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09-09 投稿


bellowing 发音

英:[?bel????]  美:[?belo???]

英:  美:

bellowing 中文意思翻译





bellowing 词性/词形变化,bellowing变形

名词: bellower |动词现在分词: bellowing |动词第三人称单数: bellows |动词过去分词: bellowed |动词过去式: bellowed |

bellowing 短语词组

1、bellowing ark ─── 咆哮方舟

2、bellowing definition ─── 咆哮的定义

3、bellowing up ─── 怒吼

4、bellowing crossword ─── 吼叫纵横字谜

5、bellowing ring ─── 波纹环

6、bellowing define ─── 吼叫定义

7、bellowing means ─── 吼叫方式

bellowing 反义词


bellowing 同义词

holloa | trumpet | yell | roaring |roar | howl | bellowing | thunder | bawl | holler | bark | shout | holla | hollering | hollo | yowl

bellowing 常用词组

bellow expansion joint ─── 波形补偿器;波形膨胀接头

bellow type ─── 伸缩囊式;波纹管式;风箱式

bellowing 相似词语短语

1、yellowing ─── v.(使)变黄;(尤指由于年久)发黄(yellow的现在分词)

2、mellowing ─── n.醇化;软化;v.成熟(mellow的ing形式)

3、belling ─── n.压凸;压凸加工;adj.扩成喇叭形的;v.按铃;给…系上铃(bell的现在分词)

4、bellocking ─── 喇叭口

5、allowing ─── v.允许(allow的现在分词)

6、fellowing ─── n.(非正式)男人,男孩,家伙;男朋友;同事,朋友;(某些学院或大学的)董事;(学术或专业团体的)会员;同类物;(接受奖学金的)研究生;adj.同类的,同伴的,同事的,同道的;n.(Fellow)(美、英、印)费洛(人名)

7、rebellowing ─── vi.发出回响;vt.使发出巨大回响

8、bellying ─── adj.鼓起的;v.隆起;使鼓起(belly的ing形式)

9、billowing ─── v.(衣物)鼓起;(烟雾)涌出,翻腾(billow的现在分词);adj.巨浪的,汹涌的;翻滚的

bellowing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To emit the deep, bellowing sound made by a cow; low. ─── 哞哞地叫母牛发出的低沉的吼叫;低的

2、In American literary criticism there is a generally well-accepted view that Ernest Hemingway, William Faulkner and Saul Bellow constituted the three best writers in 20th century America. ─── 在美国评论界有一种颇为流行的观点,认为海明威、福克纳、贝娄构成了20世纪美国文学最显著的三座丰碑。

3、When gathered in large herds, they produce a noisy bellowing sound that resembles a chorus of thousands of frogs. ─── 一大群牛羚聚集在一起时,会发生吵杂的咆哮,那声音仿佛是成千上万的青蛙齐鸣。

4、When gathered in large herds, they produce a noisy bellowing sound that resembles a chorus of thousands of frogs. ─── 一大群牛羚聚集在一起时,会发生吵杂的咆哮,那声音仿佛是成千上万的青蛙齐鸣。

5、This paper introduces the requirements of design, different construct ion for bellow sealed valve,also introduces some key points when design bellow sealed valve. ─── 介绍了波纹管阀门的设计要求,波纹管选用时的考虑因素,并介绍了波纹管阀门的几种结构和设计时应注意的问题。

6、But the yearning notes are very far away, and the noisy, blustering world is always bellowing so loud it drowns the dreamlike melody. ─── 但是那令人向往的音符太遥远,而这个吵闹喧嚣的世界却又有着太多的嘈杂的噪声,足以淹没那梦幻一般的旋律。

7、Read the ad bellow and imagine you want one of the jobs at HCS. Write and explain why you are a good person for the job. ─── 下面是一则招聘广告,先阅读广告,然后设想你希望得到其中的某一份工作并说明你是该份工作的好人选。

8、State Forestry Administration of China. Survey report for terrestrial wildlife resource in nationwide, 2001. The same bellow. ─── 国家林业局。全国陆生野生动物资源调查报告,2001.下同。

9、The breakdown of well known good quality rice was higher than 100 RVU(Viscosity unit for RVA), while the setback was bellow 25 RVU, and tended to be negative in most cases. ─── 公认的食味较好的优质品种的RVA谱往往崩解值大多在100RVU(RVA粘度单位)以上,而消减值小于25RVU,且多数为负值;

10、Bellow (v.): cry out loudly, as in anger or pare. ─── (由于愤怒或疼痛)大声叫。

11、Karlis, the war veteran, came striding through the grass, shooting and bellowing: "Time for a swim! " ─── 战时老兵卡尔利斯(Karlis)大步穿过草地,一面开枪,一面大喊:“游泳的时间到了!”

12、Carol: Well because a fried of mine who set it up said I had a bellow average IQ and used to be a cheerleader. ─── 卡罗尔:因为介绍的那个朋友对帅哥说,我智力低下,是个啦啦队员。

13、He disguised these feelings under an enormous bellowing and hurraying. ─── 他用大声吼叫和喝采掩饰着这些感情。

14、Standing at a crossroad, bellowing in the wind. ─── 在十字路口的风雨中呐喊。

15、The bellowing or baying cry of certain animals, such as a deer in rut or a beagle on the hunt. ─── 吼叫声某些动物的吼叫或吠声,如发情期的鹿或正在追猎中的小猎兔犬

16、With a bellow of rage, Wu Sun-fu banged on the table and sprang to his feet. ─── 吴荪甫怒叫一声,在桌子上猛拍一下,霍地站起来:

17、At the same time, it was pointed out that the pressure sensitivity coefficients of this kind of sensor could be very large by regulating the parameters of strength beam and bellow till the in-fiber Bragg gratings were damaged. ─── 同时指出通过调节等强度梁和波纹管的参量 ,可以将该传感器的压强灵敏度系数做得很高 ,直至破坏了光纤布拉格光栅。

18、To roar or bellow. ─── 吼叫,咆哮

19、He looked defiantly at the bellowing walrus. ─── 但它还在挑战似地望着怒吼的海象。

20、A strong wind was bellowing, thunder was rumbling, and lightning flashing across the dark sky. Rain was pouring down. ─── 狂风怒号,雷声轰鸣,闪电在黑暗的天空掠过,大雨倾盆而下。

21、They get what they want by bellowing(v.吼叫) and no fooling(机警) . ─── 他们通过啼哭聪明地得到他们想要的东西。

22、Sees only annihilates 10 moves first to the runway on, then the bellow promotes suddenly, after passing through short fast “the approach”, a twinkling time rises the sky. ─── 只见歼10先移动到跑道上,然后轰鸣声骤然升级,经过短暂又快速的“助跑”之后,一眨眼功夫就升上天空。

23、He is a mighty Duke, and appeareth in the shape of a Lion with an Ass's Head, bellowing. ─── 他是一位公爵,他以狮身驴头的形象伴随着怒吼出现。

24、In fact, it's a good bet she'll raise the hairs on the back of your neck with her bellowing. ─── 实际上,她会生气的在你的背后怒喊未必不是一件好事。

25、The robbers jumped up at the terrible bellowing, thinking that a ghost was coming in, and fled in great fear out into the woods. ─── 听到可怕喧闹声,强盗们以为是幽灵来了,害怕的跳起来,拚命地逃进了森林。

26、The bellow mechenical seal,adopted originally on heat carrier pump for DMT unit,is easy to leak and short of service life. ─── DMT装置中的热载体泵原采用波纹管机械密封,易泄漏、使用寿命短。

27、He is bellowing a song . ─── 他在高唱歌曲。

28、The walls fairly shook with their bellowing. ─── 他们的吼叫简直把墙都撼动了

29、Sanwei(3 W) brand clean wiper products has three series, that is Polyester Wiper, Micro-Denier Woven Wiper and Micro-Denier Knitted Wiper. Detail type, specification and package as bellow. ─── 三威(W)无尘布产品有三种系列,既普通聚脂系列、织超细纤维系列和针织超细纤维系列。具体型号、格和包装详见下表。

30、The yield of crops or the profits of a cattle sale usually fell bellow his estimate. ─── 作物的收成或出售牲口的利润,往往低于他的估计。

31、Bellowing doesn’t always have the desired effect though. ─── 但这并非总能达到预期效果。

32、Fuchs,Daniel.Saul Bellow:vision and revision.Duke University Press Durham,N.C.1984,P166. ─── 刘文松.权利关系及其女性表征.厦门大学出版社.2004年.91页.

33、During mating season, typically in early spring, kodos make loud bellowing sounds to guard their territories. ─── 在交配季节,一般是初春,科多兽发出洪亮的吼叫来捍卫其领土。

34、VSPT-PLUS plastic bellow has smaller friction coefficient, so it is used in the prestressed strand of large-span bridge so as to reduce appropriately reinforcement and save the prestressed steel. ─── VSLPT PLUS 塑料波纹管 ,因其摩阻系数明显较小 ,故在大跨度桥梁预应力钢束应用中 ,可适当减少配筋 ,节约预应力钢材。

35、But that optimism isn't shared by others who assert that, as a blogger elsewhere put it, “these Type-A business people are the worst in bellowing on their cellphones. ─── 但这种乐观并没有被一些人接受,正如有个博客上写的,那些人声称:这些A类商务人士是喜欢在电话前大吼。

36、The user turns a handle ,and the peanuts fall bellow (between ) the surfaces under the road (and are rolled )and squeezed. ─── 使用者转动把手,花生就会掉落在圆锥体表面的中间,经过滚动,挤压。

37、To enhance expandable ability of expandable screen shell,a circular bellow shell is designed and its expandable ability is analyzed by non-linear FEA method. ─── 为提高保护外壳的膨胀性能,提出了圆形波纹管形式外壳的设想,并采用非线性有限元方法分析了其膨胀性能。

38、Most conservatives did not so much signal their disagreement with the report as bellow it. ─── 大多数的保守派们并没有以咆哮的方式表达他们对报告的不同意见。

39、His voice, usually a great bellowing roar, had been reduced to a hoarse croak. ─── 他嗓音本来极响,拚命压低,变成十分沙哑。

40、The Structure designing of bellow seal joint and it's multiple cavity mold designing are introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍波纹管接头密封件的产品结构设计和生产模具的多腔结构设计。

41、BST series standard products are composed of generator and cleaning channel(the detail modelplease refer to the bellow table).The choice of the heater will improve washing effect further. ─── BST系列标准产品由发生器和清洗槽两部分组成(型号参考下表)另外加热器的选择将更加改善清洗效果.

42、The bellowing of the runaway bull in the kitchen and the galloping of his hooves on the cement floor of the hallway shook the house. ─── 逃跑的公牛在厨房里的咆哮和它在走廊水泥地上急促的蹄踏使整座房子颤抖。

43、She would have stretched outher arms to implore freedom of Argus, but that she had no arms to stretch outand her voice was a bellow. ─── 她多么想伸出双臂乞求阿尔戈斯放了她啊。可是她却没有可伸出的双臂,发出的声音也只是牛的吼叫。

44、After several vigorous circling, the giant bellow also keeps the ground, the airplane actually only has been able to see a sunspot. ─── 几个矫健的盘旋之后,巨大的轰鸣声还留在地面,飞机却已只能见到一个黑点了。

45、Then rain waters can rush unchecked to the valley bellow. ─── 于是雨水会肆元忌惮地冲向下面的山谷。

46、Listen as your supporters chant your players' names and bellow all the rousing club songs through rain and shine. ─── 听你的支持者高唱你的球员的名字和娄各俱乐部奋进歌透过雨和晴。

47、She began to sing, and our three sons joined her, bellowing the song with uninhibited enthusiasm. ─── 她启动歌喉,放声歌唱,我们的三个孩子随声和了起来。他们纵情高歌,没有一丝半缕的拘谨感。

48、But most politicians are more interested in bellowing about building walls to keep illegal immigrants out than thinking seriously about the problem. ─── 大多数政客更热衷于筑高墙以阻挡非法移民的叫嚷,而不是认真地思考这一问题。

49、When he stuck in his arm, his face suddenly lost all its color and he let out a bellow like a wounded bull. ─── 他伸手进去后,忽然面无血色,像一只受伤的牛那样咆哮起来。

50、Suddenly Johansson heard a bellowing noise from the garden next door. ─── 皮尔·约翰逊听到隔壁花园传来了吼叫声。

51、During the summer both male and female alligators bellow to catch the attention of the opposite sex. ─── 夏天,雌雄鳄鱼都用低沉的吼叫吸引异性的注意。

52、Saul Bellow (1915--), as a winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, is one of the mostinfluential novelists in contemporary American literature world. ─── 作为诺贝尔文学奖获得者,索尔·贝娄(Saul Bellow 1915-)是当代美国文坛上最具影响的小说家之一。

53、The simple repairing method for the forming face of the corrugating block very easy to be damaged for the plastics bellow is introduced. ─── 介绍塑料波纹管极易损坏的成波块成型面的简易修复方法。

54、The image bellow shows a terrain artificially generated by a very simple iterative algorithm. ─── 下面的地形是用非常简单的迭代算法生成的。

55、Bernard Malamud and Saul Bellow tried to connect the Jewish sense with the common fate of human beings. ─── 以马拉默德和索尔·贝娄代表的第二代犹太裔小说家则试图找到犹太文化和人类共同命运的契合点,并将犹太性推广为世界性;

56、A microphone connector is available on the main unit front panel. Connect the microphone connector as illustrated bellow. ─── 主模块的面板上有一个麦克风接口,按下图所示进行联接。

57、The Adventures of Augie March is the third novel of Saul Bellow, one of the eminent American novelists in the 20th century. ─── 《奥吉·马奇历险记》是二十世纪美国杰出小说家之一索尔·贝娄的第三部小说。

58、Harry's bellowing cod - psychoanalysis of Voldemort is jarringly awful. ─── 哈利对着伏地魔不知好歹地咆哮那一幕,很是刺耳,相当糟糕。

59、We begin with the thought of existentialism to analyze the victory of Bellow抯 heroes in the failure and to refine the essence of Sisphe抯 spirit. ─── 从存在主义哲学思想出发,分析贝娄主人公失败中的胜利,提炼西绪福斯精神的精华;

60、Can you answer these questions bellow? ─── 你能回答下面的问题吗?

61、You can hear the sergeant bellowing at the rookies. ─── 你可以听到士官长对着菜鸟们大吼。

62、Before your hands are even tired, the man is bellowing, soaked in sweat, the blue silk pasted to his back and legs. ─── 你的手还没累,这个男的就吼了起来,全身汗湿,蓝色绸布睡衣糊在背上腿上。

63、The yield of crops or the profit of cattles sale usually fell bellow his estimate. ─── 作物收成或出售牲口的利润,往往低于他的估计。

64、For the sediment bellow 485 mcd, the authigenic Mn and Cd contents are negligible and authigenic Mo contents are significantly high, indicating an anoxic environment. ─── 485mcd以下,Mn和Cd含量极低,自生Mo明显富集,代表缺氧的环境。

65、His bellowing could be heard over the emergency sirens for miles. ─── 他的怒吼声就如同防空警报一样响亮,人们在数英里之外都能够听得到。

66、In this paper,the work of the structure parameters of optimization design for Bellow is presented. ─── 以单位重量下波纹管的补偿量最大为目标函数,对波纹管的结构参数进行优化设计。

67、The results were described as bellow. ─── 取得如下结果:

68、The yield of crops or the profit of cattle sale usually fell bellow his estimate. ─── 作物收成或出售牲口的利润,往往低于他的估计。

69、Visitors lined up to watch the Santas, the Mrs.Clauses and all their little helpers parade through the park, bellowing "Ho-hos" and singing Christmas carols. ─── 圣诞老人、圣诞婆婆带着精灵小助手们在公园里盛装游行,游行队伍唱着圣诞颂歌,不时扬起“呵呵”的爽朗笑声,引得游人们排着队争相观看。

70、Using compressed air as working medium,heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of compressed air in mixed Chevron bellow s plate heat exchanger were tested. ─── 以现场的压缩空气为实验工质,对压缩空气在人字形波纹板式换热器的传热与流阻性能进行实验研究。

71、Bellowing in pain, Xiahou Dun plucked out the arrow;the eyeball had stuck fast to the arrow-tip. ─── 惇大叫一声,急用手拔箭,不想连眼珠拨出,乃大呼曰:"父精母血,不可弃也!"

72、It is October 2007, the middle of NBA training camp, and the Lakers are the perfect team for Los Angeles, a city that has inspired countless disdainful musings such as Bellow's. ─── 2007年的10月,在NBA训练营开展的中间一段时间,湖人队在洛杉矶是一只完美的球队,一个拥有数不尽的灵感和冥想的城市就像贝洛的作品一样。

73、Choroidal arteries in macula were the earliest fluorescence filling ones in ICGA,which showed above and bellow the fovea. ─── ICGA最早荧光出现时 ,脉络膜动脉在黄斑部最早荧光充盈 ,可在黄斑中心上下方或上下外侧方 ,也可与视盘周围脉络膜动脉同时充盈 ,血管呈树状外观。

74、He comes from a secret placefar bellow the city streets. ─── 他来自一个神秘的地方,

75、With ease Linsi gave Jeff some answers and Jeff kept the faith, bellowing as he left the podium, ‘FIFA is family and family must stay together. ─── 只见他毫不费力地给出一串回答,杰夫摆出一副深信不疑的样子,下台时声嘶力竭地喝道:“国际足联是一个大家庭,大家庭必须团结一致。”

76、She prayed she wouldn't come in and find them there, bellowing at each other. ─── 她祈祷着她不会进去后就发现他们在那里冲着对方互相吼叫。

77、Format - determines which data we're going to read. See bellow for some possible values. ─── 像素格式,可能是下面的可能值。

78、To utter long, deep, resonant sounds; bellow. ─── 吼叫发出长时间的、深沉的、洪亮的声音;吼叫

79、With vividly realistic depiction, Bellow graphically demonstrated Leventhals spiritual development and revelaed his thematic concem in this novel. ─── 作者运用具体生动的现实描写向读者展示了主人公精神世界的变化与成长,阐明了自己的思想命题。

80、Based on the analysis and comparison on the moulding technique and structures technology of bellow, a full set of test dies is designed. ─── 在分析、比较波纹管的几种成形工艺和对该波纹管进行结构工艺性分析的基础上,设计了一套试验模具。

81、Looking forAjlan&Bros(China) Holding Co.,LtdJob AdvertisementPlease find bellow more information about the 3 ope...... ... ─── 公司名称:阿齐兰兄弟(中国)投资有限公司工作地点:江苏省苏州市发布时间:2009-4-23

82、Ocean the billowing host go to, bellowing a to run about wildly.The vehemence pound but billowing flood have no and can block certainly! ─── 大海滚滚东道去,怒吼一声狂奔来。气势磅礴但滚滚洪水却无势可挡!

83、He brings talent and inventiveness into the realm of alternative music, armed with a dynamic voice capable of bellowing out a death metal growl or a lilting angelic whisper. ─── 他将天分和创造力带入了另类音乐王国,他那充满活力的声音既能胜任死亡金属的嗥叫也能胜任天使般的低吟。

84、Aggregated economy effect is more significant in bigger cities that bellow a certain size. ─── 在达到一定城市规模以前,城市规模越大,城市化过程中的聚集经济效应总体上越显著;

85、You need to send me the Performa invoice and the proper specification sheet for all these product mensioned bellow. ─── 你需要发给我形式发票和所有以下提到的产品的正确的详细产品说明书。

86、A cow charged across the farmland with a bull bellowing (out) after it. ─── 一头母牛狂奔着冲过农田,一头公牛吼叫着尾随其后。

87、The main product are following bellow: ball bulbs, mushroom bulbs, hose bulbs, candle bulbs, R bulbs, BR bulbs, andrefrigeratory, mirocwave oven, sewing machine indication bulbs. ─── 主要品种有:球形泡、管形泡、烛形泡、蘑菇泡、R形泡、BR形泡、冰箱及微波炉、缝纫机等指示泡。

88、And the text includes five sections bellow: The first section is about the basic theories of proprietor committee. ─── 其中正文可分为五个部分。第一部分,对业主委员会进行基本理论分析。

89、After sunset, I hear the bellowing snorts and grunts of several moose in rut. ─── 太阳下山后,我听到好几只发情期的驼鹿的低吼声和呼噜声。

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