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09-09 投稿



energizer 发音


英:  美:

energizer 中文意思翻译



energizer 短语词组

1、energizer power max p ─── 电源最大功率p

2、aircraft energizer ─── 飞机电源

3、daily energizer cream ─── 每日活力霜

4、chemical energizer ─── 化学激发器

energizer 词性/词形变化,energizer变形

动词第三人称单数: energizes |名词: energizer |动词现在分词: energizing |动词过去分词: energized |动词过去式: energized |

energizer 同义词

perk up | motivate | galvanize | pep up | energise | empower | actuate | excite | animate | stimulate | arouse | revitalize | refresh | invigorate |strengthen | boost | brace

energizer 反义词


energizer 相似词语短语

1、energize ─── vt.激励;使活跃;供给…能量;vi.活动;用力

2、energises ─── vt.供给…能量;使精力充沛(等于energize)

3、energizes ─── v.激发;使精力充沛(energize的第三人称单数形式)

4、energized ─── v.(使)充满热情;给(某人)增添能量;为……提供电力;(使)机器运转(energize的过去式及过去分词)

5、energizers ─── n.激发器,增能器;情绪兴奋剂

6、energised ─── v.(使)充满热情;给(某人)增添能量;为……提供电力;(使)机器运转(energise的过去式及过去分词,energise等于energize)

7、energiser ─── 兴奋剂;活化剂;加速剂

8、energise ─── vt.供给…能量;使精力充沛(等于energize)

9、energies ─── 活力

energizer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The qi activity of spleen-rising and stomach descending in middle energizer relies on liver conveying and dispersing qi activity. ─── 中焦脾升胃降的气机有赖于肝疏泄气机来斡旋。

2、So yes, it is possible they are like energizer bunnies. ─── 所以,是的,他们有可能看上去像劲量兔。

3、Over the 100 years development, Energizer began to enter personal care field from 2003. In 2003, Energizer acquired Schick Wilkinson Sword. ─── 随着劲量的蓬勃发展,自2003年起,劲量的业务开始进入个人防护用品领域。

4、beginning and ending of triple energizer meridian ─── 手少阳标本

5、coldness of middle energizer ─── 中寒

6、We attract and retain the best talent in each market because Energizer is a great place to work. ─── 在每一个市场我们都能吸引并留住最优秀的人才,因为劲量公司是理想的工作场所。

7、The factors leading to changes in a sales environment are various.Maybe Energizer left China for adjustments and reflections, and would return to China"s cell market with a completely new look. ─── 市场发展的变数很多,也许劲量退出中国是为了反思和调整,在合适的时候,也许它会以新的姿态重新进入中国电池市场。

8、Knapp JS, Fox KK, Trees DL. Fluoroquinolone resistance in neisseria gonorrhoeae. Energ Infect Dis 1997;3:33. ─── 叶顺章,张有木.性传播疾病实验诊断手册.广州:广东科技出版社,1991.33.

9、external energizer ─── 外激发器

10、Model-C design, with an energizer O-ring beneath the seat-carrier, enables the valve to automatically adjust for seat wear. ─── 型号C结构,在阀座支架下配置增能器O形环,使得阀门能够根据阀座磨损状况自动进行调整。

11、Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called "solitary fu-organ" . ─── 三焦和脏之间没有表里关系,因此也称为“孤腑”。

12、Magnoliae Officinalis Decoction for Warming Middle Energizer ─── 厚朴温中汤

13、You have more drive than the energizer bunny so use it wisely. ─── 你比兴奋的兔子更有动力,所以明智地使用它吧。

14、The lower energizer refers, generally, to the portion located below the stomach, including the small intestine, large intestine, kidneys, urinary bladder. etc. ─── 总的来说,下焦指的是位于胃以下的部分包括小肠、大肠、肾、膀胱等。

15、Energizer"s strategy was changed from "Differentiation" to the situation of "Stuck in the middle", and because of this they lost a big market share. ─── 公司的举措之一是降低价格,市场份额随之迅速扩大,南孚很快成为中国的知名品牌。

16、Job SummaryExperienced Linux system development with a BSCS or equivalent degree willing to join a fast pace, high energ...... ... ─── 公司名称:韦伯森斯网络安全技术研发(北京)有限公司工作地点:北京市海淀区发布时间:2009-7-19

17、upper energizer vomiting ─── 上焦吐

18、As the pioneer in the battery market, “Energizer” alkaline battery has always been accepted by the consumers of products of providing with longer lasting and more power. ─── 劲量(中国)有限公司是1995年在天津经济技术开发区成立的独资企业,公司注册资金为4100万美元,投资总额为6100万美元。

19、upper energizer acting as fog ─── 上焦如雾

20、middle energizer controlling maceration ─── 中焦如沤

21、The middle energizer refers mainly to the abdorminal part between the diaphragm and umbilicus, and includes such zang-fu organs as the spleen, stomach, liver and gallbladder. ─── 中焦主要指的是位于膈和脐之间的腹部部分,包括脾、胃、肝、胆。

22、middle energizer controlling digestion ─── 中焦主化

23、Other Rigvedic gods include Rudra, the two Ashvins,Savitar and Surya, Varuna, the Maruts and the Ribhus.There are references to a divine creeper, the Soma, whose juice was an energizer. ─── 其它梨俱吠陀的神包括暴风和死亡之神鲁陀罗,萨维塔和太阳神萨瓦,“宇宙大王”和“秩序的维护者”伐楼拿,也提到了一个神圣的爬行者索玛,它的汗液是一种兴奋剂。

24、obstructed middle energizer ─── 中痞

25、lower energizer disease ─── 下焦病

26、The case of Energizer and Nanfu proves this point. ─── 南孚公司与劲量公司的案例正说明了这一点。

27、syndromes of middle energizer ─── 中焦病证

28、triple energizer cough ─── 三焦咳

29、Energizer Holdings, Inc., headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri, is the parent company of Schick-Wilkinson Sword, the second largest manufacturer of wet shave products in the world. ─── 劲量控股有限公司,总部设在圣路易斯?密苏里,是全球第二大手动刮胡刀制造商舒适-双剑的母公司。

30、lower energizer ─── 下焦

31、middle energizer ─── 中焦

32、asthenic coldness of triple energizer ─── 三焦虚寒

33、The triple energizer with the related zang-fu organs, each having its own function to perform, accomplish jointly a complicated physiological process in the digestion, absorption, distribution and excretion. ─── 三焦与相关脏腑,各自执行其功能共同完成消化、收、散、泄这个复杂的生理过程。

34、The poison of chemotherapy medicine is harmful to qi and blood, and blocks the transportation and transformation of the middle energizer. ─── 化疗药物之毒伤及全身气血,最主要影响中焦运化之机。

35、qiactivity of triple energizer ─── 三焦气化

36、He's not just a gangland fix it man, Chigurh may well now be the Energizer Bunny of Sociopathic Killers. ─── 他可不是一般的黑帮处理麻烦的人。

37、The recently launched Energizer Max symbolizes the Energizer alkaline battery has reached a new stage on product quality and packaging design. ─── 劲量(中国)有限公司自成立后一直被评为天津经济技术开发区的百强企业之一。

38、Conclusion ShenLing pellet is one of the safe and effective drugs for treating urinary tract infection, dampness-heat in lower energizer . ─── 结论:肾苓颗粒是一种安全有效治疗尿路感染下焦湿热证的中成药。

39、The Mars chocolate bar is sold as an all-round nutritious snack in the UK and as an energizer in Europe (different concepts and positioning for the same physical product). ─── 在英国,玛氏巧克力棒的销售定位是一种营养全面的速食品,而在欧洲大陆的市场定位是补充能量的食品。可以说,同一个产品具有两种不同的产品概念和定位。

40、lower energizer vomiting ─── 下焦吐

41、You can outlast the Energizer bunny. ─── 你比劲量的兔子更持久。

42、The upper energizer refers usually to the part above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and head as well. ─── 上焦通常指的是膈以上的部分包括心、肺和头。

43、triple energizer ─── 孤腑, 决渎之官, 三焦

44、solar energ ─── 太阳能

45、internal energ ─── 内能

46、potential energ ─── 位能, 势能

47、We should not simply consider Energizer a failure and Nanfu a winner in this alkaline game. ─── 我们不能简单地认为劲量公司就是失败者,南孚公司就是赢家。

48、Energizer, "The energizer bunny", Chiat/Day, 1989 ─── 劲量电池:“劲量小兔子。”

49、Keywords FU Shan;Decoction for Strengthening Middle Energizer and Benefiting Qi;edema of pregnancy;postpartum abdominal distension;lochiorrhea;retention of placenta; ─── 关键词傅山;补中益气汤;妊娠水肿;产后腹胀;恶露不绝;胞衣不下;

50、I'm an Energizer Bunny, though. Like, I haven't stopped, and I don't feel tired... ─── 我是一只活力四射的小兔,尽管,看,我没有停下来,也不觉得累...

51、Analysis on the change of energ for forest fire based on the conservation of mass and energy ─── 基于质能守恒的森林火灾能量变化规律分析

52、Not only will Venus be more helpful to you in all these matters, but also Mars, the great energizer, will rev up your travel sector, starting April 22 through May 30. ─── 不仅金星会在这些问题上对你大有帮助,火星,这个具有巨大能量的星体,从4月22日岛5月30日,会在你星图中有关旅行的区域运行。

53、Three-Jiao Channel of Hand Shaoyang, TJ; Triple Energizer Meridian, TE ─── 手少阳三焦经

54、psychic energizer ─── 心力加强剂

55、upper energizer syndrome ─── 上焦病证

56、musculature of triple energizer meridian ─── 手少阳经筋

57、A Novel UPS Based on Flywheel Energ. ─── 基于飞轮储能技术的UPS系统。

58、disease of triple energizer meridian ─── 手少阳经病

59、They may not be Energizer, but I think they're still powerful batteries. ─── 它们或许不是劲量金顶碱性电池,但是我想它们应该还是很强力的电池。

60、cold retention in middle energizer ─── 寒滞中焦

61、Mars is the little energizer planet, so watch to see how productive you can be when it comes to improving your home situation. ─── 火星是一个充满活力的行星,所以你能看到对于家庭事务自己将多么的有效率。

62、Syndrome Differ Trip Energizer ─── 三焦辨证

63、spring energizer ─── 弹簧增能器

64、Keywords Acute leukemia;fever;Chinese medicine;wei-qi-ying-xue differentiation;triple energizer differentiation; ─── 关键词急性白血病;发热;中医药治疗;卫气营血辨证;三焦辨证;

65、disease of triple energizer ─── 三焦病

66、Triple energizer has no exterior-interior relationships with the zang-organs, it is therefore called "solitary fu-organ". ─── 三焦和脏之间没有表里关系,因此也称为“孤腑”。

67、triple energizer convulsion ─── 三焦惊

68、My Opinion on Different Article of "Triple Energizer" ─── "三焦"异文之我见

69、“the function of the middle energizer is similar to a pot form froth of bubbles. ─── 中焦具有消化、吸收并输布水谷精微和化生水液的功能。中焦如沤。

70、Differentiational Treatment of Chronic Gastritis From Triple Energizer ─── 从三焦辨治慢性胃炎

71、double energizer ─── 两焦

72、According to testing, Energizer Max's durability exceeds 10% than normal Energizer alkaline battery for high power-consumed products. ─── 在将来我们仍然会继续努力,不断创新,一如既往地为广大消费者提供最先进、最可靠的的电池和照明产品。

73、upper energizer ─── 上焦

74、treatment concentrates on nourishing spleen and kidney, regulating middle energizer. ─── 治疗以滋补脾肾、调中气为主。

75、lower energizer controlling drainage ─── 下焦主出, 下焦如渎

76、Poor people by the point, especially when there's nothing wrong constraints of life, childhood bitterness Endeavor Energizer life. ─── 人受点穷,特别小时候生活拮据没什么不好,幼时苦日子能激励人一生奋进。

77、2.The upper energizer refers usually to the part above the diaphragm, including the heart, lungs and head as well. ─── 上焦通常指的是膈以上的部分包括心、肺和头。

78、sthenic heat of triple energizer ─── 三焦实热

79、I was like the Energizer Bunny and kept going and going and going. ─── 我就想是一只“劲量兔”(一种电池广告的角色),不停地运动着。

80、In over 1 billion households globally, consumers use Energizer Holdings' products every day to simplify and enhance their lives. ─── 在全球超过10亿以上的家庭中,消费者每天都使用劲量控股公司的产品来简化生活、提高生活质量。

81、Anatomical Research of Triple Energizer and Pericardium ─── 关于三焦心包的解剖学研究

82、branches of triple energizer meridian ─── 手少阳经别, 手少阳之正

83、triple energizer controlling drainage ─── 三焦主决渎

84、middle energizer emesis ─── 中焦吐

85、Keywords Pingweisan congestive heart failure syndrome of damp blockage of middle energizer aldosterone (ALD) rat; ─── 平胃散;心衰;湿阻中焦证;醛固酮;大鼠;

86、syndrome differentiation to the triple energizer ─── 三焦分证

87、A Clinical Perspective on FU Shan's Experience in Applying Decoction for Strengthening Middle Energizer and Benefiting Qi ─── 从临床看傅山运用补中益气汤的经验

88、upper energizer managing reception ─── 上焦主纳

89、The paper shows that the use of an energ y -saving equipment could reduce steam consumption by 27.6%;which illustrates the advantag e of the equipment. ─── 在乳品厂由于采用了新型的节能设备,从而使干燥塔用气量节省27.6%,给工厂带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益。

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