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09-09 投稿



encumbering 发音

英:[?n?k?mb?r??]  美:[?n?k?mb?r??]

英:  美:

encumbering 中文意思翻译



encumbering 词性/词形变化,encumbering变形

动词过去式: encumbered |动词第三人称单数: encumbers |动词现在分词: encumbering |动词过去分词: encumbered |

encumbering 短语词组

1、encumbering stone ─── 障碍石

encumbering 相似词语短语

1、discumbering ─── 取消编号

2、scumbering ─── 逃窜

3、incumberingly ─── 有义务地

4、cumbering ─── vt.阻碍,妨害;使受苦;n.拖累,累赘;妨害;n.(Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

5、disencumbering ─── vt.使解脱;排除障碍

6、incumbering ─── vt.阻碍;妨害

7、numbering ─── n.编号;编号方式;v.给…编号;确定…的数目(number的ing形式)

8、renumbering ─── v.重编号,重新编号(renumber的现在分词)

9、encumberingly ─── 烦人地

encumbering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Encumbering public opinion supervision must be found out who is responsible ─── 深圳立法明确规定:阻碍舆论监督要追究责任

2、This, in turn, was due to a tradition of including GUI design and other encumbering design issues in those specifications. ─── 反过来,这归因于在那些规范中加入 GUI 设计和其他阻碍设计的问题的传统。

3、Necessary but encumbering equipment on a ship. ─── 船上必需的但是累赘的设备。

4、Alternatively, the credit facility can be contingent: an unused revolving line of credit that can be accessed in an emergency, instantly encumbering the asset. ─── 另外,信贷额度可以特遣队:一个未使用的循环贷款额度,可以利用在紧急情况下,立即抵押资产。

5、Credit surroundings and corporate credit management have been issues both Mainland and Taiwan are encountered, and will become factors encumbering economic development. ─── 摘要信用环境及企业自身的信用管理是两岸企业所共同面临的问题,并有可能成为经济发展的瓶颈之一。

6、There is no reason to allow these repressive, encumbering systems to continue to drive the church. ─── 没有理由允许这些压抑属灵生活,妨碍性的官僚系统继续驾驭教会。

7、He refused to compromise the cause or make encumbering alliances. ─── 他拒绝妥协革命的理想、也拒绝建立笨手笨脚的同盟。

8、Capitalism, communism, and socialism have all failed to deal with the long-term development of an encumbering global population. ─── 资本主义,共产主义和社会主义都是失败的,是长期全球人口发展的阻碍。

9、'It is best to erase all personal history,' he said slowly, as if giving me time to write it down in my clumsy way, 'because that would make us free from the encumbering thoughts of other people. ─── “最好抹掉一切个人历史,”他慢慢地说,似乎让我有时间笨拙地写下采。“免得我们受别人思想的牵绊。”

10、In addition, electrodes are difficult to aim at specific cell types.And they must stay put, encumbering experiments in mobile animals. ─── 此外,要将电极对准特定细胞类型也不容易,而且动物在实验期间必须被固定住。

11、9 Under the condition of “Inevitable Maintaining”, the method to abstain from futile things and not let them encumbering life, is to seek and do nothing about fame and worldly affairs. ─── 就像修行的人认为吃东西就是杀生,是不对的。可是我们不吃就会死。所以在知道不对的情况下,我们仍然要吃。

12、Necessary but encumbering equipment on a ship. ─── 船上必需的但是累赘的设备。

13、Therefore, analyzing the policy elements encumbering its development and providing reasonable suggestions is necessary under present situation. ─── 因此,在这种形势下,分析制约民营经济发展的政策因素并提出合理的建议是十分必要的。

14、Buying homemade products and making local purchasing will set fresh barriers to international trade with the result of encumbering global economic recovery. ─── 购买国货及当地采购政策,将为国际贸易设置新的壁垒,阻碍全球经济复苏。

15、To free from something bothersome or encumbering; relieve. ─── 使免于受窘,使摆脱困境;减缓

16、We know what you mean from the point of view of these times being so very encumbering for your Light to shine. ─── 我们知道你的意思,基于这点这段时间继续让你光芒闪耀的许多困扰。

17、She had helped Mr. Gryce to bestow his encumbering properties beneath the table. ─── 她帮着古莱斯先生把他那些乱堆着的提包安置在桌子底下。

18、Books on this subject illustrate many effective releases from grips around the waist, under the arms, and other encumbering holds. ─── 格斗方面的书籍例举了很多从抱腰、臂下抱腰、以及其它擒抱中解脱出来的有效方法。

19、Books on this subject illustrate many effective releases from grips around the waist, under the arms, and other encumbering holds. ─── 书籍例举了很多从抱腰、臂下抱腰、以及其它擒抱中解脱出来的有效方法。

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