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09-09 投稿



edgy 发音

英:[?ed?i]  美:[?ed?i]

英:  美:

edgy 中文意思翻译



edgy 网络释义

adj. 急躁的;尖利的;刀口锐利的

edgy 词性/词形变化,edgy变形


edgy 相似词语短语

1、hedgy ─── adj.树篱状的;多树篱的

2、kedgy ─── 星期二

3、wedgy ─── adj.楔形的;像楔子的

4、sedgy ─── adj.覆盖着莎草的,莎草茂密的

5、ledgy ─── 突出物很多的;有矿脉的;有暗礁的

6、eggy ─── 蛋

7、edge ─── n.边缘;优势;刀刃;锋利;vt.使锐利;将…开刃;给…加上边;vi.缓缓移动;侧着移动;n.(Edge)人名;(英)埃奇

8、eddy ─── n.涡流;漩涡;逆流;vi.旋转;起漩涡;vt.使……起漩涡;n.(Eddy)(英、法、印尼、葡)埃迪(人名)

9、cadgy ─── adj.愉悦的;放荡的;性冲动的

edgy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Whatever their size, the huge piles of SWF money ready to be deployed across borders make some financiers edgy. ─── 不论规模到底多大,这些随时准备跨境投资的主权财富基金都让金融家们寝食难安。

2、An edgy wit. ─── 敏锐的机智

3、In a year of harder economic times and sensitive political anniversaries, the authorities are especially edgy. ─── 在经济困难、敏感政治纪年颇多的今年,中国当局尤其暴躁敏感。

4、Analyze it too much or think too much about it and it degenerates itself into something superficial and edgy. ─── 分析的太多和想的太多,它本身会变得肤浅,人会变得烦躁不安。

5、+ #This is an Unofficial Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) Starter Guide. ─── - #这是一份非官方的Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) 新手指南。

6、But all in all, it has been a while since the triangle offense has showcased angles this right, corners this edgy. ─── 但是总而言之,从三角进攻展现出这一点威力,时间也不算长。

7、Erin hasn't slept for two days. So stay away from her, she's a little edgy. ─── 她有两天没睡觉了,所以离她远一点,她情绪不太好。

8、For the first time as a diehard Kobe fan, I saw him anxious, edgy, and even frightened. ─── 作为科比的死忠粉丝,这是我第一次看到他紧张,急躁,甚至有点受从若惊。

9、"We had to gut it out," he said. "It's good to see we're getting a little edgy, a little scrappy. Sometimes we need to grind it out." ─── “我们已经站起来了,”他说,“很高兴我们只有一点急噪,充满了斗志。有时我们就需要这些勇气来比赛。”

10、San Francisco's Pride Parade had always been politically edgy, aesthetically colorful, and down-right just plain fun. ─── 旧金山的自豪大游行,从政治的角度来看,它是尖锐的。美学上,是色彩丰富的,而且是彻底的令人开心的活动。

11、To that end, the MKX gets a new stitched-leather dash that cascades around a wildly edgy new center-console design. ─── 为此,MKX得到一个新的缝制皮革破折号的瀑布周围疯狂毛躁新的中心控制台的设计。

12、"The parents have been a bit edgy lately,waiting for their children's examination results" ─── "父母们近来一直有点儿紧张,正在等待公布他们孩子们的考试成绩。"

13、edgy car ─── ph. 需要大修的汽车

14、Beijing has been edgy over India's rising global profile and its growing comfort level with Washington. ─── 印度的全球影响力上升以及和华盛顿关系日益融洽一直令北京紧张。

15、She was nervous and edgy, still chain-smoking. ─── 她紧张,急躁不安,还在一支接一支地抽烟。

16、His friends and family all said he became less edgy,less angry. ─── 小布什的朋友和家人都说,他变得不像以前那么急躁和易怒了。

17、Well. I - I mean, I - I screwed up. I'm a little edgy. ─── 我是说,你知道,我弄砸了,我有点莽撞。

18、She' s always been an edgy type of person. ─── 她一向就是那种情绪紧张的人.

19、edgy outlines ─── 明显的轮廓

20、"We had to gut it out," he said. "It's good to see we're getting a little edgy, a little scrappy. Sometimes we need to grind it out. ─── “我们已经站起来了,”他说,“很高兴我们只有一点急噪,充满了斗志。有时我们就需要这些勇气来比赛。

21、Doctor: Do you feel depressed, nervous, edgy, and irritable? ─── 医生:你觉得抑郁、不安、急躁和爱激动吗?

22、I have never felt edgy around her. ─── 和她在一起,我从来没有感觉到担忧。

23、When hiring designers for corporate work I’ve had people present me portfolios of grungy, edgy or just arty work. ─── 我所做的项目80%都是被推荐而来的,所以我认为值得推荐是至关重要的。

24、An edgy calm has now descended on the city. ─── 平静终于降临在德黑兰的上空。

25、Erin hasn't slept for two days, so stay away from her, she's a little edgy. ─── Erin已经两天没睡觉了,离她远一点,因为她情绪不太好。

26、More than half the partners of snorers admit to feeling tired, stressed and edgy the next day. ─── 一半以上的打鼾者配偶承认在第二天感觉疲惫、紧张、易怒。

27、They kind of took my song, and changed it, giving it a sort of edgy rock vibe to it. ─── 他们非常喜欢拿我的歌然后赋予一些非常震撼的摇滚在里面。

28、Every time Christina Hendricks (Joan in Mad Men) is interviewed and photographed in contemporary clothes, you are reminded that casual, undone and edgy do no favours for the hourglass figure. ─── 曲线美重新流行,但是人们对于曲线的观念已经改变,曲线身材也要满足一定的条件。

29、Concerning the tubal ligation behind edgy union bad 3 reason analysis ─── 关于输卵管结扎术后刀口愈合不良3例原因分析

30、edgy:Nervous or irritable ─── 易怒的:神经质的或易发怒的.

31、The relationship between Turkey and the EU is always edgy, a little like Mexico's with the United States. ─── 土耳其同欧盟的关系一直比较紧张,有点象墨西哥同美国的关系。

32、"My vision for it is: We're going to make a very edgy, cool film," explained Ratner. "We're not soft-peddling it at all." ─── “我的看法是让我们来做一步有爆发力,酷酷的电影”,“我们不会随随便便做出来的”

33、"The next game is extremely critical," Bryant said. "Everybody is a little edgy, pretty energetic and excited about it." ─── “下场比赛相当重要,”科比说。“每个人都有点不安,但都对下场比赛跃跃欲试了”

34、narrow edgy contact ─── 刀口窄面接触

35、Maria Timm (X-Broken Beats and present member of Marybell Katastrophy) from Aarhus, Denmark is pop music, yet edgy. ─── 专辑介绍:俏皮的女声.俏皮的旋律.认真品味会感受到其中的细腻.非常舒服的感觉.希望大家喜欢.

36、edgy field ─── 尖端场

37、Don't make people edgy ─── 不要使人们紧张不安。

38、one evening , nearly seven , her mother had not already come back , xiaoxiao was edgy , so she dialed her mother ' s cellphone. ─── 一天傍晚,已经快七点了,妈妈还没有回来,晓晓心里很着急,拨通了妈妈的手机。

39、A strong voice cast and edgy writing hope to drive the series to success. ─── 一种强烈的声音塑造和锋利的写作意识帮助这个系列剧走向成功。

40、She's been very edgy recently, waiting for the examination results. ─── 她最近一直心绪不宁, 等待着考试的结果.

41、Be unpredictable, edgy and exude a sense of danger in your demeanor. ─── 你的行为风度要让人猜不到,要锐利,要发散一种危险的信号。

42、The use of color field is mature, yet refreshingly edgy and playful, all the while well executed. ─── 在文化艺术交流活动中,其画作多次被选送世界各地展览,甚获好评。

43、EXAMPLE: The company's edgy advertisements were popular with young professional people in large cities. ─── 公司的时尚广告受到大城市年青职业人士的喜爱。

44、I was also fairly addicted, because taking a day off-even if I’d run a marathon the day before-left me feeling irritable and edgy. ─── 我当时也可以说是跑上了瘾,因为只要一天不跑就会觉得烦躁易怒,就算前一天刚跑过马拉松也一样。

45、Do you feel edgy (nervous) irritable? ─── 您感到急躁(精神紧张)易激动吗?

46、So if your target market is edgy, make it edgy, if it’s corporate, make it corporate. ─── 作为客户,他 所寻找的值得信赖的人就是指能为他真正解决问题的人。

47、She' s always been an edgy type of person ─── 她一向就是那

48、Whether I'm made up to look girly, edgy or like a rocker, there is always some part of me in there. ─── 不论我是打扮成像小女生,或者很突出个性,或是像一个摇滚乐手,真实的我都有某些部分是这样的角色。

49、an edgy temper ─── 急躁的性情

50、She's been very edgy lately. ─── 她近来一直烦躁不安。

51、I don’t know if this is due to deliberate writing or they just couldn’t find a way to up the ante from such an edgy show that ran for so long on HBO. ─── 我不知道这样做是否是故意的或者是因为他们刚刚好找不到方法从这部HBO电视台长期热播片中找到新的突破。

52、To get today's version , ask your stylist to add a bit of edgy texture to the ends of your hair with a razor shear. ─── 要问今天的版本,请要求你的发型师,在你的发梢添加毛躁的纹理(用剃刀)。

53、We wanted less edgy, not more. ─── 我们想要你减缓尖锐,而不是更多。

54、He was edgy and irritable. It was conceivable that he could blow up. ─── 他急躁易怒,可以想到他是会发火的。

55、The Edgy Machine that Takes Assistance Sealing Structure ─── 带有端面辅助密封作用的刀口机械密封结构

56、The performers were edgy as they waited for the show to begin. ─── 在等待开演的时候,演员们十分紧张

57、“I want to be classy, but I also want to be edgy. ─── "我想要上等, 但是我也刀口锐利的需要。

58、Maybe we're both a little edgy. ─── 也许我们都有点儿着急。

59、two edge of knives match the circumstance comparision more,an edgy first grade of observation matches the rate as 100% more. ─── 两组刀口愈合情况比较,观察组刀口甲级愈合率为100%。

60、He has an edgy temper. ─── 他性情急躁。

61、Mingle with Sims from all-new social groups: stylish socialites, artsy bohemians, sports jocks, gadget-collecting techies, or edgy gearheads. ─── 和全新社会层面的小人交往:华贵的社会名流、艺术家气派的波希米亚人、热爱体育的运动达人、收集了小发明的科技宅男宅女或急躁的科技狂人。

62、He became edgy and defensive. ─── 他变得烦躁不安且存有戒心。

63、She's been very edgy recently,waiting for the examination results. ─── 她最近一直心绪不宁,等待着考试的结果.

64、Doctor Do you feel depressed, nervous, edgy, and irritable? ─── 你觉得抑郁、不安、急躁和爱激动吗?

65、It happened because she was edgy and bursting. ─── 一切都缘于她急燥的性格。

66、I was also constantly photographing it and other parts of my new house to prove to the world that I was edgy, hip and happening. ─── 我也经常给它拍照,以及我新房子的其他部分,向世界证明我是与众不同,嘻哈以及出人意料。

67、Two months ago, he was offended by Artest's in-game antics, calling the dialogue "edgy" and scoffing when asked about their one-on-one "battle. ─── 两个月前,他被阿泰斯特滑稽的言语“激怒”,随后在他们一对一的单挑中嘲笑阿泰斯特。

68、They are strangely mute during an edgy breakfast and leave early to walk the 50 meters to the quad where they are to be sorted into groups. ─── 早餐餐桌上弥漫着一股不安的气息,他们都奇怪地保持着沉默,然后提前出发来到50米外的庭院,在那里他们将被分成几个小组。

69、In the edgy age of cell phones, video game consoles and hip-hop, Czech teens have clung as well to the gentler habits of a bygone era, taking traditional ball-room dancing and etiquette courses. ─── 在手机、电脑游戏机和嘻哈饶舌歌当道的焦虑年代,捷克青少年不忘拥抱过去那个年代比较绅士的习惯,上传统交际舞和礼仪课程。

70、Avenger: That was really edgy. ─── 佩林:哦,很好。谢谢。

71、The once bohemian and avant-garde ground zero of New York City is now one of the few bases for edgy music lovers and urban trendsetters. ─── 曾作为纽约市波西米亚风和先锋艺术中心的这一地带,现在是少有的几个前卫音乐爱好者与都市潮流先锋的基地之一。

72、And his studio, oddly named MAD, has participated in many competitions with a number of original projects, most of which went way too bold and edgy to convince the people with their feasibility and failed to win out. ─── 他的事务所取名为“MAD”,寓意“疯狂”,参与过很多城市的设计竞赛,许多因方案的大胆新奇而没人相信这些建筑能盖起来。

73、From the front, there's no mistaking the bold presence of Dodge's heritage cues in Avenger's crisp and edgy exterior design. ─── 从前面看,没有误认在复仇者的清晰和前卫外观设计道奇的文物线索大胆的存在。

74、Her style strikes me as classic and ladylike, but she’s also shown an edgy, youthful side and a willingness to stand out,' says Myers. ─── 中央企业应当加强安全队伍建设,提高人员素质,鼓励和支持安全生产监督管理人员取得注册建造师资质。

75、She's been a bit edgy lately, waiting for the exam results. ─── 她正在等待考试结果, 所以最近有些焦躁不安。

76、'Scary?' he said incredulously. 'I was born for this!' His joy in such edgy thrills has persisted through years of skateboarding, riding ATVs and snowboarding. ─── “吓人?”他奇怪地说。“我天生就喜欢这个!。”他多年来玩滑板、开全地形车和玩滑雪板,继续享受这种惊险刺激的乐趣。

77、Indeed, Little Shenyang comes across not just as an edgy comedian but as a talented singer and down-to-earth 20-something as well. ─── 实际上,小沈阳不仅仅是一个前卫的喜剧演员,更是一名天赋异禀的歌手。

78、In 1989 there was still something edgy, dangerous even, about waving the German flag. ─── 在 1989个那里中仍然是刀口锐利的东西, 危险的平坦,有关波动德国国旗。

79、Blake Steel (Seb Arcelus ?9), a humble hometown kid with charm to spare, is finally getting his break in a questionably edgy movie called The Bite That Burns. ─── 9),与家乡的孩子魅力谦卑不遗余力,抛出一些惊喜标准的故事终于找回自己的质疑的前卫电影打破所谓的咬那个伯恩斯。

80、Comedians get paid to be edgy, daring and even offensive.You get fired for it. ─── 剧中演员因尖锐、大胆和冒犯性的话语而付出代价,但你却会因此被炒。

81、I'm trying to get young writers from UCLA and USC that are ambitious, funny, clever and edgy. ─── 我试图让年轻作家,加州大学洛杉矶分校及南加州大学是雄心勃勃,有趣,聪明,毛躁。

82、One thing that went overlooked about Lush was their ability to veer from violent and edgy noise breaks to pop effervescence. ─── 更重要的是每个独立唱片公司都有一个个性强烈的音乐指向/氛围,即其旗下的乐队/个人都有一个大概统一的音乐风格范畴;

83、Mature, with nectarine and apricot notes followed by an edgy finish where hints of mineral and peach skitter underneath. Intriguing wine. ─── 与稀雅丝属同一老板的庄园,是隆河谷法定产区的精品酒。充满迷惑力的白葡萄酒,已是成熟时期,富有油桃和杏子的香气,入口感觉有矿物与桃子的韵味。

84、On Wednesday, he merely seemed offended by Artest's in-game antics, calling the dialogue "edgy" and scoffing when asked about their one-on-one "battle. ─── 在星期三,当被问到他们之间的一对一“战争”时,他似乎只是被阿泰比赛时的滑稽冒犯了,称那些对话为“尖锐”和嘲笑。

85、With each edgy, powerful, comedic and sometimes quirky performance, she is defining herself as one of Hollywood’s leading young actresses. ─── 与每个刀口锐利、有力, 喜剧的和有时诡诈的表现, 她正在定义她自己如好莱坞的主要年轻的女演员之一。

86、As the album name suggests, Electrik is edgy, dynamic, and invigorating, exploring a wide range of the emotional spectrum with poignancy. ─── “音”如其名,《电音玩家》直截了当、动感十足、热辣奔放,以强劲动人的曲风挖掘出不同的情绪波动。

87、A sophisticated &masculine fragrance Delivers fresh, edgy, bright &lingering scent Opens with a sharp citrus flash Finishes with warm notes of amber, sandalwood, oak moss Perfect for formal wear ─── 凯萨古龙喷雾散发成熟的男人味香水,带出持续清新明亮的香味。前调为明显的柑橘花向,基调为和暖的琥珀,檀香木,橡苔。完美适合正式场合使用。

88、It was too edgy, they told Lear. ─── 它太尖锐,他们告诉李尔。

我的世界附魔书Sweeping Edge有什么用?


我的世界附魔书Sweeping Edge有什么用?

aweeping edgy 翻译后,就是JAVA版特有的(移动端,携带版,基岩版没有)附魔:横扫之刃,主要作用是增加剑类武器横扫攻击时的伤害








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