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09-04 投稿



fizzling 发音

英:[?f?zl??]  美:[?f?z(?)l??]

英:  美:

fizzling 中文意思翻译



fizzling 常用词组

fizzle out ─── 终于失败

fizzling 短语词组

1、fizzling define ─── 失败定义

2、fizzling recovery ─── 微弱的恢复

3、fizzling fireboxes ─── 冒烟的火炉

4、fizzling definition ─── 模糊定义

5、fizzling sound ─── 嘶 ─── 嘶声

6、fizzling synonym ─── 费解同义词

7、fizzling thing ─── 失败的东西

8、fizzling meaning ─── 模糊的意思

fizzling 词性/词形变化,fizzling变形

动词过去分词: fizzled |动词现在分词: fizzling |动词第三人称单数: fizzles |动词过去式: fizzled |

fizzling 相似词语短语

1、drizzling ─── v.下毛毛雨;(毛毛雨似的)洒落;(在食品上)浇(液态调料);在(食物上)浇液态调料(drizzle的现在分词);adj.毛毛细雨的

2、sizzling ─── adj.极热的,酷热的;热烈的,激情迸发的;v.发咝咝声(sizzle的现在分词)

3、fizzing ─── 起泡

4、grizzling ─── n.灰色(物);斑白的头发;vi.变成灰色;抱怨;vt.使成灰色;adj.灰色的;n.(Grizzle)人名;(英)格里兹尔

5、fuzzling ─── 模糊

6、mizzling ─── n.细雨;蒙蒙雨;vi.逃亡;下蒙蒙雨

7、frizzling ─── n.绉缩(陶);花面卷曲;爆花(陶瓷缺陷)

8、frazzling ─── n.疲惫,精疲力竭;烫皱,煮烂;烧尽,烧焦;v.使……疲惫不堪;使……被烫皱

9、zizzling ─── zizzling公司

fizzling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Media ever spread out to this related inland seek testimony, randomly channel comes out the message says, fizzling out is only at present " limitation leaves the country, not by convict " . ─── 内地相关媒体曾对此展开求证,随机有渠道传出消息称,黄目前只是“限制出境,并未被囚”。

2、The hair on his neck was fizzling, but he knew he might need something extra to help. ─── 他脖子上的毛发出嘶嘶声,但他知道他可能需要额外的帮助。

3、" the case is strong one open a court session, the full name with two square static to fizzling out agent and identity problem arose Hua Shuo to oppugn. ─── 案件刚一开庭,华硕方的两名代理人就对黄静的姓名及身份问题产生了质疑。

4、The hair on his neck was fizzling, ─── 他脖子上的毛发出嘶嘶声,

5、Because be all the year round on this father body the sort of fizzling out that do not fizzle out, green, black, corrupt the color of 78 flooey. ─── 因此父亲身上一年四季都是那种黄不黄,绿不绿,黑不黑,污七八糟的颜色。

6、One in particular has been doing the rounds in FX land for months, with no sign of fizzling out. Right now, it's having a mini revival. ─── 其中一个已经在外汇市场流传数月,没有完全熄灭的迹象。目前它正在经历一次小小的复兴。

7、Trend of north and south has too long road, thing trend has 309 countries to, two are handed in collect flatten a town at fizzling out. ─── 南北走向有太长公路,东西走向有309国道,两路交汇于黄碾镇。

8、Mr Morales is popular, in part because since taking office in January 2006 he has presided over a commodity boom (which is now fizzling). ─── 06年莫拉莱斯执政后,玻利维亚经历了一次商品繁荣(但这场“虎头蛇尾”的繁荣已经告终了),这是他倍受爱戴的部分原因。

9、Prevent hair extensive to fizzle out should prevent insolation and give or have a permanent wave: Many people think, the hair floats fizzling out is inherent, not changeable. ─── 防止头发泛黄要避免日晒和烫发:不少人认为,头发泛黄是天生的,不可改变。

10、And say, oh oh oh oh. Say, oh oh oh oh. Yo yo, turn up the radio. Blast your stereo right now. This joint is fizzling, it's sizzling, right. ─── 而且说,哦、哦、哦、哦。说,哦、哦、哦、哦。你,你,开大收音机。让你的音响轰响。这个地方在嘶嘶作响,在咝咝作响,是的。

11、used to make the sweet fizzling red wines of the Po Valley, Italy. ─── 主要酿造微甜带点气泡的清淡红酒。

12、"I always had said to fizzling out a few years ago: If Su Ning has not done you, I send you. ─── “几年前我对黄总说过:苏宁假如做不过你,我就送给你。”

13、Mr Morales is popular, in part because since taking office in January 2006 he has presided over a commodity boom (which is now fizzling). ─── 06年莫拉莱斯执政后,玻利维亚经历了一次商品繁荣(但这场“虎头蛇尾”的繁荣已经告终了),这是他倍受爱戴的部分原因。

14、fizzling recovery ─── 迟滞的复苏

15、Little purpose is then tender the trumpet of the loud and clear that fizzling out is the paean end love, lose of her orchestic Xiaobai shoe is in fairy tale! ─── 她的脸色怎么啦?那鲜目的嫩黄是爱底凯歌的嘹亮的小号,她的舞蹈的小白鞋失落在童话里了!

16、Instead, they wobbled along the equator before fizzling out. ─── 相反,它们一直在赤道附近摇晃,直到消失。

17、hair on his neck was fizzling. ─── 他脖子上的毛发出嘶嘶声。

18、Finally, reduce the opacity of this layer to 50%, as these will be the larger 'sparks' that are fizzling out. ─── 最后,降低火花图层的不透明度到50%,好像将有更大的火花爆出。

19、Finally, reduce the opacity of this layer to 50%, as these will be the larger ’sparks’ that are fizzling out. ─── 最后,降低火花图层的不透明度到50%,好像将有更大的火花爆出。

20、High-profile corruption cases, many of which have roots in the 1990s, are at risk of fizzling out. ─── 许多因于上世纪90年代的重大腐败案件都处于无果而终的风险境地。

21、However, last year's big increase in convertible bond volume in the region, which continued into the first quarter of this year, is fizzling out, suggesting that credit conditions are easing in Asia. ─── 不过,从去年一直延续到今年第一季度的亚洲可转换债券的大幅增加,目前已经消失,表明了该地区的信贷环境正在逐渐宽松。

22、They wobbled along the equator before fizzling out. ─── 它们一直在赤道附近摇摆,直到消失。

23、This has helped to solve an old problem in the industry: how to prevent a franchise from fizzling out after the first couple of films. ─── 这有助于解决电影工业的一个老问题:怎样避免一部系列电影在头几部之后的失败。

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