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09-09 投稿



thrillingly 发音

英:[?θr?l??li]  美:[?θr?l??li]

英:  美:

thrillingly 中文意思翻译



thrillingly 相似词语短语

1、shriekingly ─── 史莱克

2、shrilling ─── adj.尖锐的;刺耳的;adv.尖锐地;vi.尖声喊叫;vt.尖声喊出;n.尖叫声

3、killingly ─── adv.吸引人地

4、cavillingly ─── 气愤地

5、chillingly ─── adv.冷淡地;令人寒心地

6、triflingly ─── 微不足道地;轻浮地

7、enthrallingly ─── 引人入胜

8、thrilling ─── adj.毛骨悚然的;令人兴奋的;颤动的;v.使非常兴奋;使震颤;使非常激动(thrill的现在分词)

9、thrivingly ─── 欣欣向荣

thrillingly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is a type T personality: thrill seeker. ─── 他是T型人格:寻求刺激的人。

2、They don't like others to think of them as thrill seekers, yet they admit the dangers of their sport. ─── 他们不喜欢别人把他们当成是寻求刺激的人,但是他们承认他们所从事的活动具有危险性。

3、He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son score the winning goal. ─── 他看着儿子射入一球获胜, 也感到同样兴奋.

4、His letters had caused her an indescribable thrill, the sight of his handwriting had made her tremble. ─── 他的一封封信在她心里激起了一层层波浪,看见他的笔迹使她浑身震颤。

5、She gets an obvious thrill out of performing. ─── 她显然从表演中得到一种兴奋感。

6、Hatton will land a few counter shots as Pacquiao darts in, which will set off heated exchanges that thrill the crowd. ─── 不过,随着比赛的深入,帕奎奥更加始终如一的进攻,无论击头还是击腹,将在哈顿身上打出效果来,哈顿也终因疲惫而失去技术风格;

7、Homework, I love you. You thrill me inside. ─── 作业,我爱你。你使我心中荡起涟漪。

8、His speech caused a thrill among the audience. ─── 他的演说引起了听众的极大兴奋。

9、This 10-minute thrill trip takes in the vibrant city and the fantastically lush countryside. ─── 10分钟的的刺激旅程,让您把都会及郊区景色,尽收眼底。

10、Meeting the President was a great thrill. ─── 会见总统是一件令人兴奋不已的事情。

11、That did not thrill me as I tried to get around him, feeling irritatingly short and hating it. ─── " / 当我试著传开他, 觉得刺激短的时候,那没有震颤我而且帽子它。

12、Hypnotized by the thrill of building, we have raised the houses of our lives on sand . ─── 在激情的催眠之下,我们太过着迷于建造房子的快感,竟然把生活的房子盖在沙上。

13、Since the beginning, thrill rides were designed to both exhilarate and terrify. ─── 从最开始,弹射座椅的设计就充满了紧张刺激。

14、Meeting the famous footballer was a great thrill for the children. ─── 同著名的足球运动员见面使孩子们雀跃万分。

15、I am first look at others to play, saw others play that thrillingly, is happy, oneself also want to attempt. ─── 我先是看别人玩,看到别人玩得那么惊险,那么高兴,自己也想尝试一下。

16、In their young years a summer holiday trip was a thrill. ─── 他们年轻的时候,夏季度假旅行可是桩令人极为激动的事情。

17、Thrill rides use technology and special effects to give you a thrill. ─── 动感电影利用高科技和特技效果给人以刺激。

18、The publishing industry also distorts for profit the frequency of “thrill” murders. ─── 出版行业为了谋利也歪曲“惊险”谋杀的频率。

19、It was a thrill story occurred before the liberation of Beijing when our spy went to the cen... ─── 中国战争电影永恒经典 描写北京解放前夕,我地下党员深入敌人内部取得重要情报的惊险故事。

20、So ya Thought ya Might like to go to the show To feel the warm thrill of confusion. ─── 也许会去参加一场演出去感觉幻觉的颤栗!

21、The only limit to the fun is the imagination of the designers of the thrill ride. And it seems to be endless. ─── 唯一限制“动感电影”乐趣的是那些设计者的想象力,但设计者的想象力似乎是无穷无尽的!

22、A thrill of alarm ran through him. ─── 一阵惊恐的感觉传遍他的全身。

23、Experience the thrill of intense space racing action and death defying shoot-em up! ─── 体验紧张刺激的赛车行动空间和死亡不畏枪战时间了!

24、Experience the thrill of driving through the dense jungles of Laos. ─── 体验兴奋驾车穿过老挝密集的丛林。

25、With a renewed thrill he thought of taxicab. ─── 他想到出租汽车,心头重新激动起来。

26、Behind the thrill of seeing Terry in gloves is the seriousness of the injury. ─── 在看到特里戴上手套的兴奋背后,则是切赫重伤的严重程度。

27、And a thrill I'll never forget. ─── 不期收到你送的亚麻织品,我和Bill非常不安。苏珊,你送来的台布特别漂亮。

28、Like roller coasters, thrill rides let you enjoy a good scream as you experience something exciting. ─── 像过山车一样,它能使乘客在刺激的经历中大声尖叫。

29、He feel a thrill when he get into the theater. ─── 他一进剧院就很兴奋。

30、It gave her a thrill to shake hands with princess. ─── 同公主握手,使她极感兴奋。

31、A thrill passed over Mr. Winkle's frame. ─── 一阵颤栗掠过文克尔先生的身体。

32、Thrill rides can also send you into space or deep down in the ocean. ─── 动感影响还可以送你洋底。

33、Only you and you alone can thrill my heart with love. ─── 只有你才让我如此心动,呵呵,喜欢这样的翻译。

34、He had a sort of feeble thrill. ─── 他隐隐感到有些激动。

35、Only you and you alone can thrill me like you do and fill my heart with love for only you. ─── 只有你也唯有你,能使我心跟著你一样地激动,能完全为了你,以爱来充满我心。

36、The exact shape it will take is still a matter for debate, but the idea, in its original form, is thrillingly simple. ─── 尽管这一理念的具体实施方案仍存在诸多争议,然而该理念的初衷是极其简单的。

37、With a thrill of horror the children watched the monster movie. ─── 在恐惧的颤抖下,孩子们观赏着怪兽电影。

38、Terms such as conflict , threat, anxiety, or thrill are often used synonymously. ─── 人们也经常将“冲突”、“威胁”、“不安”、“激动”这样的词与其等同起来。

39、I thrill at the process of making marks and I relish the meandering that my medium proffers," she stated. ─── 她说她不是在寻觅一个解决方案,而只为要拥抱及颂赞缠与牵这两种情况,及它们能把人们结为一体的现象。

40、The totalitarianism always ends in the same way, lively and thrillingly, as both the conclusion of history and an alarm of future. ─── 任何极权主义的下场都一样,那样地生动,扣人心弦。不仅是对历史的总结,也是对未来的一声警钟。

41、As they put on their new clothes and new shoes, the thrill that had gone into the making of them had disappeared. ─── 只不过在穿戴那些衣物的时候,再也找不到做它、缝它时的情怀了。

42、In Salzburg he is leaving the thrill of mounting individual productions to others. ─── 在萨尔茨堡他离开笳举办个人作品等。

43、From the first Helen felt a marvelous and compelling thrill in the presence of this man. ─── 从这个人出现的那一刻起爱伦就感到了一种难以自抑的心动,那感觉美妙极了。

44、She caught her little red lip with her teeth and felt her first thrill of power. ─── 她用牙齿咬咬自己的小红嘴唇,第一次为自己的魅力而吃惊兴奋。

45、Only you and you alone can thrill my heart. ─── 只有你才能打动我的心。

46、Skydiving may give the new hand a thrill. ─── 令新手毛骨悚然。

47、Almost at once she felt a thrill of excitement. ─── 她几乎立刻感到了一种刺激的兴奋。

48、It gave her a queer thrill to see him turn white when she held his head, to see him tremble when she leant on his arm. ─── 她抱住他的脑袋时,看见他脸色转白,她倚在他手臂上时,看见他颤栗不止,这使她体验到一阵奇妙的快感。

49、He felt a thrill the very moment he got into the theatre. ─── 他进入剧院时感到一阵激动。

50、The diagnosis was confirmed by systolic murmur,thrill, chest X-ray,UCG,ECG and cardiac catheterization. ─── 全部病例经发现心脏杂音、震颤、X 线片,超声心动图、心电图和心导管检查作出诊断。

51、Scientists suspect the buzz of adrenaline this causes is confused with the thrill of attraction. ─── 专家怀疑,人体瑟瑟发抖与肾上腺素的分泌存在某些关系。

52、But for Mazur, reaching a summit represents far more than a thrill. ─── 但对麦哲而言,攀登顶峰的意义远超过一时的兴奋。

53、But like so many things, it's hard to match the thrill of the first time. ─── 但同许多事情一样,很难再体会到第一次的那种激动的心情了。

54、Enjoy the thrill of your vibrating cell phone . ─── 享受振动手机发抖的快感.

55、It has the thrill of a sword dance cutting cross and down, comic picture of a masque dance and lyricism. ─── 他的作品世界似有剑舞的那种的兴奋,似有漫画中化妆舞的激动,但同时也似是一种抒情诗。

56、The thrill of being in Hainan wore off when it rained day after day. ─── 一天天地下雨,呆子海南的新鲜劲儿也就没了。

57、A sort of electric thrill ran through the cafe. ─── 咖啡馆里一阵兴奋,好像通过一阵电流一样。

58、No one could see him pass without experiencing a thrill of admiration mingled with respect and terror. ─── 他走过的时候,没有一个人看见了不觉得又钦佩,又敬重,又害怕。

59、The surreptitious checking of the seat restraints, the stomach-churning climb and the visceral thrill of the drop are the hallmarks of a park visit. ─── 主题乐园被烙印为体验小心翼翼地一再确保座位安全带是否牢固,五脏六腑翻滚的设备缓慢爬升,然后疾速下落时声嘶力竭的尖叫。

60、Another attraction found in many theme parks is the thrill ride. ─── 在许多主题公园里的另外一种吸引人的东西方就是动感电影了。

61、And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood. ─── 也就在一瞬之间,他的心为新奇的情绪而兴奋地跳动。

62、But soon enough, the thrill fades and you are lusting after something else. ─── 但很快,这种感觉很快就会逐渐减弱,然后又开始追求别的东西。

63、I envy you the thrill of feeling that your pipes are clean at last. ─── 你家的管道终于能够保持清洁了,您这种感觉真让人羡慕。

64、Virgo gets a secret thrill from experiencing the daily customs of a different culture. ─── 不同的国家有着各自不同的风情。

65、But other cosmetic procedures can give him a thrill. ─── 但有时候在自我打扮的女人却可以让男人心跳加速。

66、Though all humanity be still enclosed in the shops,the thrill runs abroad. It is in the air. ─── "虽然身子还被关在车间和店铺,一种激动的气氛早已冲到外面,弥漫在空气中。

67、And also in a moment his heart responded thrillingly to this novel mood. ─── 也就在一刹那间,他对这种戏剧性的变化反应强烈,不禁毛骨悚然。

68、But that doesn't stop him genuflecting, and a thrill runs up his spine as the creature addresses him. ─── 但他仍旧跪拜了,而当那人看向他时,他背上蹿起一股寒意。

69、He removes her veil. A thrill of applause bursts through the house. ─── 他把面纱拿掉。屋里的人立刻啧啧地赞叹起来。

70、He get a vicarious thrill out of watch his son score the winning goal. ─── 他看着儿子射入一球获胜,也感到同样兴奋。

71、Perhaps even more thrillingly, when watching an orchestra perform we're granted extraordinary interpretative freedom. ─── 当观看交响乐团表演的时候,我们被赋予了无可比拟的理解自由,这也许是更让人震撼的。

72、That salesperson who does everything by the book is not interested in the thrill of discovery. ─── 一个凡事都依照书本来做的售货员,不会对发现新事物时所带来的激动感兴趣。

73、He got a vicarious thrill out of watching his son to score the winning goal. ─── 他看著儿子射入一球获胜,也感到同样兴奋。

74、Legalization might reduce both supply (pushers by definition push) and demand (part of that dangerous thrill would go). ─── 合法化也许会使供应(供应者被限制供应)和需求(部分由于没有了危险性刺激)都减少。

75、That really is quite a thrill when that happens. ─── 但当那刻到来时,真的是非常令人激动。)

76、But the thrill quickly fades and you start hankering after something else. ─── 但这种兴奋的情绪很快就会消逝,你又会开始渴望别的什么东西。

77、He even seemed to get some thrill or satisfaction out of her repulsion for him. ─── 他甚至好像从她对自己的冷漠中得到刺激,或者满足。

78、An in-your-face look at extreme sports and the daredevil athletes that risk their lives for the thrill of adventure. ─── 一次与极限运动的近距离接触,体验冒险者惊心动魄的非凡之旅。

79、It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with the film star. ─── 和那位电影明星握手,使她非常兴奋。

80、We got (felt, experienced) a thrill of surprised pleasure out of the mountain-climbing. ─── 在那次爬山中我们感觉到一种意想不到的快乐。

81、Enjoy the thrill of your vibrating cell phone. ─── 享受振动手机发抖的快感。

82、It gave her quite a thrill to shake hands with the Princess. ─── 和公主握手令她好生激动。

83、Instead he allows us to hover above his landscape and thrillingly feel both the particularities and the whole. ─── 而是允许我们盘旋在他领地上,让我们激动地感受他的特质和整个画面。

84、Tell me you didn't feel a slight tingle, a thrill run up your spine. ─── 告诉我你有感觉到麻麻的感觉 从你脊背窜上来么

85、It was a thrill to see Rome again. ─── 再度见到罗马真是惊喜。

86、Going on a rollercoaster was a big thrill for everyone. ─── 坐过山车对每个人来说都是很大的刺激。

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