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09-04 投稿


thatching 发音

英:[?θ?t???]  美:[?θ?t???]

英:  美:

thatching 中文意思翻译




thatching 短语词组

1、thatching blade ─── 茅草刀片

2、thatching process ─── 茅草加工

3、thatching stalk crossword clue ─── 茅草杆纵横字谜线索

4、thatching define ─── 茅草定义

5、thatching rake ─── 茅草耙

6、thatching definition ─── 茅草定义

7、thatching lawn ─── 茅草

8、thatching machine ─── 茅草机

thatching 词性/词形变化,thatching变形

名词: thatcher |动词第三人称单数: thatches |动词过去分词: thatched |动词现在分词: thatching |动词过去式: thatched |形容词: thatchy |

thatching 相似词语短语

1、fratching ─── n.吵架;争论

2、-watching ─── vt.观看,守望;监视,注意(watch现在分词)

3、catching ─── v.截住(抛掷物等);接住(掉下的人);捉住;捕获(试图逃跑的人或动物);赶上(前面的人)(catch的现在分词);adj.(非正式)(疾病)传染性的;(情感或情绪)有感染力的

4、hatching ─── n.[禽]孵化;剖面线;画影线;v.[禽]孵化;给…加影线;策划(hatch的ing形式);adj.孵化的

5、hanching ─── 焦急

6、batching ─── n.配料;定量;[计]成批;投配

7、clatching ─── 叮当声

8、unthatching ─── vt.移去覆盖的茅草

9、dethatching ─── 去影线

thatching 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts practised in the British Isles(英伦诸岛). ─── 在英伦诸岛,茅草屋顶其实是最古老的所有的建筑手法。

2、They pour kerosene all over the thatch house,prepare to set it alight. ─── 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火。

3、" "Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 当然, 我敢肯定, 就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

4、In Ireland where thatching is till practiced, the roof can survive winds up to 110 miles per hour. ─── 举个例子来说(这种例子很多,几乎每个段子都能说明问题,这里仅举一例。

5、They're thatching a cottage in the village this week. ─── 他们这星期在村子里给一所茅舍盖屋顶。

6、Preliminary Study on Improvement Measure of Turf Thatch in Kunming ─── 昆明市草坪枯草层改良措施的研究

7、sorghums of China and Manchuria having small white or brown grains (used for food) and dry pithy stalks (used for fodder, fuel and thatching). ─── 生长在中国和满洲的高粱具有小而白或褐的种子(用于食物)和干而小的茎(用于饲料,燃料和茅屋建造上)。

8、In Ireland, where thatching is still practised. The roof can survive winds of up to 110 miles per hour. ─── 在爱尔兰,人们仍旧盖茅草屋顶,而且它们能经受住风速高达110英里每小时大风的考验。

9、Don't place high wattage security lights near the thatch. ─── 不要在靠近茅草屋顶的地方安装高瓦数灯泡。

10、Thin and olive-skinned boys, each had a thatch of dark curls on his head and was quick to anger and quicker to forgive. ─── 他们身材细瘦,皮肤橄榄色,头上都有乱蓬蓬的黑色发卷,脾气发作得快,但消得更快。

11、Oh, give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again! ─── 一栋矮檐茅舍!

12、The only way to cover the other six ricks was by thatching them with straw, and this was a long and difficult job to do alone. ─── 若想把其他六垛也盖起来,唯一的办法便是用稻草盖,可一个人单独干,既费时又费力。

13、A large palm(Nipa frutescens) of the Philippines and Australia, having long leaves often used for thatching. ─── 聂帕榈菲律宾和澳大利亚的一种巨大的棕榈树(聂帕榈属聂帕榈),长有长形的叶子,常用作盖屋顶草料

14、An Old World perennial grass(Imperata cylindrica), widespread as a weed in warm regions and used for thatching. ─── 白茅一种东半球多年生的草(印度白茅白茅属),作为杂草广泛分布于温暖地区,盖层顶用

15、In Ireland, where thatching is still practiced, the roofs can survive winds of up to 110 miles per hour. ─── 在爱尔兰,茅草屋仍在使用,屋顶可以承受每小时110里的风速。

16、Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching ─── 智利的一种常绿乔木,枝条有叶,用做盖屋顶的材料

17、"Are you sure it was Anderson?" "Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him." ─── "你敢肯定那是安德森吗?""当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

18、1. Stalks of threshed grain, used as bedding and food for animals, for thatching, and for weaving or braiding, as into baskets. ─── 禾杆:脱谷的谷物的茎杆,可用作床垫,动物的饲料,盖房顶以及编织或编带;如编成蓝子

19、large-leaved palm of Malay to Philippines and northern Australia; leaves used for thatching or plaiting into containers ─── 产于马来到菲律宾及澳大利亚北部的大叶棕榈;树叶用于盖草顶或放入容器编成辫

20、Hotel offers very well-appointed guestrooms in villa style with thatch roof and private terracing area in the vertical strip of beautiful garden and/with exotic flowers. ─── 宾馆提供设施完美的客房,这些房间是别墅式的结构,房顶尖尖的,看起来像茅草覆盖的。这些房间都拥有单独的游廊,四周是美丽的花园,长满了充满异国情调的鲜花。

21、An exile from home, splendor dazzles in vain;Oh, give me my lowly thatch'd cottage again!The birds singing gaily, that came at my call Give me them, and the peace of mind, dearer than all! ─── 离开家的流浪人,一切都不会动我的心,只要让我能回到我简陋的家园.那些听我召唤的小鸟,快飞回我跟前,让我重温平静的生活,比一切都香甜。

22、In 1998, a team unearthed the remains of an entire Taino house, with beams, rafters, roof timber and the palm leaves that made up the house's thatch all collapsed on top of each other. ─── 1998年,另一支考古队对当地一处相对最完整的泰努式房子进行了发掘。这座房子有主梁有椽架,更有杉木支架,上面覆盖的还是棕榈叶。可是,屋顶还是塌下来了,被挤压成一堆。

23、If thatch thickness is increasing, your options for remedy are ─── 如果枯草层厚度增加,可以采取下列补救措施

24、Laeso residents turned to seaweed to thatch their roofs after most of the island's trees and reeds were harvested and burned by the salt industry. ─── 因为岛上的制盐工业耗尽了岛上大部分的树木和芦苇,兰依索的居民开始用海藻铺屋顶。

25、Thatch hut is raised high above the paddy field on stilt ─── 茅草屋用柱高高地建在稻田之上。

26、They poured kerosene all over the thatch house, preparing to set it alight ─── 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火

27、" Are you sure it was Anderson?" " Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him." ─── “你敢肯定那是安德森吗?”“当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。”

28、""Of course I'm sure.With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。"

29、The tough fibrous straw of rye is used for animal bedding, thatching, mattresses, hats, and paper. ─── 其坚韧的纤维质秸秆多作为动物用垫草,以及屋顶、床垫、草帽和造纸原料。

30、Without these reasons to start thatching roofs again, would it be wonderful to see the disappearing craft return to popularity? ─── 除了这些原因重新开始建这种屋顶,难道看到这种已经消失的建筑重新流行不是一件非常好的事吗?

31、However, in large areas of the countryside, people are still living in shabby houses with thatch roofs and still use oxen to till the land. ─── 而在一些农村,农民还住在茅草房里,还在用牛耕种。

32、Right in the village there's a little well and the grass hides it, green grass in sap closely thatching it. ─── 村庄的右侧,有一口小井。草丛将它隐藏,坑道中悠悠的绿色把它完全覆盖。

33、The moonlight picked out the stable's roof of pallid thatch, and the first tree-sentinels of the forest a stone-throw away. ─── 月光映照着马厩那苍白的茅草屋顶,一箭之远,就是森林最边缘的树木。

34、When the typhoons come, they will tear away these buildings, so we must pull out thatch to fix the main houses, work houses, and the roofs of porches. ─── 当台风来袭时,会刮掉那些建筑物,所以就要拔茅草来补盖主屋及工作房,凉台的屋顶

35、leaves used for thatching and weaving. ─── 树叶用于盖屋顶和编织。

36、Over 800 full-time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, maintaining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses. ─── 今天有800多茅屋匠受雇于英格兰和威尔士,维修和更新旧的屋顶以及用茅草盖新房子。

37、leaves are used for thatch; ─── 叶可用来盖茅草房;

38、2. “Are you sure it was Anderson? ““Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him.“ ─── “你敢肯定那是安德森吗?““当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。“

39、I knew they were just thatch and must be brittle, porous , and light. ─── 我知道那是茅草屋,盖得薄薄的,轻而透气。

40、At last he said, 'The storm appears to have passed, but the rain will be coming soon. I'll go up and finish thatching the ricks. ' ─── 最后,他说:“风暴像是过去了,不过雨很快就会来的。我上去把麦垛盖完吧。”

41、Are you sure it was Anderson? Of course I'm sure. With his thatch of red hair there's no mistaking him. ─── 你敢肯定那是安德森吗?当然,我敢肯定,就凭那一头蓬乱的红头发就很容易把他辨别出来。

42、a roof made of thatch ─── 茅草屋顶

43、While she would add figures and occasionally reverse modernization by restoring thatch or window latticework, she was careful to keep idealization to a minimum. ─── 当她添加人物时,或者偶然以现代手法重新改制房屋窗框时,她总是小心翼翼,将之降至最小。

44、To see again the thatching of the straw the women clean ─── 再看一次妇女做的草屋顶

45、Effect of Culture and Management on Turf Thatch ─── 栽培管理措施对草坪枯草层的影响

46、With all these reasons to start thatching roofs again, wouldn't it be wonderful to see this disappearing craft return to popularity? ─── 总之惨不忍睹全是红的还是就是专业词听不懂,发现了点问题,还有就是很多词我会但没听出来。

47、Thatch which has been done the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years, and is an effective defiance against the heat. ─── 用英国工艺制做的茅草屋顶能维修20年到60年之久,而且能有效地防暑。

48、Oh, give me my lowly thatch cottage again! ─── 对一个离乡背井的游子,再华丽的光辉,也是徒然闪烁;

49、A feather-leaved palm(Cocos nucifera) extensively cultivated in tropical regions for food, beverages, oil, thatching, fiber, utensils, or ornament. ─── 椰子树:有羽状叶子的椰子树(椰子椰子属),在热带地区广泛种植,用于食品、饮料、油、盖屋顶、纤维制品、器皿和装饰品

50、thatch screwpine fruit ─── 橹罟子

51、Light frequent topdressing applications will promote a firm, uniform surface and minimize thatch accumulation with proper fertilization and irrigation scheduling. ─── 少量多次施加追肥有利于形成平整统一的表面,适宜的施肥和有计划的灌溉有利于减少枯草层。

52、Thatching is certainly uncommon in United States today. ─── 今天,盖茅草顶在美国已经很罕见了。

53、Everyone lives in thatch huts on stilts, and the only ground transportation is by oxcart. ─── 人们住在稻草搭建的吊脚楼中,唯一的地面交通工具是牛车。

54、They topped off the hut with a straw thatch. ─── 他们给小屋盖上茅草屋顶。

55、"The thatch door, the piney path, the solitude, the quiet, Where a hermit lives and moves, never needing a companion." ─── 岩扉松径长寂寥, 惟有幽人自来去。

56、reed thatch ─── 芦苇屋面

57、The main purpose of topdressing is to dilute thatch. An even blending of topdressing and thatch is the fastest way to stem thatch buildup. ─── 每个球场的覆沙风格迥异。覆沙对抚平因脚踩和球印而受影响的果岭很重要。T-1适应于每周的轻覆或每月的重覆。

58、Cher: Thatch roof made of dried grass. As you can imagine, fire and dried grass don't mix, and the theatre was destroyed very quickly. ─── 结果这个大炮爆出来的火花溅上了屋顶。你想那可了得,整个屋顶都是用稻草铺的。

59、large-leaved palm of Malay to Philippines and northern Australia; leaves used for thatching or plaiting into containers. ─── 产于马来到菲律宾及澳大利亚北部的大叶棕榈,;树叶用于盖草顶或放入容器编成辫。

60、Goody Tiptoes was busy pushing moss under the thatch "The nest is so snug, we shall be sound asleep all winter. ─── 糖果脚尖儿忙着在屋顶下铺压着苔藓。“这窝真是温暖,我们将在整个冬天里酣睡。”

61、The fires burn bright beneath thatch and timber , ─── 在火燃烧照明茅草屋顶和木材之下,

62、The craft of thatching as it is practiced toady has changed very little since the Middle Ages. ─── 像现在我们所使用的茅草屋顶工艺从中世纪以来几乎就没有什么变化。

63、Thatching is certainly uncommon in the United States today, I guess that's why so many of you have come to see this demonstration. ─── 茅屋在现在的美国当然已经不再常见了,这也就是为什么你们来这里听我讲解的原因了。

64、They are sheltering under the thatch. ─── 他们在茅草屋顶下避雨。

65、From their thatch huts raised on stilts, they climb down to get a good look at me. ─── 他们从茅草搭建的吊脚楼上爬下来仔细端详我。

66、Shrub with terminal tufts of elongated leaves used locally for thatching and clothing,thick sweet roots are used as food,tropical southeastern Asia,Australia and Hawaii. ─── 一种灌木,顶端具有丛生叶,在本地用来盖屋顶或用来做衣服,根粗、有甜味、用作食物,产自东南亚、澳大利亚和夏威夷热带地区。

67、any creeping semiaquatic feather palm of the genus Nipa found in mangrove swamps and tidal estuaries; its sap is used for a liquor; leaves are used for thatch; fruit has edible seeds. ─── 分布在美洲红树沼泽和河口三角洲一带的利珀属植物,半水生,鳞状树干;树液用于液剂;叶可用来盖茅草房;果实的种子可食。

68、Reed mat pattern many types of specifications, types, there is thatch pad seats, Kang Xi, hoarding seats, seats and other packaging. ─── 苇席种类规格式样繁多,种类有苫垫席、炕席、囤席、包装席等。

69、Most affected are the people lived by the embankments, in shanty houses, hoses made of thatch and corrugated iron sheet.These houses are places where the fisherfloks dwelled or small farmers lived. ─── 受影响最大的就是那些住在岸边小屋和茅草顶铁皮墙做成的房子里的人,他们是渔夫和小农。

70、In fact, if we look at developing countries, over half the world lives under thatch, but they all do it in different ways. ─── 事实上如果我们看看发展国家,世界半数以上的人口居住在茅草屋顶下,但他们的做法则不同。

71、A theatrical cannon, set off during the performance, misfired, igniting the wooden beams and thatching. ─── 根据记载,除了一位男子的马裤被点燃外,没有其他人员伤亡。

72、LIFE CYCLE: Overwinter in thatch, behind leaf sheaths, or in stems. ─── 生命周期:在枯草层,叶梢背面或者茎上面越冬。

73、The thatch was badly damaged in the storm. ─── 茅草屋顶在暴风雨中遭到严重破坏。

74、The man in the stream watched him.His lips trembled a little,so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated.His tongue even strayed out to moisten them. ─── 站在水里的人望着他,嘴唇微微发抖,覆在唇上的浓密的棕色胡须清晰可见地颤动着,他不禁伸出舌头舔了舔。

75、They pour kerosene all over the thatch house, prepare to set it alight. ─── 他们把煤油浇在茅草屋上,准备放火。

76、Effects of thatch on water use of Kentucky bluegrass turf ─── 枯草层对草地早熟禾草坪水分利用的影响

77、Inside a large thatch hut, musicians play loud, frenetic music before a crowd of rowdy onlookers. ─── 在巨大的茅草屋里,音乐家在一群闹哄哄的旁观者前面,大声地演奏着狂乱的音乐。

78、"You rest under thatch in the shadow of your flowers, your dewy herbs flourish in their bed of moss." ─── 茅亭宿花影, 药院滋苔纹。

79、A young maid marry to an old man is like a new house thatch with old straw. ─── 少女嫁老夫,旧茅苫新屋。

80、Chilean evergreen whose leafy boughs are used for thatching. ─── 智利的一种常绿乔木,枝条有叶,用做盖屋顶的材料。

81、shrub with terminal tufts of elongated leaves used locally for thatching and clothing; thick sweet roots are used as food; tropical southeastern Asia, Australia and Hawaii. ─── 一种灌木,顶端具有丛生叶,在本地用来盖屋顶或用来做衣服;根粗、有甜味、用作食物;产自东南亚、澳大利亚和夏威夷热带地区。

82、The craft of thatching as it is practised today has changed very little since the Middle Ages. ─── 自中世纪以来,今天操作的茅草屋顶手艺变化得很少。

83、The Dhamma is like the thatch or tiles that people put on their roofs to protect them from the sun and rain. ─── 法好比房顶上的茅草或瓦片,保护人们不受日晒雨淋。

84、Tiki Palm Thatch Umbrella Cover - 9 Ft. ─── 搜索标题和描述在。。。。

85、His lips trembled a little, so that the rough thatch of brown hair which covered them was visibly agitated. ─── 他的嘴唇有点发抖,因此,他嘴上那丛乱棕似的胡子也在明显地抖动。

86、All at once, in the thatch house across the clearing behind us came the sound of a recorder, playing a tune that twined over the village clearing, muted our talk on the bankside, and wandered over the river, dissolving downstream. ─── 突然,我们身后空地旁的茅屋里,传出了录音机的声音,一首乐曲在村子空地之上缭绕,减弱了我们在河畔谈话的声音,然后又传至河面,随流飘去。

87、Thatching was less common, but cumbungi (rushes), and blady grass were used if available. ─── 茅草不太常见,但是如果有的话,可以使用蓬松草和锯齿草。

88、An old lute player falls ill in the wilds, and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage. ─── 老琴师在归途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,渔家少年将老人安顿在自己的茅舍歇息。

89、beutiful izitt? the thatch...really have many ler... ─── 美吗?这里很多茅草的。。很浪漫。。


Adv 形式是crazily,例如:

The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain


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