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09-09 投稿



swiftness 发音


英:  美:

swiftness 中文意思翻译



swiftness 网络释义

n. 迅速,敏捷;快

swiftness 短语词组

1、swiftness potion ─── 速效药水

2、swiftness potion minecraft id ─── 迅捷药水雷艇id

3、swiftness potion terraria ─── 极速药水

4、swiftness crossword ─── 快速填字游戏

5、swiftness pots ─── 快速锅

6、swiftness gw2 ─── 迅捷gw2

swiftness 同义词

expeditiously | suddenly |quickly | pell-mell | precipitously | rapidly | at the double | summarily | forthwith | instantly | like a shot | on the double | promptly | in a flash | headlong | speedily | in the blink of an eye | immediately | fleetly | like greased lightning | fast

swiftness 反义词


swiftness 相似词语短语

1、swiftlets ─── n.金丝燕

2、shiftiness ─── 奸诈

3、sweetness ─── n.愉快,美妙;甜,芬芳;亲爱的人

4、witness ─── n.证人;目击者;证据;vt.目击;证明;为…作证;vi.作证人;n.(Witness)人名;(津)威特尼斯

5、softness ─── n.温柔;柔和

6、swartness ─── 草皮

7、swifties ─── 极引人注意的

8、swifters ─── n.绞盘杆围绳;低桅前支索

9、swiftest ─── 最快速的

swiftness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To hit or hit at with a short, swift downward stroke. ─── 削击击球或用一个短促向下的打法击球

2、A merely seeming swiftness of our vessel will keep him dumb. ─── 如果我们的航船稍微有点摇晃,他就会感到闷闷不乐。

3、Druids in Swift Flight form can no longer loot herb nodes. ─── 史诗飞行形态不能采药了。

4、The Augustan age of English literature includes the writers Dryden, Swift and Pope. ─── 在英国文学的全盛时期 有德莱顿,斯威夫特和蒲柏等文豪。

5、Whatever he said, the swift answer crushed him like a bludgeon. ─── 不论他说什么,对方迅速的回答就像给他打了一下闷棍一样。

6、His reaction of swiftness surprised us. ─── 他快速的反应能力让我们吃了一惊。

7、After a swift struggle of tongues Mr. Holohan hobbled out in haste. ─── 一阵唇枪舌剑的速决战收场后,霍罗汉先生急乎乎地跛出门去。

8、A swift change is longed for, but unlikely. ─── 人们期盼着更快的变化, 但不太可能。

9、It darted into the thicket with the swiftness of a deer. ─── 它象一只鹿一样敏捷地跳进了这片小树林。

10、Nor are the mechanisms for swift stimulus obvious. ─── 另外,使刺激手段迅速发挥效果的机制也不明显。

11、He was knocked out with a swift jab to the jaw. ─── 他的下颚被迅速一击,致使他昏迷。

12、About language Swift was a conservative. ─── 关于语言,斯威夫特是保守的。

13、He is swift to hear, but slow to speak. ─── 他听力敏锐, 但不善言辞。

14、Be swift to hear slow to speak. ─── 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。

15、He is swift to take offense. ─── 他动不动就生气;他容易动怒。

16、He used the image of a snake that had lost its swiftness from swallowing too large a prey. ─── 他把这比作一条蛇,由于吞食了太大的动物而无法动弹。

17、He must rely on swiftness of thought, accuracy, his judgment and nothing else. ─── 人就是应该依靠敏捷的思想,正确的眼光,自己的判断力,而不能依靠别的什么东西。

18、Be swift to hear, slow to speak. ─── 听宜敏捷,言宜缓行。

19、Let not Nemesis catch me by the swift ships. ─── 不要让报应女神娜美西斯用快捷的船舰捉拿我。

20、A swift smile crossed her husband's face, then disappeared. ─── 一丝笑意在她丈夫脸上迅即闪过。

21、He must end it immediately by a swift blow. ─── 他必须以迅速的一击来结束这场战斗。

22、After the election there was a swift transfer of power. ─── 大选之后权力迅速交接。

23、If sending funds from outside USA - use SWIFT code. ─── 如果是美国以外汇款请使用。

24、He made a remarkably swift recovery. ─── 他康复得相当快。

25、Swiftness: For RSS feed, once I hit submit on this post, you are immediately able to see the post when you re-update the feed. ─── 迅速:对RSS源,一旦我点击提交文章,你更新RSS源时就会立刻看到。

26、A swift movement or flow;a rush or spurt. ─── 冲出,喷射飞快的移动或流动;冲出或喷射

27、Swift expansion of communications and transportation. ─── 交通运输业突飞猛进。

28、He are in great need of a swift horse. ─── 你十分需要一匹骏马。

29、The boys like to swim where the water is deep and swift . ─── 孩子们喜欢在水深流急的地方游泳。

30、Capable of swift deployment or response; extremely mobile. ─── 反应灵敏的有快速发展或反应能力的; 极具流动性的

31、Head's bball IQ is all the way heading to Swift. ─── 头的篮球智商直逼神龟了。

32、It is only when you are pursued that you become swift. ─── 只在你被追逐的时候,你才快跑。

33、But neither is likely to make swift headway. ─── 但是无论哪组讨论都不会有迅速突破。

34、Pity that the stags cannot teach swiftness to the turtles. ─── 可惜,牡鹿不能教乌龟疾速而行。

35、He is as swift of foot as a hare. ─── 他跑得像兔子一样快。

36、The sea is a path meet for swift ships that traverse the brine, but bulls dread the salt sea ways. ─── 大海是来往于咸水之中的快艇的运动场,不是牡牛行走的地方。

37、Her swift toilet in times of emergency was amazing. ─── 她在紧急状况下梳洗利落的速度之快,令人惊讶。

38、A man is looking down into the swift water twenty feet below. ─── 一个汉子正在望着脚下二十英尺处的湍急的流水。

39、One too lke thee: tameless, and swift, and proud. ─── 它太像你了:敏捷、高傲、不驯。

40、His landing is both swift and sure. ─── 他的落地既快又稳。

41、They have been swift to deny these rumors. ─── 他们对于否定这些谣言是迅速的。

42、The progress of the Greeks in the realm of art was amazing in its swiftness. ─── 在艺术领域里,希腊人的进步之快令人惊异。

43、He is swift to take offence. ─── 他动辄生别人的气。

44、Thanks and God Bless as I await your swift response. Thank you. ─── 十分感谢愿上帝保佑你,并希望你尽快答复,谢谢。

45、Even as we speak, grim time speeds swift away. ─── 即使在我们讲话之际,无情的时光也会飞驰而去。

46、They will be swift with swiftness of the tigress. ─── 他们迅速堪比母虎。

47、Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. ─── [谚]欲速则不达。

48、Bright colors and a lot of movement give these portrait subjects the appearance of swiftness and power. ─── 明亮的色彩和大量的动作场景让画面里的人物显得敏捷有力。

49、It flies as swift as an arrow. ─── 它飞得像箭一样快。

50、Even as we speak, grim time speeds swift awny. ─── 即使在我们讲话之际,无情的时光也会飞驰而去。

51、She gave him a swift kick in the groin. ─── 她飞起一脚踢中了他胯部。

52、The swiftness of the male system virtually guarantees climactic orgasms for males, but is usually too quick for the female. ─── 男性系统的迅速反应世界上管控着男性的高潮,但这通常对女性来说太快了。

53、Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet! ─── 哦,我的灵魂快点回应主的号召!我的脚要欢快奔跑!


55、She did a swift mental calculation. ─── 她头脑里敏捷地盘算了一下。

56、With the failure of the peace talks all hopes of a swift end to the war have flown out of the window. ─── 和谈失败後,迅速结束战争的希望都已化为乌有。

57、Rowed out into the river's swift current. ─── 划出来进入河水迅疾的水流中

58、With the air reinforcement, Utah was a swift smooth landing. ─── 在空军的支援下,犹他海滩是一次快速、平稳的登陆。

59、In the swift current, the boat rocked, water washed into it and disaster threatened. ─── 在急流之中船身晃动,水冲了进来,眼看要发生灾难了。

60、A swift decline or decrease, as in quality, quantity, or intensity. ─── 下跌在质量、数量或密度上的迅速下降或减少

61、You see,his landing is both swift and sure. ─── 你看,他的落地又快又稳。

62、He is swift with his judgments. ─── 他判断迅速。

63、Epimetheus proceeded to bestow upon the different animals the various gifts of courage,strength,swiftness,and sagacity. ─── 厄庇墨透斯将勇敢、力气、快速、伶俐等天赋分别赐予各种动物。

64、It is dangerous for him to swim in such a swift current. ─── 他在这样的急流中游泳是危险的。

65、He rose to his feet in one swift movement. ─── 他动作敏捷,一下站了起来。

66、A swift clap of thunder woke me. ─── 一阵突然的雷鸣把我惊醒。

67、American swift that nests in e. G. Unused chimneys. ─── 在废弃的烟囱中筑巢的美洲雨燕。

68、Life is short and time is swift. ─── 人生苦短,岁月易逝(人生短暂,时光匆匆)。

69、They've been very swift to deny these rumors. ─── 他们在辟谣方面反应迅速。

70、Swift and stately she moved away through the dusk. ─── 她迅速而庄严地从暮色中离去。

71、Hundreds of eagles were attached to this ship, and it rose with the swiftness of an arrow up towards the sun. ─── 鹰数百名附于本船,它与一对箭头迅捷太阳上升。

72、One too like thee: tameless, and swift, and proud. ─── 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。

73、But do you have to be so swift all the time? ─── 但所有的时间里,你不得不这样快;

74、He gave them a swift glance. ─── 他迅速地朝他们瞥了一眼。

75、They showcase the swiftness and intelligence of the car. ─── 他们充分展示了该车的敏捷和智能性。

76、He pulled certain swift strong strokes ahead, lay upon his oars. ─── 他利落地使劲划了几桨,就搁起桨来。

77、There were plenty of swift condemnations. ─── 大量的反应迅速的谴责之声纷沓而来。

78、He was famous for the swiftness of his movements. ─── 他以行军神出鬼没著称。

79、He has a swift response to the emergency. ─── 他对突发事件反应迅速。

80、No wonder you will be delighted to see your life displaying the same greatness, the same magnificence and the same swiftness and force. ─── 你怎么能不欢喜看到你自己的生命也像他们一样伟大,一样壮丽,一样的急激与奔放呢?。

81、We will then crush the Rebellion with one swift stroke. ─── 到时我们就一举消灭叛军

82、The Shulamite comments on her beloved's youthful vigor and swiftness, like a gazelle . ─── 书拉密女说她所爱的人年青力壮有活力,又快速敏捷有如羚羊。

83、There was once a wave in the ocean, rolling along, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the swiftness of the breeze. ─── 一次,大海里有一波海浪,独自翻腾着,享受的阳光的温暖和微风的吹拂。

84、A swift change had taken place on the earth for him. ─── 在他看来,地球上发生了急骤的变化。

85、An extremely swift, acute downturn, as in market activity. ─── 下跌极度迅速而激烈的下跌,如市场活动

86、What the swift mind beholds at every turn. ─── 可怜我吧,虽然我敏锐的头脑看出万事皆空

87、He pulled certain swift strong strokes ahead, and lay up his oars. ─── 他利落地使劲划了几桨,就搁起桨来。

88、The collapse of the absolute monarchy was very swift. ─── 专制君主政体顷刻之间荡然无存。

89、Softly she laughed and sighed, and swift her glances flew. ─── 她一颦一笑,柔声婉啭;流目四盼,秋波荡漾。

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