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09-04 投稿



deportation 发音

英:[di?p??'te??(?)n]  美:[,dipor'te??n]

英:  美:

deportation 中文意思翻译



deportation 词性/词形变化,deportation变形


deportation 短语词组

1、deportation in usa ─── 美国驱逐出境

2、deportation law ─── 驱逐出境法

3、deportation order ─── [法] 驱逐令, 递解令

4、arbitrary deportation ─── [法] 任意放逐

5、deportation bus ga ─── 驱逐巴士ga

6、deportation number ─── 驱逐出境号码

7、deportation example ─── 驱逐出境的例子

8、deportation definition ─── 驱逐出境定义

9、deportation ordinance ─── [法] 驱逐出境令

10、Deportation of Koreans in the Soviet Union ─── 在苏联驱逐朝鲜人

11、deportation effects ─── 驱逐出境影响

12、Deportation of Koreans in the Sovie ─── 在苏联驱逐朝鲜人

13、deportation of babylon ─── 驱逐巴比伦

14、Deportation of the Crimean Tatars ─── 驱逐克里米亚鞑靼人

15、breach of deportation order ─── [法] 违背递解令

16、deportation and expulsion ─── [法] 驱逐出境

deportation 相似词语短语

1、depositation ─── 沉积

2、deportations ─── n.驱逐出境;放逐

3、depuration ─── n.净化(作用)

4、deputation ─── n.代表团,代表;委任代理

5、dehortations ─── n.忠告;劝谏

6、dehortation ─── n.忠告;劝谏

7、asportation ─── n.带走;劫走

8、denotation ─── n.符号;表示;意义;指示

9、deploration ─── 脱色

deportation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You may be subject to exclusion or deportation if you fall into one or more of the statutory cla es. ─── 如果你陷入一起或多起法律问题,可能导致你被拒绝入境或者是驱逐出境。

2、Josiah bacame the father of Jeconiah and his brothers, at the time of the deportation to Babylon. ─── 太1:11百姓被迁到巴比伦的时候、约西亚生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄。

3、And Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon. Yosia memperanakkan Yekhonya dan saudara-saudaranya pada waktu pembuangan ke Babel. ─── 在迁徙巴比伦的时候,约西亚生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄们。

4、If the hearsay declarant is readily available and the hearing is likely to have a major effect upon an individual's liberty or livelihood-as in a deportation proceeding-then hearsay may not be adequate to support an adverse finding. ─── 如果传闻的陈述者有处可寻且听证可能对个人的自由或生活--恰如驱逐诉讼那样--产生重大影响,这样的话,传闻将不足以支持不利的认定。

5、7. She is declared an undesirable alien and deport . ─── 她被宣布是不受欢迎的外国人并被驱逐出境。

6、Deportation affects people who are already in the U-S, either legally or illegally, by forcing them to leave. ─── 驱逐出境征对的是已经进入美国的人,不论这人呆在美国是合法还是非法,驱逐出境会强迫此人离开。

7、When immigration enforcement officers served Ms Arellano with deportation documents last August, she had a choice: go back to Mexico with her son, taking him away from his own country; ─── 当移民局官员于去年八月持驱逐出境文件准备将阿瑞亚诺带走时,她面临一个棘手的选择:带他的儿子回墨西哥,将他带离他的国家;

8、The INS want the uncle, Lazaro Gonzalez, to sign an agreement to hand over Elian, if an appeal against his deportation fails. ─── 如果反对遣送埃利安归国的上诉失败,移民局希望孩子的叔叔签下协议,让他返回古巴。

9、They were released a few days later as their offense was deemed a violation of immigration law, which usually results in simple deportation. ─── 几天后被释放,因为他们的行为被认为是触犯了移民法,通常只需要遣散。


11、The character of the book is enduring, which is the most deport crystal of human's diligence. ─── 书籍的品质是不朽的,是人类勤奋努力的最为持久的结晶。

12、And after the deportation to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Salathiel, and Salathiel begot Zerubbabel, ─── 12迁徙到巴比伦以后,耶哥尼雅生撒拉铁,撒拉铁生所罗巴伯,

13、It is illegal to deport U.S. citizens or detain them for immigration violations. ─── 以非法移民的名义驱逐或扣留美国公民是不合法的。

14、So far as whether deportation is punishment in nature, there is an international tendency not to deny either punishment or non punishment. ─── 同时,在驱逐出境是否具有“惩罚性”方面,国际上出现了不否认“惩罚性”与“非惩罚性”其中之一的趋势。

15、One of Chinas most-wanted men has appealed to Canadas highest court in a last-ditch effort to avoid deportation to China. ─── 中国头号通缉犯之一的男子最后挣扎著向加拿大最高法院诉请撤销遣返回中国。

16、Mexico's civil registry office began the mass weddings several years ago with migrants in mind, and has seen the number of couples attending surge as deportation rates grow. ─── 墨西哥民事登记局考虑到移民人口而在数年前就举行过集体婚礼;随着遣返率上升,参加这种集体婚礼的人数也猛增。

17、Deport Stock Age Level ─── 仓库储存水平

18、deport oneself in a dignified manner; carry oneself with dignity ─── 举止庄重

19、Immigration officers tried to serve her with a deportation order. ─── 移民局官员试图向她交送驱逐出境令。

20、Year ago convict criminal in england can face deportation to australia ─── 很多年以前, 英国已定罪的犯人可能被驱逐到澳大利亚

21、(AFP, Miami) The US Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) issued an order to deport a stepson of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. ─── (法新社迈阿密电)美国移民归化局(INS)下达逐客令,把伊拉克总统沙丹.胡笙的一名继子驱逐出境。

22、As long as I keep my floor clean, keep my head down, they have to reason to deport me. ─── 只要我干好自己的活,低调做人,他们就没有理由把我遣送回国。

23、deportation and expulsion ─── [法] 驱逐出境

24、Unemployment has increased, now deport those who stay ─── 失业率增长引起我们的仇视

25、arbitrary deportation ─── 任意放逐

26、All six vessels were taken to the Israeli port of Ashdod where those on board were to be arrested pending their deportation. ─── 随后,全部的6艘船只都被押解到以色列的阿什杜德港,船上的所有成员均将被逮捕,等待被驱逐出境。

27、And Josiah begot Jeconiah and his brothers at the time of the deportation to Babylon. ─── 在迁徙巴比伦的时候,约西亚生耶哥尼雅和他的弟兄们。

28、During the year, 8169 persons who had been convicted of possessing or trafficking in dangerous drugs, deception, theft, forgery and other criminal offences were considered for deportation and 629 were deported. ─── 年内,共有8169人因藏毒或运毒、欺骗、盗窃、伪造文件和其他刑事罪行被判罪名成立,遭该处考虑递解离境,而结果共有629人被递解离境。

29、4. Even if they do not put her in jail, they will deport her . ─── 即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。

30、deportation of files ─── 卷宗移送方式

31、Milly is facing deportation. ─── 米莉正面临驱逐出境。

32、later, he sought to stay and fight theaccusations, but the government sought to deport him. ─── 后来,他决定留下来抗争,但是美国政府决定把他驱逐出境。

33、Growing up in a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation, Mr. Salvendy hid in haystacks to escape deportation. ─── 萨文迪先生成长于纳粹时期的一个犹太家庭,他曾躲在干草垛里以免遭驱逐。

34、from David to the deportation to Babylon, fourteen generations; ─── 从大卫到迁至巴比伦的时候,也有十四代。

35、Today, from his home to acting in the moment of deportation notices. N the other days, and finally down, on September 7 and 8 for two days. ─── 今天又从老家来无为,来拿通知书.等了n多天了,终于下来了,九月7号和8号内两天报名.

36、breach of deportation order ─── [法] 违背递解令

37、Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation. ─── 寻求避难的人中有几个将遭递解出境。

38、Supporters of the prime minister he deposed, Nawaz Sharif, were already angered by General Musharraf's apparently illegal deportation of Mr Sharif when he tried to return from exile in September. ─── 9月份被放逐的前总理谢里夫想返回巴基斯坦,他的支持者已经对穆萨拉夫明显不合法的放逐谢里夫的行为所恼怒。

39、deport administration ─── 仓库行政工作

40、To deport oneself gracefully ─── 举止娴雅

41、It was his wont to deport himself with a lofty affability towards the humbler servants ─── 对于那些低贱的仆人,他习惯于保持一种若即若离的态度。

42、THE deportation of Lai Changxing counts as a big victory for Chinese officialdom, which has been trying to get him back for a solid decade. ─── 人们把赖昌星被遣返回国看成是中国政府的一个重大胜利。中国整整十年一直试图将他引渡回国。

43、We deport from North Point, pasted by Tsim Sha Tsui and went to Tsing Ma Bridge. ─── 大队先由北角出发,经尖沙咀沿岸慢驶,再去青马大桥(原来由海上望,青马桥好靓架!)

44、deport oneself in a calm, unhurried manner ─── 举止从容

45、"elegant" has become a monotonous, "style" highlights rigid, "grade" deportation of yuan. ─── 但这种发展之中也有三大焦虑值得我们反思。

46、deport oneself properly ─── 举止恰如其分

47、Ok, here is an interrogation record. If there are no mistakes, sign your name. You are pending deportation. ─── 好,这是笔录,如果没有错误就请签字,听候处理。

48、Most of them, tens of thousands every year, never show up for their deportation hearings. ─── 他们绝大多数,每年有几万人从不出现在移送审讯会上。

49、You may be subject to exclusion or deportation if you fall into one or more of the statutory classes. ─── 如果你陷入一起或多起法律问题,可能导致你被拒绝入境或者是驱逐出境。

50、But it also stipulates that improper behaviour that flouts local customs may lead to fines, prosecution or deportation. ─── 但它同时又规定任何藐视地方习俗的不恰当行为都可能导致罚款,遭到诉讼或被驱逐出境。

51、You can file even if you're in the U-S illegally, or in deportation or exclusion proceedings. ─── 即使你非法滞留美国或者正处于被驱逐或拒绝入境的情况中,你也可以提出申请。

52、Faced with imminent deportation, he sought sanctuary in July in a Sikh temple near Vancouver, but was arrested when he went to hospital to get treatment. ─── 但是有个关于一位瘫痪的印度锡克教徒的难民案例开始考验他们的忍耐度。

53、Foreign convicts' appeals against deportation will no longer be contested, in order to liberate their beds.Others will be paid to go home. ─── 为了腾出外籍罪犯占用的床位,他们中间反对被驱逐出境的请求将不再会被驳回,而其它罪犯则会在拿到一笔钱后返乡。

54、After net addiction looms up, some schools have adopted versatile measures: some sent out speacial patrols to deport the students out of internet bars; ─── 当网瘾问题迫在眉睫时,一些学校采取了各种措施:有的学校派遣巡逻员将学生驱逐出网吧;

55、Some labor brokers reportedly continued to forcibly deport foreign workers who sought to complain about abuses. ─── 一些劳工仲介业者据说仍不断强迫这些提出遭滥用、虐待的外国工人出境。

56、"Even if they did not put her in jail, they would deport her." ─── "即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。"

57、Both deportation and exclusion mean that you're not allowed to stay in the U-S, but they're different in some ways. ─── 驱逐出境和拒绝(入境)都意味着不允许你呆在美国,但这两者在某些方面存在差别。

58、"Even if they didn't put her in jail, they would deport her." ─── "即使他们不把她关入监狱,他们也会把她驱逐出境。 "

59、Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation. ─── 避难的人中有几个将遭递解出境。

60、to deport oneself properly ─── 举止得体

61、I put a bumper sticker " Taiwan Independent, weare NOT Chinese" on my van,Today I park my car on Home Deport parking lot,"somebody" use shoping cart hit my van. ─── In this country (Unite States) only 窝齰的chinese would do this.台湾加油 被误以为是中国人比被骂脏话还严重 中国人你们知道绝大多数美国任都不喜欢与你们有交集?

62、When the Japanese occupied Shanghai, they forced the Jews into a ghetto, but resisted German demands to deport them to concentration camps. ─── 在日本人侵占上海的时候,他们强迫犹太人迁入一个隔离区,并拒绝了德国提出的将他们送往集中营的要求。

63、The department processes deportation and removal orders. ─── 入境事务处负责处理有关递解离境令和遣送离境令的事宜。

64、Thai authorities had warned they might deport foreign activists coming to Bangkok to disrupt the torch relay, said Lt.Gen.Watcharapol Prasarnrajkit, the national police spokesman. ─── 在上周四,火炬传递的前一站新德里,印度采取了非同寻常的安全措施,阻止了数以千计的反中国示威者,并缩短了火炬传递。

65、Rather than go public, some immigrants may fight deportation by moving to cities like San Francisco, which since 1989 has declared itself a refuge. ─── 为了抗争被逐命运,一些移民选择迁至旧金山市,而不是(到圣何塞等地)公开自己的资料。旧金山于1989年就宣布自己为庇护地。

66、Coalition Against the Deportation of Palestinian Refugees ─── 反对递解巴勒斯坦难民联盟

67、Don't waste taxpayer's money, deport Gaoshan now! ─── 不要浪费纳税人金钱,马上遣返高山!

68、For Ankita,a non-citizen,divorce spelled deportation. ─── 对于安基塔来说,离婚也就意味着被驱逐出境,因为她没有公民身份。

69、First, how many foreign observers of the deportations, including Germans and Austrians who were allied to the Turks, did conclude that the intention was to kill, not just deport. ─── 其一,流放事件中有多少外籍观察员(包括与土耳其结盟的德国、奥地利的观察员)认定为此次行动的目的是为屠杀而非驱逐出境。

70、Foreign convicts' appeals against deportation will no longer be contested, in order to liberate their beds. Others will be paid to go home. ─── 不再回应外国囚犯对驱逐出境的上诉,这样就可以空出他们的床位。其他外籍囚犯如果同意返回来源地继续服刑的话,就可以拿到政府的补贴。

71、Automatically finish the deportation of the workpieces,cleaning, drying,. ─── 全自动完成工件移送、清洗、干燥。

72、One wants to close down the borders, deport all illegal immigrants, and jail employers and others who provide assistance to the illegals. ─── 一些人想关闭边界,遣返所有的非法移民,把雇佣非法移民的雇主和其他为非法移民提供帮助的人关进监狱。

73、His predecessor, Charles Clarke, was forced to resign in May after admitting that some 1,000 foreign prisoners who ought to have been considered for deportation had been freed. ─── 其前任查尔斯?克拉克在承认释放了大约1000名本应驱逐出境的外国囚犯后,于五月被迫辞职。

74、Victims often do not come forward for fear of retribution or deportation back to China. ─── 受害者怕被罚或遭遣返中国,都不敢挺身举报(蛇头)。

75、Deportation is especially hard on women from societies that stigmatize divorce. ─── 对于那些来自视离婚为耻辱的国度的妇女来说,被驱逐出境对她们尤其艰难。

76、"There is a rational middle ground between granting an automatic path to citizenship for every illegal immigrant and a program of mass deportation. ─── “这里有一条介于给予非法移民自动获取公民权和集中遣送的理性的中间路线。”

77、"The tribunal defined the offenses as crimes against peace (planning and waging of war in violation of treaties), crimes against humanity (extermination, deportation, and genocide), and war crimes. " ─── 军事法庭定义其罪名如下︰反和平罪(破坏国际条约,策画和进行侵略战争)、反人道罪(灭绝、驱逐和灭绝种族)和战争罪。

78、the mass deportation of refugees ─── 大规模驱逐难民出境

79、and from the deportation to Babylon to the Messiah, fourteen generations. ─── 从迁至巴比伦的时候到基督,又有十四代。

80、Mt. 1:12 And after the deportation to Babylon, Jeconiah begot Salathiel, and Salathiel begot Zerubbabel, ─── 太一12迁徙到巴比伦以后,耶哥尼亚生撒拉铁,撒拉铁生所罗巴伯,

81、forced deportation ─── 强制性驱逐出境

82、Mr.Katz also documents the attempt of some senior German officials in Rome to forestall the deportation. ─── 凯兹先生也证实,一些德国的高级官员曾经试图阻挠这些运送的进行。

83、Costraction Scheme on Enterprise Network at Deport of Railway Branch office ─── 分局站段企业网的网络方案

84、People who work illegally are liable to Prosecution and deportation. ─── 凡非法工作的人都有可能被告发并驱逐出境。

85、l'll deport your sorry ass right where you stand, you half-breed shit! ─── |我现在就把你打回老家去 你这个杂碎!

86、On the other hand, it is being challenged seriously by constitutional equal protection principle that deportation categories are distinguished by "pre-entry" or "post-entry" traditionally. ─── 另外,传统上以“入境前”和“在境内”作为驱逐出境类型划分标准的做法,受到了宪法平等保护原则的严重挑战。

87、As they approach adulthood, most find that their illegal status is a barrier to jobs and education, and their lack of documentation puts them in line for deportation. ─── 如同他们接近成年,多数发现他们的非法状态是对工作和教育的一个障碍,和他们的缺乏文献投入他们在线为驱逐出境。

88、Immigrants like Toronto’s Carla and Joe face deportation after being nabbed by Border Services officers as they arrived at Pearson airport from the Azores last year. ─── 当局今次切实执行有关规定,或会影响当地的中国移民,因为有很多华人违规回国工作。

89、Deportation can happen to anybody. ─── 任何人都可能被驱逐出境。”

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