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09-09 投稿


conversable 发音

英:[k?n?v??rs?bl]  美:[k?n?v??s?b?l]

英:  美:

conversable 中文意思翻译



conversable 短语词组

1、conversable chatbot ─── 聊天室

2、conversable definition ─── 可对话定义

3、conversable meaning ─── 会话意义

4、conversable inc conversable ─── 公司

conversable 相似词语短语

1、confessable ─── 可信性

2、convertible ─── adj.可改变的;同意义的;可交换的;n.有活动折篷的汽车

3、convenable ─── adj.可召唤的,可召集的

4、conveyable ─── adj.可传达的;可搬运的;可转让的

5、unconversable ─── 不可转换的

6、conversably ─── 交谈

7、conversance ─── n.精通;熟悉

8、inconversable ─── 不可转换的

9、condensable ─── adj.可压缩的;可以冷凝的

conversable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He is so conversable that any of my classmates want to make friends with him, myself included. ─── 汤姆很健谈,包括我在内,每个同学都爱和他交朋友。

2、DC.JDC conver ─── DC/DC变换器

3、Some schools in China have instituted the policy of no smoking on campus, which convers students, teachers,general staff, parents and even guests. ─── 117。中国有些学校制订校园不得抽烟的政策,覆盖面包括学生、教师、职工、家长、甚至客人。

4、Bert seemed to be more conversable, he told me that if I would study in Holland, I could visit him because his college is not far away. ─── 所以虽然我每次上课都带着些其它书,却几乎没有翻开过。

5、conver feeling qualings ─── 表情性

6、Responsibility:1. Design, develop and maintain data process &compiling tool for global market including convers...... ... ─── 公司名称:泰为信息科技(上海)有限公司工作地点:其他发布时间:2009-4-30

7、Their insurance policy convers fire only, not earthquake. ─── 他们的保单只包括火险,并不包括地震险。

8、The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with ,never say a word,and then walk away feeling like it is the best conver sation you"ve ever had. ─── 3最好的朋友就是那种能和你促膝面坐,彼此不说只字片语,分别时却感到这是你曾有过的最好的一次交流!

9、Wang Fei,Zhang Dai-jun,Yang Ming-li,Xian Xue-fu.Recent study of coal's solvent principle extract and derivatives' properity[J].Coal Convers,2003,26(1):8-11 (in Chinese with English abstract). ─── [3]王飞,张代钧,杨明莉,鲜学福.煤的溶剂抽提规律及其产物性能的研究进展[J].煤炭转化,2003,26(1):8-11.

10、May I have a convers :) ation with you? ─── 我可以跟你谈一下吗?

11、Coding Workshop Ringto...Mobile Ringtone Conver... ─── 音乐剪切工具Ringtone C...

12、- C#2VB,you can use it convert from cShap to vb or you can conver vb code to cShap ─── 一个简单企业短信平台.net系统。功能:发信息,写信息,收信息,地址本管理。

13、Keywords non quenched and tempered steel;conver tersmelting;development; ─── 非调质钢;转炉冶炼;开发;

14、A conver gnencn criterion on the series of positive ─── 正项级数一个判别法

15、This is the new conver belt we had installed last year.We doubled our output in this department as a result. ─── 这是我们去年刚安装的输送带,使我们的产量提高了两倍。

16、english conver ,i like ,but i can't join now,beacuse i havn't live in it,it is terrible! ─── 这是个很好的交流平台,我的英语不咋的,也不知上面的我有没有写错,请大家指正赐教,谢谢!

17、They form a sharp contrast against the former vogue of unity and conver gence, reflecting the intellectual longing for freedom. ─── 在这后面,显然隐寓着向往自由的时代文人之心态转向。研究明中叶后杂剧发展演变的历史文化背景,不能不注意到这一点。

18、She is a conversable and kind woman. ─── 她是个非常健谈、和善的人。

19、application valve conver ─── 控制阀盖

20、I have a lot of friends,and Tom is one of them.Tom is so conversable that any of my classmates want to make friends with him, myself included. ─── 我有很多朋友,汤姆就是其中之一。汤姆是如此的健谈,以至于我的同学都想和他做朋友,包括我自己。

21、Cardio Cocktail? delivers in each ounce 5grams of pure grade l-arginine that the body convers into nitric oxide. ─── 健康鸡尾酒每盎司都有5克的纯左旋精氨酸,这能转换成一氧化氮。

22、BAI Zhi-dong, SU Chun.On the complete conver gence of independent variables [J].Science in China (Ser A), 1985, 28(5) :399-412. ─── [5]白志东,苏淳.关于独立和完全收敛性[J].中国科学(A辑),1985,28(5):399-412.

23、CHEN L, WU C, SUN F. Optimal coefficient of performance and heating load relationship of a three-heat-reservoir endoreversible heat pump[J ]. Energy Convers Mgmt, 1997,38 (8):727-733. ─── 严子浚,陈苏煌.三热源泵热循环的最佳泵热率与供热系数间的关系[J].科学通报,1987,32(16):1280.

24、12.Important: Strong and conversable character.Good quality on handing and storing files in time. ─── 较强的沟通能力,能在各种困境中与供应商沟通顺畅,保证资料文件的及时交付寄存档。

25、Keywords Hydro-check front conver Taper drawing Drawing quotiety Simulation; ─── 制动缸前盖;锥形拉深;拉深系数;数值模拟;

26、We take a boat with some conversable Korean girls waving on the dark green surface. ─── 和一群叽叽喳喳的韩国美女一起坐船在碧绿的水面上漂荡。

27、156.Convert Pro - Comprehensive Value Conver - Simple to use value conversion tool.Convert Pro can convert units of Weight, Speed, Temperature, Time and Length. ─── 这是一个易于使用的数值转换工具,可以转换重量、速度、温度、时间和长度的数值。

28、This system can startup the little pump at the vale of using water to saving power .System can still operates automati cally with failure of frequency conver... ─── 变频器故障时仍能自动运行,保证不间断供水,同时故障消除后能自启动,实现无人值守全自动运行。

29、Support convers start time &durat setting; ─── 支持转换的开始时间和继续时间设定 ;

30、Graphic designer Rachel Convers and industrial designer Benoit Convers merge their two design disciplines with their ibride (sounds like "hybrid" in french) furniture and accessories collections. ─── 论坛温馨提示:图片附件在论坛展示均为缩略图片(也就是大家现在看到的小图),点击图片附件可以显示原始上传图片!

31、A transformation plan of adding a switching device and a frequency conver for alternate case is offered so as to strengthen safe reliability. ─── 为加强安全可靠性,提出了增加切换装置变频器互为备用的改造方案。

32、conver byte to word ─── 把字节转换成字

33、Gramophone is opened, he is very conversable, often to one's heart's content laughs, laugh so sincerely, happy, make the person had be toed affect. ─── 话匣子一打开,他很健谈,经常开怀大笑,笑得那么真诚、开心,使人不能不受到感染。

34、Congenial affable genial sociable friendly open conversable ─── 开放的,会交际的,友好的

35、pair conver sion ─── 对偶变换

36、I remember XiaHua is very shy before, but after 4-year-volunteer-experience, he is conversable now, so I hope all of us keep learning from the voluntary life. ─── 从前的小华很腼腆、不善言语,但经历近4年义工磨练,小华现在勇敢的多了,相信大家在志愿者生活的熏陶下,会不断成长的。

37、The president said government grants are helping to conver convert that into and other factories to planitswheelelectroneryoutofbills plants where electric automobiles will be built. ─── 总统称政府补助金将帮助转型,和别的厂合并入另外的汽车制造厂。

38、Proof and extension of conver quadrilateral area formula ─── 凸四边形面积公式的证明及推广

39、Tom is so conversable that any of my classmates want to make friends with him, myself included. ─── 第一篇: My Best Friend I have a lot of friends,and Tom is one of them.

40、I am a healthy, open minded, kind and conversable Chinese lady. ─── 我是一位健康,开朗,善良,很好沟通的女性。

41、Conversable hot rolling ─── 可逆热轧

42、The research shows that as the steam ratio raises in the system, the temperature and the convers... ─── 氧气比例的提高将提高主产物在产物中的比例,转化率增加,但同时提高了燃烧室内的温度。

43、I have had serveral conver ations with him,but it didn't believed it was trueth. ─── 我和他说过很多次,可是他不相信是真的!

44、Though his shape was not handsome, he was conversable and Duke Huang of Qi liked him very much. ─── 这傢伙和齐桓公很谈的来,深得桓公的欢心。

45、女de三姨妈04/23 Conver of a French with me, wanna FxxK EU media! ─── 有机食品04/23不要总是在嘴巴里"爱国"!

46、Finally, the maintenance experiences on-the-spot for HVDC conver... ─── 最后介绍了一些高压换流变压器的现场维修经验。

47、I am a healthy, open minded, kind and conversable Chinese lady. ─── 我是一位健康,开朗,善良,很好沟通的女性。

48、conver jet ─── 凸面射流


50、Be prepared to conver cover early plantings during the night if there is still a risk of freeze. ─── 假如仍然存在霜冻的风险,在夜晚就要给初期植物准备覆盖物。

51、He laughed to conver his nervousness. ─── 用笑掩饰。

52、2 T he convers ion from negative lens effect topos itive lens effect in non linear refraction.(a)T he change of non linear refractive index onax is w ith z; ─── 标题: 图2非线性折射负透镜效应向正透镜效应的转化.(a)样品光轴位置非线性折射率随z的变化;(b)归一化的z扫描曲线 F ig.

53、Electrical Haulage Shearer with Frequency Conver sion ─── 交流变频电牵引采煤机试验检测方法的研究

54、In the era of global dialogue, multicultural education must shoulder the heavy responsibility of teaching student to be conversable and nurture the inter-cultural dialogue talents. ─── 在全球对话的时代,多元文化教育必须承担起教会学生对话的重任,培养跨文化对话型人才。

55、Conver, W.J. (1999), Wiley series in probability and statistics: Applied probability and statistics section (3rd edition), New York: Willy. ─── 陈惠江、许远光、黄国辉和邝兆荣(1994),香港新综合科学,香港:雅集出版社.

56、A tight semidefinite relaxation for the vertex conver problem ─── 顶点覆盖问题的强化半定规划松弛

57、Sure. On a chessboard, fire is much more intensive. It has a smaller board, while those bigger pieces-chariots, horses and bishops-can conver longer distances. ─── 当然啦.国际象棋的火力密度更大.棋盘小了.那些主要的棋子.像车.马.相的移动范围却大了.

58、Three Practical Situational Conver sations. ─── 个实战经典对话)。

59、I found that she is more conversable and more outgoing than before. ─── 我发现她比以前更健谈、更外向了。

60、locally conver space ─── 局部凸空间

61、conver function ─── 凸函数

62、Current, NIKE, ECCO, CONVERS, NEW - the sneaker of the world-renowned brand such as BALANCE, recreational shoe uses this kind of material to serve as a shoe inside mat. ─── 目前 ,NIKE、ECCO、CONVERS、NEW -BALANCE等世界闻名品牌的运动鞋、休闲鞋都采用这种材料作为鞋的内垫。

63、conver lens ─── 凸面镜

64、What salt is to food,that humour is to conver sation. ─── 幽默对于会话恰似盐对于食物一样。

65、3 T he convers ion from pos itive lens effect tonegative lens effect in non linear refraction.(a)T he change of non linear refractive index onax is w ith z; ─── 图3非线性折射正透镜效应向负透镜效应的转化.(a)样品光轴位置非线性折射率随z的变化;(b)归一化的z扫描曲线 F ig.

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