A coasting performance test is simulated on a chassis dynamometer, the transmission resistance, rolling resistance of wheels and their speed factors are measured. ─── 利用底盘测功机模拟道路滑行试验,测定出汽车的传动系阻力、轮胎滚动阻力及它们的速度影响系数。

52、Research and Development of Dynamometer Based on Direct Torque Control ─── 基于直接转矩控制的交流测功机研制

53、But the counter-force phenomenon could occur and the indication of testing dynamometer would be influenced. ─── 当砝码进行交换时出现逆负荷现象,会对被检测力仪的示值产生影响。

54、The Effect of Dynamometer Resistance Setting on the Test Result of Vehicle Exhaust Emission ─── 底盘测功机阻力设定对汽车尾气排放的影响

55、The system can integrate devices of dynamometer,emission analyzer and particulate sampling system and realize function of data acquisition,device control and data processing for heavy duty engine ESC,ETC and ELR test. ─── 主控计算机系统能够集成测功机、分析仪、颗粒采样系统等设备,实现重型发动机ESC,ETC和ELR试验的数据采集,流程控制和数据处理.

56、Improvement Design of Brake Dynamometer ─── 制动器惯性试验台的改进设计

57、Design of No External Load Dynamometer System for Turbocharged Diesel Engine ─── 增压柴油机无负荷测功系统的开发

58、The sense of position of a joint was actively and passively measured using a Biodex system 3 isokinetic dynamometer. ─── 以单因子变异数分析,分析三组受试者主动关节复位测试的平均绝对误差。

59、the AC asynchronous electrical dynamometer ─── 交流异步电力测功机

60、The Scheme Research of AC Difference Frequency Electric Power Dynamometer ─── 交流差频电力测功机的方案研究

61、The fuel/energy consumption of a not off-vehicle-charging hybrid electric vehicle (NOVC HEV) is tested on dynamometer. ─── 摘要介绍非外接充电型HEV的能量油耗测试及数据分析结果。

62、Abstract To meet the requirements of the motorcycle research and development and their emission regulation tests, a host computer system for the motorcycle emission chassis dynamometer was developed. ─── 摘要 为满足摩托车研究开发和法规检测排放试验的要求,开发了摩托车排放转鼓试验台主控计算机系统。

63、three-step standard dynamometer ─── 三级标准测力计

64、Engine load simulated control system was consisted of two unattached parts of work resistance simulated control subsystem and electric eddycurrent dynamometer control subsystem. ─── 发动机负荷模拟加载控制系统包括彼此独立的作业阻力模拟控制子系统和电涡流测功机控制子系统两部分。

65、indoor chassis rolls dynamometer ─── 室内滚筒式底盘测功器

66、dynamometer for stretching the tape ─── 张力功率计

67、Draft of recommended practice SAEJ2681, an inertia dynamometer friction behavior testing procedure, is intended to replace previous friction evaluation testing based solely on drag brake application. ─── SAEJ2681推荐草案是一种对制动器摩擦性能实验方法,拟取代以前单纯依靠拖动方式的标准。

68、The related problems of load-rejection test using dynamometer under steam leakage condition are discussed and the requirements for testing and measuring are put forward as well. ─── 对漏汽情况下测功法甩负荷试验的相关问题进行讨论,并提出对试验测试方面的要求。

69、Development of a Digital Dynamometer Based on Time-Divided Multiplier ─── 基于时分割乘法器的数字功率表的研制

70、Brake System Dynamometer Test Procedures - Passenger Car ─── 制动系统测功仪试验程序。乘用车

71、versatile digital dynamometer ─── 多用数字式测力计



74、Research on AC Variable-frequency Dynamic Power Dynamometer Based on PWM Rectifier and DTC of Induction Machine ─── 基于PWM整流器和异步电机直接转矩控制的交流变频动态电力测功机的研究

75、The rear wheel drum brake of JETTA-GTX car was taken as testing object, average brake factor was measured on brake dynamometer. ─── 摘要以JETTA-GTX轿车的后轮鼓式制动器为研究对象,在制动器惯性实验台上对其平均制动器因数进行实际测试研究。

76、Model dynamometer card for pumping unit design ─── 抽油机设计模型示功图的研究

77、AC Dynamometer Applied in Electric Machine Performance Test ─── 交流测功机在电机性能测试中的应用

78、In this paper, a measurement and control system in exciting current of eddy current dynamometer was designed with CAN.The architecture and function of main module are introduced. ─── 摘要介绍了一种基于CAN总线开发设计的电涡流测功机励磁电流数字控制系统,给出了该系统的硬件总体结构设计和软件设计流程。

79、Design and construction on eddy current dynamometer laboratory of engine ─── 内燃机电涡流测功机实验室的设计与建设

80、Dynamometer is a kind of appliance for sports and rehabilitation training. ─── 测力计是体育运动与康复训练的器具。

81、By using this kind of technology,the diagnose intelligence system is built up.This system can be used to analyze dynamometer card and diagnoses the fault of the pump. ─── 应用人工神经网络技术,建立抽油机故障智能系统,能够准确地识别地面示功图,从而诊断抽油机故障。

82、Research on Dynamometer Based on Direct Torque Control for Dynamic Emulation of Mechanical Loads ─── 基于直接转矩控制的测功机动态负载研究

83、AC electrical dynamometer is a key equipment of engine power-test system, whose load is mainly regulated by the excitation control system of electrical dynamometer. ─── 交流电力测功机是发动机测功系统的重要设备,励磁控制系统是测功系统负载调节的主要控制装置。

84、Other methods included using squeeze dynamometer, goniometer, magnetic stimular reaction and tronscutaneous oxygen tention examination etc. ─── 中风偏瘫上肢运动障碍早期为弛缓性瘫,在恢复期中逐渐转变为痉挛性瘫。

85、Reliability Analysis of Domestic Electric Dynamometer and lts Control System ─── 国产电力测功器及其控制系统的可靠性分析

86、Development of Control System for Eddy Current Dynamometer Based on Embedded RTOS ─── 基于实时嵌入式操作系统的电涡流测功机控制器开发

87、The Reliability for Hip Internal Rotation Measurement of Kin-Com Dynamometer ─── 应用kin-Com等速装置进行髋关节内旋测试的可靠性

88、Development Study of an New Double-feed Asynchronous Alternating Current Dynamometer ─── 基于双馈式异步电机的内燃机测功机的研制

89、Dynamometer Selecting for Power Train Test Bench ─── 传动试验台吸功设备选型研究

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