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09-04 投稿


orthographic 发音

英:[,??θ??'ɡr?f?k]  美:[,?rθ?'gr?f?k]

英:  美:

orthographic 中文意思翻译



orthographic 网络释义

adj. 正字法的;拼字正确的;直角的

orthographic 短语词组

1、orthographic drawing ─── 正投影图

2、orthographic change ─── 拼写的变化

3、orthographic processing ─── 字形加工

4、orthographic mapping ─── 正交映射

5、orthographic view ─── 正视图

6、orthographic meaning ─── 正字法意义

7、orthographic word ─── 拼写词

8、orthographic perspective ─── 正射透视

9、orthographic define ─── 正交定义

10、orthographic projection ─── [计] 正射投影

11、Orthographic Radar Restitutor ─── 正射雷达授权书

orthographic 词性/词形变化,orthographic变形

副词: orthographically |异体字: orthographical |

orthographic 相似词语短语

1、orthographies ─── n.正确拼字;正字法;正字学

2、orographic ─── adj.山岳位置的,山地地形的

3、lithographic ─── adj.平版的;平版印刷的

4、orthognathic ─── 正颌学的

5、aortographic ─── 主动脉造影

6、orthographize ─── 正字法

7、orthographical ─── adj.拼字正确的;正字法的

8、oreographic ─── 地形

9、orthographist ─── 正字法家

orthographic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A writing system is the collection of scripts and orthographic rules required to represent a language as text. ─── 书写体系是以文字形式表示语言所需的书写符号和拼写规则的集合。

2、orthographic drawing ─── 正投影图

3、Orthographic awareness ─── 正字法意识

4、Next, if you could foldthe top and right-side views forward,you would have an orthographic projection showing threeviews of the object. ─── 接下来,如果你将顶视图和右侧视图向前翻折的话,你就会得到一个能够显示该物体三视图的正交正投影。

5、orthographic deep hypothesis ─── 正字法深度假说

6、Some Approaches to Orthographic Projection of N-gon ─── 关于n边形正投影方面的一些探讨

7、vi、Orthographic or typographical error; ─── 其他如拼字错误等。

8、Like the Common View tool, you click the cube corners to snap the model to isometric views, and click the faces for orthographic views. ─── 与「一般检视」工具类似,您可以按一下方块角点将模型锁点至等角视图,您还可以按一下面以取得正投影视图。

9、You can make Mercator projection map, Corn projection map, orthographic projection maps. ─── 您可以麦卡托投影地图,玉米投影图,正投影图。

10、The views are consistent with an orthographic projection of a human body. ─── 两边与一个人体的正投影保持一致。

11、Perspective True if this camera has a perspective transform. If perspective is False, this camera has an orthographic transform. ─── 如果透视为假,这个摄像机有一个判断转换。

12、The mathematical models of the orthographic least square evaluation andthe minimum condition evaluation are set up in this paper, The method of getting sampleddata is briefly represented. ─── 建立了面对面对称度误差的正交最小二乘评定数学模型和最小条件评定数学模型。简要地叙述了获得采样数据的方法。

13、The formula of the curve tangent slope at some peculiar point in the orthograph on the stereoscopic surface intersecting line and the method of making tangent are given as well. ─── 本文通过可展曲面的微分不变量,导出可展面的曲率线与曲率特征,并以锥面和切线曲面为例阐明这些特性的几何意义。

14、the digital map query subsystem fulfills the map query,preview and spelling of digital map orthograph. ─── 数字地图子系统完成了图形查询、数字地图与线路正射图像浏览、图幅拼接等功能。

15、orthographic code ─── 字音信息

16、Orthographic Views Separation from Engineering Drawing Based on Image ─── 基于图像的工程图视图分离

17、Further, boundary information of orthographic views is analyzed in detail and then 3d reconstruction algorithm using 2-stage extrusion is presented. ─── 本文对工程视图表达的零件的边界信息进行了分类,利用边界面域信息引导重建过程,提出并实现了基于两阶段拉伸的三维重建算法。

18、orthographic plan ─── 平面图

19、orthographic views ─── 三视图

20、Orthographic projection system ─── 三维正投影体系

21、orthographic direction ─── 正交方向

22、Next, if you could fold the top and right-side views forward, you would have an orthographic projection showing three views of the object. ─── 接下来,若是你将顶视图和右侧视图向前翻折的话,你就会获得一个能够显示该物体三视图的正交正投影。

23、This article deals with the orthographic Projections Of intersecting lines of two arbitrary cambers drawn with mathematical resultant. ─── 对任意两曲面相贯,求作相贯线及特殊点的投影,采用数学上的“结式”.计算准确,不受曲面种类的限制

24、orthograph adjustment ─── 正射纠正

25、A Study of Chinese Orthographic Awareness by Foreign Students and Its Development ─── 外国留学生汉字正字法意识及其发展研究

26、orthographic discriminator ─── 正交鉴相

27、orthographic variants ─── 异形词

28、It is easy to see how orthographic projection works if you imagine that the object is insidea glass box. ─── 如果想像物体是在玻璃盒子里,那么你会很容易地理解正交正投影的原理。

29、They see the word and there's some kind of an orthographic representation. ─── 他们看到单词时,某种正字法在脑中呈现。

30、Digital Orthographic Map ─── 数字正射影像

31、In an orthographic projection, also called "orthonormal", on the other hand, you have a viewing direction but not a viewing point O. ─── 另一方面,在所谓垂直投影(也叫规格化正交投影)中,你是从一个方向上进行观察,而不是一个观察点。

32、Main elements: a basic knowledge of orthographic projection method, points, straight line, plane and three-dimensional projection; ─── 主要内容:正投影法基本知识,点、直线、平面及立体的投影;

33、The views are consistent with an orthographic projection of a human body. ─── 两边与一个人体的正投影保持一致。

34、Computer Simulation of Image Reconstruction Using Optical CT in Orthographic Limited View Angle ─── 正交有限视角光学层析重建图像的计算机模拟

35、The article also demonstrates that the Huadong Group of divinations has orthographic similarities with the Li Group. ─── 以及指出了花东卜辞和历组卜辞在字体上的相似处。

36、Search results show the frequency of occurrence of the required Jiagu character, the orthographic translation and the designated numbers in which the required Jiagu character appeared. ─── 检索结果显示该字的出现次数、对应隶定字,和该字曾出现的条号与释文。

37、three-plane orthographic projection ─── 三面正投影

38、English: Orthographic projection is related to perspective projection, but the point of perspective is set to an infinite distance. ─── 正射投影类似透视投影,但是投影点位在无限远的距离。

39、This paper reports an experiment conducted to foreign students with different Chinese levels and knowledge of Chinese characters in order to study their orthographic awareness and its development. ─── 文章以不同汉字背景和汉语水平的外国留学生为被试,以不同结构和性质的汉字为实验材料,研究外国留学生汉字正字法意识的形成与发展。

40、Region Recognition Based Polyhedral Model Reconstruction from Orthographic Projections ─── 基于面域理解的多面体三维重建

41、A New Method for Fasting the Unit Cube-Based Geometric Modeling and Its Orthographic Views Reconstruction ─── 一种基于立方单元体的三维模型的构造及其三视图快速生成的方法

42、There are many other buffers as well, including orthographic, phonological, and emotional. ─── 其它类型的缓冲块还有许多,包括拼写,语音及情感。

43、A Chang in Status and a Correction of Orthographic Error for a Chinese Burmannia ─── 中国水玉簪属中一个分类群的等级变动和拼写更正

44、In this paper,an orthographic views separation method of multi-views based on DXF files for 3D reconstruction is presented. ─── 提出了一种基于DXF文件的面向三维重建的多视图的视图分离方法。

45、It is a simulating study concerning the foreign student"s orthographic awareness development based on the model of self-organizing feature map. ─── 本研究是基于自组织模型的外国学生汉字构形意识发展的模拟研究。

46、The viewport size of the Camera when set to Orthographic. ─── 当设置了正交时摄像机的视口大小。

47、The images were re-projected into an orthographic map projection. ─── 该图像被重新投影成正射投影图。

48、orthographic design method ─── 正交试验设计法

49、Figure 1 is an orthographic projection map of Earth (adapted from Espenak 1987) showing the path of penumbral (partial eclipse) and umbral (total eclipse) shadows. ─── 图一是地球图示的垂直视角,显示了半影和全影区(于1987年修订)。

50、Spelling processes specify this orthographic structure in terms of graphemes. ─── 拼写程序指定这个条款不受结构分析法。

51、orthographic algorithm ─── 正交化

52、gnathic planes of orthographic projection ─── 正投影图的颌平面

53、Rule-based Reconstruction of Curvilinear Objects from Orthographic Views ─── 基于规则的曲面体三维重建

54、orthographic rule ─── 拼写规则

55、Engineers don t think much that whether they should plot a new orthographic line in cutaway view or not. ─── 剖视图的新交线是否要画,并没有引起工程设计人员的重视,有人为了避免剖视图中画新交线,而使得图样的表达方案变得较为复杂。

56、Research on Orthographic Projection, Axonometric Projection and Projective Condition ─── 三面正投影、轴测投影与投影条件研究

57、Keywords Bidens pilosa L.;flavones;orthographic experiments;extracting technology;diluted alkaline alcohol; ─── 三叶鬼针草;总黄酮;正交实验;提取工艺;碱性稀醇;

58、orthographic design interpretation ─── 正投影图样说明

59、Notice that the view does not need to be orthographic. You can specify any viewpoint to be the Front view. ─── 请注意,不需要对视图进行正投影。您可以将任何检视点的视图指定为前视图。

60、Analysis of the factors affecting the ultimate bearing capacity of two-layer foundation using the orthographic design method ─── 正交设计法对影响双层地基极限承载力的因素分析

61、an orthographic projection ─── 正投影

62、orthographic test ─── 正交试验

63、Chapter one discusses the researches made by scholars at home and abroad on vocabulary acquisition, spelling errors and orthographic representation access model. ─── 本文除了导言和结论以外,由四章组成。第一章探讨国内外专家学者在词汇习得、拼写错误及词形表征存取模式方面的研究成果。

64、Then place an osg::Camera above the subgraph to create an orthographic projection. ─── 你所要做的是将你的文字创建在一个子图中。

65、There are two types of Frequency Tables: Jiagu Characters and Orthographic Translation. The Self-Selected Frequency Table allows users to search for the frequency of particular characters. ─── 分为甲骨字字频总表和隶定字字频总表两大类,而自选字频表为可按用者要求而检索单一字的字频。

66、global orthographic processing ─── 整体字形

67、The Chinese orthographic awareness appeared in grade 1, but until glade 5 the level was equivalent with that of the undergraduates; ─── 小学一年级儿童已萌发了正字法意识,但至五年级时才基本达到了成人水平。

68、Orthographic projection is related to perspective projection, but the point of perspective is set to an infinite distance. ─── 正射投影类似透视投影,但是投影点位在无限远的距离。

69、Characterization of an Orthographic Projection ─── 一类正交射的刻画

70、orthographic photograph ─── 正射像片

71、Orthographic projection often seems a bit odd at first, because objects stay the same size independent of their distance: It is like viewing the scene from an infinitely distant point. ─── 垂直投影乍眼一看有点古怪,由于物体的尺寸并没有因为它们的距离而改变,而是保持大小相同。

72、Belarusian was not fully elaborated as a modern literary language until the early 20th century, when orthographic norms for writing it in Cyrillic were established. ─── 到了20世纪初才把它当作一种现代的文学语言,以前的白俄罗斯语是不够精致的,当时才建立起用西里尔字母书写的表音规则。

73、orthographic reform ─── 拼法改革

74、orthographic exercise ─── 拼写练习

75、orthographic table ─── 拼法表

76、Orthographic tests to justify two stress state variables for unsaturated soils ─── 双应力状态变量表示方法的正交试验验证

77、system of orthograph ─── 正字法系统

78、orthographic projection ─── 正投影[测]正射投影[数]正(交)射影

79、This articale presents a layered data structure for the three basic orthographic views. ─── 提出了一种面向三维重建的三视图数据结构。

80、Reconstruction of Wire-frame Model from Orthographic Views ─── 基于三视图的三维线框模型生成算法

81、orthographic word ─── 拼写词

82、There is also usually a fourth view, an orthographic or perspective projection of the scene, the precise parameters of which can be adjusted by the user. ─── 大多数情况下,还会有第4个视图,即情景的正交投影或透视投影,用户可以调节每个视图的确切参数。

83、orthographic chart ─── 正射投影海图

84、Modeling Free Curved Surface from Orthographic Projections and Normal Vectors of Controlling Points ─── 基于数据点正投影和曲面法矢的自由曲面造型

85、Keywords Baolang oilfield Soil corrosion Orthographic test Factor; ─── 宝浪油田;土壤腐蚀;正交设计;影响因素;

86、A speech counterpart of orthographic a. ─── a字的发音

87、Orthographic projection is an simple as that. ─── 正交正投影就是如此简单。

88、Calculation of an Orthographic Projection with the Projection Theorem ─── 应用最优化理论中的投影定理计算平行正投影

89、Lexicon-based Orthographic Disambiguation in CJK Intelligent Information Retrieval ... ─── 信息检索的基于词典的异形词排歧.

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