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09-04 投稿



swill 发音

英:[sw?l]  美:[sw?l]

英:  美:

swill 中文意思翻译




swill 网络释义

n. 泔水;冲洗;痛饮;涮vt. 冲洗;痛饮;涮;倒出vi. 大口地喝;发激荡声

swill 词性/词形变化,swill变形


swill 短语词组

1、swill down n. ─── 泔脚饲料; 猪食; (谈话或写作中的)无意义的话; 废话

2、swill out ─── 冲洗掉

3、swill-up ─── 振作起来

swill 相似词语短语

1、twill ─── n.斜纹布;斜纹织品;vt.把…织成斜纹

2、swills ─── v.冲洗;(使)摇动,晃动;痛饮;边大量喝饮料边吃;n.泔水,剩饭菜;劣质饮料(或食物);一大口饮料;冲洗

3、skill ─── n.技能,技巧;本领,技术;n.(Skill)人名;(瑞典)希尔

4、swirl ─── v.盘绕,打旋;使成漩涡;流传;眩晕;n.漩涡;打旋;涡状形

5、sill ─── n.窗台;基石;门槛;[海洋]海底山脊;n.(Sill)人名;(英、德)西尔

6、still ─── adv.仍然;更;静止地;adj.静止的,不动的;寂静的,平静的;不起泡的;n.寂静;剧照;蒸馏室;conj.仍然;但是;尽管如此;vt.蒸馏;使……静止;使……平静下来;vi.静止;平静;蒸馏;n.(Still)(英、芬、瑞典)斯蒂尔;(德)施蒂尔(人名)

7、spill ─── v.(使)溢出,流出;(东西)倒出,洒落;迅速涌出;(使)摔下;掉球;(非正式)向(某人)说出秘密;减少受风压力;n.溢出液,溅出;溢出量;摔下;职位空缺;木片,碎纸;小塞子;n.(Spill)(德、美、英、法)施皮尔(人名)

8、shill ─── n.雇用骗子;诱饵;vt.为…当雇用骗子;vi.充当雇用骗子;adj.尖刻的(等于shrill)

9、swell ─── v.膨胀,肿胀;(使)凸出,鼓出;(使)增加,扩大;(声音)变响亮;充满(激情);n.凸起处,隆起处;逐渐增长;感情高涨;浪涌;音量调节器;(非正式)名流;adj.(非正式)极好的,非常愉快的;漂亮的,时髦的;;adv.极好地,出色地;n.(Swell)(美、英)斯韦尔(人名)

swill 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He concluded that swill milk was just as good for children as ordinary milk, and anyone who refused to drink it simply had a "prejudice. " ─── 他作出结论说垃圾奶和普通奶一样对儿童有好处,任何人拒绝喝的只是有“偏见”。

2、swill oill ─── 潲水油

3、Please swill out the dirty basin ─── 请把这脏脸盆涮一下。

4、Don't forget to swill out the bottle before returning it to the milkman. ─── 把牛奶瓶交还给送牛奶人之前,别忘了要将它里外都冲洗干净。

5、A pig farmer from Henan told the reporters that they were here with swill feeding, that is to save money, pig swill on the scene for oil refining. ─── 一名来自河南的养猪民工告诉记者,他们这里的人都用泔水喂猪,说是为了省钱,猪吃不了的泔水就用来炼油。

6、What the fug is that swill? ─── 这乌七八糟的是什么玩意儿?

7、It is home to families raising families suffering with rocks, broken bricks and mortar Leicheng the pig sty in many stocks, as if possessed by pulling pig troughs to the swill. ─── 这里住着三四十户养猪户,用石块、破砖头垒成的猪圈里养着不少猪,猪槽里放着拉来的泔水。

8、swill feeding ─── 用残羹喂猪

9、Study on Swill Oil Hydrolysis ─── 泔水油水解工艺的研究

10、swill out ─── v. 冲洗掉

11、To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a liquorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes. ─── 为了实现这一点,所有半兽人演员在拍摄每个镜头之前都要用一种甘草精漱口剂漱口。

12、to swill the wine in the bottle ─── 晃荡瓶中的酒

13、We heard the swill of flood waters. ─── 我们听到洪水的冲击声。

14、Books swill only be on computers, not on paper. ─── 书将会只存在于电脑上,而不是在纸上。

15、Where did you get this monkey swill? ─── 你从哪儿弄到这种“骚猴尿”的?

16、Garbage fed to hogs; swill ─── 馊水用来喂猪的馊水;泔水

17、In the case of swill milk, the New York dairymen had been informed for decades that their milk was unsafe. ─── 在泔水牛奶,纽约奶场已获悉了几十年,他们的牛奶是不安全的。

18、What but caused the major problem in the past in New York was the swill milk, this event let 8000 baby deaths. ─── 但是当年在纽约引起更大问题的是泔水牛奶,这一事件让8000婴儿死亡。

19、Keywords Swill;Resource recycling;Centrifugal dewatering;Dry;Waste water treatment; ─── 餐饮泔水;资源化;离心;干燥;废水处理;

20、Crema. Bungle a step and it's, how do you say in English, swill. ─── 贻误了一步,它的,你怎么说英语,泔水。

21、swill out a dirty bucket ─── 冲洗脏水桶

22、Study of Anaerobic Digestion Treatment Technology for Food Waste and Swill ─── 厌氧消化处理餐厨垃圾的工艺研究

23、I wouldn't know though, I swill have much to learn. ─── 我虽然知道的不是很多,但我有很多的要学。

24、and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united, ─── 因為我們曾嘗過南北戰爭與種族隔離的苦果,從黑暗的歷史階段走了出來,因而變得更強大更團結,

25、Carry out God’swill. ─── 替天行道。

26、monkey swill ─── n. 劣质酒

27、Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux(W.H.Auden) ─── 满脸胡须的马夫们大口痛饮着上等葡萄酒(W.H.奥登)

28、Swill the car with clear water. ─── 用清水冲洗汽车。

29、It was big enough to haul three armloads of firewood, two buckets of swill or a whole summer's worth of pop bottles picked from along the highway. ─── 它是那么大,足以拖得动三人抱得木材,两大桶泔水或者沿着高速路收集一个夏天所得到的汽水瓶。

30、Did you fell your stomach swill? ─── 走起路来有没有沉重的感觉?

31、Last summer, in the farmyard, I was drawing something that was quite lovely in the sun, and suddenly, I realised I was drawing the pigs' swill bucket. ─── 去年夏天在农场的时候,我正在画着一样在阳关下显得十分可爱的什么东西,接着我猛然意识到我正在画一个猪血桶。

32、Waste liquid; swill. ─── 废液废弃的液体;馊水

33、swill beer, tea, etc ─── 大喝啤酒、 茶等.

34、swill down ─── 用大量水把…冲洗干净

35、Sty side, they also support a chain swill oil stoves, very pungent taste. ─── 猪圈旁边,他们还支起炉子炼泔水油,味道十分呛人。

36、Vivian &Ruby: Swill? You mean garbage fed to hogs? ─── 馊水???指的事喂猪吃的那种吗?

37、municipal swill ─── 城市泔水

38、Give the pail a good swill (out). ─── 好好冲洗水桶。

39、Swill feeding of swine is an important method of transmission of the virus ─── 泔水喂猪在病毒传播中起重要作用

40、It took stronger food laws, better policing, the advent of pasteurization and the passage of the Food and Drug Act in 1906, 50 years after the worst of swill milk. ─── 它采取了更强有力的粮食法律,更好地维持治安,出现杀菌,并通过了食品和药品法于1906年,50年后最严重的泔水牛奶。

41、It was stronger than any coffee I had ever tasted. By comparison, I realized, the coffee I had been drinking was swill. ─── 这是我有生以来所喝过的最浓烈的咖啡,以前喝的咖啡相形之下像洗碟水。

42、hogwash; swill ─── 猪潲

43、Swill-cooked oil is oil that has been used several times, usually by restaurants, for frying. ─── 地沟油是通常在餐馆为煎炸而多次使用的油。

44、pig feed; pigwash; hogwash; swill ─── 猪食

45、"Unshaven horsemen swill the great wines of the Chateaux" (W.H. Auden) ─── “满脸胡须的马夫们大口痛饮着上等葡萄酒”(W.H.奥登)

46、swill beer ─── 大喝啤酒

47、Study on protoplasm breeding to screen bacteria for swill fermentation to produce microbiology protein feeds ─── 原生质育种筛选可利用泔水发酵生产菌体蛋白饲料的研究

48、Restaurant and Kitchen Swill Management in Shanghai City ─── 上海市餐厨垃圾的管理

49、You fed them swill and such stuff? ─── 你肯定喂了它们剩饭残羹这类东西了吧?

50、It was an enormous bottomless trough in which the hogs could swill and wallow. ─── 它成了一个巨大的无底食糟,猎猡们可以在里面肆意大喝大嚼,甚至打滚糟踏。

51、Father has asked me to swill down the garage floor, but I wanted to read the interesting novel. ─── 父亲让我冲洗车库的地板,但我想读这本有趣的小说。

52、In the case of swill milk, New York dairymen had been informed for decades that their milk was unsafe. ─── 纽约奶制品公司明知它们的牛奶不安全仍然这么干,时间长达几十年。

53、In the case of swill milk, the New York dairymen had been informed for decades that their milk was unsafe. ─── 在泔水牛奶,纽约奶场已获悉了几十年,他们的牛奶是不安全的。

54、Swill the contents round inside the glass and smell ─── 摇晃酒杯里的酒然后再闻

55、We could use the face-washed water to water flowers or swill washrooms. ─── 我们可以用洗过脸的水用来浇花或者冲厕所。

56、father has asked me to swill down the garage floor, but I wanted to read the interesting novel. ─── 父亲让我冲洗车库的地板,但我想读这本有趣的小说。

57、Now, one of American whole world food standard of security strictest countries, however in 1858, New York also presented “the swill poisonous milk” the scandal event. ─── 如今,美国可谓全球食品安全标准最严格的国家之一,然而在1858年,纽约也出现了“泔水毒奶”丑闻事件。

58、and because we have tasted the bitter swill of civil war and segregation, and emerged from that dark chapter stronger and more united... ─── 正是因为我们民族曾亲尝过内战和种族隔离的苦酒,并且在经历了这些黑色的篇章之后变得更加强大更加团结...

59、1237 Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. ... ─── 0831是英雄站着,是狗熊爬着,而我现在猫着腰。

60、The disaster unfolding now in China is similar to the “swill milk” scandal that rumbled on in New York for several decades of the 19th century. ─── 中国现在发生的灾难跟19世纪在纽约持续了几十年的“泔水奶”丑闻非常相似。

61、At the same time there is a coast in Qinghe Henan, Sichuan workers formed the "pig village", they used stones Leicheng sty, and departed from stoves in sty chain swill oil. ─── 同时在清河沿岸还有一个由河南、四川民工组成的“养猪村”,他们用石块垒成猪圈,并在猪圈旁支起炉子炼泔水油。

62、Advertising gis the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. ─── 广告就是在拿根棍子在泔水桶里搅动产生的卡嗒声。

63、give the bucket a swill ─── 把桶冲洗一下.

64、swill down the front steps ─── 冲洗屋前的台阶

65、Jun wasn't allowed to actually make it after the first wasted pot of burnt swill she concocted, but he would often make it for her. ─── 六月没被允许实际上做到在燃烧的刷首先浪费壶之后她混合而制,但是他将会时常为她做到。

66、Initial research on management and disposal of restaurant and kitchen swill in Yinchuan city ─── 银川市餐厨垃圾管理和处置的初步研究

67、Garbage fed to hogs; swill. ─── 馊水用来喂猪的馊水; 泔水

68、Keywords swill oil;activated bleaching earth;hydrogen peroxide;adsorption;oxidation;decoloration; ─── 潲水油;活性白土;双氧水;吸附;氧化;脱色;

69、swill oil ─── 泔水油

70、This swill is awful.Please give me some beer. ─── 这种烈性酒太可怕了,请给我来点啤酒。

71、A little absence makes the heart grow fonder, especially when we're able to swill beer, belch, call our friends names you'd find offensive, and make stupid jokes you'd be embarrassed to hear me say. ─── 适当的“放风”会让我们特别放松,特别是那个时候我们可以大口的喝酒,打嗝,大声叫我们朋友的名字,开一些很低级的玩笑,而平时里你不会让我这么说的。

72、Restaurant and kitchen swill (RKS) is a sort of organic garbage in city, which is not easy to be disposed. ─── 摘要餐厨垃圾属于一类较难处置的城市有机垃圾。

73、The status quo of swill treatment and management and disposal countermeasures in Xiamen were studied. ─── 并针对厦门市泔水处理的现状以及管理和处置对策进行研究。

74、swill out water ─── 倒水

75、“Some was recycled edible grease, such as oil refined from swill and cooked oil,” it said. “Some was grease rendered from sewage, and some was recycled industrial grease.” ─── “一些是可回收的食用油,例如将烧菜用完冲洗后的油提炼,”该报写道,“另一些是从下水道里捞来的油脂,还有一些就是可回收的工业用油”

76、Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill bucket. ─── 广告就是在拿根棍子在泔水桶里搅动产生的卡嗒声。

77、It is a good vaccine, particularly in pigs fed on swill. ─── 这是一种良好的疫苗,尤其对喂饲残羹的猪。

78、He had a quick swill of wine. ─── 他猛地灌下一大口葡萄酒。

79、The manufacturing methods conclude swill and centrifugal mode. ─── 球芯轧辊的制造方法有:冲洗法和离心法。

80、to swill someone with water ─── 灌了一肚子水

81、The soul of Hardicanute hath taken possession of him, and he hath no pleasure save to fill, to swill, and to call for more. ─── 哈迪克努特(注)的灵魂已经占有了他,除了吃喝,不断地吃喝,他什么也不感兴趣。

82、swill a plate ─── 洗盘子

83、swill treatment ─── 泔水处理

84、But the greater part was swill milk, a filthy, bluish substance milked from cows tied up in crowded stables adjoining city distilleries and fed the hot alcoholic mash left from making whiskey. ─── 但是,更大的部分是泔水牛奶,肮脏,青物质从奶牛挤奶捆绑在拥挤的马厩临近城市酿酒厂和喂养的热点酒精醪使留下来的威士忌。

85、I know what it's like to have people tell me I can't do something because of my color, and I know the bitter swill of swallowed-back anger. ─── 我知道被告知因为肤色而不能作为时的感觉,我也清楚强咽怒火的苦涩。


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