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09-09 投稿



gradus 发音

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英:  美:

gradus 中文意思翻译




gradus 词性/词形变化,gradus变形


gradus 相似词语短语

1、graduses ─── n.练习曲集;韵律;辞典;n.(Gradus)人名;(法)格拉迪

2、graduals ─── adj.逐渐的;平缓的;n.弥撒升阶圣歌集

3、gradual ─── adj.逐渐的;平缓的;n.弥撒升阶圣歌集

4、grads ─── n.梯度;毕业生(grad的复数);分度;百分度(grad的复数)

5、graders ─── 分级机;分类机;…年级学生;[建]平地机(grader的复数)

6、grades ─── n.等级(grade的复数形式);分数;v.将…分等级;给…评成绩(grade的三单形式);n.(Grades)人名;(葡)格拉德斯

7、gradins ─── n.阶梯的一级;架子;n.(Gradin)人名;(西、葡、罗、瑞典)格拉丁

8、Doradus ─── n.剑鱼座;adj.剑鱼座的

9、grampus ─── n.逆戟鲸;呼吸声粗重的人;大铁钳

gradus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、me: Two, DUKE and Maryland. Duke granted me a full financial aid and the gradu ate director said: you are the right person we are looking for. ─── 我想说,我是被你们的牛校请去念书的,他们对我的评价很高,我也很有自信。

2、China regioanal sales for composite materiel, conduct customer development, and market research.University gradu...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海博勒姆管理顾问有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-4-14

3、S.Sekizaki.* , N.Matsukawa.a , H.Yamochi.a,b , G.Saito.a , a: Division of Chemistry, Gradu ─── 首页----期刊主要分类----期刊细介绍----期刊题录与文摘----期刊详细文摘内容

4、One of Bay State College's more recent offerings, the Bachelor degree in Marketing is a concentration in the Management major and is designed to prepare gradu... ─── 湾州立大学的更近期的产品之一,在市场学士学位是一个集中的管理主要是为了充实企业领导岗位的毕业生。...

5、So we can still create Latin America gradus. ─── 才能产生拉丁美洲舞韵律。

6、It represents the status of the Gradus in piano etudes-history.It also analyses the technique and piano language of the Gradus, expounding the style of cantabile and dynamic. ─── 本文论述了这套练习曲集在钢琴练习曲发展史上的地位和作用、并通过对其技术以及钢琴语汇的分析,阐述了作品中所表现出的歌唱性与动力性。

7、On Special Day Special Gift : Valentine's Day, Christmas, Wedding, Birthday, Friendship, Gradu ... ─── 特别日子、特别的礼物:情人节、圣诞节、结婚纪念、生日、交往纪念、毕业、升职等......

8、Conclusion:In development of neonatal screening, it is necessary to attach more importance to quality of screening and gradu... ─── 结论:在新生儿疾病筛查工作中,要重视筛查工作的质量,逐步提高筛查覆盖率,提高淮安市儿童保健水平。

9、Clementi's Gradus AD Parnassum is an important work in pianoforte-history. ─── 蒂的《名手之道》是钢琴艺术史上一部重要的作品。

10、Application of Horizontal Well Tech in Digging Potential to Oil Reservoir with Hypo-Produce Bottom Water and Positive Gradus Thick Oil Layer ─── 水平井技术在正韵律厚油层次生底水油藏挖潜中的应用

11、In rebus quibuscumque difficilioribus non expectandum, ut qui simul, et serat, et metat, sed praeparatione opus est, ut per gradus maturescant. ─── 对于一切事物,尤其是最艰难的事物,人们不应期望播种与收获同时进行,为了使它们逐渐成熟,必须有一个培育的过程(黄风)。

12、Application of Horizontal Well Tech in Digging Potential to Oil Reservoir with Hypo-Produce Bottom Water and Positive Gradus Thick Oil Layer ─── 水平井技术在正韵律厚油层次生底水油藏挖潜中的应用

13、Finally, the author set Beethoven"s Sonatas as an example, expatiating the impact of the Gradus on the step-composers. ─── 最后,笔者以贝多芬奏鸣曲为例,论述了这套练习曲集对后世作曲家的影响。

14、Thus presents the basic rhythm and objective laws of economic influence of the Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao area to Guangxi that advanced gradu... ─── 从而,以原始的生活场景原生态地呈现出粤港澳地区对广西经济辐射由东而西逐步推进、由城市而圩市逐层次渗透的基本节奏和客观规律。

15、Mindy's final piano contest of Taiwan region on 7th April, 2007 .She won the 5TH prize by playing "Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum" Claude Dubussy. ─── Description: 2007年4月7日在台中二中举行,敏敏表现得比初赛更好了,但是对手个个都是各区菁英,因此我们未能得到至尊头衔,下次努力了.

16、Results Fibroblast cells and control group cells grew well,whereas the growth of tumour cells in experimental groups reduced gradu... ─── 48小时癌细胞组的上清液病毒效价较高而成纤维细胞的上清液病毒效价为0。

17、gradus novus ─── 新改级

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