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09-10 投稿



dieted 发音

英:[?da??t?d]  美:[?da??t?d]

英:  美:

dieted 中文意思翻译





dieted 词性/词形变化,dieted变形

动词过去式: dieted |动词第三人称单数: diets |动词现在分词: dieting |名词: dieter |动词过去分词: dieted |

dieted 相似词语短语

1、dieter ─── n.节食者;n.(Dieter)人名;(英、德、葡、罗)迪特尔

2、dieters ─── n.节食者;n.(Dieter)人名;(英、德、葡、罗)迪特尔

3、diether ─── n.[有化]二醚

4、diester ─── n.[有化]二酯;二元酸酯

5、fileted ─── n.肉片;鱼片;(猪、牛等的)里脊;n.(Filet)人名;(法)菲莱

6、dueted ─── n.二重奏;二重唱;n.(Duet)人名;(法)迪埃

7、riveted ─── adj.[机]铆接的;用铆钉钉牢的;结了婚的;v.用铆钉固定,敲进去,注目(rivet的过去式和过去分词形式)

8、quieted ─── adj.安静的;安定的;不动的;温顺的;n.安静;和平;vt.使平息;安慰;vi.平静下来

9、deleted ─── v.删除,划掉(文字);使(基因码段)缺失;(从购物目录中)删除(尤指音像产品)(delete的过去式和过去分词)

dieted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He has been on a diet for almost two weeks. ─── 他已节食近两周的时间。

2、She controlled her diet very well. ─── 她很注意饮食。

3、Followed the recipe; follow a diet. ─── 依据食谱; 坚持节制饮食

4、He subjected himself to a poor diet. ─── 他饱受粗茶淡饭之苦。

5、You need more bulk in your diet. ─── 你的饮食中需要添点儿纤维素.

6、She 's on a low - calorie diet . ─── 她只吃低热量的东西。

7、The Diet will convene at 3 p.m. tomorrow. ─── 国会将于明天下午三点钟开会。

8、He lived on a diet of junk food. ─── 他全靠吃一些营养不高的零食充饥。

9、Ordered curry as a departure from his usual bland diet. ─── 他没有点通常吃的淡而无味的食品,而要了咖哩食品

10、She has dieted off five pounds. ─── 她用节食减轻了五磅。

11、A diet high in fat may lead to obesity. ─── 一个人的饮食含脂肪过多会导致肥胖。

12、They are weaken by a diet that is low in protein. ─── 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足,因而身体虚弱。

13、A poor diet will ultimately lead to illness. ─── 不均衡的饮食终将导致疾病。

14、The doctor dieted her on a light food. ─── 医生要她吃清淡的食物。

15、You ought to diet and take more exercise. ─── 你应该节食并多做运动。

16、She has peculiarities on diet. ─── 她有饮食方面的怪癖。

17、The doctor said that I should be on a diet. ─── 医生说我必须节食。

18、Not since Americans crossed the continent in covered wagons have they exercised and dieted as vigorously as they are doing today . ─── 自从美国人乘坐篷车横穿大陆以来,他们还没有哪个时期像今天这样起劲地锻炼和节食。

19、They is weaken by a diet that is low in protein. ─── 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足, 因而身体虚弱。

20、Her diet restricts her to 1500 calories a day. ─── 她的规定饮食限制她每天摄入1500卡的热量。

21、The doctor has dieted the patient Newestate strictly. ─── 医生严格规定病人的饮食。

22、He needs a meat diet and planty of hard exercise to toughen him up. ─── 他需要少吃肉食和艰苦的锻炼来增加强体质。

23、The doctor dieted him strictly. ─── 医生严格限制他的饮食。

24、He is on a diet to reduce some weight. ─── 他正在节食以减轻体重。

25、Their diet chiefly consists of grain and vegetables. ─── 他们的饮食主要是谷类和蔬菜。

26、Rice has largely entered into their diet. ─── 大米已成为他们的主食之一。

27、You're skinny enough without going on a diet! ─── 你不必节食就已经够瘦的了!

28、Your rabbit should go on a diet! ─── 你的兔子该减肥了!

29、You're skinny enough without going on a diet. ─── 你不必节食就已经够瘦的了。

30、I never dieted, but I realized early on that the old adage "eating for two" is really a bunch of the hooey. ─── 我从未节食,但我意识到早先的古老的格言:为了两个人而吃(意指有了身孕)真是一派胡言。

31、In America alone, 81% of ten-year-old girls had already dieted at least once. ─── 单单在美国,81%的十岁女孩至少已经节食一次。

32、Should YOU start a low-carb diet? ─── 一旦你开始了低加州国会?

33、He' s thinned down a lot since he went on a diet. ─── 他自从节制饮食以来已经瘦了不少.

34、Try to balance your diet by eating more fruit and less protein. ─── 多吃些水果,少摄入些蛋白质,使饮食均衡合理。

35、I shed 25 pounds as a result of my new diet. ─── 使用新食谱后,我减去了25磅

36、The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals. ─── 原始森林里的少数民族过去用野兽作为主食。

37、Their illnesses are attributable to a poor diet. ─── 他们的病可能是不良饮食所致。

38、To be healthy one must have an adequate diet. ─── 一个人想要健康,必须有足够的规定饮食。

39、Most people don't have enough fiber in their diet. ─── 多数人的饮食中含纤维素不足。

40、You must go on a diet because you are too fat. ─── 你必须限定饮食因为你太胖了。

41、If you live for 80 years, and dieted for four months, that would only be . 42% of your life. ─── 假设你寿命是80岁,减肥只花你四个月,也就是你人生的0.

42、Mexico is developing a kind of cactus remedy diet. ─── 墨西哥开发仙人掌疗效食品。

43、She wanted no chocolate because she was on a diet. ─── 她不要巧克力,因为她在节食。

44、The physician put him on a special diet. ─── 内科医生给他吃特定的食物。

45、She supplements her diet with vitamin tablets. ─── 她服用维生素片剂以补充规定食谱中的营养。

46、She got so fat that she had to diet . ─── 她太胖了,需要节食。

47、A diet with no exercise is bad for the health, because it will result in a loss of both fat and muscle tissue. ─── 不锻炼光节食是有害于健康的,因为它将在导致脂肪损失的同时,也导致肌肉组织的损失。

48、She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet. ─── 她正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。

49、Caltrate should supplement a healthy diet. ─── Caltrate应是健康食谱的补充剂。

50、I'm on a diet now because I am overweight. ─── 因为超重,我正在节食。

51、What does a balanced diet give an athlete? ─── 均衡饮食能给运动员提供什么(营养)?

52、He dieted the patient strictly. ─── 他严格规定病人的饮食。

53、Do not you think it good for her to is on a diet? ─── 你认为她吃减肥食谱好吗?

54、A rigid diet will make you slimmer. ─── 严格节食会使你身材苗条。

55、There is a lock of protein in his diet. ─── 他的饮食中蛋白质不足。

56、Those with a motivated pal lost nearly twice as much weight as those who dieted solo. ─── 那些有伙伴一起节食的人较单独节食者减肥效果超过两倍甚至更多。

57、He needs a neat diet and plenty of hard exercise to toughen him up. ─── 他需肉类饮食和大运动量的艰苦锻炼使自己强健起来。

58、The doctor put me on a vegetable diet. ─── 医生嘱我吃素食。

59、They are weakened by a diet that is low in protein. ─── 他们日常饮食中蛋白质含量不足,因而身体虚弱。

60、Keeping to a strict diet is a question of mind over matter. ─── 坚持某一规定饮食,是毅力能否战胜物质诱惑的问题。

61、He throve on a pure meat diet for some time. ─── 他一段时间只吃肉,所以很健壮。

62、What nutrients are necessary for a balanced diet? ─── 均衡饮食必要的营养成分有哪些?

63、You should eat more high-protein diet. ─── 你应该多吃些高蛋白食物。

64、The doctor put me on a very strict diet. ─── 医生严格限制我的饮食。

65、Is the Low-Fat, High-Carb Diet Mantra a Myth? ─── 低脂肪高碳水化合物的饮食模式只是一个神话?

66、The doctor advised a light diet. ─── 医生建议吃清淡的食物。

67、He also favored his Viennese diet cook. ─── 他的维也纳厨娘也受他的恩宠。

68、Should we diet in order to keep fit? ─── 为了身材,应该节食吗?

69、He supplemented his diet with milk. ─── 他用牛奶补充饮食。

70、An extension product, such as a diet version of a soft drink or a liquid version of a detergent, added to a line to support the sales of the main product. ─── 名牌辅助产品,系列新产品一种延伸产品,如某种软饮料的保健型或某种洗涤剂的液体型,这种产品附加到一系列产品中以促进主要产品销售

71、Do you want regular or diet cola? ─── 你要普通的还是低热量的可乐?

72、You're getting a bit plump you need to diet! ─── 你有点发胖了--得节食了!

73、I never dieted but I realized early on that the old adage "eating for two" is really a bunch of the hooey. ─── 我从未节食,但我意识到早先的古老的格言:为了两个人而吃(意指有了身孕)真是一派胡言。

74、The doctor says I've got to go on a diet. ─── 医生说我得节食。

75、Fish features largely in their diet. ─── 他们在食物方面的特色是以鱼为主。

76、Their diet consisted largely of vegetables. ─── 他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主。

77、She dieted constantly in order to pre-serve her youthful figure. ─── 为了保持年轻的身材,她不断地节食。

78、It is easy to reduce if you watch your diet. ─── 你如果注意饮食,减肥并不难。

79、A balanced diet provides nutrition for your body. ─── 均衡的食物使你的身体获得营养。

80、Calcium is absent from his diet. ─── 他的饮食中缺乏钙质。

81、The doctor recommended more fiber in his diet. ─── 医生建议他多吃一些纤维性食物。

82、He's thinned down a lot since he went on a diet. ─── 他自从节制饮食以来已经瘦了不少。

83、You want to eat a balanced diet. ─── 你应该吃营养均衡的食物。

84、Bamboo is the panda's staple diet. ─── 大熊猫的基本食物是竹子。

85、The doctor enjoined a strict diet. ─── 医生嘱咐要严格规定饮食。

86、The Diet will have a long session. ─── 国会将有长会期。

87、Potatoes are the staple of their diet. ─── 土豆是他们的主要食品。

88、She dieted, worked out constantly but still she didn't attain that perfect figure she was looking for. ─── 她不断节食,坚持运动,但终究没有得到想要的身材。

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