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09-04 投稿


anchorage 发音

英:['??k(?)r?d?]  美:['??k?r?d?]

英:  美:

anchorage 中文意思翻译



anchorage 词性/词形变化,anchorage变形


anchorage 短语词组

1、compound-stationary-intramaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 复合固定颌内锚基, 复式固定颌内安抗

2、extramaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 颌外锚基, 颌外安抗

3、intraoral anchorage ─── [医] 口内锚基, 口内安抗

4、occipital anchorage ─── [医] 枕锚基, 枕安抗

5、compound-simple-intramaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 复合单纯颌内锚基, 复式简单颌内安抗

6、anchorage-dependent cell ─── [化] 贴壁细胞; 锚地依赖细胞

7、anchorage ground ─── 泊地,锚地

8、intermaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 颌间锚基, 颌间安抗

9、anchorage dues ─── [经] 停(碇)泊税

10、entraoral anchorage ─── [医] 口外锚基, 口外安抗

11、facial anchorage ─── [医] 面锚基, 颜面安抗

12、compound anchorage ─── [医] 复合锚基, 复式安抗

13、cervical anchorage ─── [医] 颈锚基, 颈安抗

14、a clear anchorage ─── 安全锚地

15、intermandibular anchorage ─── [医] 下颌间锚基, 下颌间安抗

16、compound-stationary-intermaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 复合固定颌间锚基, 复式固定颌间安抗

17、intramandibular anchorage ─── [医] 下颌内锚基, 下颌内安抗

18、dovetail anchorage ─── [医] 鸠尾锚基, 鸠尾安抗

19、compound-simple-intermaxillary anchorage ─── [医] 复合单纯颌间锚基, 复式简单安抗

anchorage 相似词语短语

1、anchorages ─── n.锚地;下锚;停泊税

2、anchor men ─── 最后一棒运动员;中坚分子

3、anchor bed ─── [机]锚床;锚座

4、anchorable ─── 可抛锚的

5、accorage ─── 停泊

6、anchorette ─── n.年轻且缺乏经验的女主持人

7、Anchorage ─── n.锚地;下锚;停泊税

8、anchor ice ─── n.(冰结在河底、湖底或附在水中物体上的)底冰

9、anchorite ─── n.隐士

anchorage 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Modification and Comparison of Anchorage Desigin Herbst Appliance with Anchorage Bands. ─── 带环式Herbst矫治器的支抗改良及应用比较

2、Marriage was not the safe anchorage he had been taught to think, but a voyage on uncharted seas. ─── 结婚并不象别人告诉他的那样等于安全抛锚,而是在未知的海洋上的一次远航。

3、The nearest safe anchorage was in Halifax, Nova Scotia. ─── 最近的安全锚地位于新斯科舍哈利法克斯。

4、The effect of transpalate anchorage(TPA) on molar intrusion in different positions is explored. ─── 探讨横腭杠(TPA)在不同位置上对磨牙压底的效果。

5、The main products are XYM, XM and KBM-type tension anchorage, the fixing anchorage as well as the corollary tension equipment. ─── 公司的主导产品为XYM、XM、KBM系列张拉端、固定端锚具及配套机具等。

6、The Civil Engineering Department plans, designs, and constructs public marine facilities including piers, beacons, breakwaters, seawalls, navigation channels and anchorage areas. ─── 土木工程署负责策划、设计和兴建公众海事设施,包括码头、航标、防波堤、海堤、航道和船只碇泊处等。

7、We'd arrived the day before after a 10-hour passage from Anchorage. ─── 从安克雷奇出发经过10小时航程后,我们于前天到达。

8、The use of bone screws as an orthodontic anchorage is getting more and more popular and widely accepted by orthodontists. ─── 摘要使用微型骨钉作为矫正治疗的锚定技术已经越来越渐普遍,而且也为广大矫正医师们所采用。

9、Load out Contractor's riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. ─── 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台。

10、Once inside, however, vessels (mostly fishing boats) find a snug anchorage among the coves lining the shore. ─── 不过船只(多半为渔船)一旦进入海湾,就能在沿岸找到适于停泊的港湾。

11、A new type of double-ball anchorage system applied in post-tensioning prestressed concrete was presented. ─── 介绍一种应用于后张有粘结预应力体系的新型双压花锚具。

12、ABSTRACT The control of anchorage has been a difficult question in orthodontics. ─── 摘 要 支抗的控制一直是正畸领域的难点。

13、Prestressed anchorage has been employed to reinforce northern slope of Haizhou open-pit coal mine in Fuxin City. ─── 摘要阜新海州露天煤矿北帮边坡采用预应力锚固措施进行治理。

14、At last, this paper puts forward some advices and advertent problems to anchor methods, which will be more adapt to CFRP and develop the anchorage systems. ─── 在本文的最后,对适合碳纤维(CFRP)筋锚具的发展和进一步研究提出了建议和注意的问题。

15、He is the anchorage of our hopes. ─── 他是我们希望的寄托。

16、CASTON has experts from Xuanhua machinery plant with superiority on down-the-hole drilling tool and anchorage drill pipe. ─── 凯司通公司拥有多名原宣化采掘机械厂的专家和工程技术人员,在潜孔、锚固钻杆生产方面具有无可替代的优势。

17、The key technique of bi-prestressed concrete beam is the reliability of the anchorage system of post-compressed thread bars. ─── 摘要后压法双预应力混凝土梁的关键技术是顶压钢筋锚具的可靠性。

18、Tunnel-type anchorage is not widely used in practice, and not enough attentions have been paid to its stability up to now. ─── 隧道锚在实际工程中应用不多,目前对其稳定性的研究相对较少。

19、CFRP; RPC; Bond-type Anchorage; Wedge-type Anchorage; F.E.M. ─── 12碳纤维;活性粉末混凝土;粘结式锚具;夹片式锚具;有限元

20、Curious muncher: A moose tries to eat a frozen pumpkin left over from Halloween at a home in Anchorage, Alaska, USA, Jan. 16, 2006. ─── 去年一月十六日,美国阿拉斯加州安克拉治的一只麋鹿试图吃一户人家在万圣节所遗留下来的结霜南瓜。

21、In the late 1980s, Butcher dominated the 1,100-mile dog-sled race from Anchorage to Nome. ─── 在二十世纪八十年代后期,苏珊发起了1100米大狗雪橇比赛,从安克雷奇市到诺姆州。

22、Geological Survey (USGS) wildlife research biologist in Anchorage, Alaska, and leader of the polar bear studies. ─── 他目前在阿拉斯加安克雷奇,从事着北极熊研究的领导工作。

23、It has characteristics of solid anchorage, reliable anchor unfixing and so on. ─── 具有锚定牢靠、解锚可靠等特点。

24、It is important to ensure that the anchorage point can withstand the forces applied in a fall with an adequate safety factor. ─── 保证锚固点能经得住坠落时施加的力并具有足够的安全系数,这一点是非常重要的。

25、When approach channel is not met with anchorage conditions, a series of improved measures can be selected. ─── 当引航道船舶(队)不满足停泊条件时,有一系列改善措施,可供选择应用。

26、To reinforce anchorage with second molar can prevent anchorage teeth movement mesially during canine distal movement. ─── 将第二双尖牙、第一、第二磨牙连成整体,可减小尖牙远中移动时的支抗消耗。

27、Places as diverse as Nashville, Anchorage and Cedar Rapids, Iowa, have adopted ten-year plans aimed at eliminating long-term homelessness. ─── 在纳什维尔,安克雷奇和西达拉皮兹,爱荷华州都实行了旨在消除长期无家可归者的十年计划。

28、There was widespread relief when it was discovered that a hospital in Anchorage had a good supply of 300,000 units. ─── 当发现安克雷奇一家医院备有大量疫苗,约有30万个单位时,大家都松了一口气.

29、The implant with 3.75 mm diameter is more suitable for orthodontic anchorage. ─── 在选择正畸支抗种植体时 ,直径为 3 .75mm的种植体较适宜作正畸支抗体

30、The doctor in Anchorage wrapped the medicine in a quilt and tied it up. ─── 安克雷奇的医生把药物用被子包起来扎紧。

31、We also took them out for an afternoon of sailing, dinner at an anchorage, and a sail back to the dock. ─── 我们也带著我父母在下午短暂出航,在停泊处共享晚餐,再航行返回码头。

32、He is the anchorage of my hopes. ─── 他是我希望的寄托。

33、Uncompacted location and grouting saturation degree in the zone of anchorage bar are the two main parameters for judging rock bolts quality. ─── 摘要锚固体内不密实的位置和灌浆饱和度是评价锚杆质量的两个重要参数。

34、Application of Smoothwall Blasting Anchorage Steel Belt Concrete Spraying Support in Yixin Coal Comp. ─── 光爆锚网索钢带喷碹支护在益新公司的应用。

35、The biomechanical effect study of maxillary anchorage molar and its periodentium by FEM. ─── 三维有限元法分析上颌支抗磨牙及其支持组织的生物力学

36、Dave gave me his phone number in Anchorage, and insisted that I call him when I get there. ─── 戴给了我他的电话号码,安克雷奇,并坚称,我叫他当我到达那里。

37、There ought to have been a tranquil bark in such an anchorage, and there was. ─── 在这样的港湾中理应有一只平静的小舟,而小舟也确实存在。

38、Flying back to Anchorage, I couldn't help thinking of him. ─── 坐飞机返回到安克雷奇,我仍无法克制地想起他。

39、After equilibrating forces have developed in the anchorage, theloaded node can be connected to the FLAC3D grid or to another structural element. ─── 在锚固段内达到平衡状态后,作用荷载的节点将与flac3d的单元或其它结构单元连接在一起。

40、Practice Research on Hygiene Status of Anchorage Molar Wearing Band and Buccal. ─── 固定正畸中使用颊面管支抗牙与使用带环支抗牙卫生状况临床研究

41、A tug of sufficient horsepower (at least 15,000) with proper towing gear should have been able to tow the disabled vessel to a protected anchorage. ─── 一艘有合适的拖拽装置和足够马力(至少15,000)的拖船应该可以把损坏的船只牵引到一个安全的停泊地点。

42、To increase the tensioning force in a single tendon, various new types of special anchorage devices are adopted in the bridge engineering. ─── 为了提高预应力束单束张拉力,多种新型的特殊锚具被应用到实际工程中。

43、The Net-Centric testing initiative is now under way far from the Washington beltway at CTSC’s facility in Anchorage, Alaska. ─── “中心网络初步测试”现在正在远离盛顿市区环路的位于阿拉斯加州的CTSC设备中心进行。

44、There was significant difference between Mx(Tl) and Mx(T2), which represented the sagittal anchorage. ─── T1期和T2期的Mx变化具有显著差异,反映了少量的矢状方向的支抗丧失;

45、Swallowed whole活吞Arainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet ofanorthern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙0惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片.

46、We left that anchorage and stood away towards the northeast. ─── 我们离开那个锚地,向着东北方向驶去。

47、There were 5 males.After a special instrument was fabricated, elastic force trifocal distraction was performed by mini-implant borne anchorage. ─── 制作特殊的牵引装置,采用微型种植体支抗辅助支持的弹力牵引方式,进行三焦点式牵引成骨。

48、A woman in my audience in San Francisco from Anchorage, Alaska, heard the story;she called Saturn of Albuquerque long distance and bought a new car. ─── 当我在旧金山演讲时,一个来自阿拉斯加州安克雷奇的妇女听到这个故事,她给阿尔伯克基的土星汽车代理商打了个长途电话,买了一辆新车。

49、Alongside other vessel or lightering at anchorage. ─── 在锚地并靠或者过驳;

50、If you really want to get out of here and get away from it all the flight to Anchorage, Alaska, is actually boarding. ─── 如果你真的想搭乘航班离开这里,所有到阿拉斯加的安克雷奇市的航班实际上都是在登机状态。

51、Any oil tanker, liquefied cargo tanker and bulk chemical tanker with draft not more than 8 meters shall anchor at "Dagu Kou Bulk Chemical Anchorage". ─── 吃水小于等于8米的油船,液货船和散装化学品船应在"大沽口散化锚地"锚泊.

52、She is the anchorage of all his hopes. ─── 他把一切希望寄托在她身上。

53、The south anchorage of Wuhan Yangluo Yangtze River Highway Bridge is the largest and deepest round Pit being built in China. ─── 摘要武汉阳逻长江公路大桥南锚碇特大深基坑是目前国内最大的圆形深基坑。

54、An anchorage connector used to secure a lanyard, lifeline or other fall arrest device. ─── 定住连接器用于短绳,保险索或者其它防堕落设备。

55、Guangzhou Port also sees to lightering operation at anchorage, with a efficiency record of 3600 ton/hour at San Men Island. ─── 同时经营油船的锚地过泊作业,在三门岛锚地过泊,最高可达3600吨/小时的卸率。

56、The rock anchorage base can be applied on the transmit electricity engineering of middle and heavy weathering area. ─── 岩石锚桩基础可应用于中风化、强风化的山区输电线路工程。

57、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish& amp; Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)族馆的图片。

58、They were from Anchorage, on a 5-day rafting and camping trip. ─── 他们来自安克雷奇,在为期5天的漂流和露营。

59、In the case of different bond media,RPC shows the best performance as a bond medium in the bond-type anchorage for the indented surface CFRP tendons. ─── 因此,在目前可供选择的粘结介质中,RPC作为综合性能优良的粘结介质可在粘结式锚具中对具有表面压纹的高强CFRP筋提供最有效的锚固。

60、Suitable anchorage systems can avoid sudden debonding failure, increase the ultimate load, but they have little effect on the stiffness. ─── 合适的附加锚固方式可以有效的抑制剥离破坏的发生,还可以提高梁的极限承载力,但对刚度影响不大。

61、The Zhanjiang Bay Bridge applies the Cable-girder anchorage with tensile anchor plate. ─── 建设中的广东湛江海湾大桥索梁锚固采用锚拉板结构。

62、The research of how to improve the stability and the biocompatibility to faciliate the use of implant anchorage has become one of the popular spheres. ─── 如何提高种植体与骨组织相容性及稳定性,从而方便于临床应用已经成为当今正畸领域研究的热点之一。

63、Gallien repeatedly tried to persuade Alex to defer his trip, and even offered to drive him to Anchorage to buy suitable equipment and supplies. ─── 加里恩多次劝他延后他的旅行计划,还说甚至愿意带他去安克雷奇买了合适的装备和补给再上路。

64、A buoy marked the entrance to the anchorage. ─── 停泊处的入口有一个浮标作标记。

65、Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska. ─── 安克雷奇是阿拉斯加最大的城市。

66、WANG Feng-jun.Design and construction of anchorage of Verrazano Bridge in American[J].Oversea Bridge,2000,(4):1-5. ─── [4]王锋君.美国韦拉扎诺悬索桥锚碇的设计与施工[J].国外桥梁,2000,(4):1-5.

67、Extraoral anchorage was only used in 11 cases. ─── 仅11例病例使用口外支抗。

68、In the first part, we researched the anchorage system of CFRP and made a kind of new-type wedge anchor. ─── 在试验中,首先对碳纤维塑料筋锚固系统进行探索性研究,研制出一种新型楔块式锚具;

69、This knot is used for securing a rope to a spar, picket or anchorage. ─── 图片右上方文字为:绳身左下文文字为:绳头本结用来把绳索固定在圆材、支柱或锚身上。

70、Mini-screw Implants as Anchorage for Molar Intrusion. ─── 应用微型种植体作支抗压低磨牙

71、The bay of Villefranche is one of the deepest natural harbours of any port in the Mediterranean Sea and provides safe anchorage for large ships. ─── 尼斯往滨海自由城途中的公路可以俯瞰整个蔚蓝海岸,非常美丽!

72、The second one is conventional wedge-type anchorage system ameliorated before it has been used for CFRP tendons. ─── 对于夹片式锚具,通过对传统的夹片式锚具进行改造,改善了碳纤维(CFRP)筋在夹片式锚具作用下的受力性能。

73、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish &Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看著,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

74、Micro-implant can provide necessary anchorage to retract the front teeth in the clinical treatment of bimaxillary protrusion. ─── 微型种植体支抗完全可以代替传统支抗方法,满足正畸临床治疗双颌前突的需要,实现前牙最大程度的内收。

75、Through analyzing and evaluating, it is proved that the the cable-girder anchorage zones of the Zhanjiang Bay Bridge are reliable. ─── 对试验结果和理论分析结果进行分析评价后,验证了广东湛江海湾大桥锚拉板式索梁锚固结构的可靠性。

76、Although the scaffolder had worn a safety harness during the work, no suitable anchorage whatsoever was provided. ─── 工人在拆除竹棚后,坐于其中一个金属支架上,以便拆除附近之支架。

77、Provides a permanent anchorage point, bolts to beams or columns and is available in either zinc-plated steel or stainless steel. ─── 提供永久定住点、螺栓给横梁或专栏并且是可利用在zinc-plated钢或不锈钢。

78、Research and manufacture, construction character, test and application of the new anchorage are introduced. ─── 介绍新型锚具的研制、构造特点及试验与应用情况。

79、Governor Sean Parnell today.Just yesterday folks in Anchorage held this farewell picnic for her. ─── 就在昨天,安克雷奇的市民给她举办了欢送会。

80、Based on the test with strain gauge stuck on the internal groove of the bar, the stress distribution along the anchorage length is studied. ─── 以二次曲线模拟粘结应力的缓慢上升段,以椭圆线模拟曲线峰值以后的急剧下降段,采用相对粘结应力形式,确定出粘结应力沿锚长变化的分布函数。

81、The average displacement of the new composite anchorage type of structure is 65% compared with that of the single one. ─── 新型复合锚固结构的平均位移值是一般锚固结构的65%;

82、The vessel yesterday reached anchorage off Dubai. ─── 该船昨日抵达迪拜附近的锚地。

83、Theory and practice of grouting drainage and anchorage of rock mass II. ─── 岩体灌浆排水锚固理论与实践2。

84、A man, to hold his position, must have a dignified manner, a clean record, a respectable home anchorage. ─── 担任像他这样职位的人必须举止庄重,名誉清白,有一个体面的家庭立脚。

85、It is an important part of suspension bridge construction control to calculate the anchorage force of the main cable wire strands. ─── 悬索桥主缆丝股的锚固力的计算是悬索桥施工控制的一项重要内容。

86、The simplified composite models were built through anchorage effect of wave-shape-gear-grip(WSGG) anchor and U-ferrule with profile FRP sheets. ─── 建立了波形齿夹具锚和U型箍对纵向FRP片材锚固作用的简化组合模型,并对其进行全过程受力分析,得到了各自的荷载-端部位移曲线。

87、Ok, here you are. I just got it from chief engineer after anchorage here. One moment please, I'm asking him to assist you. ─── 好的,这就是到港后。轮机长给我的燃油报告。请你等一下,我现在就通知轮机长,让他协助你测量燃油。

88、This thesis sets out to make brief introduction of the full-scale model test and test result of the anchorage zone of the pylon. ─── 本文简要介绍了索塔锚固区节段足尺模型试验及试验结果。

89、A rainbow trout fingerling peers out from the gullet of a northern pike at the Alaska Department of Fish & Game aquarium in Anchorage. ─── 一只虹鳟鱼从白斑狗鱼的喉咙里惊恐地向外看着,这是来自美国阿拉斯加州安克雷奇(美国阿拉斯加州南部的港口城市)水族馆的图片。

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