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appeasement 发音

英:[??pi?zm?nt]  美:[??pi?zm?nt]

英:  美:

appeasement 中文意思翻译



appeasement 同义词

lessen |pacify | quiet down | quell | moderate | settle | quiet | propitiate | lenify | soothe | suffice | soften | gruntle | attenuate | calm down | silence | relieve | ease | content | gentle | check | stay | restrain | satisfy | assuage | placate | calm | allay | conciliate | mollify | alleviate | lower

appeasement 反义词


appeasement 短语词组

1、appeasement behavior ─── 妥协行为

2、appeasement means giving in ─── 绥靖意味着屈服

3、appeasement means ─── 绥靖意味着

4、appeasement policy ─── [法] 缓静政策, 姑息主义

5、appeasement means giving ─── 绥靖意味着给予

6、appeasement is not an option ─── 绥靖不是一种选择

7、appeasement means giving in to ─── 绥靖意味着屈服

appeasement 词性/词形变化,appeasement变形

动词过去分词: appeased |形容词: appeasable |名词: appeaser |动词现在分词: appeasing |副词: appeasably |动词过去式: appeased |动词第三人称单数: appeases |

appeasement 相似词语短语

1、appartement ─── 公寓

2、appeachments ─── 应用程序

3、appraisements ─── n.评价

4、appraisement ─── n.评价

5、appeasements ─── n.缓和,平息;姑息

6、appetisement ─── 开胃

7、apparelment ─── 表面

8、appeachment ─── 指责

9、abasement ─── n.身分低微;屈尊;降低

appeasement 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moreover, many intellectuals opposed appeasement, a fact about which Sowell seems to know nothing. ─── 而且索厄尔还不知道当时是有许多知识分子反对绥靖政策的。

2、' We have an obligation to call this what it is - the false comfort of appeasement, which has been repeatedly discredited by history. ─── 我们有责任指出真相以正视听。这种自欺欺人的、貌似有理的绥靖政策已经一再被历史证明其荒谬之处。”

3、In the appeasement of the glutton they have to practise much stimulation ─── 因为要满足这个暴食者,她们不得不做许多伪装。

4、30's, because Fascist influence rising, the European situation is day by day intense, Churchill opposed firmly country's and so on England and France appeasement policies, become the hardliner leader. ─── 30年代,由于法西斯势力的崛起,欧洲形势日益紧张,丘吉尔坚决反对英法等国的绥靖政策,成为强硬派领袖。

5、The epitome of the policy of appeasement was the Munich agreement of 30 September 1938 ─── 这种绥靖政策的缩影是1938年9月30日的幕尼黑协定。

6、more food, but less appeasement; ─── 吃得很多,休息却很少;

7、We must always be wary of those who with sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal preach the "ism" of appeasement. ─── 我们必须时时刻刻提防那些敲锣打鼓宣传姑息主义的人。

8、appeasement policy ─── 姑息政策

9、He could achieve harmony without appeasement , and earned for himself an enviable standing throughout the armies and government of Europe. ─── 他能无须慰抚而促成和谐。他在欧洲各国政府和整个军队中,获得一个可羡的地位。

10、The balance is furthermore difficult to achieve when one group of people is saying that any amount of carrot is total appeasement while another says that any amount of stick is xenophobic antagonism. ─── 当一群人说任何数量的胡萝卜的是总体缓和而另一群人说任何数量的大棒是恐外的对抗,这个平衡很难达到。

11、Munich, the 1938 Hitler-ChamBerlain meeting that now symBolizes the idea of appeasement ─── 慕尼黑,1938年希特勒与张伯伦的会晤现已为绥靖主义的象征

12、The British and French premiers, once they had abandoned appeasement, appealed to the Kremlin to sign an alliance to contain Nazism ─── 英法政府首脑一旦抛弃绥靖政策,就呼吁克里姆林宫签订盟约,以遏制纳粹主义。

13、Appeasement would also probably increaseChina's appetite for regional domination. Its "core interests" in the area seem to be growing. ─── 缓和两岸关系无疑才会吊起中国对台控制的胃口,而中国在台湾地区的“核心利益”似乎膨胀起来。

14、The author concludes that Britian pursued the Appeasement of Italy that was mainly characterized by 揳lleviating Anglo-Italian relations? during the Nyon Conference. ─── 本文认为英国在尼翁会议期间对意大利推行了“以缓和英意关系”为主要特征的绥靖外交。

15、Zhouij, Hitler was as much a creature of European appeasement as of excessive vengeance. ─── 周吉,希特勒更像是欧洲缓和过度报复的一个生物。

16、To safeguard world peace, it is essential to oppose the policy of appeasement towards the aggressors, militarily, politically and economically. ─── 要维护世界和平,就要反对侵略者的绥靖政策,不管是军事的,政治的,经济的绥靖,都要反对.

17、Appeasement of Soviet Union to Fascist Forces before World War ─── 卫国战争前夕苏联对法西斯势力的绥靖

18、The application and calculation of two appeasement curves connection ─── 两个缓和曲线连接的应用和计算

19、The Military Strategy and Appeasement Policy of France in 30s ─── 法国30年代的军事战略与绥靖外交

20、With the strengthening of the economic and military forces of the Han Dynasty, the policy of appeasement was replaced by one of military pacification. ─── 到汉武帝时,便放弃了和亲政策,对匈奴采取了攻势。

21、A statement from Porsche said that they saw their departure “as a significant contribution to the appeasement of the situation and to support the forming of an integrated car manufacturing company. ─── 保时捷在一份声明中这样说到:他们的离开“是为了改善(公司)的处境并支持(公司)组建成一家联合汽车制造企业而做出的重大贡献。”

22、The Conference lasted two days, fearing another war and in the most infamous case of appeasement, the Sudetenland was turned over to Germany. ─── 会议持续了2天,由于对再次爆发战争的恐惧和最无耻的绥靖政策,苏台德被移交给德国。

23、Appeasement has come home to roost. ─── 绥靖已自食其果。

24、A corner of the class sounded loud applause from clear, as Wan are silent on the platform sounded the siren sound, giving a calmly appeasement. ─── 班里的某个角落响起了一声清脆的掌声,如同万籁俱静的月台上响起的汽笛声,给人以一种从容的安抚。

25、An Analysis on the Policy of Appeasement of the Soviet Union's Type ─── 苏联型绥靖政策探析

26、Objective The study the mental health situation of Hepatits B puerpera carrier and provide the basis for mentality appeasement that works well for this type of puerpera. ─── 目的探讨携带乙肝病毒产妇的心理健康状态,为做好该类产妇的心理疏导提供依据。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷和访谈形式对67例住院的携带乙肝病毒的产妇进行调查。

27、appeasement gesture ─── 安抚姿势

28、Munich, the 1938 Hitler - Chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement. ─── 慕尼黑,1938年希特勒与张伯伦的会晤现已为绥靖主义的象征。

29、All dieters have the problem of appetite appeasement. ─── 所有忌食减肥的人都碰到一个如何满足口腹之欲的问题。

30、Speaking to the enemy is an ordinary part of diplomacy and does not on its own amount to appeasement. ─── 与敌对话是外交政策的一种手段,不能与绥靖混为一谈。

31、Our difficulties and dangers will not be removed by closing our eyes to them.They will not be removed by mere waiting to see what happens;nor will they be removed by a policy of appeasement. ─── 这一胜利是通过在战斗中以及在自由和民主的事业中结成情谊深厚的战友关系取得的。

32、Appeasement policy is political phenomena under specific conditions. ─── 绥靖政策是特定的政治现象。

33、Situation serious request your managerial there for appeasement before damage develop beyond cure. ─── 情况严重,在局面不可收拾之前,请贵公司经理飞往该地,予以调停挽留。

34、The policy in essence was the Appeasement of Italy .It constituted the background under which Britian pursued the Appeasement of Italy during the Nyon Conference. ─── 这一政策在实质上是对意大利的绥靖,它成为英国尼翁会议期间对意推行绥靖外交的背景。

35、The Origin, Development and End of the Appeasement Policy of Soviet Unions ─── 苏联绥靖政策的产生、发展和收场

36、British government took appeasement policy in 1930s for several historical reasons.The main manifestations are: the position of strength recession; ─── 20世纪30年代,英国政府推行绥靖政策有它深刻的历史原因,主要表现为:实力的衰退;

37、China is the standard-bearer of attacking appeasement firmly, and of directly promoting the anti-fascist united front of the world to form progressively. ─── 中国是坚决打击绥靖主义的旗手;中国是直接促进世界反法西斯统一战线逐步形成的旗手;

38、Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly abolition might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals. ─── 死刑固然“传递的是一种暴力信息”,但贸然废除死刑可能传递的是一种绥靖信息,即对罪大恶极犯罪人的妥协。

39、"Munich, the 1938 Hitler-Chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement" (Jonathan Alter) ─── “慕尼黑,1938年希特勒与张伯伦的会晤现已为绥靖主义的象征”(乔纳森·奥尔特)

40、The problem with the first argument is that it smacks of appeasement. ─── 但问题是,上述第一点看似有让步之嫌。

41、appeasement movement ─── 平息动作

42、Munich, the 1938 Hitler - Chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement(Jonathan Alter) ─── 慕尼黑,1938年希特勒与张伯伦的会晤现已为绥靖主义的象征(乔纳森 奥尔特)

43、appeasement ceremony ─── 缓和礼节安抚姿势

44、appeasement behaviour ─── 安抚行为

45、Japanese parliamentarians applauded, demonstrating Japanese domestic endorsement for the new line of appeasement between the neighbors. ─── 日本的国会议员们为它鼓掌喝彩,显示日本国内对两国之间新的温和路线的支持。

46、During the Munich crisis, U.S.A. pursued the appeasement policy to Nazi Germany. ─── 1938年 9月慕尼黑危机期间 ,美国对纳粹德国奉行绥靖政策。

47、As an appeasement to the Regent after the rescue. ─── 沃尔夫想道。在营救之后,作为对瑞金特的安抚。

48、Meanwhile, from the points of politics , armament and strategy, this part also explains the reasons why Britian pursued the Appeasement of Italy in the mid and late l930s. ─── 同时,这一部分还从政治、军备和战略三方面分析了30年代中后期英国对意大利推行绥靖政策的原因。

49、Speaking to the enemy is an ordinary part of diplomacy and does not on its own amount to appeasement. ─── 与敌对话属于外交中的平常内容,本身并不等于绥靖政策。

50、Conclusion Local resection has good cffccts in the treatment of nonagc rcctal canccr.For the cases with multi-agedness-disease that cannot bear the radica operation,it is a better way of appeasement. ─── 结论局部切除术对早期直肠癌的治疗具有良好的效果,对于患有多种老年病而不能耐受根治术的老年患者,可作为较好的姑息手术方法。

51、But the three irritants described above enable stonewallers and realists to portray any further climate efforts by India as a futile strategy of appeasement. ─── 然而,由于上述三种不良刺激因素的存在,气候谈判反对者和现实主义者可以将印度未来可做的气候方面的努力描绘成是无用的权宜之计。

52、For appeasement of far-line teaching of Chinese Traditional Medicine, multifunction searching Chinese Herbal medicine information glean. ─── 为了满足中医药远程教学,多功能检索以及方便中草药资源信息的收集。

53、It is not appeasement;it is the new defense realism, the triumph of pragmatism over ideology. ─── 这不是姑息让步,而是新现实主义的防御战略,是意识形态实用主义的胜利。

54、At the early stage of the Sino-Japanese War, Britain adopted an appeasement policy towards Japan, tolerating all Japanese expansive encroachment in China. ─── 本文研究抗战初期英国对中日战争的反应,认为英国对日本在中国的侵略扩张活动采取了绥靖政策。

55、Application and Role of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Appeasement Therapy for Cancer ─── 中医药在癌症姑息治疗中的应用和地位

56、he was turning the Chamberlain government away from appeasement. ─── 他正在阻止张伯伦政府奉行绥靖政策。

57、Many were also scarred by memories of appeasement in the 1930s. ─── 他们还沉浸在对20世纪30年代绥靖主义的恐慌中。

58、The right approach for today's complex world is not that of those who see agreement and appeasement as synonyms. ─── 对于今天这个错综复杂的世界来说,正确的方式不是将意见一致与绥靖政策划上等号。

59、We have more food, but less appeasement; ─── 我们食物愈多,满足愈少;

60、In his eyes, this amounted to self-defeating appeasement. ─── 无异于姑息养奸,自寻失败。

61、An Plain Analysis of British Policy of Appeasement ─── 英国的绥靖政策探析

62、With an overly ambitious and revisionist China on the offensive, India needs to discriminate between appeasement and diplomacy. ─── 一个野心勃勃和修正主义的中国在进攻,印度必须在绥靖主义和外交之间作出区分。

63、Pacifistic Movement of Britain and its Policy of Appeasement ─── 从英国的和平主义运动看其绥靖政策

64、After the Revolution for the warlord Yan Xishan's House, the Government of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan, the Office of appeasement. ─── 辛亥革命后为阎锡山的督军府、山西省政府、太原绥靖公署。

65、As a new science to provide supportive and appeasement medical care for dying patients and their family members,hospice care has been developed in the world. ─── 临终关怀作为一门对临终病人和家属提供姑息性和支持性医护措施的新兴学科在国内外不断发展。

66、The Europeans' appeasement policy towards irrational regimes would only aggravate the hidden dangers. ─── 欧洲国家对非理性政权的绥靖政策,只会让潜在危机恶化。

67、Like many Aztec deities, Tlaloc was both benevolent and wrathful, sending rain to nourish crops but also unleashing drought and hurricanes and demanding appeasement in the form of sacrificed children. ─── 特拉洛克神与阿芝台克众神一样富于感情,他有时会降雨滋养庄稼,有时却会制造出干旱和飓风,并要求以祭祀儿童来平息灾害。

68、It would allow the sharp-witted time to choose appeasement, defence or possibly even pre-emptive attack. ─── 这可以使他最紧急的时刻选择冷静下来,防守或甚至先发制人。

69、Yet he saw Nasser as a “Mussolini” and was plainly determined to avoid any charge of appeasement, even though the essential features of Munich and Suez were wholly different. ─── 然而他把纳赛尔看作是“墨索里尼”,明显地是想避免任何认为他采取绥靖政策的指责,即使慕尼黑阴谋与纳赛尔国有化苏伊士运河事件的基本特征全然不同。

70、Rethinking Over Appeasement Policy of Britain ─── 英国绥靖政策再探讨

71、On the Policy of Appeasement of the Former Soviet Union Before World War ─── 论二战爆发前夕苏联的绥靖政策

72、In the army generals, former platoon, company, battalion, brigade, Longdong appeasement commander, commander. ─── 民国陆军将领,历任排、连、营、旅长,陇东绥靖司令、军长。

73、Those who display of shame," Tracy says, "have been associated with an awareness of social norms and appeasement behaviors, which elicits trust in others." ─── 那些表现出害羞的人,”特雷西说,“与社会规范意识和绥靖行为联系在一起,从而引发对他人的信任。”

74、economic appeasement ─── 经济绥靖政策

75、Appeasement: The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace. ─── 绥靖政策:为保持和平局面而向潜在的敌人做出让步的政策。

76、Part two mainly demonstrates the Appeasement of Italy charactered by 揳lleviating Anglo-Italy relations? which was pursued by Britian during the Nyon Conference. ─── 第二部分,着重论述尼翁会议期间英国对意大利推行的以“缓和英意关系”为主要特征的绥靖外交。

77、The smoke of a proud papa's pipe drifting toward the heavens was a sort of appeasement to the heavenly powers. ─── 那时,骄傲的父亲烟斗里飘出来的烟雾升到天堂就是一种缓和众神嫉妒之心的手段。

78、As a administrative institution of trademark,the Trademark Appraisal Committee plays a unique role in the appeasement of administrative disputes. ─── 商标评审委员会作为商标行政复议机构,在平息商标行政纠纷中发挥了独特的功能。

79、When terminal cancer of the stomach produces the haemorrhage, block disease that endangers life, go appeasement operation in order to alleviate it is symptom, painful to reduce. ─── 晚期胃癌发生出血、梗阻等危及生命的病症时,则行姑息手术以缓解症状、减轻痛苦。

80、The right approach for today's complex world is not that of those who see agreement and appeasement as synonyms. ─── 对于今天这个错综复杂的世界来说,正确的方式不是将意见一致与绥靖政策划上等号。

81、Effect a radical cure what operation and appeasement operation are? ? ─── 根治手术和姑息手术是什么??

82、There the sinner could come to offer a sacrifice of appeasement with the blood of propitiation. ─── 祭坛所在的院宇就是人人可以光临的地方。

83、a policy of appeasement ─── 绥靖政策

84、Clean-shaven faces, therefore, suggest appeasement and being an obvious sign of sexual immaturity. ─── 光光的下巴则代表了顺从和明显的不成熟。

85、British Appeasement Policy ─── 英国绥靖政策

86、He denied there is a policy of appeasement. ─── 他否认有姑息政策。

87、For the cases with multi-agedness-disease that cannot bear the radica operation,it is a better way of appeasement. ─── 结论 局部切除术对早期直肠癌的治疗具有良好的效果,对于患有多种老年病而不能耐受根治术的老年患者,可作为较好的姑息手术方法。

88、appeasement behavior ─── 妥协行为

89、In America's foreign-policy debate one that has been bandied about too much lately is “appeasement”. ─── 在美国外交政策辩论中,最近闹得沸沸扬扬的词就是“绥静”。

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