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09-09 投稿



acclaimed 发音

英:[?'kle?md]  美:[??kle?md]

英:  美:

acclaimed 中文意思翻译



acclaimed 网络释义

adj. 受到赞扬的v. 欢呼(acclaim的过去式及过去分词)

acclaimed 短语词组

1、acclaimed as ─── 被誉为

2、acclaimed music ─── 广受赞誉的音乐

3、acclaimed from ─── 赞誉

4、acclaimed hostess ─── 备受赞誉的女主人

5、acclaimed restaurant ─── 著名餐厅

acclaimed 词性/词形变化,acclaimed变形

动词现在分词: acclaiming |动词第三人称单数: acclaims |名词: acclaimer |动词过去式: acclaimed |动词过去分词: acclaimed |

acclaimed 相似词语短语

1、reacclaimed ─── 重新索赔

2、acclaim ─── v.称赞;为……喝彩,向……欢呼;n.称赞;欢呼,喝彩

3、acclaimer ─── 喝彩者

4、acclaims ─── v.称赞;为……喝彩,向……欢呼;n.称赞;欢呼,喝彩

5、declaimed ─── vi.慷慨陈词;演讲;朗读;vt.演讲;慷慨激昂地发表

6、unclaimed ─── adj.无人认领的

7、exclaimed ─── v.大叫,呼喊(exclaim的过去分词形式)

8、reclaimed ─── adj.回收的,再生的;翻造的;v.回收利用;改造(reclaim的过去分词);开垦土地

9、claimed ─── v.声称;宣称;断言(claim的过去式)

acclaimed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He was acclaimed as the winner. ─── 在欢呼声中他被承认为胜利者。

2、In March 2003, Birmingham hosted what was acclaimed as one of the finest IAAF World Indoor Athletics Championships. ─── 2003年3月,伯明翰主办了另一重要赛事-国际田联室内田径锦标赛,比赛非常受欢迎,几乎一票难求。

3、The astronaut was welcomed with joyous,resounding acclaim. ─── 人们欢声雷动地迎接那位宇航员。

4、Her works are acclaimed all over the world, especially in Europe. ─── 她的作品获得全世界各地的赞赏,特别是欧洲。

5、In the abundant harvest season of fall, lets us acclaim the fall persimmon together the delightful taste! ─── 在丰收的秋之季节中,让我们一同来赞叹秋柿的甜美滋味!

6、In 1995,Lopez appeared in Gregory Nava's critically acclaimed Mi Familia,a film that introduced the actress's talent to top filmmakers. ─── 1995年,洛佩兹出演了格雷戈里·纳瓦受到评论家嘉许的影片《吾家》,它向大牌制片人展示了这位女演员的才华。

7、He was acclaimed savior of the country. ─── 他被拥戴为国家救星。

8、She had read the acclaimed novel by Richard Yates years ago and pushed the film version into existence herself. ─── 在康涅狄克州一处名为“革命山庄”的住宅区里,生活着一对年轻的中产阶级夫妇。

9、Their brilliant performances won great acclaim from the audience. ─── 他们精彩的表演赢得了观众的一致好评。

10、They acclaimed him as their leader. ─── 他们推选他作为领袖。

11、He wrote a universally acclaimed poem here. ─── 他在这里写下了脍炙人口的诗篇。

12、He wrote poems, plays, as well as novels, which won him the international acclaim. ─── 他写过诗歌、剧本,但以小说著称。

13、He earned international acclaim for his poetry. ─── 他以他的诗获得国际间的拥戴。

14、Davies 36 beat several acclaimed authors to win a prize whose previous winners have included Joanna Trollope and Rosamunde Pilcher. ─── 在此次评选中,36岁的戴维斯打败了几位享有盛誉的作家而赢得了大奖,著名作家乔安娜-特罗洛普和皮尔彻也都曾经获得过该奖。

15、His crew have also won acclaim all over the world. ─── 他的工作团队也在世界各地获得好评。

16、Over the past year,the Chinese Government has witnessed many severe tests and has also won extensive acclaim. ─── 在过去一年中,中国政府经受了严峻的考验,也赢得广泛的赞誉。

17、Internationally acclaimed - internationally known. To praise enthusiastically and often publicly; applaud. ─── 喝彩,称赞热情地,并且经常公开地称赞;赞赏。

18、He was welcomed with great acclaim. ─── 他受到十分热烈的欢迎。

19、The ancient masterpiece of erotic literature, brought up to date by an acclaimed sex therapist. ─── 古代的色情文学的杰作,带来了最新的由著名的性治疗师。

20、Confuscius is acclaimed as a great thinker. ─── 孔子被赞誉为伟大的思想家。

21、She was acclaimed by many peoples because her artlessness. ─── 她的朴实的到了许多人的称赞。

22、John Travolta stars in this acclaimed, uplifting story of an ordinary man transformed by extraordinary events! ─── 尊特拉华达饰演一名小镇汽车修理技工-马佐治,性格平易近人,身边有不少好朋友。

23、Just when you think you have it figured out you don't, during this acclaimed comedy thriller directed by Ridley Scott. ─── 如果你以为已经猜到故事结局,那麽你便大错特错了!

24、The resolution was acclaimed with one voice. ─── 决议博得满场异口同声的欢呼。

25、Officially opened in 1993, the internationally acclaimed Kuching Waterfront spans 890 metres ... ─── 全长890米的古晋河滨公园于1993年建竣,曾夺得多项国际奖项。

26、Nationally acclaimed experts in the field of Native American art act as judges in the show. ─── 在美国原住民艺术领域,受到全国赞扬的专家,会在这个展览会现场担任裁判。

27、Internationally acclaimed composer, Tan Dun conducts his composition, "2000 Passion. ─── 主持人:有请作曲家谭盾指挥演奏《天地与我为一》。

28、None of the truly creative writers of the early twentieth century enjoyed material success or popular acclaim. ─── 二十世纪初期真正具有创造性的作家,没有人获得物质方面的成功和普遍的赞扬。

29、The truth is, the lad should take all the acclaim himself. ─── 事实上,他自己应该得到全部的赞美。

30、Their decision have be acclaimed all over the globle. ─── 她们的决定受到了全全地球的欢迎。

31、They acclaimed the astronauts. ─── 他们以欢呼迎接宇航员。

32、Founded more than three years, won the acclaim of the partners. ─── 公司创立三年多,获得了合作伙伴的一致好评。

33、In 1999, the Health Ambassador Programme continued to win acclaim. ─── 一九九九年,健康大使计划继续深受欢迎。

34、He was acclaimed hero of the country. ─── 他被赞为国家的英雄。

35、Emhaus Art has invited nationally and internationally acclaimed artists along with newly emerging Chinese artists. ─── 同时,还将融合各种艺术来展示中西方当代艺术家的作品。

36、YCL is acclaimed to have 500,000 organised members. ─── 共青团号称拥有50万团员。

37、The idea led to her acclaimed new book, "Origins: How the Nine Months Before Birth Shape the Rest of Our Lives" (Free Press). ─── 这个想法直接导致了她的新作《起源:出生前的九个月是如何塑造我们以后的生命的》。

38、In 2001, the Health Ambassador Programme continued to win acclaim. ─── 二零零一年,健康大使训练计划继续深受欢迎。

39、He has been widely acclaimed for his hard work. ─── 他因为工作努力而受到普遍赞扬。

40、The mob acclaimed him emperor. ─── 乱民拥立他为皇帝。

41、They acclaimed him as the best player of the year. ─── 他们称赞他为本年度最佳运动员。

42、A first-class product, first-class quality, and first-class service has won wide acclaim from users and partners. ─── 以一流的产品,一流的质量,一流的服务赢得合作伙伴及用户的广泛赞誉。

43、His article won universal acclaim. ─── 他的文章脍炙人口。

44、He has been acclaimed as one of world most talented player. ─── 他被誉为世界上最有天赋的运动员之一。

45、Her performance won her much critical acclaim. ─── 她的表演大获评论界赞颂。

46、She received widespread acclaim for her novels. ─── 她以她的小说广受拥护。

47、Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement. ─── 名声,威信对杰出成就所作的称赞或颂扬

48、His beautiful Chinese handwriting makes people acclaim. ─── 他写的中国字很漂亮,令人称赞。

49、The amalgamation of universities is widely acclaimed. ─── 大学的合并受到了广泛的欢迎。

50、Even European films as critically acclaimed as Good Bye Lenin! ─── 即使备受称赞的欧洲影片《再见列宁》和影片《日历女孩》在整个欧洲也仅售出了920万和510万张门票。

51、Sinclair Community College, widely acclaimed as one of the best such colleges in the nation, is at the vanguard of such efforts. ─── 公认的全国最好的学院的Sinclair社区学院,站在这些努力的前面。

52、A booming country, money to burn, flexing its new economic muscle on the back of an acclaimed Olympic Games. ─── 一个兴旺的国家,花费大量金钱,在优秀奥林匹克运动会背面显示新的经济力量。

53、He deserves the acclaim he has received. ─── 他得到的称赞是受之无愧的。

54、An hour later, it slid beneath the waves and is now one of the most acclaimed wreck dives in the world. ─── 一个小时之后,整艘船没入波涛之下,现在,这可是世上数一数二让人赞誉有加的沉船潜水地点。

55、The nationally acclaimed puppet master Lee Tien-lu has a cultural puppetry center located in Sanjhih as well. ─── 国内颇负盛誉的布袋戏大师李天禄文物馆也设立于此。

56、Great commercial success and critical acclaim Top! ─── 商业的成功和关键的欢呼!

57、Master, someone acclaimed me as a genius who will have great accomplishments, but others regarded me as an idiot without any future. How do you say? ─── 大师,有人赞我是天才,将来必有一番作为;也有人骂我是笨蛋,一辈子不会有多大出息。依您看呢?

58、His achievements earned him the acclaim of the scientific community. ─── 他的成就赢得了科学界的赞誉。

59、At Pearl Harbor, US response to raid is acclaimed. ─── 在珍珠港,美国的对袭击的反应被赞扬.

60、His appointment as Commander-in-Chief in India had been generally acclaimed. ─── 他被任命为印度总司令,人们交口称誉。

61、Business people make millions and scientists earn international acclaim by cheating and lying. ─── 商人一夜之间可以成为暴富,科技工作者靠作假和牛皮吹破天反而受到国际上的一片赞扬声。

62、In 2005 AIK created LPCD ( CD Disc sounds like LP ) which highly acclaimed internationally. ─── 2005年他创立了LPCD新制式(破除数码声、有黑胶唱片音质的CD)轰动国际音响唱片界。

63、Heat, in the form of hot baths and hot packs, has been widely acclaimed and accepted as an aid in the treatment of arthritic pain. ─── 以热水浴和热袋形式的热敷作为关节炎疼痛的辅助治疗已经被广泛地认同。

64、The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece. ─── 该作品被誉为杰作。

65、They acclaimed him their leader. ─── 他们以欢呼声拥立他为领导人。

66、He was acclaimed as America's greatest filmmaker. ─── 他被赞誉为美国最伟大的电影制片人。

67、Duse:Italian actress who was highly acclaimed as a heroine in the plays of Gabriele D'annunzio and Henrik Ibsen. ─── "杜丝:意大利女演员,因扮演加布里埃·邓南遮和亨利克·易卜生的戏剧中的女主人公而著名."

68、A year later, she worked with critically-acclaimed director Manish Jha as a Chief Assistant Director on his feature film, 'Anwar'. ─── 一年之后,她与极具批判性的导演玛尼什·扎哈合作,成为他的长篇影片《Anwar》的首席助理导演。

69、Former Bangladesh national players have acclaimed the launch of the Bangladesh Professional Football League as a milestone in the country's football. ─── 一众前孟加拉国脚形容,首届孟加拉职业联赛的创办是孟加拉足球的新里程碑。

70、Also, Italian fashion is more internationally acclaimed and French fashion has no longer the importance it had in the 40s, 50s, and 60s. ─── 此外,意大利时装更国际知名的法国时尚已不再重视它在40年代,50年代和60年代曾。

71、The restoration of the frescoes is being widely but not universally acclaimed by art historians. ─── 壁画的修复在艺术史学家那里得到了广泛但非一致的称颂。

72、They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year. ─── 他们称赞他为当年的最佳作者。

73、She was acclaimed as the winner. ─── 在欢呼声中她被承认为胜利者。

74、Thus he is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. ─── 他被认为是早期爵士乐时代的文学代言人。

75、Many critics have explored various aspects of Song of Solomon (1977), one of the most acclaimed books by Toni Morrison. ─── 《所罗门之歌》是托妮·莫里森的经典之作,近年来一直受到广泛的关注。

76、He deemed himself the French Navy, and the French Navy acclaimed him their chief and their reviver. ─── 他认为他自己就是法国海军,而法国海军也拥护他为他们的首领和复兴者。

77、Among coaches, he is the critically acclaimed indie actor. ─── 在教练群体中,他无疑是当之无愧的“独立演员”。

78、Incredibly, He won critical acclaim. ─── 他不可思议地赢得了批评家们的称赞。

79、This exhibition will be accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue which includes an essay by the acclaimed curator and writer Zhang Zhaohui. ─── 与展览同时展出的还有彩色插图画册和艺术评论家张朝晖和策展人撰写的艺术评论。

80、In her day she never received the critical acclaim(= praise from the critics)she deserved. ─── 她一生从未受到过评论家应当给她的赞扬。

81、Baoshan Yongzi has been commonly acclaimed in the world as holy among chesses. ─── 保山“永子”是古往今来举世公认的棋中圣品。

82、Taiwan's noted writer Bai Xianyong has made a "youth version" of the Kunqu opera "Peony Pavilion," which has been acclaimed throughout China. ─── 台湾著名的作家白先勇写出了一个“年轻人版本”的昆曲《牡丹亭》,赞誉遍及全中国。

83、They acclaimed him as the best actor of the year. ─── 他们称赞他为当年最佳男演员。

84、In 1947, he published his acclaimed novel Fortress beseiged. ─── 1947年,他出版了最为著名的小说《围城》。

85、Payback is a critically acclaimed GTA-style game that has been continuously refined over a decade of development. ─── 回报是一个备受多伦多风格的游戏,不断完善了十多年的发展。

86、They acclaimed him as the best writer of the year. ─── 他们公认他为当年最佳作家。

87、He grew up to be an internationally acclaimed poet, short story writer, novelist, dramatist, and lyricist. ─── 邓巴长大后成为一个国际知名的诗人、短篇小说作家、小说家、剧作家,以及歌词创作者。

88、Their fine sportsmanship won widespread acclaim. ─── 他们的良好体育作风博得广泛的赞扬。

89、"The Unwritten Law" is one of the most acclaimed works for Andy Lau. ─── 《法外情》是刘德华从影十多年来最让人赞赏的电影作品之一。

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