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09-04 投稿


cosmically 发音

英:[?kɑ?zm?kli]  美:[?k?zm?kli]

英:  美:

cosmically 中文意思翻译



cosmically 短语词组

1、cosmically conscious ─── 宇宙意识

2、cosmically define ─── 大规模定义

3、cosmically def ─── 大规模def

4、cosmically aligned ─── 大规模对齐

5、cosmically connected ─── 宇宙连接

6、cosmically meaning ─── 宇宙意义

7、cosmically rare ─── 极为罕见

cosmically 相似词语短语

1、cosmical ─── adj.广大无边的;有秩序的;宇宙的(等于cosmic)

2、cortically ─── 皮质地,皮层地;脑皮层地;肾皮层地(cortical的副词形式)

3、conically ─── adv.成圆锥形地(conical的副词)

4、comically ─── adv.滑稽地;诙谐地

5、cosmicality ─── n.宇宙状态

6、domically ─── 统治地

7、chemically ─── adv.用化学;以化学方法

8、osmically ─── 渗透性

9、cosmetically ─── adv.从美容方面,通过化妆

cosmically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They have no knowledge, no memory, no cosmic plan. ─── 他们没有知识,没有记忆,没有无边的计划。

2、It`s as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. ─── 和我们这些偏狭的的人比起来,他们在某种意义上好象是宇宙中某种强烈而有可爱的生命。

3、This cosmic wave held the encoded activation in its rays for the awakening of many star seeds. ─── 因为这宇宙波在它射线里拥有激活唤醒许多星星种子的编码。

4、Note on 25-man this will be three seperate Cosmic Smashes on three random players. ─── 25人中将会有3个人会受到该技能随机攻击(说明需要密集站位)。

5、"It is the cosmic speed limit that makes some parts of space-time inaccessible," says Schulman. ─── “光速是宇宙速度的极限,它使我们难以到达时空的某些部分”,舒尔曼说。

6、Despite siring the Gods and Goddesses, El and Asherah, no longer remain the only key players in the cosmic drama. ─── 伊尔和亚舒拉,尽管是神和女神的祖先,在宇宙的戏剧中却不再依然是扮演着唯一重要的演员。

7、Objects beyond the cosmic horizon have a similar status. ─── 在宇宙视界之外的物体,情况也是类似。

8、Greetings,cosmic children of the universe. ─── 你们好,来自宇宙的孩子们.

9、In China, New Millennium is another era for translation development to cosmically set foot in more fields with multi-language. ─── 在中国,新千年是继续以多语言及更大规模和步足前所未有更多领域为特征的翻译发展又一高峰的纪元;

10、I'm pure, so I'm more in touch with cosmic forces. ─── 因为我纯洁,所以我能更好的接触宇宙的力量。

11、He will feel cosmic of limpidity and lucidity, feel know no bounds of world with amiability. ─── 他会感觉到宇宙的清澄与明朗,感到世界的无边际与可爱。

12、But what didn't scare me, but was very soothing, was watching this cosmic meteor shower. ─── 但是没有吓着我,而是给我极大安慰的是我看到了这宇宙间的流星雨。

13、Director Danny Boyle ( 28 Days Later) creates a dreamlike atmosphere that suits the cosmic subject matter. ─── 主任丹尼博伊尔(28天后)创造出梦幻般的气氛,适合宇宙的事。

14、A truth written with the blood of the living in the name of an unreveled cosmic oblivion. ─── 一个以宇宙湮没的名义用活人的血写就的真相。

15、Below 60km, ionization is not due to the sun's ultraviolet and x radiation primarily, but to cosmic radiation. ─── 在60公里以下,电离主要不是由于太阳紫外线和X辐射,而是由于宇宙辐射引起的。

16、From far out in space come other kinds of radiation know as cosmic rays . ─── 从很远的太空来的其他射线称为宇宙射线。

17、the cosmically behavior to kill the stray animals, I do not agree. ─── 对于大规模杀伤流浪动物的行为,我还是不赞同的。

18、Special instruments for measuring cosmic rays are installed in the satellite. ─── 卫星中装有测量宇宙射线用的特种仪器。

19、On cosmological scales, the weakening of gravity can lead to cosmic acceleration, for reasons I will discuss later. ─── 在宇宙的尺度上,重力的变弱有可能导致宇宙加速,原因我等会儿再讨论。

20、Not only who's who in the world ballgame, but who's who in the cosmic ballgame. ─── 在世界的大游戏里不仅谁是谁,而且在宇宙的大游戏里谁是谁。

21、The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we've learned most of what we know. ─── 地球表面是宇宙海洋的海岸。在这个海岸上,我们已经学到了我们知道的大部分事情。

22、At that stage of His personal and cosmic development His obedience was flawless, His relationship with God perfect. ─── 在他人格和宇宙发展所处的阶段,他的顺从是无可挑剔的,他与上帝的关系是完美的。

23、Riess was only 25 when he joined a prestigious group of scientists who set out in 1995 to measure a cosmic slowdown. ─── 1995 年,一些享有盛名的科学家组成了一个测量宇宙膨胀速度减缓趋势的研究小组,里斯加入这个研究小组时年仅 25 岁。

24、Actually, vacations are one way the 99 percent get to cosmically even the score with the rich guys jet-setting around the globe. ─── 实际上,度假是99%的人有效地缩小同那些乘坐喷气式飞机环球旅行的富人的行程差距的唯一途径。

25、And a dynamic clinic shows the traffickers the formula of cosmic economics. ─── 了宇宙经济学的公式。

26、The hands of existence form the shape of the female genitals, the opening of the cosmic mother. ─── 去幻想一些赫赫有名的前世或许是件很愉快的事,但它只不过是一个分心。

27、After diaspora , Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically. ─── 流散”之后, 犹太人开始成规模的向西欧迁移定居。

28、In the universe,there are innumerable starsother cosmic substances. ─── 在宇宙中,有数不清的星星与其他宇宙物质.

29、Earth is aligning her dream to the greater dream of ascension that is solar, universal, cosmic, and creational. ─── 地球正在将自己的梦想排列到太阳系、银河系、宇宙和造物的更大提升梦想之中。

30、One cosmically research revealed that for such open question, most of the answer is "stay with family". ─── 一项大规模调查表明,对于这个开放式问题,最多的回答就是“与家人在一起”。

31、The primary cosmic radiation that reaches the earth is minimum at periods of maximum solar activity. ─── 在极大的太阳活动时期,到达地球的初级宇宙辐射是极小值。

32、After diaspora, Jew begins to move to the Occident cosmically. ─── “大流散”之后,犹太人开始成规模的向西欧迁移定居。

33、A seemingly innocuous floppy disk or battery can contain vast cosmic power. ─── 一个表面上无害的软盘或者电池可以充入大宇宙力量。

34、Finally, let me give you a simple, kind of scaled cosmically down concept or picture of what an aspect of ─── 最后,让我给你们一个简单的,有点缩小宇宙观的概念或是画面

35、Do you believe in a cosmic plan? ─── 你相信冥冥中的安排吗?

36、That allows you to persevere against all cosmically calculated odds. ─── 你们做到了泰坦的完美造物没能做到的事情。

37、You open the door to cosmic intelligence, and let it go! ─── 你打开门到宇宙的智慧,而且让它去!

38、His cosmic visions left him with little patience for lowlier, grittier issues of politics and economics. ─── 他宇宙般的视野使得他对于谦卑的、励志的政治和经济出版物缺乏耐心。

39、During their stay on Earth the Cosmic Maya carried the burden of time. ─── 在他们停留在地球期间,宇宙玛雅人肩负起时间的重担。

40、Therefore, the irreducible warp of the brane acts like a cosmological constant, which speeds up cosmic expansion. ─── 因此,这膜上无法消除的时空弯曲就表现的如同宇宙常数,导致了宇宙的加速膨胀。

41、A whole new cosmic dust hunt will be on! ─── 一个全新的宇宙尘埃搜索即将展开!

42、It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. ─── 从某种意义上看来,他们似乎是宇宙人,与我们这些孤陋寡闻的俗物成了强列而鲜明的对照。

43、It's as if they were in some sense cosmic beings. ─── 从某种意义上看来,他们似乎是宇宙人。

44、It's as if they were, in some sense, cosmic beings in violent and lovely contrast with us suburban creatures. ─── 从某种意义上讲,他们似乎是宇宙人,同我们这些凡夫俗子形成了强烈而鲜明的对照。

45、But there is another center, the cosmic center. ─── 但是有另外一个中心,宇宙中心。

46、Now I present to you just in summary conditions for contacts with cosmic friends and with our Creator . ─── 为了与宇宙朋友和我们的创造者联系,现在我向你仅仅呈现摘要。

47、"But he also felt that ultimately the whole of reality seemed to be constructed as if by some great cosmic prankster. ─── 但是他也觉得最终一切的现实看上去似乎只是一个爱开玩笑的造物主构造出来的而已。"

48、The course of global cosmic space is a newly built basic and major subject. ─── “地球、宇宙、空间”课程是新近设立的中学科学教育专业的一门专业基础课程,以往没有开设过。

49、Now I present to you just in summary conditions for contacts with cosmic friends and with our Creator. ─── 为了与宇宙朋友和我们的创造者联系,现在我向你仅仅呈现摘要。

50、It will evolve into a cosmic butterfly - a spectacular planetary nebula in the starry sky. ─── 不过,太阳的死亡绝不平淡,它会化为星空蝴蝶成为夜空中灿烂的行星状星云。

51、The Vedic calendar is based on cosmic cycles, or Yugas. ─── 吠陀历法是建立在宇宙周期,或者说是年代之上。

52、The Ancient Maya, and the remains of their cosmic culture, are still enshrouded in mystery and confusion. ─── 古代玛雅人,以及他们的宇宙文化遗迹,仍然隐蔽在神秘和混淆中。

53、Early in cosmic history, three of them partook in the cosmic expansion and became the three dimensions we now observe. ─── 在宇宙历史的早期,其中的三维参与了宇宙膨胀,而变成了我们今天看到的三个空间维度。

54、The Communist Daoism is the social Daoism, while Taiji Taoism is the cosmic Daoism. ─── 共产道学是社会道学,太极道学是宇宙道学。

55、They called it @cosmic spectrum green. ─── 他们称之为“宇宙绿”。

56、The creative cosmic rays sent by Prime Creator and the Original Planners pierce through this frequency shield. ─── 创造性的宇宙射线通过最初的创造者发送而且最初的计划者通过这频率护罩渗透。

57、The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and pure. So I'm more in touch with cosmic forces. ─── 之所以我知道而你不知道是因为我年幼纯洁,所以我比较能接触宇宙的力量。

58、In the universe,there are innumerable stars and other cosmic substances. ─── 在宇宙中,有数不清的 星星与其他宇宙物质.

59、They fly at first cosmic velocity. ─── 他们以第一宇宙速度飞行。

60、Hi: The gods are being of divine cosmic power! Older than the world itself! They are not recruiting! ─── 众神是拥有神圣宇宙力量的存在!比世界更古老!他们可不会招募新手!

61、For She is the Cosmic Power, the totality of the universe, a glorious harmony of the pairs of opposites. ─── 因为她是宇宙的力量,宇宙的整体,成对的相反力量显示出一种显赫的协调。

62、But contrary to popular myth, a black hole is not a cosmic vacuum cleaner. ─── 与流行的神话相反,黑洞并不是宇宙中的真空吸尘器。

63、Conversely, when solar activity is less intense, more cosmic rays get through. ─── 一项研究发现,当宇宙射线最弱和最强时,地球上空为云层所覆盖的区域比例分别是65%和68%。

64、But in between is a poorly studied cosmic mesoscale. ─── 在这两者之间的中尺度?围,却一直乏人问津。

65、The drama on Earth is one big cosmic dance. ─── 地球上的演出是一场盛大的宇宙之舞。

66、But all these reform modes were washed out or could not be extended cosmically. ─── 但这些探索模式或被淘汰,或无法大规模推广。

67、To the cosmically behavior to kill the stray animals, I do not agree. ─── 对于大规模杀伤流浪动物的行为,我还是不赞同的。

68、The plan of introducing the forest into the city was implemented in Shanghai in 2000,and the urban forest construction began cosmically. ─── 2000年上海实施“把森林引入城市”计划,开始大规模地营建城市森林。

69、It's role in the cosmic order was preordained when the stars were young.Behold the culmination of your history. ─── 在星星诞生的那一刻起,它的命运就已经被赋予.你,终将会见证,历史的尽头。

70、To probe cosmic mystery, the scientist gave arduous work. ─── 为了探索宇宙的奥秘,科学家付出了辛勤的劳动。

71、I Ashtar, the commander of the Grand cosmic squadron, am sincerely greeting you. ─── 主要宇宙舰队指挥官,真诚地问候你。

72、FAITH is the only agency through which the cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man. ─── 信心是人类运用驾驭宇宙无穷大智的唯一管道。

73、The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. ─── 在极广阔的宇宙竞技场中,地球只是一个很微小的剧台。

74、They come to you from a cosmic database and hold information. ─── 他们从一个宇宙信息数据库来到你们而拥有了信息。

75、Electra can create deeper states of meditative calm and oneness with cosmic principles and universal laws. ─── 在学习时尽量放轻松,只要有外在的干扰,就不容易进展。另外就是要锻鍊到充耳不闻:闻而不觉。

76、II.Taiji Daoism reveals the relationship between cosmic spaces and the human space. ─── 二、太极道学揭示了宇宙空间与人类空间的关系。

77、Noyes. "But this new planet, if you could imagine putting it in a cosmic water glass, it would float. ─── 但是如果对新发现的行星也做同样的试验,那么他将高高地漂浮着。

78、Being is a cosmic being, under the cosmic laws. ─── 人类是宇宙中的人类,是服从于宇宙规律的。

79、We should seek a new computation to reduce the complexity so as to apply LSA to cosmically context processing. ─── 我们应该寻找一种新算法降低时间复杂度和空间复杂度,以使LSA方法能够更好的应用于大规模的文本处理。

80、If fruit is OK really, that cacti is not cactus however cosmic black hole. ─── 假如真的可以,那仙人掌就不是仙人掌而是宇宙黑洞了。

81、And this logo! So me, General Tso's Chicken and this logo are all cosmically related. ─── 于是,我,左宗棠鸡,还有这个标志都在宇宙范围内有了联系。

82、A plane is not a cosmic location. ─── 一个层面不是宇宙中的一个场所。

83、The logical conclusion, said the strategists, was that MAD invited the Russians to roll the cosmic dice. ─── 因此,战略专家们说,合乎逻辑的结论是: “互毁”理论只会鼓励俄国人进行核冒险。

84、The number of cascade particles changes according to the incident cosmic ray energy, observation height, etc. ─── 到达地面的簇射粒子数目会随不同因素而改变,包括原初宇宙射线的能量、观测高度等。

85、That in some mysticas, cosmic way it was fated? ─── 像是命中注定要结合。

86、They had found the cool afterglow of the big bang: the cosmic microwave background radiation. ─── 他们发现的是大霹雳冷却后的馀晖:宇宙微波背景辐射。

87、Bothe:German physicist. He shared a 1954 Nobel Prize for his research on cosmic radiation. ─── 博思:德国物理学家,因在宇宙辐射方面的研究而获1954年诺贝尔奖。

88、Eastern philosophies view Earth as a cosmic dream in which we are all actors in a play. ─── 东方哲学将地球看作浩渺宇宙的一个梦,我们都是这场梦中戏的演员。

89、IV.Taiji Daoism reveals the universality of principal cosmic lives. ─── 四、太极道学揭示了宇宙主体生命的共性。

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